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In W. J. Cameron, New Light on Aphra Behn (Auckland, N. Z., 1961).


See Ernest Bernbaum, "Mrs. Behn's Biography a Fiction," PMLA, XXVIII (1913), 432-453; Montague Summers, ed., The Works of Aphra Behn (6 vols., 1915), I, xxi-xxii; Victoria Sackville-West, Aphra Behn (1928), pp. 51-53; Harrison G. Platt, Jr., "Astrea and Celadon: An Untouched Portrait of Aphra Behn," PMLA, LIX (1934), 544-559; George Woodcock, The Incomparable Aphra (1948), pp. 11-12; Henry A. Hargreaves, "The Life and Plays of Mrs. Aphra Behn" (unpublished dissertation, Duke University, 1960), p. 5; Cameron, pp. 87-100.


Hargreaves, for example, who uses the eighth edition of 1735, says (p. 6, n. 4) that it differs from that of 1696 "only in corrected pagination and errata."


Bernbaum (p. 434, n. 2), Platt (p. 544, n. 1), and Cameron (p. 87, n. 1) use the 1871 facsimile of the 1735 edition; Summers does not cite the first edition; Miss Sackville-West and Woodcock do not document, but follow Summers.


Page references to these versions will be given in parentheses in the text; page references to Mrs. Behn's novels will be to Vol. V of Summers' edition.


See Cameron, pp. 14-15, 92-93.


The similarities in style, tone, and authorial voice to The Black Lady, The King of Bantam, and The Dumb Virgin are particularly striking.


Wing B1766A; advertised July 1688 (TC, II, 230). The title-page of the Harvard copy, evidently a cancel, follows a blank page which has taken an impression from the succeeding title-page of Oroonoko. The type seems identical with that of the first editions at Yale and the British Museum.


See Bernbaum, p. 450; Woodcock, p. 224.


The advertisement, datable before Trinity Term, combines Briscoe and Wellington items and is at the end of Vol. II of Familiar Letters [of] Rochester (Wing R1743).


The type is uniform throughout; the signatures, in eights, run A-Z, Aa-Dd; The Lucky Mistake has thirty-nine lines per page, the rest thirty-five. Pagination: Oroonoko, 1-101; The Fair Jilt, 1-34, 145-178; Lover's Watch and Lucky Mistake, 225-403; "Love-Letters," 401-416. Both pages numbered 401 are signed Dd.


See Frederick S. Siebert, Freedom of the Press in England, 1476-1776 (1965), pp. 248-249. Lowndes never printed The Nun; he did not give its full title, and it had been printed earlier (see Wing B1737).


A MS note in the Yale copy of the Wellington issue (dated 1698) reads: "Cost 4 sh. from Mr. Buckley Fleet-Street Lond. 23 aug. 1698."


1—the three novels of 1688; 2—The Lucky Mistake; 3—The Lady's Looking-Glass and The Lover's Watch; 4—three novels "never before printed" (see below).


See Woodcock, pp. 81-118; Summers, I, li, lvii; and Summers, V, 352.


An Account of the English Dramatick Poets (1691), pp. 17-23.


The best evidence for dating The Younger Brother and LA is in Sybil Rosenfeld, "Dramatic Advertisements in the Burney Newspapers, 1660-1700," PMLA, LI (1936), 124-127, 140-141. For LA, see TC, II, 578.


See Cameron, pp. 41-42, 61-63.


The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets (1698-99), pp. 8-10.


For a description of this work see my Told in Letters (1966), pp. 61-62, 91-92.


This was Vol. II of Familiar Letters [of] Rochester. See Benjamin Boyce, Tom Brown of Facetious Memory (1939), p. 58.


These are the parental name of Johnson, the birthplace in Canterbury, the name of and relationship to Lord Willoughby, governor of Surinam, and the heroine's being in her nonage when she went there.


These included The Widdow Ranter (1690), two poems in "The Remaines of Aphra Behn" (1691), four poems in Gildon's miscellanies (1692 and 1694), four poems in The Muses' Mercury, a periodical of 1707-08, and eight letters in Briscoe's Familiar Letters of Love, Gallantry, and Other Occasions (1718).


The Unfortunate Bride, The Unhappy Mistake, The Wandring Beauty, The Dumb Virgin, and The Unfortunate Happy Lady appeared first as pamphlets and in 1700 in a volume called Histories, Novels, and Translations (not in Wing; copies at Yale, British Museum, Library of Congress).


See Told in Letters, pp. 78-83; Woodcock, pp. 164-165; Hargreaves, pp. 212-214.


Summers, V, 18, 59.