University of Virginia Library


Page 155


Dear Mr. Joyce,

We will certainly try to bring your book out before the end of May; and you can have as many copies as you require over and above the 120 at the same price.

I thought it possible that it might have been by your wish that the printer treated dialogue in the way he did, and I gave much consideration to the matter. I am sure it is a mistake to present a new book by a writer not well known in the way that in this respect you would prefer. Let us do nothing to hinder the possible reader.

I am glad to have your fresh assurance in regard to possible libel actions. I confess that even when I grant your suggestion that the intention was to weary you out, I cannot divine the motive. Sincerely yours,

This was mailed with a note from E. P. Hemmerde to the effect that G. R. had left town without signing the agreement.