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A. English and General
- ABBOT, J. L., Samuel Johnson and “The Life of Dr. Richard Mead,” Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 54:12-27.(Based on French sources but more than a translation; may be by Johnson.)[4293]
- ALDEN, JOHN, Haste Makes Waste: J. B. DuTertre's Histoire générale, Paris, 1654, in D. E. Rhodes, Essays in Honour of Victor Scholderer , Mainz, Karl Pressler, 1970, pp. 40-44.[4294]
- AMORY, HUGH, Fielding's Lisbon Letters, Huntington Libr. Quart. , 35:65-83.[4295]
- AYERST, DAVID, The Manchester Guardian: Biography of a Newspaper , Ithaca, New York, Cornell Univ. Press, 1971. 702 p.[4296]
- BAILEY, H. S., Jr., The Art and Science of Book Publishing , New York, Harper and Row, 1970, 216 p.[4297]
- BAILLIE, W. M., The Printing of Privileged Books at Cambridge, 1631-1634, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:155-66.[4298]
- BAINE, R. M., The Evidence for Defoe's Title Pages, SB , 25:185-91.[4299]
- BARBER, GILES, and ROGERS, DAVID, Bindings from Oxford Libraries. II: A “Duodo” Pastiche Binding by Charles Lewis, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:3 (1969):138-44.[4300]
- BARBER, GILES, Bindings from Oxford Libraries. III: The Vice-Chancellor's Official New Testament, Oxford, 1721, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:4(1970):191-95.[4301]
- BARBER, GILES, and ROGERS, DAVID, Bindings from Oxford Libraries. IV: Some Seventeenth-Century Straw Bindings, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:262-65.[4302]
- BARNES, J. J., Correction to his “Galignani and the Publication of English Books in France: A Postscript,” December 1970, p. 313, Library , 5th ser., 26:65.(Corrects C3756.)[4303]
- BATTERSBY, J. L., The Serino Biography of Joseph Addison, PBSA , 65:67-69.[4304]
- BENNETT, J. Q., More on Moore, Serif , 8:25-26.(Variants of A Mummer's Wife.)[4305]
- BENNETT, SCOTT, The Profession of Authorship: Some Problems for Descriptive Bibliography, in R. E. Stevens, ed., Research Methods in Librarianship , Urbana, Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1971, pp. 74-85.[4306]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., Blake's Job Copperplates, Library , 5th ser., 26:234-41.[4307]
- BERGER, T. L., and DONOVAN, D. G., A Note on the Text of Chapman's Caesar and Pompey , PBSA , 65:267-68.[4308]
- BETZ, P. F., The Hands Involved in Yale's Sheets from the Second Volume of Lyrical Ballads (1800) Corrected for the Edition of 1802, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. 45:104-109.[4309]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, One Hundred Books [from the Eaton College Library], Eaton College, 1970. [1], 44 p.(Eaton College Collections Occasional Publications, No. 2. The 1969 ed. published under title: Eaton College Library: One Hundred Books.)[4310]
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., and MENDELSON, EDWARD, The Platonic Blow: A Correction, Library , 5th ser., 26:350.(Corrects C3764.)[4311]
- BOND, R. P., The Tatler: The Making of a Literary Journal , Harvard Univ. Press, 1971. 272 p.[4312]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Early Editions of Marlowe's Ovid's Elegies , SB , 25:149-72.[4313]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Was There a Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II? , SB , 25:143-48.[4314]
- BRACK, O. M., Jr., William Strahan and The Lilliputian Magazine , Book Collector , 20:105-106.[4315]
- BRESLAUER, B. H., A Rediscovered Binding by Lukas Weischner for Duke Julius of Brunswick-Lueneburg, in D. E. Rhodes, Essays in Honour of Victor Scholderer , Mainz, Karl Pressler, 1970, pp. 106-19.[4316]
- BRODIE, A. H., A Hitherto Unrecorded Shaw Edition, Book Collector , 20:531-33.[4317]
- BROOKS, R. L., Some Additions to Matthew Arnold's Library, PBSA , 26:69-70.[4318]
- BROWN, M. N., The Printer's Text of Halifax's Observations upon a Late Libel (1681), Library, 5th ser., 26:259-63.[4319]
- BROWN, M. N., The Works of George Savile, Marquis of Halifax: Dates and Circumstances of Composition, Huntington Libr. Quart. , 35:143-57.[4320]
