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- ADAMS, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries. Cambridge, University Press, 1967. 2v.[2120]
- AVIS, F.C. English Royal printers, 1476-1599. GJ (1967):65-69.[2121]
- BADALIĆ, J. Jugoslavica usque ad annum MDC. 2. Aufl. Baden-Baden, Heitz, 1966. 143p.(Bibliotheca bibliographica aureliana, 2).[2122]
- BALSAMO, L. La stampa in Sardegna nei secoli XV e XVI. Firenze, Olschki, 1968. xvi, 196 p.(Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 51.) (3 incunabula.)[2123]
- BARONCELLI, U. Tre incunaboli bresciani sconosciuti. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):5-23. facsims.[2124]
- BERGAMO. BIBLIOTECA CIVICA. Indice degli incunaboli. [By L. Chiodi.] Bergamo, Tipogr. G. Secomandi, 1966, 406p.[2125]
- BLAKE, N.F. Two new Caxton documents. NQ 14:86, 87.[2126]
- BLOOMINGTON. LILLY LIBRARY. The first twenty-five years of printing, 1455-1480: an exhibition. [A catalogue, with full descriptions, by J.Q. Bennett and W.G. Wheeler.] Bloomington, the Library, 1967. 58p.(Publication, 5) (80 items.)[2127]
- BRADSHAW, H. Correspondence on incunabula with J.W. Holtrop and M. F.A.G. Campbell, 1864-1884. ed. W. and L. Hellinga. Amsterdam, M. Hertzberger & Co., 1967, 68. 2v.[2128]
- BRANDON, E. Robert Estienne et le dictionnaire français au seizième siècle. [Paris, 1904, repr.:] Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1967. 135p.[2129]
- BUCHANAN-BROWN, J. Fragments of a Paris-printed Ghetiden. Library , 19:208-12. facsims.[2130]
- BÜHLER, C.F. Remarks on the printing of the Augsburg edition (c. 1474) of Bishop Salomon's Glossae. Homage to a bookman; essays . . . for H.P. Kraus (Berlin, 1967):133-35.[2131]
- BULGARELLI, T. Gli avvisi a stampa in Roma nel cinquecento. Roma Istituto di studi romani, 1967. 227p. 16 pl.[2132]
- CASAMASSIMA, E. and TINTO, A. Per un censimento dei tipi delle cinquecentine italiane. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):133-45.[2133]
- CHÈVRE, M. Quelques éditions d'ouvrages hippiques au XVIe siècle. GJ (1967):122-29.[2134]
- CLEMEN, O. Flugschriften aus den ersten Jahren der Reformation. [Halle, 1966-11, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. 4v.[2135]
- DEGOUY, A. and HÉBERT, M. Deux bois gravés d'Amiens du XVIe siècle. Le vieux papier , 68, no. 222:71-75.[2136]
- DELISLE, L. Catalogue des livres imprimés ou publiés a Caen avant le milieu du XVIe siècle. [Caen, 1903,04, repr.:] Amsterdam, G.T. van Heusden, 1967. 2 tom. in 1.[2137]
- DEVEREUX, E.J. Richard Taverner's translations of Erasmus. Library , 19:212-14.[2138]
- DONATI, L. Le iniziali iconografiche del XVI secolo. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):219-39. facsims.[2139]
- DONATI, L. Ie monogramma crisitiano nella tipografia italiana. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):201-11. facsims.[2140]
- DONDI, G. Giovanni Giolito editore e mercante. Biblio , 69:147-89.[2141]
- ÉLIE, H. Alessandro dei Paganini . . . imprimeur à Venise, puis à Toscolano. [A list.] GJ (1967):99-103.[2142]
- ESSLING, Prince d' . Les Livres à figures venitiens. [Florence, Paris, 1907-14, repr.:] Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1967. 6v.[2143]
- FRAENKEL, P. Erste Studien zur Druckgeschichte von Johannes Ecks Enchiridion locorum communium. BHR , 29:649-78.[2144]
- FUSSELL, G.E. The sixteenth-century farming encyclopedists. Library review , 21:77-80.[2145]
- GASKELL, P. A Fust and Shoeffer forgery. [Copinger 5351.] Library , 19:200,01. facsim.[2146]
- GASPARRINI LEPORACE, T. Nuovi documenti sulla tipografia veneziana del quatrocento. Studi biliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):25-46.[2147]
- GEISSLER, P. Neues vom hebräischen Frühdruck in Augsburg. GJ (1967):118-21.[2148]
- GELDNER, F. Bildungsstand und ursprunglicher Beruf der deutschen Buchdrucker des 15. Jahrhunderts. Homage to a bookman; essays . . . for H.P. Kraus (Berlin, 1967):117-31.[2149]
- GELDNER, F. Eingemalte und eingepresste Wappen-Exlibris. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 3:45-56; 4:173-86; 8:1-24.[2150]
- GELDNER, F. Das Rechnungsbuch des . . . Peter Drach. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 5:1-196. facsims.(With a list of printings.)[2151]
- GELDNER, F. Ungelöste Gutenberg-Probleme. FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIBLIOPHILES: Transactions (London, 1967):17-30.[2152]
- GIESSEN. UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK. Die Postinkunabeln der Universitätsbibliothek Giessen. [By H. Schüling]. Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek, 1967. x, 533p.(Berichte und Arbeiten, 10).[2153]
- GÖTTINGEN, NIEDERSÄCHSISCHE STAATS- UND UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK. Die Lutherdrucke des 16. Jahrhunderts und die Lutherhandschriften. [A catalogue, by H. Kind.] Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967. 349p.(Arbeiten aus der Niedersächsischen . . . Universitätsbibliothek, 6).[2154]
- GOFF, F.R. Falsified dates in certain incunabula. Homage to a bookman; essays . . . for H.P. Kraus (Berlin, 1967):137-45. facsims.[2155]
- GOFF, F.R. Five undescribed French incunabula in the Library of Congress. [With descriptions.] GJ (1967):88-93.[2156]
- GOFF, F.R. Incunabula and sixteenth century imprints. Library trends , 15:446-58.[2157]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E.P. Gothic and Renaissance bookbindings. [London, 1928, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. 2v.[2158]
- GUERRIERI, G. L'illustrazione del libro a Napoli nel secolo XV e al principio del secolo XVI. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):175-96. facsims.[2159]
- HAEBLER, K. The study of incunabula. tr. L.E. Osborne [N.Y., 1933, repr.:] N.Y., H.P. Kraus, 1967.[2160]
- HAMANOVÁ, P. Aus der Werkstatt des Wiener Aldus-Buchbinders. GJ (1967):272-77. illus.[2161]
- HASE, M. VON. Bibliographie der Erfurter Drucke von 1501-1550. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 8:655-1096.[2162]
- HASE, O. VON. Die Koberger. [Leipzig, 1885, repr:] Amsterdam, van Heusden, 1967. 465, CLIVp. 4 facsims.[2163]
- HEILBRONNER, W.L. Printing and the book in fifteenth century England. Charlottesville, Univ. P. of Virginia, 1697. 105p.[2164]
- HELLINGA, L. and HELLINGA, W. On two doubtful editions, CA 41 and CA 717. GJ (1967):70-76.[2165]
- HERESWITHA, Sister M. Ein Bibliothekskatalog der Propstei Denkendorf. [Written 1538.] Bibliothek und Wissenschaft , 4:16-72.(224 entries.)[2166]
- HIRSCH, R. Printing, selling and reading, 1450-1550. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1967. viii, 165p.[2167]
- HLAVÁČEK, I. Mittelalterliche Bücher- und Bibliotheksverzeichnisse in den böhmischen Ländern. Praha, Univ. Karlova, 1966. 159p.(Acta Universitatis Carolinae philosophica et historica. Monographia, 11) (Czech, with German summary.)[2168]
