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1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
- ALTICK, R.D., and WRIGHT, ANDREW, Selective Bibliography for the Study of English and American Literature , New York, Macmillan, 1960. xii,138 p.[2337]
- BEATTY, ARTHUR, The Arthur Beatty Wordsworth Collection Given . . . to the University of Wisconsin , Univ. of Wisconsin Memorial Library, 1960. 16 p.[2338]
- BENKOVITZ, M.J., Ronald Firbank in Periodicals, PBSA , 54:295-7.[2339]
- BLISS, C.S., Further Notes for the Moxon Census, Printing & Graphic Arts (1959):7:110-11.(Supplements B1437.)[2340]
- BRITISH MUSEUM, Dickens: An Excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum , London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1960. 72 p.[2341]
- BROWN UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, William Morris and the Kelmscott Press: An Exhibition . . . To Which Is Appended an Address by Philip C. Duschnes , Providence, Brown University Library, 1960. iii,48 p.[2342]
- BÜRGIN, HANS, with REICHART, W.A., and NEUMANN, ERICH, Das Werk Thomas Manns. Eine Bibliographie , Frankfurt, S. Fischer Verlag, 1959. 320 p.[2343]
- CAMERON, W.J., John Dryden in New Zealand: An Account of Early Editions . . . Found in Various Libraries throughout New Zealand. Together with a List of English Books in the University of Auckland Printed before 1700 and a List of Early Maori Publications in the Private Collection of Mr. G. C. Petersen , Wellington Library School, 1960. 32 p.(Libr. School Bull., No. 1.)[2344]
- The CARLTON Shorthand Library, TLS , April 22, 1960, p. 264.[2345]
- CARNIE, R.H., Scottish Printers and Booksellers, 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (I), SB , 14:81-96[2346]
- CARR, Sister M.C., Catalogue of the Dickens Collection at the University of Texas Austin, Humanities Research Center, 1960. x,195 p.[2347]
- [CARTER, H.G.] Proposals in the John Johnson Collection [at the University Press, Oxford]: Chronological List of Proposals for English Books up to 1800 , Oxford, Univ. Press, 1960. 21 p. Additions, Jan.1961, 5 p.[2348]
- CARTER, JOHN, and SCOTT, J.W., A.E. Housman: Catalogue of an Exhibition on the Centenary of His Birth , Univ. College London, 1959. 35 p.[2349]
- CHRIST, J.F., The Fiction of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , New York, Privately Printed, 1960. 34 p.[2350]
- CRAIG, HARDIN, Jr., A Bibliography of Encyclopedias and Dictionaries Dealing with Military, Naval, and Maritime Affairs, 1626-1959 , Houston, Fondren Libr., Rice Univ., 1960. ii,40,v p.(Mimeographed)[2351]
- DIAZ, DANIEL, Sean O'Casey: A Bibliography , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2352]
- DOBSON, A.T.A., University of London Library. Catalogue of the Collection of the Works of Austin Dobson (1840-1921) , Univ. of London, 1960. 62 p.[2353]
- DONKIN, W.C., Catalogue of the Gertrude Bell Collection in the Library of King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne , The Univ. Libr. 1960. 64 p.(Publ. No. 1)[2354]
- GARDNER, HELEN, Donne Mss. for the Bodleian [The “Dowden” manuscript of the poems and the “Dowden” and “Merton” manuscripts of the sermons], TLS , March 11, 1960, p. 168.[2355]
- GEORGE, A.J., Books by Balzac , Syracuse Univ. Press, 1960. 90 p.[2356]
- GILMOUR, J.S.L., Julian Hibbert, 1800-1834 (Some Uncollected Authors, XXVI), Book Collector , 9:446-51.[2357]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, Thomas Paine Fights for Freedom in Three Worlds: The New, the Old, the Next. Catalogue of an Exhibition Commemorating the One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of His Death. Yale Univ. Libr, October 1959 , Proceedings , American Antiquarian Society, 70:397-492.[2358]
- GORDAN, J.D., Landmarks in English Literature , New York Public Libr., 1960. 25 p.(Brief list without comment published in BNYPL, 64:105-9.)[2359]
- GOTLIEB, H.B., William Beckford of Fonthill . . . 1860-1844: A Brief Narrative and Catalogue of an Exhibition , Yale Univ. Libr., 1960. 100 p.[2360]
- GUSTAFSON, M.T., Rosamond Lehmann: A Bibliography, Twentieth Century Literature , 4 (1959):143-7.[2361]
- HANCOCK, P.D., “Books and Printing,” in Vol. 2, at pp. 91-101 of his Bibliography of Works relating to Scotland, 1916-1950, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1959-60. 2 vols.[2362]
- HANDLEY-TAYLOR, GEOFFREY, John Masefield, O.M. . . . A Bibliography and Eighty-first Birthday Tribute , London, Cranbrook Tower Press, 1960. 96 p.[2363]
- HOUGHTON, W.E., The Prose Works of Arthur Hugh Clough: A Checklist and Calendar, with Some Unpublished Passages, BNYPL , 64:377-94.[2364]
- HOWARD, A.K., Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau in Eighteenth-Century Scotland: A Check List of Editions and Translations of Their Works Published in Scotland before 1801, Bibliotheck , 2:40-63.[2365]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, Borrowings from the Bristol Library, 1773-1784 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1960. 138 p.[2366]
- KENNEDY, A.G., and SANDS, D.B., A Concise Bibliography for Students of English , Stanford Univ. Press, 1960. 467 p.[2367]
- KEOUGH, L.C., George Bernard Shaw, 1946-1955: A Selected Bibliography, [Part I: Plays and Novels; Essays; Letters], Bull. of Bibl. , 22 (1959):224-6.[2368]
- KEYNES, G.L., Addendum to “The Library of William Cowper” (Trans. 3:47-69), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:167.[2369]
- KEYNES, G.L., A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960. xxiv,116 p.[2370]
- LASLETT, PETER, John Locke's Books and Papers for His Own University [Mr. Paul Mellon's gift to Oxford], TLS , March 11, 1960, p. 168.[2371]
- LONG, PHILIP, A Summary Catalogue of the Lovelace Collection of the Library of John Locke in the Bodleian Library , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1959. xii, 64 p.(Publins., n.s., 8)[2372]
- McBURNEY, W.H., A Check List of English Prose Fiction, 1700-1739 , Harvard Univ. Press, 1960. 154 p.[2373]
- McKENZIE, D.F., The Writings of Sir Walter Greg, 1945-59, Library , 5th ser., 15:42-6.[2374]
- MANCHESTER, Eng. PUBLIC FREE LIBRARIES. REFERENCE LIBRARY, Subject Catalogue, Section 094: Private Press Books. Part I — , Edited by Sidney Horrocks, Manchester Libraries Committee, 1959-.[2375]
- MITCHELL, P.M., A Bibliography of English Imprints of Denmark through 1900 , Lawrence, Univ. of Kansas Libraries, 1960. vi,85 p.(Univ. of Kansas Publns. Libr. Series, No. 8[2376]
- MOLINARO, J.A., PARKER, J.H., and RUGG, EVELYN, A Bibliography of Comedies Sueltas in the University of Toronto Library , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1959. x,149 p.[2377]
- MOORE, J.R., A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe , Indiana Univ. Press, 1960. xviii,254 p.(Indiana Univ. Humanities Ser., No. 47)[2378]
- MUNTER, R.L., A Hand-List of Irish Newspapers, 1685-1750 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1960. xiii,36 p.(Cambridge Bibl. Soc. Monograph No. 4)[2379]
- PATTON, I.R., Rebecca West: A Biobibliography , Thesis, Florida State Univ., 1959.[2380]
- PINTO, V.deS., D. H. Lawrence after Thirty Years, 1930-1960: Catalogue of an Exhibition Held in the Art Gallery of the University of Nottingham , [Curwen Press for the Univ., 1960] 56 p., 7 plates.[2381]