- CAGLE, W. R., The Serif Series: Bibliographies and Checklists: A Review Article, Proof , 1:368-76.[4321]
- CAIRNCROSS, A. S., Compositors C and D of the Shakespeare First Folio, PBSA , 65:41-52.[4322]
- CALLARD, JOHN, Non est mortale quod opto, Book Collector , 20:248-49.(The motto as an ownership inscription.)[4323]
- CARBONE, L. W., [The Device of Michael Sparke, London Bookseller and Publisher, 1610 to 1653], Libr. Quart. , 41:329.[4324]
- CARNEGIE, DAVID, The Identification of the Hand of Thomas Goffe, Academic Dramatist and Actor, Library , 5th ser., 26:161-65.[4325]
- CARTER, JOHN, and POLLARD, GRAHAM, . . . The Mystery of “The Death of Balder ,” Oxford, Distributed for the Authors by B. H. Blackwell, 1969. [2], 21 p.(Working Paper No. 3.) (Working Papers for a Second Edition of An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets.)[4326]
- CARTER, JOHN, . . . Gorfin's Stock , Oxford, Distributed for the Authors by B. H. Black-well, 1970. [2], 36 p.(Working Paper No. 4.) (The last of the series.)[4327]
- CAVE, RODERICK, The Private Press , London, Faber and Faber, 1971. 376 p. 72 plates.[4328]
- CHERNAIK, JUDITH, Textual Emendations for Three Poems by Shelley, Keats-Shelley Jour. , 19(1970):41-48.[4329]
- COHEN, J. R., “A Melancholy Clown”—The Relationship of Robert Seymour and Charles Dickens, HLB , 19:250-79.[4330]
- COLLINS, D. W., The Composition of Mrs. Gaskell's North and South , Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 54:67-93.[4331]
- COLLINS, PHILIP, “Sikes and Nancy”: Dickens's Last Reading, TLS , June 11, 1971, pp. 681-82.[4332]
- CRAIG, TIMOTHY, S. T. C. 22606: A Bibliographical Ghost?, N & Q , n.s., 18:212-13.(Robert Skelton's Poems.)[4333]
- CRAVEN, A. E., The Compositors of the Shakespeare Quartos Printed by Peter Short, PBSA , 65:393-97.[4334]
- CRUIKSHANK, DON, Góngora: The Hoces Edition of 1654, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:179-89.[4335]
- CURRAN, STUART, Shelley's Emendations to the Hymn to Intellectual Beauty , English Language Notes , 7 (1969/70):270-73.[4336]
- CUSHMAN, KEITH, The Making of “The Prussian Officer”: A Correction, D. H. Lawrence Rev. , 4:263-73.[4337]
- DAVIES, D. W., An Enquiry into the Reading of the Lower Classes , Pasadena, California, Dahlstrom, 1970. 92 p.(England, 19th century.)[4338]
- DAVISON, PETER, Marry, Sweet Wag, in The Elizabethan Theatre II , ed. by David Galloway, Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, 1970), pp. 134-43.(Reply to C2954.)[4339]
- DAVISON, PETER, Science, Method and, the Textual Critic, SB , 25:1-28.[4340]
- DEARDEN, J. S., Ruskin's Politics by Bernard Shaw, Book Collector , 20:335-46.[4341]
- DEARDEN, J. S., Wise and Ruskin, Book Collector , 20:387-88.(Supplements C3404.)[4342]
- DICKINS, BRUCE, Cambridge in 1842: Drawn by R. W. Buss, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:231-36.[4343]
- DOUGHTY, D. W., Alfred Charles de Rothschild, 1842-1918, Book Collector , 20:175-96.(Portrait of a Bibliophile XV.)[4344]
- DOYLE, C. C., Martin Lleuelyn's Men-Miracles. With Other Poemes, 1646: A Rare Early State, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 2:60-61.[4345]
- EARLIEST Honduras Imprint? [Vol. 1, nos. 1 and 2 of the Gaceta del govierno], BNYPL , 75:175.[4346]
- ELLEM, ELIZABETH, E. M. Forster: The Lucy and New Lucy Novels. Fragments of Early Versions of “A Room with a View,” TLS , May 28, 1971, pp. 623-25.[4347]
- ERDMAN, D. V., Byron's Mock Review of Rosa Matilda's Epic on the Prince Regent—A New Attribution, Keats-Shelley Jour. , 19(1970):101-17.[4348]
- EWING, D. C., The First Printing of Defoe's Family Instructor , PBSA , 65:269-72.[4349]
- FAULKNER, T. C., Dryden and Great and Weighty Considerations. An Incorrect Attribution, Studies in Eng. Lit. , 1500-1900, 11:417-25.(Probably by an Anglican clergyman.)[4350]
- FINBERG, H. P. R., Some Unpublished Housman Letters, TLS , Dec. 17, 1971, p. 1574.(On the Alcuin Press editions of his poems.)[4351]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., Johnson's “Rambler,” TLS , May 21, 1971, p. 594.[4352]
- (See Korshin, P. J., below.)