- HORCH, R.E. Drei seltene Inkunabeln der Brasilianischen Nationalbibliothek. GJ (1967):80-87. 3 facsims.[2169]
- JUNTKE, F. Grossplattenpressung mittels eines Holzstocks. GJ (1967):249-51.[2170]
- KAPELUŚ, H. Some more about the first book printed in Polish Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej , 1:243-57.(Polish, with English summary.)[2171]
- KOLB, A. Die Anfänge der Druckkunst in den französischen Städten des 16. Jahrhunderts. [A dictionary of places.] Bibliothek und Wissenschaft , 4:73-119.[2172]
- KRETZULESCO QUARANTA, E. La formazione culturale di Aldo Manuzio ed il suo criterio nella scelta dei testi. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):148-58.[2173]
- KYRISS, E. Spätgotische Einbände der Benediktiner Reichsabtei Heilig Kreuz Donauwörth. GJ (1967):243-48. illus.[2174]
- LACHÈVRE, F. Bibliographie des recueils collectifs de poésies du XVIe siècle. [Paris, 1922, repr.:] Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1967. 614p.[2175]
- LANCKOROŃSKA, M. Das Buch und seine Bedeutung im Werk des Bildhauer-Bildschnitzers und Malers Matthäus Gotthart Neithart. GJ (1967):286-96, illus.[2176]
- LAURIN, G. Preszburger Lederschnittbände Ulrich Schreiers. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 5:1485-1504.[2177]
- LEFEVRE, R. Giovanni Potken e la sua edizione romana del Salterio in etiopico (1513). Biblio , 68:288-309.[2178]
- LÜLFING, H. Entwicklungsprobleme des frühen Buchdrucks. Magyar könyvszemle , 83:221-27.(In Hungarian)[2179]
- MÁLYUSZ, E. Die Ausgaben des Thuróczy-Chronik im 15. Jahrhundert. Magyar könyvszemle , 83:1-11.(In Hungarian.)[2180]
- MARDERSTEIG, G. The remarkable story of a book made in Padua in 1477: Gentile da Fologno's Commentary on Avicenna printed by P. Maufer. tr. H. Schmoller. London, Nattali & Maurice, 1967. 26p., facsims.(German original published as supplement to Philobiblon, v.11 no.1.)[2181]
- MARSTON, T.E. The fourth and fifth books printed in Italy. YULG , 41:117-19.[2182]
- MAZAL, O. Gotische Blindstempeleinbände aus dem Augustiner-Chorherrenstift Vorau. GJ (1967):252-60. illus.[2183]
- MILAN. BIBLIOTECA DEI SERVI. Catalogo degli incunaboli del fondo “Giacinto Amati” della Biblioteca. [By G.M. Besutti.] Milano, Convento dei Servi in S. Carlo, 1964. 160p.[2184]
- MOLIN, V. Venise, berceau de l'imprimerie glagolytique et cirillique. Studi veneziani , 8:347-445.[2185]
- MORAN, J. William Caxton and the origins of English publishing. GJ (1967):61-64.[2186]
- NORMAN, D.C. The 500th anniversary pictorial census of the Gutenberg Bible. Introd. H. Ruppel. Chicago, Coverdale Press, 1967.[2187]
- NÜRNBERG. GERMANISCHES NATIONALMUSEUM. Bibel und Gesangbuch der Reformation. Ausstellung zur Erinnerung an den 95 Thesen Martin Luthers. [A catalogue.] Nürnberg, [the Museum,] 1967. 99p.[2188]
- ÖTTINGER, K. and KNAPPE, K.A.H. Baldung Grien und A. Dürer in Nürnberg. Nürnberg, Carl, 1967.[2189]
- PAINTER, G.D. The untrue portraits of Johann Gutenberg. GJ (1967):54-60. 6 figs.[2190]
- PÉREZ GÓMEZ, A. La vita e historia del rey Apolonio, Zaragoza, Pablo Hurus, 1488? GJ (1967):77-79. 2 facsims.[2191]
- PETIT, J. L'imprimerie en province au XVe et au XVIe siècle. Écho de l'imprimerie et des arts graphiques , no. 46:19, 20.[2192]
- PETIT, J. Les imprimeurs français à l'étranger au XVIe siècle. Écho de l'imprimerie et des arts graphiques , no. 45:11,12.[2193]
- PETIT, J. Un martyr de la science au XVIe siècle: Étienne Dolet, imprimeur libraire. Écho de l'imprimerie et des arts graphiques , no. 46:15-17.[2194]
- PICCARD, G. Papiererzeugung und Buchdruck in Basel bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 8:25-322.[2195]
- PRESSER, H. Johannes Gutenberg in Zeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1967. 172p.(Rowohlts Monographien, 134).[2196]
- RHODES, D. E. Su rre publicazioni ufficiali dell' Ordine di S. Girolamo. Biblio , 69:75-89.[2197]
- RIDOLFI, R. Francesco della Fontana . . . in un documento del 1477. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):53-66.[2198]
- ROSENTHAL, E. Über einen wiedergefundenen unbeschriebenen Einblatt-holzschnitt des 15. Jahrhunderts. Studi biblografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):197-201.[2199]
- RUPPEL, A. Johannes Gutenberg: sein Leben und sein Werk. [Berlin, 1947, repr. with bibliographical appendix:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. 247p. facsims.[2200]
- SAMEK LUDOVICI, S. Due pagine extravaganti della “seconda stampa” di Sweynheym e Pannartz. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):81-93.[2201]
- SCHLIEDER, W. Zur Geschichte der Papierherstellung in Deutschland. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Buchwesens , 2:33-168.[2202]
- SCHMIDT, C. Histoire littéraire de l'Alsace à la fin du XVe et au commencement du XVIe siècle. [Paris, 1879, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. 2v.[2203]
- SCHOLDERER, J.V. Jacob de Paucis Drapis de Burgofranco. Studi bibliografici (Firenze, Olschki, 1967):213-17.[2204]
- SCHOLDERER, J.V. A rare Lübeck missal. [Speyer, P. Drach.] BMQ , 32:1.[2205]
- SCHULLIAN, M. and BÜHLER, C.F. A misprinted sheet in the 1479 “Mammotrectus super Bibliam”. PBSA , 61:51, 52.[2206]
- SCHUNKE, I. Ungarische Nachlese. [Early renaissance bindings.] GJ (1967):261-71. illus.[2207]
- SELECTIVE checklist of bibliographical scholarship for 1966. pt. 1. Incunabula and early renaissance. SB , 21:267-72.[2208]
- SEVILLE. BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA. Catalogo de incunables. [By J. Tamayo y Francisco and J. Ysasi-Ysasmendi]. Sevilla, Universidad, 1967. xvi, 107p., 30 pl.(263 entries).[2209]
- SEYMOUR, M.C. The early English editions of Mandeville's Travels. Library , 19:202-07.[2210]
- SHIPMAN, J.C. Johannes Petreius, Nuremberg publisher. [With a list of imprints.] Homage to a bookman: essays . . . for H.P. Kraus (Berlin, 1967):146-62.(297 entries.)[2211]
- SOSA, G.S. Eli arte del libro en el edad media: códices, incunables. Buenos Aires, Agua y Energia Eléctrica, 1966. 370p.[2212]
- STEINMANN, M. Johannes Oporinus: ein Basler Buchdrucker um der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Basel, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1967. ix, 149p.(Basler Beiträge zur Geschichtswissen-schaft, 105.)[2213]
- STEVENSON, A.H. The problem of the Missale speciale. London Bibliographical Society, 1967. xxi, L100p.[2214]
- SZANDOROWSKA, E. An enigmatic printing house of the 15th century. [Printer of HC 10015.] Roznik Biblioteki Narodowej , 3:321-46.(In Polish, with English abstract).[2215]
- TAUCCI, R. La Geografia del Berlinghieri della Biblioteca Alessandrina di Roma. Biblio , 69:69-73.[2216]
- I tipografi basilesi e l'humanesimo italiano: mostra bibliografica. [A catalogue.] Milano, Centro Svizzero, 1967. 16p.[2217]
- U.S. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE. A catalogue of sixteenth century printed books. [By R.J. Durling.] Bethesda, the Library, 1967. 698p.[2218]