- POLLARD, GRAHAM, John Meade Falkner, 1858-1932 (Some Uncollected Authors, XXV), Book Collector , 9:318-25.[2382]
- ROTA, BERTRAM, The Printed Work of Arthur Rackham, pp. 164-81, in Arthur Rackham , by Derek Hudson, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1960.[2383]
- SALLANDER, HANS, Die Bodoni-Samlung in der Kgl. Universitätsbibliothek, Libri , 10:271-91.[2384]
- SLOOG, MAURICE, Checklist of the First French Editions of the Works of Jules Verne, Antiquarian Bookman , 25:1291.[2385]
- STOTT, R.T., The Writings of W. Somerset Maugham. 1961 Supplement , London, Bertram Rota Ltd., 1960. 20 p.[2386]
- TAYLOR, SAMUEL, and RAMAGE, DAVID, The Ancient Library in Cartmel Priory Church , 2d ed., Durham, Univ. Libr., 1959. 4o p.[2387]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, An Exhibition on the Occasion of the Opening of the Ellery Queen Collection , [Austin], Univ. of Texas, 1959. 27 p.[2388]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, An Exhibition on the Occasion of the Opening of the T. E. Hanley Library , [Austin], Univ. of Texas, 1958. 16 p.[2389]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, The Glenn Hughes Drama and Imagist Poetry Collection , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1959. 14 p.[2390]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, A Splore in Honor of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 1759-1959 , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1959. 15 p.[2391]
- THOMAS, A.G., and POWELL, L.C., Lawrence Durrell. Recollections of a Durrell Collector (Some Uncollected Authors, XXIII), Book Collector , 9:56-63.[2392]
- TORONTO. PUBLIC LIBRARY, A Bibliography of Canadiana: First Supplement . . . Edited by Gertrude M. Boyle, Assisted by Marjorie Colbeck, Toronto, The Library, 1959. 333 p.[2393]
- VULPIUS, WOLFGANG, Schiller Bibliographie, 1893-1958 , Weimar, Arion Verlag, 1959. 569 p.[2394]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Addenda to James Joyce Bibliography, 1954-1957. I. Miscellaneous Writings, James Joyce Rev. , 1:3:3-6.[2395]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, A Checklist of A. E. Housman's Writings in Latin, PBSA , 54:188-90.[2396]
- WILLIAMS, F.B., Jr., Addendum to “The Library of Bryan Rowe” (Trans. II, 339-51), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:167[2397]


B. United States
- ADERMAN, R.M., Contributors to the American Quarterly Review, 1827-1833, SB , 14:163-76.[2398]
- BALLENTINE, NELLE, A Bibliographical Checklist of Knoxville and Memphis Imprints, 1867-1876, with an Introductory Essay on the Knoxville and Memphis Press , Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1960. 117 p.(Kentucky Microcards. Series A, No. 47)[2399]
- BARLOW, W.P., Jr., The Allen Press — A Bibliography, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:34-41.[2400]
- BELLIS, GENEVIEVE, A Preliminary Checklist of Non-official Imprints in Indiana, 1854-1863, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2401]
- BENDER, J.T., Of the Making of Many Books—Taylor & Taylor Since 1933 [with a Selected Checklist], Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:75-83.[2402]
- BENDER, J.T., The Publications of the Westgate Press [of Oscar Lewis], 1929-32, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:54-60.[2403]
- BLANCK, JACOB, Artemus Ward His Book, 1862 [by Charles Farrar Browne. Additions to Bibl. of American Literature, No. 1524], PBSA , 54:121-5.[2404]
- BODE, CARL, Thoreau's Manuscript Poems in Private Hands, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 14(1st quart. 1959):17-8.[2405]
- BURTON, A.G., A Catalogue of the Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress , Libr. of Congress, 1960. 498 p.[2406]
- CASPER, LEONARD, Checklist of Warren's writings, p. 201-8, in his Robert Penn Warren , Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 1960.[2407]
- CHAFEY, S.J., A Checklist of Taunton, Massachusetts, Imprints for the Years 1810-1880, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2408]
- CONNOLLY, T.L., A Revised Essay toward a Bibliography of Francis Thompson's Book Reviews and Literary Criticisms Contributed to Periodicals, pp. 353-98 in The Real Robert Louis Stevenson, and Other Critical Essays , by Francis Thompson, New York, for Boston College by University Publishers, 1959.[2409]
- COWDEN, LAURA, A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for Davenport, Iowa, for the Years 1860-70, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2410]
- CRAWFORD, LEILA, A Checklist of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints for the Years 1801-76, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2411]
- DAVIS, C.C., Wise Words from Virginia: The Published Writings of John S. Wise, of the Eastern Shore and New York City, PBSA , 54:273-85.[2412]
- DeBELLIS, JACK, An Andrew Nelson Lytle Check List, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Va., No. 46. 15 p.[2413]
- DURHAM, PHILIP, and MASTANOJA, T.F., American Fiction in Finland: An Essay and Bibliography , Helsinki, Société Néophilologique, 1960. 202 p.(Mémoires, XXIV)[2414]
- FIRMAGE, G.J., E. E. Cummings: A Bibliography , Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1960. ix,129 p.[2415]
- GARDINER, C.H., William Hickling Prescott: An Annotated Bibliography of Published Works , Washington, Libr. of Congress, 1958[i.e. 1959], xvi,275 p.(Hispanic Foundation Bibl. Ser. No. 4)[2416]
- GRISCOM, JOAN, Bibliography of Caroline Gordon, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 1(1956):1:74-8.[2417]
- HAGEMANN, E.R., and DURHAM, P.C., James M. Cain, 1922-1958: A Selected Checklist, Bull.of Bibl. , 23:57-61.[2418]
- HANCOCK, EVA, A Checklist of Providence, Rhode Island, Imprints for the Years 1842-53, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2419]
- HEARD, J.N., Bookman's Guide to Americana , New York Scarecrow Press, 1960. 407 p.[2420]
- HOLLOWAY, JEAN, Chronology of Major Garland Publications, pp. 314-32, in her Hamlin Garland, A Biography , Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1960.[2421]
- HORINE, E.F., Biographical Sketch and Guide to the Writings of Charles Caldwell, M.D. (1772-1853) , Brooks, Ky., High Acres Press, 1960. viii,155 p.[2422]
- HUTCHINSON, W.H., A Bar Cross Liar, Bibliography of Eugene Manlove Rhodes , Stillwater, Oklahoma, Redlands Press, 1959. xiv,95 p.[2423]
- JOHNSON, E.D., Of Time and Thomas Wolfe: A Bibliography with a Character Index of His Works , New York, Scarecrow Press, 1959. 226 p.[2424]
- KAPLAN, LOUIS, with COOK, J.T., COLBY, C.E., Jr., and HASKELL, D.C., A Bibliography of American Autobiographies [through 1944], Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1960. 372 p.[2425]
- KASER, DAVID, Arthur L. Kaser [1890-1956]: Gag Man for the Amateur [With a Checklist of His Published Works, Books at Brown , 18:94-115.[2426]
- KORN, B.W., Benjamin Levy: New Orleans Printer and Publisher [with a bibliography of his imprints, 1817-1841, and of those of Alexander Levy, 1840-186?], PBSA , 54:221-64.[2427]
- LAURENCE, D.H., Robert Nathan, a Bibliography , Yale Univ. Libr., 1960. xi,97 p.[2428]
- LEE, R.E., The Easy Chair Essays of Bernard DeVoto, Bull of Bibl. 23:64-9.[2429]