- FOAKES, R. A., The Text of Coleridge's 1811-12 Shakespeare Lectures, Shakespeare Survey , 23:101-111.[4353]
- FORD, G. H., The Titles for Bleak House , Dickensian , 65:84-89.[4354]
- FOX, DENTON, The 1663 Anderson Edition of Henryson's Testament of Cresseid , Studies in Scottish Lit. , 8 (1970):75-66.[4355]
- FRANCIS, FRANK, A Bibliographical Ghost Revisits His Old Haunts, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 3:29-44.(On general and textual bibliography.)[4356]
- FRANKLIN, COLIN, The Private Presses , London, Studio Vista, 1969. 240 p.[4357]
- FRANKLIN, COLIN, On the Binding of Kelmscott Press Books, Jour. of the William Morris Soc. , 2:4 (Summer 1970):28-30.[4358]
- FREEMAN, R. B., A Misprint in The Origin of Species, 1872, Book Collector , 20:107.[4359]
- GEMMETT, R .J., The Beckford Library Sale of 1817, Libr. Chron. [Univ. of Pa.], 37:37-69.[4360]
- GILCHER, EDWIN, The Preliminary State of George Moore's Confessions of a Young Man , Serif , 8:3:31-32.(Supplements his C3631.)[4361]
- GILL, ROMA, and KRUEGER, ROBERT, The Early Editions of Marlowe's Elegies and Davies's Epigrams: Sequence and Authority, Library , 5th ser., 26:242-49.[4362]
- GILSON, D. J., The Man of Honour: An Addition to Sadleir, Book Collector , 20:531.(Shown to be by James Justin Morier.)[4363]
- GITTINGS, ROBERT, A Draft of the Earliest Known Letter of Keats's Brother Tom, HLB , 19:285-89.[4364]
- GOTTESMAN, RONALD, and BENNETT, SCOTT, editors, Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 306 p.[4365]
- GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS, Problems of Textual Criticism, in R. E. Stevens, ed., Research Methods in Librarianship , Urbana, Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1971, pp. 86-94.[4366]
- GRABO, N. S., Pizer vs Copy-text, BNYPL , 75:171-73.(See Pizer below.)[4367]
- GRENANDER, M. E., Ambrose Bierce and In the Midst of Life , Book Collector , 20:321-31.[4368]
- HABER, T. B., A. E. Housman's Poetry in Book-Titles, V, PBSA , 65:307-12.[4369]
- HAMER, MARY, Working Diary of The Last Chronicle of Barset . TLS . Dec. 24, 1971, p. 1606.[4370]
- HARGREAVES, G. D., “Correcting in the Slip”: The Development of Galley Proofs, Library , 5th ser., 26:295-311.[4371]
- HARRIS, ELIZABETH, Jacob Perkins, William Congreve and Counterfeit Printing in 1820, in John D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis du-Pont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 193-214.[4372]
- HARRIS, G. E., Notes on a Small Collection of British Bindings, Book Collector , 20:483-95.(Contemporary Collectors XLVI.)[4373]
- HARRISON, MARGARET, Hazel Motes in Transit: A Comparison of Flannery O'Connor's “The Train” with Chapter 1 of “Wise Blood,” Studies in Short Fiction , 8:287-93.[4374]
- HETHERINGTON, J. R., An Imperfect Book of Common Prayer Recently Presented to the Bodleian, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:4(1970):181-84.(With notes on printing of the Book of Common Prayer, 1549-1604.)[4375]
- HILL, W. S., Hooker's Polity: The Problem of the “Three Last Books,” Huntington Libr. Quart . 34:317-36.[4376]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., Nancy Cunard's Psalm of the Palms and Sonnets (Le Habana, 1941), Book Collector , 20:250.[4377]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., A Sale by Candle in 1608, Library , 5th ser., 26:214-33.(Library of Giovanni Vincenzo Pinelli, with account of early auctions of books and manuscripts.)[4378]
- HOLMAN, W. R., Eric Gill, Master of Letter Forms, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 2:15-25.[4379]