- VENICE. BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE MARCIANA. Catalogo di una mostra bibliografica in occasione del V° Congresso internazionale dei bibliofili. Verona, Stamperia Valdonega, 1967. 29p.[2219]
- VENICE. BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE MARCIANA. FONDAZIONE GIORGIO CINI. Catalogo di una mostra bibliografica in occasione del V° Congresso internazionale dei bibliofili. Verona, Stamperia Valdonega, 1967. 30p.[2220]
- VICENZO ROMANO, M. Incunaboli in biblioteche calabresi. Napoli, 1967. 30p.(Pubblicazioni della Soperintendenza bibliografica per la Campania e le Calabria, 12).[2221]
- VOLZ, H. Die Breslauer Luther- und Reformationsdrucker Adam Dyon und Kaspar Libisch. [Lists.] GJ (1967):104-17.[2222]
- WATSON, A.G. A sixteenth-century English Sammelband. Library , 19:215-22.[2223]
- WROCŁAW. OSSOLINEUM. Katalog starych druków . . . Polonica wieku XVI. [By M. Bohonos.] Wrocław, 1965. xix, 931p.(2758 entries.)[2224]

Part II. THE LATER RENAISSANCE to the PRESENT by Howell J. Heaney
1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A English and General
- ALJURE-CHALELA, SIMON, Jose Eusebio Caro: Bibliografía , Charlottes-ville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 82 p.[2225]
- ANDERSON, A. J., John Cowper Powys: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:73-78, 94.[2226]
- BARNES, WARNER, The Browning Collection at the University of Texas , Univ. of Texas, Humanities Research Center, 1967. 120 p.(Bibl. Ser. 3.)[2227]
- BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, The Centenary of Arthur Rackham's Birth, September 19, 1867. An Appreciation of His Genius and a Catalogue of His Original Sketches, Drawings and Paintings in the Berol Collection , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1967. 48 p. 8 p. colored plates.[2228]
- CARTER, JOHN, and MUIR, P. H., Printing and the Mind of Man , London, Cassell & Co., 1967. xxxiii, 280 p.[2229]
- COHEN, E. H., A Comprehensive Hopkins Bibliography, 1863-1918, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:79-81.[2230]
- DAVIS, HERBERT, Review of Herman Teerink's Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift , 2d ed., edited by Arthur H. Scouten, Univ. of Pa. Press, 1963, Library, 5th ser., 22:75-79.[2231]
- DOYLE, P. A., A Liam O'Flaherty Checklist, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:49-51.[2232]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., A Preliminary Handlist of Documents & Manuscripts of Samuel Johnson , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1967. iv, 51 p.(Occasional Publns. 2.)[2233]
- GEMMETT, R. J., An Annotated Checklist of the Works of William Beckford, PBSA . 61:243-58.[2234]
- GOLLIN, R. M., HOUGHTON, W. E., and TIMKO, MICHAEL, Arthur Hugh Clough: A Descriptive Catalogue , New York Public Libr., 1967. 117 p.(Repr. of B2364 and C1808, with addns. and corrs.)[2235]
- GORDAN, J. D., Letters to an Editor [Edward Howard Marsh]: Georgian Poetry, 1912-1922. An Exhibition from the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 71:277-305, and separately in 36 p.[2236]
- HAGELMAN, C. W., Jr., and BARNES, R. J., A Concordance to Byron's Don Juan, Cornell Univ. Pr., 1967. xii, 981 p.[2237]
- HENRY, W. H., Jr., A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 133 p.[2238]
- HUSS, R. E., A Chronological List of Type-setting Machines and Ancillary Equipment, 1822-1925, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:245-74.[2239]
- JOHN FELL , 1625-1686, Bishop, Printer & Typefounder. Catalogue [of an Exhibition], Oxford Univ. Press, 1967. 24 p.[2240]
- KABLE, W. S., The Ewelme Collection of Robert Bridges: A Catalogue , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina. 1967. 35 p.(Dept of English, Bibl. Ser., 2.)[2241]
- KIRKPATRICK, B. J., A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf , rev. ed., London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1967. 212 p.(Soho Bibliographies, 9.) (Revision of B737.)[2242]
- LANGRIDGE, DEREK, John Cowper Powys: A Record of Achievement , London, The Libr. Assn., 1966. xvi, 256 p.[2243]
- MALAWSKY, B. Y., T. S. Eliot: A Check-List: 1952-1964 , Bull. of Bibl. , 25:59-61, 69.(Supplements A1508.)[2244]
- MISH, C. E., English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 110 p.[2245]
- MORRIS, B. R., John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems , London, Bibl. Soc., 1967. 54 p.[2246]
- O'NEILL, P. H., Tobacco: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings Acquired Since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection , Part VIII, 1673-1687, New York Public Libr., 1967. Pp. 385-475, pl. 177-200.[2247]
- PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Collection: A List of Additions, 1960-1964 , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1967. 208 p.[2248]
- PAYNE, J. R., An Annotated List of Works on Fine Bindings, Amer. Book Collector , 18:1:11-22.[2249]
- RILEY, PETER, A Bibliography of T. F. Powys , Hastings, R. A. Brimmell, 1967. 72 p.[2250]
- ROGAL, S. J., A Checklist of Works by and about Isaac Watts (1674-1748), BNYPL , 71:207-15.[2251]
- SMITH, T. d'A., Listing of some additions, in “Introduction,” to reprint of Stuart Mason's Bibliography of Oscar Wilde , London, Bertram Roat, [1914] 1967. 605 p.[2252]
- STAGG, L. C., Index to the Figurative Language of Ben Jonson's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 47 p.[2253]
- STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of John Webster's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 58 p.[2254]
- STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of Thomas Heywood's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 54 p.[2255]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Bibliographical Society's News Sheet, 1894-1920, Gutenb.-Jahrb. , 1967:297-307.[2256]
- TENNYSON, CHARLES, and FALL, CHRISTINE, Alfred Tennyson: An Annotated Bibliography , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1967. viii, 126 p.[2257]
- TOLLEY, A. T., The Early Published Poems of Stephen Spender: A Chronology , Ottawa, Carleton Univ., 1967. 36 p.[2258]
- VanDEVANTER, WILLIS, A Checklist of Books Illustrated by Henry Alken, in Homage to a Bookman , ed. by Hellmut Lehamann-Haupt, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 245-61.[2259]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., Photo-Facsimiles of STC Books: A Cautionary Check List, SB , 21:109-130.[2260]
- WILLIAMS, R. C., A Concordance to the Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1967. xiii, 579 p.[2261]

B. United States
- BAIRD, J. A., Jr., California's Pictorial Letter Sheets, 1849-1869 , San Francisco, David Magee Book Shop, 1967. 171 p.[2262]
- BARBER, EDWIN, and PAGE, VIRGINIA, A Description of Old Harper and Brothers Publishing Records Recently Come to Light, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:1-6, 29-34, 39-40.[2263]
- BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addenda, Ralph Waldo Emerson — Entry No. 5272, PBSA , 61:124-26.[2264]
- BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addemdum, Joel Chandler Harris — Entry No. 7115, PBSA , 61:266.[2265]
- BRANCH, E. M., Bibliography of James T. Farrell: A Supplement, Amer. Book Collector , 17:9:9-19.(Supplements B1821.)[2266]
- BRISTOL, R. P., [Supplements to Charles Evans' American Bibliography], Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., No. 52 (August 1966), 32 p., No. 53 (December, 1967), [24] p.(Supplement C254A.)[2267]
- BROADFOOT, WINSTON, Checklist of Confederate Imprints in the Duke University Library, Library Notes [Duke Univ. Libr.], No. 40 (1966):1-85.[2268]
- BUCHAN, VIVIAN, Sara Teasdale (1884-1933), Bull. of Bibl. , 25:94-97.[2269]
- BUSH, A. L., Literary Landmarks of Princeton, PULC , 72:1-90.[2270]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Richard Matthews Hallet, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:453-63.[2271]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:355-82.(Concludes C1849.)[2272]
- DAMERON, J. L., Edgar Allan Poe: A Checklist of Criticism, 1942-1960 , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1966. 159 p.[2273]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes. I. J. C. Myers — Sketches on a Tour . . . 1849, Maryland Historical Mag. , 61(1966):369-70, corrections, 62:210, 355.(Supplements Raphael Semmes' Baltimore as Seen by Visitors, 1783-1860, Baltimore, Maryland Historical Soc., 1953.)[2274]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes II. J. Valentin Hecke — Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten . . . 2 vols., 1820-1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:207-209.[2275]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes III. Adlard Welby — A Visit to North America . . . 1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:352-54.[2276]
- DICKINSON, D. C., A Bio-bibliography of Langston Hughes, 1902-1967 , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1967. xiii, 267 p.[2277]
- FREIS, SUSAN, Emily Dickinson: A Check List of Criticism, 1930-1966, PBSA , 61:359-85.[2278]
- HANNEMAN, ANDRE, Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography , Princeton Univ. Press, 1967. xi, 568 p.[2279]
- HARWELL, RICHARD, Confederate Imprints in the University of Georgia Libraries , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1964. xi, 49 p.(Univ. of Georgia Librs., Misc. Publns., 5.)[2280]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, Arthur Miller, the Dimension of His Art: A Checklist of His Published Works, Serif , 4:2:26-32.[2281]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, John Steinbeck: A Concise Bibliography, 1930-1965 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1967. xxi, 164 p.[2282]
- HENDRICK, GEORGE, American Literary Manuscripts in Continental Libraries, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:49-58.[2283]
- HOWARD, E. G., The Constitution of a Baltimore Negro Benevolent Society [1834], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:351-52.[2284]
- HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:209-210.(Spiritual Songs, Baltimore, 1811.)[2285]
- HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint from Philadelphia, PBSA , 61:121-23.(Charlotte Smith's The Romance of Real Life, Baltimore, Cambell, Conrad & Co., 1799.)[2286]
- JONES, G. W., The Library of James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President (1816-1824) of the United States , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 65 p.[2287]
- KATZ, JOSEPH, and BRUCCOLI, M. J., Toward a Descriptive Bibliography of Stephen Crane: “Spanish American War Songs,” PBSA , 61:267-69.[2288]
- LEON, STEPHANIE, and D'ANGELO, SUSAN, Dorothy Thompson: An Inventory of Her Papers in Syracuse University Library , Manuscript Collections, Syracuse Univ. Library, 1966. 143 p.(Manuscript Inventory Series, 9.)[2289]
- LOHF, K. A., The Literary Manuscripts of Hart Crane , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1967. xx, 152 p.(Calendars of American Literary Manuscripts, 1.)[2290]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Additions to the Bibliography of Julian Hawthorne, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:64.(Supplements C1388.)[2291]
- O'CONNOR, R. B., BAL Addenda M. E. W. Freeman — Entry No. 6380, PBSA , 61:127.[2292]
- PALUKA, FRANK, Iowa Authors: A Bio-bibliography of Sixty Native Writers . Iowa City, Friends of the Univ. of Iowa Librs., 1967. xi, 243 p.[2293]
- PEROTTI, V. A., Important Firsts in Missouri Imprints, 1808-1858 . Revised, and with Additions by R. F. Perotti. Edited with an Introduction by T. N. Luther, Kansas City, Missouri, R. F. Perotti, 1967. 8 leaves, 51 p. 21 pl.[2294]
- REINHART, V. S., John Dos Passos, 1950-1966: Bibliography, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:167-78.[2295]
- SEABURG, ALAN, John Holmes: A Bibliography, BNYPL , 71:306-35.[2296]
- TANSELLE, G. T., An Unrecorded Chicago Ante-Fire Imprint: Whipple's “Ethzelda,” PBSA , 61:123-24.[2297]
- TUTWILER, C. C., Jr., Ellen Glasgow's Library , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 31 p.[2298]
- VOSS, T. H., William Cullen Bryant: An Annotated Checklist of the Exhibit Held in the Mullen Library of the Catholic University of America , Washington, 1967. 18 p.[2299]
- WELCH, d'A. A., A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821, P-R and S-Z, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:44-190, 281-535.[2300]

2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADAMS, R. M., Jonathan Swift, Thomas Swift, and the Authorship of A Tale of a Tub , MP , 64:198-232.[2301]
- ALDERMAN, W. E., English Editions of Shaftesbury's Characteristics , PBSA , 61:315-34.[2302]
- ALLOTT, T. J. D., Jean Bertaut and the French Anthologies about 1600, Library , 5th ser., 22:136-42.[2303]
- ASTOR, S. L., The Laureate as Huckster: Nahum Tate and an Early Eighteenth Century Example of Publisher's Advertising, SB , 21:261-66.[2304]
- ATKINS, STUART, The First Draft of Heine's Newsletter from Paris, May 30, 1840, HLB , 25:353-67.[2305]
- AUGUST, E. R., The Growth of “The Windover,” PMLA , 82:465-68.[2306]
- AVIS, F. C., Edward Philip Prince: Type Punchcutter , London, The Author, 1967. 104 p.[2307]
- BARBER, GILES, An Example of Eighteenth-Century Swiss Printer's Copy: Euler on the Calculus of Variations, Library , 5th ser., 22:147-49.[2308]
- BARBER, GILES, French Royal Decrees concerning the Book Trade, 1700-1789, Australian Jour. of French Studies , 3(1966):312-30.[2309]
- BENNETT, J. W., Benson's Alleged Piracy of Shake-speares Sonnets and of Some of Jonson's Works, SB , 21:235-48.[2310]