- LO, ANNA, A Checklist of Maine Imprints for the Years 1836-37, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2430]
- LOWENS, IRVING, The American Songster before 1821: A List of Incomplete and Unlocated Titles, PBSA , 54:61-9.[2431]
- MERIWETHER, J.B., A James Gould Cozzens Check List, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 1(1958):3:57-63.[2432]
- MERIWETHER, J.B., The Literary Career of William Faulkner. Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Princeton University Library, PULC , 21:111-64.[2433]
- MISSAR, CHARLES, A Checklist of Ohio Imprints for the Years 1821-25, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2434]
- OLMSTED, D.H., Windsor Press Checklist, San Francisco, 1924-1943, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 26:7-16, 33-6.[2435]
- PARKER, JOHN, The James Ford Bell Collection: A List of Additions, 1955-1959 , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1960. 217 p.[2436]
- PAYNE, M.H., Dorothy Canfield Fisher: Bio-bibliography , Thesis, Florida State Univ., 1959.[2437]
- PEQUOT LIBRARY, Southport, Conn., Catalogue of the Monroe, Wakeman, and Holman Collection . . . Deposited in the Yale University Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1960. 522 p.[2438]
- PORTER, B.H., The First Publications of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Twentieth Century Literature , 5:176-82.[2439]
- PORTER, B.H., H. L. Mencken: A Bibliography, Twentieth Century Literature , 4(1958):100-7.[2440]
- PULLIAM, MARJORIE, A Checklist of California Imprints for the Years 1861 and 1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2441]
- QUESENBERY, W.D., Jr., Ellen Glasgow: a Critical Bibliography — Part II, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:230-6.[2442]
- RANDALL, D.A., The J. K. Lilly Collection of Edgar Allan Poe, Indiana Univ. Bookman , No. 4:46-58.[2443]
- SCHNEIDER, H.W., Two Bibliographies: Saul Bellow; William Styron, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 3:3:71-91.[2444]
- SCHWEINFURTH, EDNA, A Checklist of Cleveland, Ohio, Imprints for 1861 through 1865, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2445]
- SHEEHY, E.P., and LOHF, K.A., Sherwood Anderson: A Bibliography , Los Gatos, Calif., Talisman Press, 1960. 125 p.[2446]
- SPEAR, D.N., Bibliography of American Directories through 1860 , Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 1960. 389 p.[2447]
- STARK, L.M., and COLE, M.D., Checklist of Additions to Evans' American Bibliography in the Rare Book Division of The New York Public Library , New York Public Libr., 1960. xii,110 p.[2448]
- STEMPLE, RUTH, Kenneth Roberts: A Supplementary Check-List [to that of George Albert in Bull. of Bibl., 17:9 & 10, 18:1 & 2, 1942 and 1943], Bull. of Bibl. , 22(1959):228-30.[2449]
- STREETER, T.W., Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845. Part III: United States and European Imprints , Harvard Univ. Press, 1960. 2 vols.[2450]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES CENTER, Sinclair Lewis: An Exhibition from the Grace Hegger Lewis — Sinclair Lewis Collection , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1960. 28 p.[2451]
- TOWNSEND, DOROTHEA, A Checklist of Official and Non-official Imprints of the District of Columbia for the Years 1800 and 1801, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2452]
- VAMBERY, JOSEPH, A Checklist of Rhode Island Imprints from 1846 through 1847, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2453]
- VERNER, MATHILDA, A Checklist of Vermont Imprints from 1869 through 1872, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2454]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: Oliver Wendell Holmes; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works, . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Anita Rutman and Lucy Clark, the Manuscripts by Marjorie Carver, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. 109 p.[2455]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: Robinson Jeffers; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Anita Rutman and Lucy Clark, the Manuscripts by Marjorie Carver, Charlottesville, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. 109 p.[2456]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: W. D. Howells; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Fannie Mae Elliott and Lucy Clark, Charlottesville, Univ. of Va. Press, 1959. 68 p.[2457]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, John Henry Ingram's Poe Collection at the University of Virginia . By John Carl Miller, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. xlix,397 p.[2458]
- WEDGE, G.F., Two Bibliographies: Flannery O'Connor; J. F. Powers, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 2:2:59-70.[2459]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Frank Norris: Bibliographical Addenda, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:227-8(Sept.-Dec. 1959) (Additions to Lohf and Sheehy, B1855.)[2460]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Karl Shapiro: A Bibliography , Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1960. 113 p.[2461]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, W. D. Snodgrass: A Bibliography , Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1960. 32 p.[2462]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Walt Whitman's Short Stories: Two Addenda, PBSA , 54:126(Adds to B1572)[2463]
- WILKINS, OTTO, A Checklist of Maine Imprints from 1844 through 1846, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2464]
- WILKINSON, B.R., The Thomas Wolfe Collection of the University of North Carolina Library , Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1960.[2465]
- WILLGING, E.P., and HATZFELD, HERTA, Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in Tennessee, Records of the American Catholic Hist. Soc. of Philadelphia , 70:18-31(March, June, 1959)[2466]
- WILLGING, E.P., Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in the United States; a Descriptive Bibliography and Union List. Second Series , Washington, Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1959 — Part One —(Earlier lists in the Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia.)[2467]
- WOODALL, NANCY, A Checklist of New Haven, Connecticut, Imprints for the Years 1817 through 1819, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2468]
- WOODBRIDGE, H.C., Jesse Stuart: A Bibliography , Lincoln Memorial Univ. Press, 1960. xxviii,74 p.[2469]
- WU, JOAN, A Checklist of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Imprints for the Years 1857 through 1861, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2470]
- ZEKE, ZOLTAN, A Checklist of Vermont Imprints for the Years 1860 through 1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2471]




2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- AVIS, F.C., The Star Chamber and Its Regulation of the English Printing, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1960):233-6.[2472]
- BARBER, GILES, Catchwords and Press Figures at Home and Abroad, Book Collector , 9:301-7.[2473]
- BARBER, GILES, J. J. Tourneisen of Basle and the Publication of English Books on the Continent c. 1800, Library , 5th ser., 15:193-200.[2474]