- HUEBERT, R. M., On Detecting John Ford's Hand: A Fallacy, Library , 5th ser., 26:256-59.(H. Dugdale's test shown to be invalid.)[4380]
- HUNTLEY, F. L., A Crux in George Herbert's The Temple , Eng. Lang. Notes , 8(1970/71):13-17.[4381]
- HUSTON, CRAIG, The Shakespeare Authorship Question: Evidence for Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford , Philadelpha, Dorrance, 1971. ix, 163 p.[4382]
- JENKINS, D. C., Flies in Amber: John Payne Collier's Falsifications of Pope, Huntington Libr. Quart. , 34:337-53.[4383]
- JOHNSON, A. F., Select Essays on Books and Printing . Edited by Percy H. Muir, Amsterdam, Van Gendt & Co., New York, Abner Schram, 1970. 489 p.[4384]
- JOHNSON, ALICE, An American Publication Date for Alexander Pope's Translation of the “Hymn of St. Francis Xavier,” Eng. Lang. Notes , 7 (1969/70):262-64.(Earlier than publication in England.)[4385]
- JOHNSON, D. W., The Authorship of A Letter from a Clergyman (1688), in Bibliographical Contributions (Univ. of Kansas Libraries), 1(1969):37-53.(More likely by Dr. William Sherlock than George Savile, 1st Marquis of Halifax.)[4386]
- JONES, J. B., Gilbert and His Ballads: Problems in the Bibliography and Attribution of Victorian Comic Journalism, SB , 25:217-25.[4387]
- JONES, STANLEY, Hazlitt's Journal of 1823: Some Notes and Emendations, Library , 5th ser., 26:325-36.[4388]
- KENNY, S. S., A Broadside Prologue by Farquhar, SB , 25:179-85.[4389]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, Blake Studies: Essays on His Life and Work , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. xii, 263 p.[4390]
- KIRK, RUDOLF, Nichols's Anecdotes: “the Supplement to Wood,” PBSA , 65:135-41.[4391]
- KLEPIKOV, S. A., Russian Block Books of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, PBSA , 65:213-24.(Corrigenda, PBSA, 65:391.)[4392]
- KOON, HELENE, Pope's First Editors, Huntington Libr. Quart. , 35:19-27.[4393]
- KORSHIN, P. J., Johnson's “Rambler,” TLS , April 9, 1971, p. 423.(See Fleeman, J. D., above.)[4394]
- KRAMER, DALE, Revisions and Vision: Thomas Hardy's The Woodlanders , BNYPL , 75:195-230, 248-82.[4395]
- KROPF, C. R., The Sale of Defoe's Library, PBSA , 65:123-33.[4396]
- KRUMMEL, D. W., Oblong Format in Early Music Books, Library , 5th ser., 26:312-24.[4397]
- LAMONT, CLAIRE, James Boswell and Alexander Fraser Tytler. I: A Note on an Alteration in the Second Edition of Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 1785, Bibliotheck , 6:1-8.[4398]
- LAVIN, J. A., The First Two Printers of Sidney's Astrophel and Stella , Library , 5th ser., 26:249-55.(John Charlewood and John Danter.)[4399]
- LAVIN, J. A., The Printer of Hamlet Q3, SB , 25:173-76.(George Eld.)[4400]
- LAWLER, D. L., Oscar Wilde's First Manuscript of The Picture of Dorian Gray , SB , 25:125-35.[4401]
- LAWLER, P. A., T. J. Wise, TLS , Oct. 8, 1971, p. 1216.[4402]
- LAWSON, A. S., Printing Types; An Introduction , Boston, Beacon Press, 1971. 119 p.[4403]
- LENNENBERG, HANS, Dating Engraved Music: The Present State of the Art, Libr. Quart. , 41:128-40.[4404]
- LINDER, LESLIE, A History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter , Including Unpublished Works , London, Warne, 1971. 446 p.[4405]
- LINDER, LESLIE, The Linder Collection of the Works and Drawings of Beatrix Potter , London, The National Book League, 1971. 65 p., 16 plates.[4406]
- LINDER, E. A., The Ernest A. Linder Collection of Antique Printing Machinery , Pasadena, California, The Weather Bird Press, 1971. 44 p.[4407]
- LOGAN, T. P., John Dennis's Select Works, 1718, 1721, PBSA , 65:155-56.[4408]