- BENTLEY, C. F., New Information about an Exeter Bookseller: An Addition and Correction to Plomer, N & Q , n.s., 14:102.(James Cowsey [i.e. Cowse], Exeter, 1682; Boston, 1684, perhaps the same man.)[2311]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., The Printing of Blake's America , Studies in Romanticism , 6:46-57.[2312]
- BERNARD, F. V., Johnson and the Authorship of Four Debates, PMLA , 82:408-19.[2313]
- BERRY, L. E., Richard Hakluyt and Tuberville's Poems on Russia, PBSA , 61:350-51.[2314]
- BERRY, W. T., and POOLE, H. E., Annals of Printing: A Chronological Encyclopaedia from the Earliest Times to 1950 , London, Blandford, 1966. 315 p.[2315]
- BISHOP, MORCHARD, A Terrible Tangle, TLS , October 19, 1967, p. 989.(Matthew Gregory Lewis and Tales of Terror, London, 1801.)[2316]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “Textual Introduction,” pp. xxxix-xlvii of Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding, ed. by Martin C. Battestin, Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1967.[2317]
- BROOKS, R. L., Matthew Arnold's “Joseph de Maistre on Russia,” HLQ , 30:185-88.[2318]
- BROWN, R. D., The Bodley Head Press: Some Bibliographical Extrapolations, PBSA , 61:39-50.[2319]
- CAGLE, W. R., The Publication of Joseph Conrad's Chance , Book Collector , 16:305-322.[2320]
- CARTER, JOHN, and POLLARD, GRAHAM, The Forgeries of Tennyson's Plays , Oxford Blackwell, 1967. 21 p.(Working Paper No. 2.)[2321]
- CARTER, JOHN, and POLLARD, GRAHAM, Precis of Paden or The Sources of “The New Timon,” Oxford, Blackwell, 1967. 24 p. (Working Paper No. 1.)(Summarizes and supplements C1070.)[2322]
- CLANCY, T. A., The Beacon Controversy, 1652-1657, Recusant History , 9:63-74.[2323]
- COLLINS, JOHN, Nature Printing [by Thomas Hopkirk], Library , 5th ser., 22:355-56.[2324]
- COOK, D. F., “Register of Books,” 1732, Book Collector , 16:374-75.(A supplement to listing from the Monthly Chronicle for January to March, 1732.)[2325]
- COOLIDGE, A. C., Charles Dickens as Serial Novelist , Ames, Iowa State Univ. Press, 1967. 256 p.[2326]
- CRADDOCK, P. B., Gibbon's Revision of the Decline and Fall , SB , 21:191-204.[2327]
- CRAWFORD, JANE, Hamlet, III.ii.46, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:40-45.[2328]
- DAISH, A. N., Printers' Pride: The House of Yelf at Newport, Isle of Wight, 1816-1966 , Newport, Yelf Brothers, 1967. 92 p.[2329]
- DALTON, J. P., A Note on D. H. Lawrence, PBSA , 61:269.(Corrects a point in C1495.)[2330]
- DONALDSON, ROBERT, William Ged and the Invention of Stereotype: A Second Postscript, Library , 5th ser., 22:352-54.(Postscript to B2516 and B3177.)[2331]
- DOUGHTY, D. W., The Tullis Press, Cupar, 1803-1849 , Dundee, Abertay Historical Soc., 1967. vi, 74 p.. 7 pl.(Publication No. 12.)[2332]
- EBEL, J. G., A Numerical Survey of Elizabethan Translations, Library , 5th ser., 22:104-127.[2333]
- EDGES Ancient and Modern, TLS , June 29, 1967, p. 588.(Review, with corrections, of Carl J. Weber's Fore-Edge Painting, C2058.)[2334]
- EDITING, Dickens, TLS , April 6, 1967, p. 285.(A review of works recently edited.)[2335]
- ELLIS, J. B., Mrs. Gaskell on the Continent, N & Q , n.s., 14:372-73.(The Tauchnitz ed. of her Life of Charlotte Brontë, 1857.)[2336]
- EWING, D. C., The Three-Volume Novel [and Its Binding], PBSA , 61:201-207.[2337]
- FIRTH, JOHN, James Pinker to James Joyce, 1915-1920, SB , 21:205-224.[2338]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., The Making of Johnson's Life of Savage , Library , 5th ser., 22:346-52.[2339]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, The fatal vesper and The doleful evensong: Claim-Jumping in 1623, Library , 5th ser., 22:128-35.(The first by W. C., STC 6015, the second by Thomas Goad, STC 11923.)[2340]
- FREEMAN, R. B., On the Origin of Species, 1859, Book Collector , 16:340-44.[2341]
- FRENCH, H. D., Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns, a footnote to Egerer 112, Bibliotheck , 5:33-35.[2342]
- GARDNER, HELEN, ed., The Elegies and the Songs and Sonnets of John Donne , Clarendon Press, 1967. 272 p. Rev. TLS, April 6, 1967, p. 278-80; reply by Dame Helen Gardner, TLS , August 24, 1967, p. 772, with further comment by reviewer, p. 772.[2343]
- GARVEY, E. M., and WICK, P. A., The Art of the French Book, 1900-1965 , Dallas, Texas, Univ. Press, 1967. 120 p.[2344]
- GIBBS, A. M., A Davenant Imitation of Donne, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:45-48.[2345]
- GILL, ROMA, Collaboration and Revision in Massinger's A Very Woman , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:136-48.(Massinger's reworking of an old play on which he had collaborated with Fletcher.)[2346]
- GILLESPIE, R. A., The Parentage of Robert Urie, Printer in Glasgow, Biblotheck , 5:38-40.[2347]
- GLADISH, R. W., Mrs. Browning's Contributions to the New York Independent , BNYPL , 71:47-54.[2348]
- GODSHALK, W. L., Prior's Copy of Spencer's “Works” (1679), PBSA , 61:52-55.[2349]
- GRANT, D. J., Unpublished Additions to Smollett's Travels , N & Q , n.s., 14:187-89.[2350]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Historia de la Imprenta en Venezuela hasta el fin de la Primera Republica (1812) , Caracas, Ediciones de la Presidencia de la Republica, 1967. 247 p.[2351]
- GREG, W. W., Collected Papers , ed. by J. C. Maxwell, Clarendon Press, 1966. 449 p.[2352]
- GREG, W. W., A Companion to Arber: Being a Calendar of Documents in Edward Arber's Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, with Text and Calendar of Supplementary Documents , ed. by Cyprian Blagden and I. G. Philip, Clarendon Press, 1967. vii, 451 p.[2353]
- HARRIS, W. V., The Curious Provenience of Clough's “The Longest Day,” N & Q , n.s., 14:379-80.[2354]
- HARTZOG, MARTHA, Nineteenth-Century Cloth Bindings, PBSA , 61:114-19.[2355]
- HERRING, P. D., Dickens' Monthly Number Plans for Little Dorrit , MP , 64(1965):22-63.[2356]
- HOFFR, PHILIP, The Yonghy Bonghy Bó: I. The Poem, HLB , 25:229-31.(By Edward Lear.)[2357]
- HOLTZ, WILLIAM, The Journey and the Picture: The Art of Sterne and Hogarth, BNYPL , 71:25-38.[2358]
- HONAN, PARK, The Texts of Fifteen Fugitives by Robert Browning, Victorian Poetry , 5:157-69.[2359]
- HONIGMANN, E. A. J., On the Indifferent and One-Way Variants in Shake-speare, Library , 5th ser., 22:189-204.[2360]
- HOSLEY, RICHARD, The Authorship of Fedele and Fortunio , HLQ , 30:315-30.(By Anthony Munday, not George Chapman or Stephen Gosson.)[2361]
- HUNTER, P. C., Jr., Textual Differences in the Drafts of Shelley's “Una Favola,” Studies in Romanticism , 6:58-64.[2362]
- ILLING, ROBERT, The Musical Antiquarian Society's Edition of Est's Metrical Psalter, N & Q , n.s., 14:458-60.[2363]
- JACKSON, W. A., Records of a Bibliographer: Selected Papers , ed. with an introduction and bibl. by William H. Bond, Cambridge, Belknap Press, 1967. xiv, 236 p.[2364]
- JASON, P. K., Samuel Jackson Pratt's Unpublished Comedy of “Joseph Andrews,” N & Q , n.s., 14:416-18.[2365]