- BARBER, GILES, Poems, by Robert Southey, Bodleian Libr. Record , 6:620-4.[2475]
- BARKER, N. J., Some Notes on the Bibliography of William Hayley: Part I, Part II, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:103-112, 167-76.[2476]
- BARNETT, G.L., Charles Lamb's Part in an Edition of Hogarth, MLQ , 20(1959):315-20.(Responsible for inclusion of Hazlitt's essay in 1833 ed. of Hogarth.)[2477]
- BARROLL, J.L., Scarrus and the Scarred Soldier [in Antony and Cleopatra], HLQ , 22(1958):31-9.[2478]
- BATHO, G.R., The Library of the “Wizard” Earl: Henry Percy, Ninth Earl of Northumberland (1564-1632), Library , 5th ser., 15:246-61.[2479]
- BAUGH, A.C., A Medieval Survival in Elizabethan Punctuation, pp. 1-15, Studies in English Renaissance Drama , edited by J. W. Bennett, and others, New York Univ. Press. 1959.[2480]
- BEATY, JEROME, “Middlemarch” from Notebook to Novel; A Study of George Eliot's Creative Method , Univ. of Illinois Press, 1960. ix,134 p.(Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 47)[2481]
- BENTLEY, G.E., Jr., Additions to Blake's Library, BNYPL , 64:595-605.(Adds to list in B1978)[2482]
- BENTLEY, G.E., Jr., Thomas Taylor's Biography, SB , 14:234-6.[2483]
- BERGONZI, BERNARD, The Publication of The Time Machine 1894-5, R.E.S. , n.s. 11: 42-51.[2484]
- BERRY, L.E., Giles Fletcher the Elder's Licia , Library , 5th ser., 15:133-4.[2485]
- BERRY, L.E., Thomas Charde, Printer and Bookseller, Library , 5th ser., 15:57-8.[2486]
- BERRY, L.E., Three Poems by Giles Fletcher, the Elder in “Poemata Varii Argumenti” (1678), N.&Q. , 204(1959):132-4.[2487]
- BEVINGTON, M.M., Three Letters of Robert Browning to the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette , MLN , 75:304-9.[2488]
- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes & Queries, Book Collector , 9:64-80, 188-205, 326-33, 452-8. Including: F. N. L. Poynter, Boerhaave's Elementa Chemiae, 1732, p. 64; Arthur Rau, The First Edition of Molière's Sganarelle, p. 68-71; R. F. Lane, Count MacCarthy-Reâh and Bodoni, p. 72-5; Geoffrey Keynes, Blake's Holy Thursday in Anne and Jane Taylor's City Scenes, p. 75-6; Simon Nowell-Smith, Tennyson's In Memoriam 1850, p. 76-7; E. A .Osborne, The First Edition of On the Origin of Species, p. 77-8; W. B. Todd, Variant Issues of On the Origin of Species, 1859, p. 78; Bent Juel-Jensen, Three Lost Drayton Items, p. 78-9; C. J. Stratman, [Thomson's] Tancred and Sigismunda, p. 188; J. C. T. Oates, A Bookseller's Donation-Label [George Hutton's], p. 192-5; W. B. Todd, Whitehead's State Dunces, 1733, p. 195; Arthur Rau, An Annotated MacCarthy-Reagh Catalogue, p. 196-8; D. M. Walmsley, Unrecorded Article by T. S. Eliot, p. 198-9; John Carter, Betjemaniana, p. 199; D. A. Randall, The First American Edition of the Brontës' Poems, p. 199-201; Seymour Adelman, on the same subject, p. 201; W. B. Todd, D. G. Rossetti's Early Italian Poets, 1861, p. 329-31; E. Offenbacher, An Annotated MacCarthy-Reagh Catalogue, p. 452; John Carter, Betjemiana, p. 452; J. S. G. Simmons, Early Editions of Giordano Bruno in Leningrad, p. 453; Anne O'Donovan, Sale Catalogue of Defoe's Library, p. 454-5; Alan D. McKillop, Giffard's Pamela. A Comedy, p. 455-6; D. A. Randall, Housman Manuscripts, p. 456; D. A. Randall, A Shropshire Lad with a Variant Title-Page, p. 458, 459.[2489]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, Roger and Thomas Payne: with Some Account of Their Earlier Bindings, Library , 5th ser., 15:33-41.[2490]
- BLACKIE, A.A.C., Blackie & Son, 1809-1959 , London & Glasgow, Blackie, 1960. viii,66 p.[2491]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Stationers' Company, A History, 1403-1959 , London, Allen & Unwin, 1960. 321 p.[2492]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Thomas Carnan and the Almanack Monopoly [of the Stationers' Company], SB , 14:23-43.[2493]
- BLAIR, WALTER, Mark Twain & Huck Finn, Univ. of California Press, 1960. xvi,436 p. Reviewed by Jacob Blanck, Antiquarian Bookman , 26:No. 22:1931-5.[2494]
- BLOOMFIELD, B.C., Notes and Corrections on “The Making of the Auden Canon,” by J. W. Beach, N.&Q. , 204 (1959):227-8.[2495]
- BLUHM, HEINZ, The Newberry “Goetheana”: A Preliminary Report on the Chicago Find, Newberry Libr. Bull. , 5:173-86.(Reprinted from English Goethe Soc. Pubns., 28(1959).)[2496]
- BOLTON, J.S.G., Wear and Tear as Factors in the Textual History of the Quarto Version of King Lear , SQ , 11:427-38.[2497]
- BOWERS, R.H., Some Early Apostrophes to Printing, PBSA , 54:113-5.[2498]
- BRAMMER, M.M., The Manuscript of The Professor [of Charlotte Brontë], R.E.S. , n.s., 11:157-70.[2499]
- BRETT, PHILIP, and DART, THURSTON, Songs by William Byrd in Manuscripts at Harvard, HLB , 14:343-65.[2500]
- BRIGANCE, W.N., Memorandum of the 1761 Edition of James Burgh The Art of Speaking , Quart. Journ. of Speech , 45(1959):440-1.[2501]
- BROWN, L.A., Map Making, the Art That Became a Science , Boston, Little, Brown, 1960. 217 p.[2502]
- BROWN, T.J., Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-1861, and Robert Browning, 1812-1889 (English Literary Autographs XXXV), Book Collector , 9:317.[2503]
- BROWN, T.J., John Bunyan, 1628-1688 (English Literary Autographs XXXIII), Book Collector , 9:53-5.[2504]
- BROWN, T.J., John Keats, 1795-1821 (English Literary Autographs XXXVI), Book Collector , 9:445.[2505]
- BROWN, T.J., Thomas De Quincey, 1785-1859 (English Literary Autographs XXXIV), Book Collector , 9:179.[2506]
- BRUCCOLI, M.J., A Mirror for Bibliographers: Duplicate Plates in Modern Printing, PBSA , 54:83-8.[2507]
- BRUCCOLI, M.J., and RHEAULT, C.A., Jr., Imposition Figures and Plate Gangs in The Rescue [by Joseph Conrad], SB , 14:258-62.[2508]
- BRYANT, J.H., John Reynolds of Exeter and His Canon, Library , 5th ser., 15:105-117.[2509]
- BUTLER, FRANCELIA, John Penkethman's Pseudonymous Plague Works, 1625-1636, Studies in Philology , 57:622-33.[2510]
- BUXTON, JOHN, On the Date of Syr P. S. His Astrophel and Stella . . . Printed for Matthew Lownes, Bodleian Libr. Record , 6:614-16.[2511]
- CAIRNCROSS, A.S., Pembroke's Men and Some Shakespearian Piracies, SQ , 11:335-49.[2512]
- CALDWELL, W.E., A Christopher Smart Attribution, N.&Q. 204(1959):411.(A Masonic poem by Brother C. Smart, A.M.)[2513]
- CAREY, JOHN, The Poems of Nicholas Hare, R.E.S. , n.s., 11:365-83.[2514]
- CARNIE, R.H., Publishing in Perth before 1807 , Dundee, George E. Findlay and Co., for Abertay Hist. Soc., 1960. 39 p.(Pubns. of the Abertay Hist. Soc., No. 6)[2515]
- CARTER, JOHN, William Ged and the Invention of Stereotype, Library , 5th ser., 15:161-92.[2516]
- CAVE, RODERICK, In Blake's Tradition: the Press of Ralph Chubb, Amer. Book Collector , 11:2:8-17.[2517]
- CHAMBERS, R.D., Addison at Work on the Spectator , MP , 56(1959):145-53.[2518]
- CLAIR, COLIN, Christopher Plantin , London, Cassell & Co., 1960. xvi,302 p.[2519]
- CLARKE, ALISON, Jean Loiseau de Tourval: a Huguenot Translator in England, 1603-31, Proceedings of the Huguenot Soc. of London , 20(1959):36-59.[2520]
- CLAYTON, THOMAS, Sir John Suckling and the Cranfields, TLS , January 29, 1960, p. 68.[2521]
- COHEN, I.B., Versions of Isaac Newton's First Published Paper. With Remarks on the Question of Whether Newton Planned to Publish an Edition of His Early Papers on Light, Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences , 11(1958):357-75.[2522]