- LOW, D. A., A Letter about the Sale of Burns's Kilmarnock Edition, Bibliotheck , 6:28.(By G. H., possibly Gavin Hamilton.)[4409]
- LYNCH, K. M., Jacob Tonson , Kit-Cat Publisher , Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1971. 256 p.[4410]
- McCULLOUGH, J. B., and BREW, C. C., A Study of the Publication of Tennyson's Idylls of the King , PBSA , 65:156-69.[4411]
- McKENZIE, D. F., The Printer of the Third Volume of Jonson's Workes (1640), SB , 25:177-78.(John Dawson, Junior.)[4412]
- MARTIN, HENRI-JEAN, Livre pouvoirs et société à Paris au XVIIe siècle (1598-1701) , Genève, Librairie Droz, 1969. 2 vols., 1091 p.[4413]
- MASON, M. G., Wordsworth and Pater's First Imaginery Portraits, Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:194-203.[4414]
- MAXWELL, J. C., ed., The Prelude: A Parallel Text Edition , Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971. [1], 573 p.(1805 and 1850 eds.)[4415]
- MAYHEW, G. P., Jonathan Swift's “On the burning of Whitehall in 1697” Reexamined, Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:399-411.[4416]
- MAYHEW, G. P., Swift's Political “Conversion” and His “Lost” Ballad on the Westminster Election of 1710, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 53:397-427.[4417]
- MEYNELL, FRANCIS, My Lives , London, Bodley Head, 1971. 332 p.[4418]
- MILLER, C. H., Some Unusual Printer's Copy Used for Early Sixteenth-Century Editions of Erasmus' Encomium Moriae , SB , 25:137-43.[4419]
- MILLER, J. H., and BOROWITZ, DAVID, Charles Dickens and George Cruikshank [with an Introduction by Ada B. Nisbet], Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, 1971. 99 p.[4420]
- MILLER, LEO, The Italian Imprimaturs in Milton's Areopagitica , PBSA , 65:345-55.[4421]
- MILNE, A. A., Winnie-the-Pooh. A Reproduction of the Original Manuscript with the Text of the Printed Version , London, Methuen, 1971. 220 p.[4422]
- MOODY, A. D., The Creative Critic: Johnson's Revision of London and The Vanity of Human Wishes , R.E.S. , n.s., 22:137-50.[4423]
- MOODY, A. D., Johnson's Poems: Textual Problems and Critical Readings, Library , 5th ser., 26:22-38.[4424]
- MORAN, JAMES, Stanley Morison: His Typographic Achievement , New York, Hastings House, 1971. 184 p.[4425]
- MORTENSON, ROBERT, Byron and William Harness: Early Recollections of Lord Byron, PBSA , 65:53-65.[4426]
- MUIR, P. H., Victorian Illustrated Books , London, Batsford, New York, Praeger, 1971. xv, 287 p.[4427]
- MUIRHEAD, ARNOLD, A. H. Clough's The Bothie of Toper-Na-Fuosich , Book Collector , 20:249.[4428]
- MURRAY, ROBINSON, [The Device of Thomas Marshe, Printer in London from 1554 to 1587], Libr. Quart. , 41:256.[4429]
- NEIL, D. G., Post-Dating Books in the 17th Century, Book Collector , 20:249.[4430]
- NIERMEIER, S. F. C., The Problem of the In Memoriam Manuscripts, Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:149-59.[4431]
- NIXON, H. M., A Cosway Binding, c. 1928, Book Collector , 20:68.(English Bookbindings LXXVI.)[4432]
- NIXON, H. M., Elizabethan Gold-Tooled Bindings, in D. E. Rhodes, Essays in Honour of Victor Scholderer , Mainz, Karl Pressler, 1970, pp. 219-70.[4433]
- NIXON, H. M., London Binding by Jane Steel, 1717, Book Collector , 20:226.(English Bookbindings LXXVII.)[4434]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Rivière & Son, c. 1905, Book Collector , 20:504.(English Bookbindings LXXIX.)[4435]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Pierced-Panel Binding, c. 1619, Book Collector , 20:352.(English Bookbindings LXXVIII.)[4436]
- NIXON, H. M., The Mahieu Binder for Grolier, c. 1555, Book Collector , 20:353.(Foreign Bookbindings XI.)[4437]