- JONES, J. B., The Printing of The Grand Duke: Notes Toward a Gilbert Bibliography, PBSA , 61:335-42.[2366]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sidney's Arcadia, “London, 1599”: A Distinguished “Ghost,” Book Collector , 16:80.(Supplements B3596.)[2367]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, 1638: An Unrecorded Issue, Library , 5th ser., 12:67-69, 355.[2368]
- KABLE, W. S., Compositor B, the Pavier Quartos, and Copy Spellings, SB , 21:131-61.[2369]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Loan Records of Shewsbury School Library [1737-1826], Library , 5th ser., 22:252-56.[2370]
- KELLEY, MAURICE, The Recovery, Printing and Reception of Milton's Christian Doctrine , HLQ , 31:35-41.[2371]
- KENNY, S. S., Eighteenth-Century Edition of Steele's Conscious Lovers , SB , 21:253-61.[2372]
- KINSLEY, WILLIAM, Meaning and Format: Mr. Spectator and His Folio Half-Sheets, ELH , 34:482-94.[2373]
- KLUKOFF, P. J., New Smollett Attributions in the Critical Review , N & Q , n.s., 14:418-19.[2374]
- KNOTT, D. H., Unpublished Second Volume of Edward Burrow's A New and Compleat Book of Rates, 1774, Book Collector , 16:375-77.[2375]
- LAUTERBACH, E. S., Victorian Advertising and Magazine Stripping, Victorian Studies , 10:4 (June 1967).[2376]
- LAVIN, J. A., Three “Owl” Blocks: 1590-1640, Library , 5th ser., 22:143-47.[2377]
- LAYTON, EVRO, Nikodemos Metaxas, the First Greek Printer in the Eastern World, HLB , 25:140-68.(Constantinople, 1627; half a tract there, earlier imprints in England, 1624-27.)[2378]
- LEIGH, R. A., D'Alembert's Copy of Rousseau's First Discours , Library , 5th ser., 22:243-44.[2379]
- LEVY, H. M., An Omission Unnoticed: Nickleby Forgotten, Dickensian , 63:41.[2380]
- LEWIS, J. N. C., The Twentieth Century Book, Its Illustration and Design , New York, Reinhold Publishing Co., 1967. 270 p.[2381]
- LINGENFELTER, R. E., Presses of the Pacific Islands, 1817-1867 , Los Angeles, The Plantin Press, 1967. ix, 129 p.[2382]
- LITZ, A. W., The Last Adventures of Ulysses , PULC , 28:63-75.[2383]
- LOHRLI, ANNE, Coventry Patmore in Household Words , Victorian Newsletter , No. 31:25-27.[2384]
- McDONALD, W. R., Scottish Seventeenth-Century Almanacs, Bibliotheck , 4:Nos. 7 & 8.[2385]
- McGANN, JEROME, The Composition, Revision, and Meaning of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage III, BNYPL , 71:415-30.[2386]
- McGINN, D. J., John Penry and the Marprelate Controversy , Rutgers Univ. Press, 1966. xiv, 274 p.(Argues he is the author of the Marprelate Tracts.)[2387]
- McLEAN, RUARI, ed., The Reminiscences of Edmund Evans , Clarendon Press, 1967. xx, 92 p.[2388]
- MASSEY, IRVING, The First Edition of Shelley's Poetical Works (1839): Some Manuscript Sources, Keats-Shelley Journal , 16:29-38.[2389]
- MITCHELL, BREON, A Note on the Status of the Authorized Translation, James Joyce Quart. , 4:202-205.[2390]
- MOLLOY, J., The Devotional Writings of Matthew Kellison, Recusant History , 9:159-62.[2391]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Rudyard Kipling: Early Printings in American Periodicals, PBSA , 61:127-28.[2392]
- MORGAN, PAUL, English Provincial Imprints, Library , 5th ser., 22:70.(Supplements C1985.)[2393]
- MORGAN, PAUL, Some Bibliographical Aspects of the Scottish Prayer Book of 1637, Bibliotheck , 5:1-23.[2394]
- MORISON, STANLEY, First Principles of Typography , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967. 24 p.(Includes a postscript hitherto unavailable in English.)[2395]
- MORISON, STANLEY, and CARTER, H. G., John Fell, the University Press and the “Fell” Types , Clarendon Press , 1967. xvii, 278 p., 22 p. of pl.(Incl. bibliographies by J. S. G. Simmons of Fell's published works and of early Oxford type specimens.)[2396]
- MUIR, KENNETH, The Texts of Wyatt's Penitential Psalms, N & Q , n.s., 14:442-44.[2397]
- MUNTER, R. LaV., The History of the Irish Newspaper, 1685-1760 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967. 217 p.[2398]
- MURRAY, B. M., The Authorship of Some Unidentified or Disputed Articles in Blackwood's Magazine , Studies in Scottish Lit. , 4:144-54.[2399]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by the Centre-Rectangle Binder, Book Collector , 16:345.(English Bookbindings 62.)[2400]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding for the Earl of Arundel, c. 1555, Book Collector , 16:54.(English Bookbindings 60.)[2401]
- NIXON, H. M., A Cambridge Binding by Ed. Moore, c. 1748, Book Collector , 16:481.(English Bookbindings 63.)[2402]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding for Jonas Hanway, 1783, Book Collector , 16:194.(English Bookbindings 61.)[2403]
- NORLAND, H. B., The Text of The Maid's Tragedy , PBSA , 61:173-200.[2404]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, The “Cheap-Edition” of Dickens's Works <First Series> 1847-1852, Library , 5th ser., 22:245-51.[2405]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, A Publisher and His Authors , London, Macmillan, 1967. 384 p.(A selection of letters addressed to successive members of the firm.)[2406]
- PACE, G. B., Speght's Chaucer and MS. GG.4.27, SB , 21:225-35.[2407]
- PEPPER, R. D., Francis Clement's Petie schole at the Vautrollier Press, 1587, Library , 5th ser., 22:1-12.[2408]
- PETERSON, C. T., The Writing of “Waverley,” Amer. Book Collector , 18:3:12-16.[2409]
- PETTI, A. G., Unknown Sonnets by Sir Toby Matthew, Recusant History , 9:123-58.[2410]
- PIERSON, R. C., The Revisions of Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison , SB , 21:163-89.[2411]
- PISENT, P. A., Plagiarism by Thomas Jordan, N & Q , n.s., 14:336-37.(His Divine Raptures, 1648, is John Day's A New Spring of Divine Poetrie, 1637.)[2412]
- PITTOCK, JOAN, Joseph Warton and His Second Volume of the Essay on Pope , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:264-73.[2413]
- PRICE, C. J. L., The Completion of The School for Scandal , TLS , December 28, 1967, p. 1265.[2414]
- PRICE, CECIL, The Second Crewe MS. of The School for Scandal , PBSA , 61:351-56.[2415]
- PRICE, G. R., The Early Edition of A trick to catch the old one , Library , 5th ser., 22:205-27.[2416]
- A RARE Find: Parts of Two Chapters of MS. [of Swinburne's Lesbia Brandon] Rediscovered, Amer. Book Collector , 17:7:6.[2417]
- RASKIN, JONAH, Heart of Darkness: The Manuscript Revisions, R.E.S. , n.s., 18: 30-39.[2418]
- REAL, H. J., A Lucretian Ghost Edition, N & Q , n.s., 14:452.(Supplements B3586.)[2419]
- RIDLER, ANNE, Traherne: Some Wrong Attributions, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:48-49.[2420]
- ROBERTS, R. J., The Greek Press at Constantinople in 1627 and Its Antecedents, Library , 5th ser., 22:13-43.[2421]
- ROCHE, T. P., Jr., The Spenser Collection of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, PULC , 72:91-101.[2422]
- ROY, G. R., Robert Burns and William Creech — A Reply, PBSA , 61:357-59.(Reply to C2003.)[2423]