- COLEMAN, D.C., Studies in the Society's Archives. V: Premiums for Paper: The Society and the Early Paper Industry, Jour. Royal Soc. of Arts , 107(1959):361-5.[2523]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, Gibbon and the Authorship of Junius, N.&Q. , 204(1959):414.[2524]
- CORSON, J.C., A Supplementary Note on The Border Antiquities , Bibliotheck , 3:15-23.(Reviews findings in his earlier article, Bibliotheck, 1(1957):23-6 and W. B. Todd's SB, 9(1957):244-51. Attributed to Scott.)[2525]
- CRAIG, HARDIN, Criticism of Dramatic Texts, pp. 3-8 in Studies in Honor of T. W. Baldwin , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1958.[2526]
- CRAIG, HARDIN, Revised Elizabethan Quartos: An Attempt to Form a Class, pp. 43-57 in Studies in English Renaissance Drama , ed. by J. W. Bennett and others, New York Univ. Press, 1959.[2527]
- CRAIG, HARDIN, Textual Degeneration of Elizabethan and Stuart Plays, Rice Institute Pamphlet , 46:No.4:71-84.[2528]
- CUTTS, J.P., The Marlowe Canon, N.&Q. , 204(1959):71-4.[2529]
- DANCHIN, PIERRE, The Text of Gulliver's Travels , Texas Studies in Literature and Language , 2:233-50.[2530]
- DANKS, K.B., The Bibliographical and Psychological Fallacies in Pollard's Second Proposition [as to entry in the Stationers' Register], N.&Q. , 204(1959):439-40.[2531]
- DARLEY, L.S., Bookbinding, Then and Now; a Survey of the First Hundred and Seventy-eight Years of James Burn & Company , London, Faber & Faber, 1959. 126 p.[2532]
- DAWSON, G.E., Guide-Lines in Small Formats (about 1600), SB , 14:206-8.[2533]
- DAWSON, G.E., Robert Walker's Editions of Shakespeare, pp. 58-81 in Studies in the English Renaissance Drama , ed. by J. W. Bennett, and others, New York Univ. Press, 1959.[2534]
- DICKEY, FRANKLIN, The Old Man [John Payne Collier] at Work: Forgeries in the Stationers' Registers, SQ , 11:39-47.[2535]
- DICKINS, BRUCE, Further Addenda to “S. P. Widnall” (Trans. II, 366-372, and III, 95), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:176-8.[2536]
- DODSON, D.B., Blurt, Master Constable [by Dekker not Middleton], N.&Q. , 204 (1959):61-5.[2537]
- DOOLITTLE, JAMES, From Hack to Editor — Diderot and the Booksellers, MLN , 75:133-9.(Work on the Encyclopédie)[2538]
- DREW, F.B., John Masefield and the Manchester Guardian , PQ , 37(Jan.1958):126-8.[2539]
- DUNLAP, J.R., The Typographical Shaw: G. B. S. and the Revival of Printing, BNYPL , 64:534-47.[2540]
- DUNLAP, RHODES, James I, Bacon, Middleton and the Making of The Peace-Maker , pp. 82-94 in Studies in the English Renaissance Drama , ed. by J. W. Bennett, and others, New York Univ. Press, 1959.[2541]
- DURLING, R.J., Two Unrecorded Edinburgh These of 1676 and 1680, Bibliotheck , 2:63-6.[2542]
- DUSTIN, J.E., The 1735 Dublin Edition of Swift's Poems , PBSA , 54:57-60.[2543]
- DYSON, GILLIAN, The Manuscripts and Proof Sheets of Scott's Waverley Novels, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 4:13-42.[2544]
- EAVES, T.C.D., and KIMPEL, B.D., The Publisher of Pamela and Its First Audience, BNYPL , 64:143-6.[2545]
- EAVES, T.C.D., and KIMPEL, B.D., Richardsoniana, SB , 14:232-4.[2546]
- EDELSTEIN, J.M., Two Autographs of a “Sienese Gentleman” [Blisario Bulgarini] in the Library of Congress, PBSA , 54:291-3.[2547]
- EDGERTON, W.L., The Calendar Year in Sixteenth-Century [English] Printing, JEGP , 59:439-49.[2548]
- EHRMAN, ALBERT, The Private Press and Publishing Activities of Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, Book Collector , 9:30-7.[2549]
- EKEBLAD, INGA-STINA, On the Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy , English Studies , 41:227-40.(Tourneur not Middleton)[2550]
- EMSLIE, MACDONALD, Two of Pepys's “Very Lewd Songs” in Print, Library , 5th ser., 15:291-3.(An addition to Library, 5th ser., 12(1957):240-55.)[2551]
- ERDMAN, D.V., WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, and WOOF, R.S., Unrecorded Coleridge Variants: Additions and Corrections [to SB 9(1958):143-62], SB , 14:236-45.[2552]
- EVANS, G.B., Garrick's “The Fairies” (1755): Two Editions, N.&Q. , 204 (1959):410-11.[2553]
- EVANS, G.B., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. I, Part 1, General Introduction, and Introduction to the Padua Macbeth; Part 2, Text of the Padua Macbeth, Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Va., 1960. 40;24 p.[2554]
- EVANS, G.B., The State of Milton's Text: The Prose, 1643-48, JEGP , 59:497-505.(Rev. of Vol. II of Ernest Sirluck's Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Yale Univ. Press, 1959.)[2555]
- FITZGERALD, M.H., Emendations to Wotton [in C. Day Lewis's ed. of Palgrave's Golden Treasury], TLS , December 23, 1960, p. 829.[2556]
- FLORY, C.R., The Plays of Charles Rogers, N.&Q. , 204(1959):102-3.[2557]
- FOGEL, E.G., A Possible Addition to the Sidney Canon, MLN , 75:389-94.[2558]
- FOGLE, S.F., Leigh Hunt's Autobiography: The Earliest Sketches. Edited with an Introduction and Notes , Gaines-ville, Florida, Univ. of Florida Monographs, 1959. xviii,53 p.[2559]
- FRIED, HARVEY, The Early Quartos of Brome's Northern Lasse , PBSA , 54:179-81.[2560]
- GERRITSEN, JOHAN, Stansby and Jonson Produce a Folio. A Preliminary Account, Eng. Studies , 40:52-5.[2561]
- GETTMANN, R.A., A Victorian Publisher. A Study of the Bentley Papers [1829-1898], Cambridge Univ. Press, 1960. xi,272 p.[2562]
- GLENDINNING, NIGEL, Spanish Books in England: 1800-1850, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:70-92.[2563]
- GOLDMAN, M.S., Izaak Walton and The Arte of Angling 1577, pp. 185-204 in Studies in Honor of T. W. Baldwin , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1958.[2564]
- GRASES, PEDRO, La Constitucion Federal de 1811 y su Impresor , Caracas, Imprenta Nacional, 1959. 15 p.(Reprinted from Boletín de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 42:No.167, Julio-Setiembre 1959)[2565]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Domingo Navas Spinola, Impresor, Editor y Autor , Madrid, Imprenta y Editorial Maestre, 1960. 154 p.[2566]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Nuevos Temas de Bibliografía y Cultura Venezolanas , Maracaibo, Venezuela, Universidad de Zulia, 1960. 379 p.[2567]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Rafael Maria Baralt, Notas y Bibliografia , Caracas, Separately reprinted from Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia , No. 169, Enero-Marzo 1960. p. 49-90.[2568]
- GREEN, D.B., Elizabeth Barrett and R. Shelton Mackenzie, SB , 14:245-50.[2569]
- GREEN, D.B., The First Publication of “The Spectre of the Real” [by Thomas Hardy], Library , 5th ser., 15:60-1.[2570]
- GREEN, J.B., One Hundred and Fifty Years of Papermaking by Hand , Maidstone, 1960. 27 p.[2571]
- GREENE, D.J., Some Notes on Johnson and The Gentleman's Magazine , PMLA , 74(1959):75-84.[2572]
- GROSSMANN, WALTER, Rilke and the Arabian Nights, with Two Unpublished Translations, HLB , 14:461-86.[2573]
- HABER, T.B., The War Memorial at Sudbury, Ontario [Lines by Kipling and Housman], PBSA , 54:186-8.[2574]
- HAIG, R.L., “The Gazetteer,” 1735-1797; a Study in the Eighteenth-century English Newspaper , Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1960. 335 p.[2575]
- HANDOVER, P.M., see Part I, No. 2196.