- NIXON, H. M., Sixteenth-century Gold-tooled Bookbindings in the Pierpont Morgan Library , New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, 1971. xv, 263 p.[4438]
- NOTE Concerning Daniel Adel and the American Edition of Newton's Principia , Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:436.[4439]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, Correction to Giles Barber's “Rossetti, Ricketts, and Some English Publishers' Bindings of the Nineties (Library, December 1970), Library , 5th ser., 26:173.(Correction to C3754.)[4440]
- OAKESHOTT, WALTER, Carew Ralegh's Copy of Spenser, Library , 5th ser., 26:1-21.[4441]
- OVINK, G. W., Nineteenth-century Reactions against the Didone Type Model. I. Introduction. Caslon, Old Style, Old Style Antique. II. The Elzévirs, Quaerendo , 1:18-31, 282-301.[4442]
- PANTAZZI, SYBILLE, Elliot Stock, Book Collector , 20:25-46.[4443]
- PARKER, HERSHEL, In Defense of “Copy-Text Editing,” BNYPL , 75:337-44.(Compare Grabo above and Pizer below here.)[4444]
- PAULSON, K. F., The Reverend Edward Stillingfleet and the “Epilogue” to Rochester's A Satyre against Reason and Mankind , PQ , 50:657-63.[4445]
- PAYNE, J. R., W. H. Hudson's A Crystal Age , PBSA , 26:299-302.[4446]
- PEATTIE, R. W., William Michael Rossetti and the Defense of Swinburne's Poems and Ballads , Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:356-65.[4447]
- PECKHAM, MORSE, Reflections on the Foundations of Modern Textual Editing, Proof , 1:122-55.[4448]
- PERLA, G. A., The Authorship of Unsigned Articles in the Encyclopédie , Eightenth-Century Studies , 4(1970/71):447-54.(See Schwab below.)[4449]
- PIZER, DONALD, On the Editing of Modern American Texts, BNYPL , 75:147-53.(See Grabo above.)[4450]
- POINTON, M. R., Milton and English Art , Manchester Univ. Press, 1970. xliii, 276 p., 218 illus.(Rev. by G. E. Bentley, Jr., Library, 5th ser., 26:356-59, with list of “Illustrated Editions of Milton, 1775-1825, at pp. 357-59.)[4451]
- POKROVSKII, N. N., Western Siberian Scriptoria and Binderies: Ancient Traditions among the Old Believers, Book Collector , 20:19-24.(Translated by J. S. G. Simmons.)[4452]
- POLLARD, M., Maria Edgeworth's The Parent's Assistant: The First Edition, Book Collector , 20:347-51.[4453]
- POYNTON, ORDE, Observations on the First Edition of Waverley , Private Libraries , 5:85-92.[4454]
- QUAYLE, E., The Collector's Book of Children's Books , London, Studio Vista, 1971.(Rev. P. H. Muir, Book Collector, 21 (1972):149-50.)[4455]
- REES, EILUNED, Welsh Publishing before 1717, in D. E. Rhodes, Essays in Honour of Victor Scholderer , Mainz, Karl Pressler, 1970, pp. 323-36.[4456]
- RINGLER, W. A., Jr., The Nutbrown Maid (a Reconstructed Text), English Literary Renaissance , 1:27-51.[4457]
- ROBERTS, J. A., Two Notes on Scholars' Comments on The Merry Wives of Windsor . 1. James O. Halliwell-Phillipps on the Relation of Q and F Versions of The Merry Wives. 2. “Mishearings” in Q., N & Q , n.s., 18:139-41.[4458]
- ROBERTS, R. J., Towards a Short-title Catalogue of English Eighteenth-century Books, Jour. of Librarianship , 2:246-62.[4459]
- ROBINSON, S. J., A. Conan Doyle's Lost World: An Unusual Copy, Book Collector , 20:251.[4460]
- RODGERS, R. H., The Moore Palladius [Cambridge Univ. Libr. Kk.V.13], Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:203-16.[4461]
- ROGAL, S. J., Religious Periodicals in England during the Restoration and Eighteenth Century, Jour. Rutgers Univ. Libr. , 35:27-33.[4462]
- ROGERS, PAT, The Catholick Poet (1716): John Oldmixon's Attack on Pope, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:277-84.[4463]