- RYLEY, R. M., A Note on the Authenticity of Some Lines from Pope, PQ , 46:417-21.[2424]
- SAUNDERS, J. W., The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age by Phoebe Sheavyn, 2d ed., rev. by J. W. Saunders, Manchester Univ. Press, 1967. x, 248 p. Critical rev. by J. C. Maxwell, N & Q, n.s., 14:475-76.[2425]
- SCOTT, P. G., The Text and Structure of Clough's “The Last Decalogue,” N & Q , n.s., 14:378-79.[2426]
- SHAWCROSS, J. T., John Donne and Drummond's Manuscript, Amer. N & Q , 5:104-105.[2427]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, Two Pieces Newly Ascribed to Christopher Smart, MLR , 62:214-20.[2428]
- SHIPLEY, J. B., A Note on the Authorship of The Whale , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:166-69.(Not by Swift but by Lord Chesterfield.)[2429]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., Bibliography (General), in “Bibliography: Current State and Future Trends. Part I.” Library Trends , 15:340-46.[2430]
- SIMPSON, S. M., A Pleasant and Compendious History of the First Inventors — The 1685 Edition a “Ghost,” Book Collector , 16:224.[2431]
- SMITH, C. S., Two Copies of the First Book Published in Brazil at the New York Public Library, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 187-95.[2432]
- SMITH, CHARLES MANBY, The Working Man's Way in the World , Preface and Notes by Ellic Howe, London, Printing Historical Soc., 1967. xii, 347 p.(Publ. No. 3.)[2433]
- SMITH, G. A., Collating Machine, Poor Man's, Mark VII, PBSA , 61:110-13.[2434]
- SNYDER, H. L., The Reports of a Press Spy for Robert Harley: New Bibliographical Data for the Reign of Queen Anne, Library , 5th ser., 22:326-45.[2435]
- SOMMERLAD, M. J., Scottish “Wheel” and “Herring-bone” Bindings in the Bodleian Library: An Illustrated Handbook , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1967. 10 p., 4 pl. (28 illus.). (Occasional Publns No. 1.) ,[2436]
- SPARROW, JOHN, A Note on A. E. Housman, TLS , November 16, 1967, p. 1088 (Corrects A 3295.) Reply by T. B. Haber, TLS, January 11, 1968, p. 45, and counter by Sparrow, ibid. [2437]
- STANWOOD, P. G., A Donne Discovery, TLS , October 19, 1967, p. 984.(Poem on the canonization of St. Ignatius Loyola.)[2438]
- STARR, H. W., and HENDRICKSON, J. R., Supplementary Note on Thomas Gray's “Gratia Magna,” N & Q , n.s., 14:412.[2439]
- STOKES, G. C., Thackeray as Historian: Two Newly Identified Contributions to Fraser's Magazine , Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 22:281-88.[2440]
- STONE, HARRY, Dickens and Composite Writing, Dickens Studies , 3:68-79.(In Household Words.)[2441]
- STONE, HARRY, Dickens and the Idea of a Periodical, Western Humanities Review , 21:237-56.[2442]
- STRAUSS, VICTOR, The Printing Industry , Washington, Printing Industries of America, 1967. 814 p.[2443]
- STURMAN, BERTA, A Date and a Printer for A Looking Glasse for London and England. Q 4 [R. Blower for T. Pavier, 1604-1605], SB , 21:248-53.[2444]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Identification of Type Faces in Bibliographical Description, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:427-48.[2445]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Typographic Research and Bibliography, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:157-63.[2446]
- TAYLOR, J. R., The Art Nouveau Book in Britain , Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, 1967. 176 p.[2447]
- THOMPSON, P. V., An Unpublished Letter from Swift [to Patrick Delany], Library , 5th ser., 22:57-66.[2448]
- THORPE, JAMES, Writers at Work: The Creative Process and Our View of Art, HLQ , 30:195-206.[2449]
- THWAITE, M. F., John Newbery — Publisher and Bookseller, 1713-1767, Private Library , 8:66-71.[2450]
- TOLLEY, A. T., The Printing of Auden's Poems (1928), and Spender's Nine Experiments , Library , 5th ser., 22:149-50.[2451]
- TURNER, R. K., Jr., The Text of Heywood's The fair maid of the West , Library , 5th ser., 22:299-325.[2452]
- VAUGHN, J. A., A D'Urfey Play Dated, PQ , 64:322-23.(A Fond Husband, 1677.)[2453]
- VERVLIET, H. D. L., The Sixteenth Century Type Designs of the Low Countries , Amsterdam, Menno Hertzberger, 1967. 356 p.[2454]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, The Design of Day's Saxon, Library , 5th ser., 22:283-98.[2455]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Two Editions of “Cruikshank's Grimm,” Book Collector , 16:82-83.(His illus. to work by A. L. Grimm, not one of the brothers.)[2456]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Nature Printing, Library , 5th ser., 22:355.(By R. C. Lucas.)[2457]
- WEBER, D. C., Bibliographical Blessings, PBSA , 61:307-14.[2458]
- WEEDON, MARGARET, An Uncancelled Copy of the First Collected Edition of Swift's Poems, Library , 5th ser., 22:44-56.[2459]
- WEINBROT, H. D., Dr. Johnson's Poems: A New Version of “Medea,” Lines 192-203, and a New Translation of the Epitaph on Goldsmith, N & Q , n.s., 14:410-11.[2460]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, A Shropshire Lad XLIII, 1, and LXII, 31, Serif , 4:3:31-32.[2461]
- WHITEHEAD, H. G., Pedro Simón Abril: Three Early Editions, BM Quart. , 31:67-71.(Including his Latin and Spanish Aesop of 1575.)[2462]
- WILLIAMSON, DEREK, Historical Bibliography , Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, 1967. 129 p.[2463]
- WILLIAMSON, HUGH, Methods of Book Design , 2d ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 1966. xvi, 434 p.[2464]
- WOLPE, BERTHOLD, ed., Vincent Figgins' Type Specimens, 1801 and 1815 , London, Printing Historical Soc., 1967. 44 p., and facsim of specimen book of 1815.(Publications No. 4.)[2465]
- WOODWARD, D. H., A Note on the Quarto Edition of Gondibert (1651), Library , 5th ser., 12:69-70.(Supplements C 1574.)[2466]
- WOODWARD, D. H., An unrecorded Oxford Quaestiones (1617), Book Collector , 16:81-82.[2467]
- WRIGHT, ANDREW, An Authoritative Text of The Horse's Mouth , PBSA , 61:100-109.[2468]
- WYATT, S. W., The English Romantic Novel and Austrian Reaction: A Study of Hapsburgh-Metternich Censorship , New York, Exposition Press, 1967. 176 p.[2469]
- ZALL, P. M., Coleridge's Unpublished Revisions to “Osorio,” BNYPL , 71:516-23.[2470]

B. United States
- ADNEY, J. R., Pioneer Journalism in Iowa, Annals of Iowa , 38:501-509, 612-25.[2471]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O., The First Published Memoir of Franklin, William and Mary Quart. , 24:625-28.[2472]
- BARBOUR, P. L., Two “Unknown” Poems by Captain John Smith, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:157-58.[2473]
- BENNETT, SCOTT, A Concealed Printing in W. D. Howells, PBSA , 61:56-60.(A Traveler from Altruria.)[2474]
- BERKELEY, EDMUND, and BERKELEY, D. S., “The Piece Left Behind”: Monroe's Authorship of a Political Pamphlet Revealed, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:174-80. (Monroe and John Beckley authors of a pamphlet credited to John Taylor of Caroline.)