- HANSON, L.W., additional notes to his review of John Baskerville: A Bibliography, [by Philip Gaskell in Library, 5th ser., 15:135-43], Library , 5th ser., 15:201-6.[2576]
- HARBAGE, ALFRED, The Mystery of Perkin Warbeck, pp. 125-41 in Studies in the English Renaissance Drama , New York Univ. Press, 1959.[2577]
- HART, CLIVE, Notes on the Text of Finnegans Wake , JEGP , 59:229-39.[2578]
- HART, F.R., Proofreading Lockhart's Scott: The Dynamic of Biographical Reticence, SB , 14:3-22.[2579]
- HART, JEFFREY, Akenside's Revision of The Pleasures of Imagination , PMLA , 74(1959):67-74.[2580]
- HEDBERY, ARVID, Stockholms Bokbindare, 1460-1880, Vol. 2 (1700-1880), Stockholm, 1960. 331 p.(Nordiska Museets Handlingar 37; Vol. 1 (1949) was No. 36.)[2581]
- HEWSON, MICHAEL, Gogarty's Authorship of Blight , The Irish Book , 1:19-20.[2582]
- HILL, T.H., Elizabethan and Jacobean Printers' Use of the Tilde, N.&Q. , 204(1959):76-7.[2583]
- HOENIGER, F.D., How Significant Are Textual Parallels? A New Author for Pericles [John Day as a collaborator], SQ , 11:27-37.[2584]
- HOFER, PHILIP, Gravelot's Illustrations for La nouvelle Héloïse , HLB , 14:201-9.[2585]
- HOFER, PHILIP, Variant Issues of the First Edition of Ludovico Arrighi Vicentino's Operina , HLB , 14:334-42.[2586]
- HOOK, LUCYLE, Something More about Rochester, MLN , 75:478-85.[2587]
- HOY, CYRUS, The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (VI), SB , 14:45-67.[2588]
- HUGHEY, RUTH, ed., The Arundel Harington Manuscript of Tudor Poetry , Ohio State Univ. Press, 1960. 2 vols.[2589]
- JACKSON, W.A., The Curse of Erunulphus [The Pope's Dreadful Curse, London, 1681, and Sterne's Tristram Shandy], HLB , 14:392-4.[2590]
- JONES, H.W., Literary Problems in Seventeenth-Century Scientific Manuscripts, SB , 14:69-80.[2591]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, A Bookseller's Record of Eighteenth-century Book Clubs, Library , 5th ser., 15:278-87.(Records of Timothy Stevens.)[2592]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Eighteenth-Century Forerunner of the London Library [the London Library Society], PBSA , 54:89-100.[2593]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, Establishing Berkeley's Authorship of “Guardian” Papers, PBSA , 54:181-3.[2594]
- KEITH, SARA, Nineteenth-Century Anonyma: Some Identifications, N.&Q. , 204(1959):210-12.[2595]
- KELLEY, MAURICE, First Editions of Milton's “Literae,” TLS , April 29, 1960, p. 273.[2596]
- KENNEDY, D. and McLOCHLAIN, A., The Journals of the House of Commons, an Important Source of Irish Papermaking History, Paper Maker , 29:No.1:27-36.[2597]
- KEUNING, JOHANNES, Blaeu's Atlas , Imago Mundi , 14:74-89.[2598]
- KILGOUR, F.G., Harvey Manuscripts, PBSA , 54:177-9.[2599]
- KIRSCHBAUM, LEO, Jonson, Seneca and Mortimer , pp. 9-22 in Studies in Honor of John Wilcox , Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1958.[2600]
- KLEPIKOV, S.A., Filigrani I Shtempeli [Watermarks and Stamps in Paper of Russian and Foreign Production of the XVII-XXCentury], Moscow, All-Union Book Chamber, 1959. 306 p.[2601]
- KOLB, G.J., and SLEDD, J.H., The History of the Sneyd-Gimbel and Pigott-British Museum Copies of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary , PBSA , 54:286-9.[2602]
- LANDON, CAROL, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the Morning Post: An Early Version of “The Seven Sisters,” R.E.S. , n.s., 11:392-402.[2603]
- LAURENCE, D.H., G.B.S. and the [Pall Mall] Gazette: A Bibliographical Study, Shaw Rev. , 3:3:20-6.[2604]
- LAWLIS, M.E. Introduction and notes in his ed. of The Novels of Thomas Deloney , Indiana Univ. Press, 1960. 462 p.[2605]
- LE FANU, W.R., Thomas Vaultrollier, Printer and Bookseller, Proc. of the Huguenot Soc. of London , 20(1959):12-25.[2606]
- LEEDS, JACOB, Two Notes on Johnson and The Gentleman's Magazine , PBSA , 54:101-10.[2607]
- LEGMAN, G., Pills to Purge Melancholy: A Bibliographical Note, Midwest Folklore , 9(1959):89-102.[2608]
- LINE, MAURICE, Blue Dye in English Paper, 1780-1830, N.&Q. , 204(1959):240-2.[2609]
- LOADES, D.M., The Authorship and Publication of The Copye of a Letter Sent by John Bradforth to the Right Honorable Lordes the Erles of Arundel, Darbie, Shrewsbury and Penbroke, (S.T.C. 3480), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc., 3:155-60.[2610]
- McDONALD, T.W., The Echániz Press: America's First Printing Press, Quarterly News Letter , Book Club and California, 25(1959):3-9.[2611]
- MACKANNES, GEORGE, Australian Private Presses, Amer. Book Collector , 10:6:18-32.[2612]
- McKENZIE, D.F., The Author of Tables for Purchasing Leases Attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, Trans. Camb. Bibl. Soc. , 3:165-6.(By George Mabbut.)[2613]
- McKENZIE, D.F., Notes on Printing at Cambridge c. 1590, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:96-103.[2614]
- McKENZIE, D.F., Press-Figures: A Case History of 1701-1703, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:32-46.[2615]
- McKENZIE, D.F., Printers' Perks: Paper Windows and Copy Money, Library , 5th ser., 15:288-91.[2616]
- McKENZIE, D.F., Two Bills for Printing, 1620-2 [one from Thomas Snodham and one from Felix Kingston], Library , 5th ser., 15:129-32.[2617]
- McKILLOP, A.D., Samuel Richardson: Printer and Novelist , Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Press, 1960 [copyright 1936]. 357 p.[2618]
- MacPHAIL, IAN, John Millington Synge: Some Bibliographical Notes, The Irish Book , 1:3-10.[2619]
- MATTHEWS, G.M., The “Triumph of Life” Apocrypha, TLS , August 5, 1960, p. 503.[2620]
- MAXWELL, J.C., Hardy's “Our Exploits at West Poley”: A Correction, N.&Q. , 204(1959):113.[2621]
- MAYHEW, G.P., “Rage or Raillery”: Swift's Epistle to a Lady and On Poetry: A Rapsody , HLQ , 23:159-180.[2622]
- MERIWETHER, J.B., A Note on Verse: Joyce Cary's First Book, Libr. Chronicle of the Univ. of Texas , 6:4:13-16.[2623]
- MITCHELL, W.S., A Signed Binding by James Fleming, Newcastle, c. 1740, Library , 5th ser., 15:58-60.[2624]
- MORAN, JAMES, Filmsetting — Bibliographical Implications, Library , 5th ser., 15:231-45.[2625]
- MORISON, STANLEY, Four Centuries of Fine Printing, 4th rev. [reset] ed., London, Benn, 1960. 254 p.[2626]
- MUIR, KENNETH, An Unrecorded Wyatt Manuscript, TLS , May 20, 1960, p. 328. Further comment by Raymond Southall, TLS, May 27, 1960, p. 337; reply by Muir, TLS, June 3, 1960, p. 353.[2627]
- MUIR, KENNETH, Wyatt Poems in a Dublin Manuscript, Rev. of English Lit. , 1:4:51-65.[2628]
- MUNBY, A.N.L., The Acquisition of Manuscripts by Institutional Libraries, PBSA , 54:1-15.[2629]
- NAIRN, AUDREY, A 1731 Copyright List from Glasgow University Archives, Bibliotheck , 2:30-2.[2630]
- NAIRN, AUDREY, The Work of a Glasgow University Printer [George Richardson], Bibliotheck , 2:69-71.[2631]
- NEILL, D.G., John Case, “The Praise of Musicke,” PBSA , 54:293.(A foot-note in B 2652.)[2632]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, Eliana Americana: A Footnote to the Bibliography of Charles Lamb, Amer. Book Collector , 11:4:7-22.[2633]
- NIXON, H.M., A Binding for Elizabeth I by the Initial Binder, 1563, Book Collector , 9:444(English Bookbindings XXXV)[2634]