- ROGERS, PAT, The Publishing History of Garth's Dispensary: Some “Lost” and Pirated Editions, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:167-77.[4464]
- ROMME, M. M., A Binding by Claude de Picques, Book Collector , 20:227.(Foreign Bookbindings X.)[4465]
- ROMME, M. M., A Binding for Jacques Malenfant, Book Collector , 20:69.(Foreign Bookbindings IX.)[4466]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, The Minority Press and the English Crown: A Study in Repression, 1558-1625 , Nieuwkoop, B. DeGraaf, 1971. xii, 263 p. 18 plates.[4467]
- RUSS, J. R., Addendum to Harvey: Ford Madox Ford, PBSA , 65:297.(The Grosset & Dunlap ed. of No More Parades.)[4468]
- SCHOCHET, G. J., Sir Robert Filmer: Some Bibliographical Discoveries, Library , 5th ser., 26:135-60.[4469]
- SCHWAB, R. N., The Diderot Problem, the Starred Articles and the Question of Attribution in the Encyclopédie , Eighteenth-Century Studies , 2(1968/69):240-85, 370-438.(See also Perla above.)[4470]
- SCHWEIK, R. C., Current Problems in Textual Scholarship of the Works of Thomas Hardy, English Lit. in Transition , 14:239-46.[4471]
- SCOTT, P. G., A Second Edition of The Rugby Magazine , Book Collector , 20:386-87.[4472]
- SCOTT, P. G., The Title-page of Clough's The Longest Day , Library , 5th ser., 26:342-50.[4473]
- SHAPIRO, I. A., The Hatton Manuscript, Library , 5th ser., 26:63-64.(Supplements C3802 on Samuel Daniel's Epistle.)[4474]
- SHEPARD, D. H., Paper in the 17th Century, Amer. N & Q , 9:131-2.(Prices and sizes.)[4475]
- SILBER, C. A., The Evolution of Akenside's The Pleasures of the Imagination: the Missing Link Established, PBSA , 65:357-63.[4476]
- SIMPSON, C. M., Jr., The Practice of Textual Criticism, in J. E. Thorpe, The Task of the Editor , Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Libr., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, 1969, pp. 33-52.[4477]
- SMALLWOOD, F. T., Bolingbroke vs. Alexander Pope: The Publication of the Patriot King , PBSA , 65:225-41.[4478]
- SMIDT, KRISTIAN, Memorial Transmission and Quarto Copy in Richard III: A Reassessment , Oslo, Universitetsforlaget: New York, Humanities Press, 1970. 93 p.(Norwegian Studies in English, No. 16.)[4479]
- SMIDT, KRISTIAN, The Tragedy of King Richard the Third. Parallel Texts of the First Quarto and the First Folio, with Variants of the Early Quartos , Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, New York, Humanities Press, 1969. 221 p.[4480]
- SMITH, ALBERT, The Printing and Publication of Smollett's Peregrine Pickle , Library , 5th ser., 26:39-52.[4481]
- SMITH, ALBERT, Tobias Smollett's Roderick Random , Book Collector , 20:104-105.[4482]
- SMITH, A. H., . . . South Africa , Amsterdam, Van Gendt & Co., 1971. 171 p.(The Spread of Printing: Eastern Hemisphere.)[4483]
- SMITH, T. d'A., Defective Spines Have Their Uses: An Unrecorded Variant of a Richard Burton Title, Book Collector , 20:250.[4484]
- SOMAN, ALFRED, The London Edition of DeThou's History: A Critique of Some Well-Documented Legends, Renaissance Quart. , 24:1-12.[4485]
- SORELIUS, GUNNAR, The Smock Alley Prompt-Books of I and 2 Henry IV , SQ , 22:111-28.[4486]
- SPARROW, JOHN, Visible Words. A Study of Inscriptions In and As Books and Works of Art , Cambridge, At the Univ. Press, 1969. xvi, 152 p., 63 plates.(Expanded text of 1964 Sandars Lectures, “The Inscription and the Book.”)[4487]
- SPARROW, JOHN, A. H. Clough's The Bothie of Toper-Na-Fuosich , Book Collector , 20:531.[4488]
- SPEAIGHT, GEORGE, The Toy Theatre, Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:307-13.[4489]