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., T. B. Mosher and the Guild of Women-Binders, Book Collector , 16:82.[2476]
- BRODERICK, J. C., An Unpublished Whitman Letter and Other Manuscripts, AL , 37(1965-66):475-78.[2477]
- BRONNER, E. B, Distributing the Printed Word: The Tract Association of Friends, 1816-1966 , Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:342-54.[2478]
- COHEN, HENNIG, Melville's Copy of Broughton's Popular Poetry of the Hindoos , PBSA , 61:266-67.(Supplements C1878.)[2479]
- CRAWFORD, R. L., A Note on Robert Aitken, Printer of the “Bible of the Revolution,” Bibliotheck , 5:36-37.[2480]
- DAVIS, O. L., Jr., Another Confederate Book: A Literary Ghost, But a Real Ghost from Texas, Serif , 4:4:28-29.(The Child's Scripture Question Book, 1865.)[2481]
- DeGRUSON, GENE, An Unlocated Bret Harte-Joaquin Miller Book, PBSA , 61:60.(Thompson's Prodigal and Other Sketches, BAL, III, 469.)[2482]
- DURNBAUGH, D. F., Henry Kurtz: Man of the Book, Ohio History , 76:114-31.(Includes an account of his printing for the Church of the Brethren.)[2483]
- EDDY, S. L., Jr., The Northern Monthly and New Jersey Magazine: May 1867-June 1868, Jour. Rutgers Univ. Libr. , 30:40-52.[2484]
- EMERSON, E. H., Captain John Smith as Editor: The Generall Historie , Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:143-56.[2485]
- FISH, CHARLES, Form and Revision: The Example of Watch and Ward , Nineteenth Century Fiction , 22:173-90.[2486]
- FRANKLIN, R. W., The Editing of Emily Dickinson, a Reconsideration , Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1967. xvii, 187 p.[2487]
- GUILDS, J. C., William Gilmore Simms and the Southern Literary Gazette , SB , 21:59-92.[2488]
- GUTHORN, P. J., American Maps and Map Makers of the Revolution , Monmouth Beach, N. J., Philip Freneau Press, 1966 [i.e. 1967]. 48 p.[2489]
- HARDING, WALTER, Emerson's Library , Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xi, 338 p.[2490]
- HARLAN, R. D., David Hall and the Stamp Act, PBSA , 61:13-37.[2491]
- HARLOW, T. R., Thomas Robbins, Clergyman, Book Collector, and Librarian, PBSA , 61:1-11.[2492]
- HART, J. A., American Poetry of the First World War and the Book Trade, PBSA , 61:209-24.[2493]
- HAYFORD, HARRISON, and PARKER, HERSHEL, eds., Moby Dick , New York, Norton, 1967. xviii, 728 p.[2494]
- HOWARD E. G., Some Variations in Varle's Complete View of Baltimore (1833) Maryland Historical Mag. , 61 (1966):370-72, and correction 62:210.[2495]
- HOWARD E. G., The States of [Alfred] Vail's Description [1845], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:355.[2496]
- KIRKHAM, E. B., The First English Editions of John Lawson's Voyage to Carolina: A Bibliographical Study, PBSA , 61:258-65.[2497]
- KYRISS, ERNST, New Yorker illustrierte Bücher des 19. Jahrhunderts mit signierten Einbänden, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 221-29.[2498]
- LADA-MOCARSKI, VALERIAN, Earliest Russian Printing in the United States, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 231-33.(At San Francisco at some time between October 4, 1867, and March 1, 1868.)[2499]
- LEHMANN-HAUPT, HELLMUT, FRENCH, H. D., and ROGERS, J. W., Bookbinding in America , New York, Bowker, 1967, 293 p.(repr. of ed. of 1941, with bibl. supplements to three essays covering literature of past twenty-five years.)[2500]
- LOSCHKY, HELEN, The Columbiad Tradition: Joel Barlow and Others, Books at Brown , 21(1966):197-206[2501]
- MABBOTT, T. O., Walt Whitman Edits the Sunday Times, July, 1842-June, 1843, AL , 39:99-102.[2502]
- McCORISON, M. A., A Daybook from the Office of The Rutland Herald Kept by Samuel Williams, 1798-1802, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:293-395.[2503]
- McLENDON, W. L., Misshelved Americana: The Post Boy [Cambridge (Mass.), 1850-1851], PBSA , 61:343-47.[2504]
- MADISON, C. A., Book Publishing in America , New York, McGraw-Hill, 1966. xiv, 628 p. Critical rev. by Rollo G. Silver, AL, 39:255-56.[2505]
- MAXWELL, J. C., The Revision of “Roderick Hudson,” English Studies , 45(1964): 239.(Correction of C1064.)[2506]
- MORISON, S. E., Commodore Perry's Japan Expedition Press and Shipboard Theatre, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:35-43.(Supplements B 1547.)[2507]
- PARKER, JOHN, Jonathan Carver's Map of His Travels, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 197-208.[2508]
- PECK, R. E., Two Lost Bryant Poems: Evidence of Thomson's Influence, AL , 39:88-94.[2509]
- PECK, R. E., An Unpublished Poem by Washington Irving, AL , 39:204-207.[2510]
- PELADEAU, M. B., Some Additional Facts about Royall Tyler, Book Collector , 16:511-12.(Supplements C1882.)[2511]
- PRICE, C. E., John Israel: Printer and Politician on the Pennsylvania Frontier, 1798-1805, Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:46-55.[2512]
- REINKE, E. C., A Classical Debate of the Charleston, South Carolina, Library Society, PBSA , 61:83-99.[2513]
- RICHARD, CLAUDE, Poe and “Young America,” SB , 21:25-58.[2514]
- SALZMAN, JACK, The Publication of Sister Carrie: Fact and Fiction, Libr. Chron. [Univ. of Pa.], 33:119-33.[2515]
- SILVER, R. G., The American Printer, 1787-1825 , Charlottesville, For the Bibl. Soc. by the Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xii, 189 p.[2516]
- SILVERMAN, KENNETH, Two Unpublished Colonial Verses, BNYPL , 71:61-63.(By Joseph Breintnall and Captain Martin.)[2517]
- STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane: Some New Sketches, BNYPL , 71:554-62.(Introductory note and first publication of text.)[2518]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Author and Publisher in 1800: Letters of Royall Tyler and Joseph Nancrede, HLB , 25:129-39.[2519]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Descriptive Bibliography of American Authors, SB , 21:1-24.[2520]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Laurence Gomme Imprint, PBSA , 61:225-40.[2521]
- TAYLOR, E. W., Analysis and Comparison of the 1855 and 1891 Versions of Whitman's “To Think of Time,” Walt Whitman Rev. , 13:107-122.[2522]
- VANDERSEE, CHARLES, James's “Pandora”: The Mixed Consequences of Revision, SB , 21:93-108.[2523]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Collected Hemingway: A Japanese Translation, Serif , 4:1:30-32.[2524]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Robinson Jeffers' The Beginning and the End: Another Error, PBSA , 61:126.(Supplements C2075.)[2525]
- WILLIAMS, W. C., I Wanted to Write a Poem: Autobiography of the Works of a Poet , reported and ed. by Edith Heal, Boston, Beacon Press, 1967. 100 p.[2526]

The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. The compiler of Part II is particularly indebted to Mr. J. S. G. Simmons and the contributors to Bibliography in Britain, from which he has added entries, especially for dissertations and articles in magazines of local history, distinguished by references to that source. The compilers strongly urge bibliographers and interested persons to send information on titles which should be included to them, and would be gratefully for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure their listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed in Studies in Bibliography.
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