- NIXON, H.M., A Binding from the Mearne Shop, c. 1680, Book Collector , 9:52(English Bookbindings XXXII)[2635]
- NIXON, H.M., A London Binding by Francis Bedford, 1866, Book Collector , 9:178(English Bookbindings XXXIII)[2636]
- NIXON, H.M., A London Binding by Henry Evans, c. 1665, Book Collector , 9:316(English Bookbindings XXXIV)[2637]
- OLDENDOW, K.H., Printing in Greenland , Montreal, Davies Book Co., 1959. 44 p.(Reprinted from Libri, Vol. 8 (1956), No. 3-4.)[2638]
- OSBORN, J.M., Bibliographical note in his ed. of The Quenes Maiesties Passage through the Citie of London , New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1960. (Elizabethan Club Series No. 1)[2639]
- CYAMA, TOSHIKAZU, The Folio Copy of Richard III , pp. 369-78 in Studies in English Grammar and Linguistics , ed. by Kazuo Araki and others, Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 1958.[2640]
- PARKER, R.B., Alterations in the First Edition of Green's A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1592) [S.T.C. 12300], HLQ , 23:181-6.[2641]
- PARREAUX, ANDRÉ, William Beckford, Auteur de Vathek (1760-1844). Etude de la création littéraire , Paris, Nizbet, 1960. 580 p.(Rev. by John Carter in Book Collector, 9:473-8.)[2642]
- PARRISH, JEAN, and JACKSON, W. A., Racan's L'Artenice, an Addition to the English Canon, HLB , 14:183-90.(Addendum, HLB, 14:493.)[2643]
- PARRISH, S.M., and ERDMAN, D.V., Who Wrote The Mad Monk [Words-worth or Coleridge]? A Debate, BNYPL , 64:209-37.[2644]
- PATERSON, John, The Making of The Return of the Native, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1960. 168 p.(Univ. of Cal. Publns. English Studies. 19)[2645]
- POWELL, W.S., A Swift Broadside from the Opposition, Va. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 67(1959):164-9.(Argues Swift wrote The Loyal Address of the Clergy of Virginia, 1702.)[2646]
- PRICE, G.R., The Authorship and the Bibliography of The Revenger's Tragedy , Library , 5th ser., 15:262-77.(Ascribed to Thomas Middleton.)[2647]
- PROUDFOOT, L., Dryden's Aeneid and Its Seventeenth Century Predecessors , New York, Barnes & Noble, 1960. vii, 278 p.[2648]
- REA, R.R., Mason, Walpole, and That Rogue Almon, HLQ , 23:187-93.(William Mason's An Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers, 1773.)[2649]
- RICCI, Seymour de, English Collectors of Books & Manuscripts (1530-1930) and Their Marks of Ownership , Indiana Univ. Press, 1960. ix,203 p.(Reprint of ed. of 1930.)[2650]
- RINGLER, WILLIAM, Lydgate's Serpent of Division, 1559, Edited by John Stow, SB , 14:201-3.[2651]
- RINGLER, WILLIAM, “The Praise of Musicke,” by John Case, PBSA , 54:119-21.[2652]
- ROBERTS, S.C., “Estimate” Brown, 1715-1776, Book Collector , 9:180-7.[2653]
- ROBINSON, R.E., William Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Its Sources and Characteristics , Genève, E. Droz, 1960. 108 p.[2654]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, Thomas Thorpe, Publisher of “Shake-Speares Sonnets,” PBSA , 54:16-37.[2655]
- ROTH, CECIL, The Marrano Typography in England, Library , 5th ser., 15:118-28.[2656]
- RYALS, C. deL., Oscar Wilde's “Salome,” N.&Q. , 204(1959):56-7.[2657]
- SCHOLES, R.E., Dr. Johnson and the Bibliographical Criticism of Shakespeare, SQ , 11:163-71.[2658]
- SCHWARTZ, ELIAS, The Dates and Order of Chapman's Tragedies MP , 57:80-2.[2659]
- SEN, S.K., Capell and Malone and Modern Critical Bibliography , Calcutta, Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 1960. 52 p.[2660]
- SEWTER, A.C., William Blake and the Art of the Book, Manchester Rev. , 8:360-73.[2661]
- SHAPIRO, I.A., The First Edition of Greene's Quip for an Upstart Courtier , SB , 14:212-18.[2662]
- SHAPIRO, I.A., “Stenography” and “Bad Quartos,” TLS , May 13, 1960, p. 305.[2663]
- SHAWCROSS, J.T., Certain Relationships of the Manuscripts of Comus, PBSA, 54:38-56. As Addendum, PBSA , 54:293-4.[2664]
- SHAWCROSS, J.T., Speculations on the Dating of the Trinity Ms. of Milton's Poems, MLN , 75:11-17.[2665]
- SHEIRICH, R.M., Beer-Hofmann and the Arabian Nights, with an Unpublished Translation, HLB , 14:487-92.[2666]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, Survival in Grub-Street: Another Essay in Attribution [of works to Christopher Smart], BNYPL , 64:147-58.[2667]
- SHUMAN, R.B., Charles Reade's Contract with Fields, Osgood and Co., N.&Q. , 204(1959):212.[2668]
- SISSON, C.J., The Laws of Elizabethan Copyright: The Stationers' View, Library , 5th ser., 15:8-20.[2669]
- SMITH, A.H., John Nichols and Hutchins's History and Antiquities of Dorset , Library , 5th ser., 15:81-95.[2670]
- SPECTOR, R.D., The Monthly [Review] and Its Rival [the Critical Review], BNYPL , 64:159-61.[2671]
- STILLINGER, JACK, A Note on the Printing of E. K.'s Glosses [to Spenser's The Shepheardes Calender], SB , 14:203-5.[2672]
- STILLINGER, JACK, The Text of John Stuart Mill's Autobiography , Bull. of the John Rylands Libr. , 43:220-42.[2673]
- STRATMAN, C.J., The Mystery of The Cruell Warre , N.&Q. , 204(1959):140-2.[2674]
- SULLIVAN, J.L., The Trials of Bibliography, Manchester Rev. , 8:331-8.(Chesterton)[2675]
- SWAYZE, W.E., Early Wordsworthian Biography: Books and Articles Containing Material on the Life and Character of William Wordsworth That Appeared before the Publication of the Official Memoirs, by Christopher Wordsworth, in 1851, BNYPL , 64:169-95.[2676]
- THOMPSON, L.S., Introductory Notes on the History of Bookbinding in Spanish America, Libr , 10:1:10-22.[2677]
- THOMPSON, W.D.J.C., The Sixteenth-Century Editions of A Supplication Unto King Henry the Eighth by Robert Barnes, D.D.: A Footnote to the History of the Royal Supremacy, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:133-42.[2678]
- TILLOTSON, GEOFFREY, The Critic and the Dated Text, Sewanee Rev. 68:595-602.[2679]
- TILLOTSON, KATHLEEN, “Pickwick” and Edward Jesse, TLS , April 1, 1960, p. 214.[2680]
- TURNER, R.K., Jr., Notes on the Text of Thierry and Theodoret Q 1 [by Beaumont, Fletcher, and Massinger], SB , 14:218-31.[2681]
- TURNER, R.K., Jr., The Printing of Philaster Q 1 and Q 2 [by Beaumont and Fletcher], Library , 5th ser., 15:21-32.[2682]
- UNWIN, STANLEY, The Truth about Publishing , London, Allen & Unwin, 1960. 455 p.[2683]
- VENTRE, MADELEINE, L'Imprimerie et la librairie en Languedoc au dernier siècle de l'ancien régime, 1700-1789, Paris, Monton, 1958. xi,288 p.[2684]
- VIETH, D.M., A Textual Paradox: Rochester's “To a Lady in a Letter,” PBSA , 54:147-62.[2685]
- VIGGIANI, C.A., Albert Camus' First Publications, MLN , 75:589-96.[2686]
- VOORN, HENK, The Story of Early Dutch Papermakers in Sweden, Paper Maker , 29:1:19-24.[2687]
- WADE, I.O., Voltaire and Candide, Princeton Univ. Press, 1959. xvi,369,82 p.(Publns. in Modern Languages, No. 11.)[2688]
- WAITE, H.E., Early London Title-Pages and Their Printers, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1960):255-60.[2689]
- WALBANK, ALAN, Railway Reading, Book Collector , 9:285-91.[2690]
- WALLACE, J.M., The Case for Internal Evidence (10). The Date of John Tatham's The Distracted State , BNYPL , 64:29-40.[2691]
- WARBURG, FREDERIC, An Occupation for Gentlemen , London, Hutchinson, 1959. 287 p.(Publishing)[2692]