- SPENCER, CHRISTOPHER, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice in Sixtythree Editions, SB , 25:89-106.[4490]
- STEFFAN, T. G., Lord Byron's Cain, Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1969. xv, 509 p.[4491]
- STEIG, MICHAEL, Dombey and Son: Chapter XXXI, Plate 20, Eng. Lang. Notes , 7(1969/70):124-27.[4492]
- STUBBINGS, F. H., A Cambridge Pocket-Diary, 1587-1592, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:191-202.[4493]
- STURGESS, K. M., Correction to his “The Early Quartos of Heywood's A Woman Killed with Kindness , March 1970, p. 96. Library, 5th ser., 26:65.(Corrects C3891.)[4494]
- SUTHERLAND, JOHN, Henry Esmond and the Virtues of Carelessness, Modern Philology , 68:345-54.[4495]
- SWAN, B. F., . . . Caribbean Area , Amsterdam, Van Gendt, 1970. 47 p.(The Spread of Printing: Western Hemisphere.)[4496]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Book-Jakets, Blurbs, and Bibliographers, Library , 5th ser., 26:91-134.[4497]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Some Principles of Editorial Apparatus, SB , 25:41-88.[4498]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Some Remarks on Bibliographical Non-Proliferation, Proof , 1:169-79.[4499]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Textual Study and Literary Judgment, PBSA , 65:109-22.[4500]
- THOMAS, ALFRED, G. M. Hopkins: Two Bibliographical Discoveries, R.E.S. , n.s., 22:58-61.[4501]
- THOMAS, ALFRED, G. M. Hopkins: Two More Bibliographical Discoveries, Book Collector , 20:103-104.[4502]
- THORPE, JAMES, The Ideal of Textual Criticism, in his The Task of the Editor , Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Libr., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, 1969, pp. 1-32.[4503]
- TIEDJE, EGON, D. H. Lawrence's Early Poetry: The Composition-Dates of the Drafts in MS E 317, D. H. Lawrence Rev. , 4:227-52.[4504]
- UNDERWOOD, F. A., The Text of Letters of Marque , Kipling Jour. , 38:180:13-15.[4505]
- UNWIN, PHILIP, The Publishing Unwins , London, Heinemann, 1971. 182 p.[4506]
- VanARSDEL, R. T., The Westminster Review: Change of Editorship, 1840, SB , 25:191-204.(From John Stuart Mill to William Edward Hickson.)[4507]
- VERWEY, H. de la F., The Binder Albert Magnus and the Collectors of His Age, Quaerendo , 1:158-78.[4508]
- A VIEW of the Oxford University Press, Book Collector , 20:447-64.[4509]
- VITALE, P. H., Bibliography, Historical and Bibliothecal , Chicago, Loyola Univ. Press, 1971. iii, 251 p.(A glossary and a series of biographical sketches.)[4510]
- WALLIS, P. J., The 1628-1633 Editions of William Gilbert's “De Magnete”: A Tribute to the Late Clifford Dobb, Bibliotheck , 6:33-40.[4511]
- WEAVER, WARREN, The First Edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: A Census, PBSA , 65:1-40.[4512]
- WINGER, H. W., [The Device of John Wight of London, Bookseller and Publisher from 1551 to 1589], Libr. Quart. , 41:170.[4513]
- WOODRUFF, J. F., Dr. Johnson's Advertisement for The Spectator, 1776, and The Source of Our Information about Johnson's Receipts from Irene: Two Notes on a Volume of Johnsoniana Once Belonging to Isaac Reed, N & Q , n.s., 18:60-62.[4514]
- WYNNE, M. G., The Clough Bindings: Two Copies of the Separate Binding [on his Ambarvalia], Book Collector , 20:102.[4515]
- ZUG, C. G., III, Sir Walter Scott and the Ballad Forgery, Studies in Scottish Lit. , 8:52-64.[4516]
- ZYTARUK, G. J., D. H. Lawrence's Hand in the Translation of Maxim Gorki's Reminiscences of Leonid Andreyev , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 46:29-34.[4517]








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