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Page 219


Seefeldstrasse 54. (par terre), Zurich, Switzerland.
Dear Mr. Joyce,

Mr. Huebsch has now signed the contract for the publication of "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", and I have pleasure in sending you, herewith, the counterpart for your signature. Will you kindly let me have it back as soon as possible? I also enclose a cheque for £8: 16s: being the amount due to you as shown by the enclosed account.

[Encl. 998]  London. January 5 1917 
James Joyce Esq. 
br By  Cash received from B.W. Huebsch % roys. "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"  10 
Dr. To  10% commission 
Cablegram to Huebsch 
£  16 