- [WELLS, J.M.], The Work of Stanley Morison, Newberry Libr. Bull. , 5:159-72.[2693]
- WHAREY, J.B., ed., The Pilgrim's Progress , Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1960.(Discussion of the relationship of various editions, etc., pp. xxxvi-cxvi.)[2694]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Housman in Sudbury, Ontario, PBSA , 54:295.(Corrects B 2574.)[2695]
- WILLIAMS, F.B., Jr., The Laudian Imprimatur, Library , 5th ser., 15:96-104.[2696]
- WILLIAMS, F.B., Penny-Pinching Printers and Tampered Titles, SB , 14:209-11.[2697]
- WILLIAMS, F.B., Jr., Those Careless Elizabethans: Names Bewitched, PBSA , 54:115-19.(Examples drawn from dedicatory inscriptions or similar formal statements in British books of the period 1560-1640.)[2698]
- WOLF, EDWIN,2d, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, Book Collector , 9:275-84.[2699]
- WROTH, L.C., Alonso de Ovalle's Large Map of Chile, 1646, Imago Mundi , 14:90-5.[2700]
- WYLLIE, J.C., Detective in the Book World [A summary of Mr. Wyllie's Rosenbach Lectures, March, 1960, on type as evidence] by Jesse C. Mills, Graphic Arts Rev. , 23:5:7-8,46-8.[2701]








B. United States
- ADERMAN, R.M., James Kirke Paulding's Literary Income, BNYPL , 64:117-29.[2702]
- BALLOU, E.B., Horace Elisha Scudder and the Riverside Magazine , HLB , 14:426-52.[2703]
- BELL, E.L., and CRABBE, K.C., The Augusta Chronicle, Indomitable Voice of Dixie, 1785-1960 , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1960. xii,273 p.[2704]
- BENNET, P.A., ed., Postscripts on Dwiggins, Essays & Recollections . . . with a Selective Check List Compiled by Dorothy Abbe & Rollo G. Silver , New York, The Typophiles, 1960. 2 vols. Check List, Vol. 2, p. 255-68.[2705]
- BISSELL, C.H., The French Language Press in California, Cal. Hist. Soc. Quart. , 39:1-18, 141-173, 219-262, 311-353.[2706]
- BLAIR, WALTER, Mark Twain & Huck Finn , Univ. of California Press, 1960. xvi,436 p.(Rev. by Jacob Blanck, Antiquarian Bookman, 26:1931-35.)[2707]
- BROWN, E.R., Michigan's Pioneer Newspapers, a Sketch, Mich. Hist. , 41 (1957):413-25.[2708]
- BURT, F.A., Printing Among the Clouds [atop Mount Washington], Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:1-11.[2709]
- CHEAPE, K.S.H., Confederate Book Publishing, with Emphasis on Richmond, Virginia , Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1960.[2710]
- CHINARD, GILBERT, Random Notes on Two “Bagatelles” [of Benjamin Franklin, The Ephemera and Lettre à Madame Helvétius], Proc. Amer. Philosophical Soc., 103:727-60 (Dec. 1959).[2711]
- COLEMAN, E.E., The Exhibition in the Palace and Bryant's Crystal Palace Choral [by Coleman and D. V. Erdman], BNYPL , 64:459-77.[2712]
- COLEMAN, J.W., Jr., John Bradford and the Kentucky Gazette, Filson Club Hist. Quart. , 34:24-34.[2713]
- COLVERT, J.B., Agent and Author: Ellen Glasgow's Letters to Paul Revere Reynolds, SB , 14:177-96.[2714]
- COOKE, J.E., Alexander Hamilton's Authorship of the “Caesar” Letters [open to question], William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 17:78-85.[2715]
- DANIEL, W.H., Bible Publication and Procurement in the Confederacy, Journ. of Southern Hist. , 24:190-201(May, 1958).[2716]
- DANKLEFF, RICHARD, The Composition, Revisions, Reception and Reputation of Henry James's The Spoils of Poynton , Thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1959 .[2717]
- DAVIS, R.B., Jefferson as Collector of Virginiana, SB , 14:117-44.[2718]
- ECKMAN, JAMES, The Chicago Type Foundry of Marder, Luse & Company, 1863-1892, Printing and Graphic Arts , 7(1959):69-83, 112-24.[2719]
- ECKMAN, JAMES, The Inland Type Foundry, 1894-1911, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:31-46.[2720]
- EDEL, LEON, The Text of The Ambassadors , HLB , 14:453-60.[2721]
- ELLEN, J.C., Jr., Newspaper Finance in North Carolina's Piedmont and Mountain Sections during the 1850's, North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 37:488-505.[2722]
- FIELDS, J.E., A Signer and His Signatures, or The Library of Thomas Lynch, Jr., HLB , 14:210-52.[2723]
- FRENCH, B.M., The Gilded Age Manuscript, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 35:35-41.[2724]
- FRENCH, H.D., The Amazing Career of Andrew Barclay, Scottish Bookbinder, of Boston, SB , 14:145-62.[2725]
- FRICK, G.F., Mark Catesby: The Discovery of a Naturalist [and His Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands], PBSA , 54:163-75.[2726]
- GALLUP, DONALD, Eugene O'Neill's “The Ancient Mariner” [a dramatic adaptation], Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 35:61-86.[2727]
- GOFF, F.R., Introductory study in The Primordia of Bishop White Kennett, the First English Bibliography of America , Washington, Pan American Union, 1959. xliv, iii, xvi, 275, [222] p.[2728]
- GOLDEN, ARTHUR, An Uncollected Whitman Article “An Old Landmark Gone,” BNYPL , 64:353-60.[2729]
- GRIFFIN, GILLETT, John Foster's Woodcut of Richard Mather, Printing & Graphic Arts , 7(1959):1-19.[2730]
- GROSS, S.L., and LEVY, A.J., Some Remarks on the Extant Manuscripts of Hawthorne's Short Stories, SB , 14:254-7.[2731]
- HARMSEN, T.G., The Plantin Press of Saul and Lillian Marks , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1960. 21 p.[2732]
- HART, J.A., An Historical Study of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1852-1958 , Thesis, Univ. of Missouri, 1959.[2733]
- HITCHINGS, S.H., List of Printing by Joseph Belknap and Associates, Printing & Graphic Arts , 7(1959):23-6.[2734]
- HITCHINGS, S.H., Samuel Hill's Relief Engraving, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:12-17.[2735]
- HOFFMAN, D.G., Stephen Crane's First Story [“Sketches from Life. Uncle Jake and the Bell-Handle”], BNYPL , 64:273-8.[2736]
- HOFFMAN, D.G., Stephen Crane's Last Novel [a projected romance on the American Revolution], BNYPL , 64:337-43.[2737]
- HOLMAN, C.H., Thomas Wolfe: A Bibliographical Study, Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 1:427-45(Autumn 1959).[2738]
- HOLMAN, R.B., John Foster's Woodcut Map of New England, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:53-93.[2739]
- HOLMAN, R.B., Some Remarks on “Mr. Richard Mather” [John Foster's woodcut], Printing & Graphic Arts , 7:(1959):57-63.[2740]
- HOLMES, J.D.L., The Two Series of the Moniteur de la Louisiane , BNYPL , 64:323-8.[2741]
- HUNTER, W.B., Jr., The Bay Psalm Book: Reflection of Puritan Textual Tradition, News Bul. of the Rocky Mountain Mod. Lang. Assn. , 13 (August 1960):5-8.[2742]
- KEPHART, J.E., A Voice for Freedom: The Signal of Liberty, 1841-48 , Thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Mich., 1960.[2743]
- KERN, A.C., A Note on Hawthorne's Juveniles, PQ , 39:242-46.[2744]
- KIDDER, R.W., The Contribution of Daniel Fowle to Colonial New Hampshire Printing , Thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Illinois, 1959.[2745]
- KLINGELHOFER, H.E., Mark Twain, Edited and Bowdlerized, Manuscripts , 11(1959):2-12.[2746]
- LEARY, LEWIS, Bibliographical and Textual Studies and American Literary History, Texas Quart. , 3:1:160-6.[2747]
- LEVY, L.W., Did the Zenger Case Really Matter? Freedom of the Press in Colonial New York, William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 17:35-50.[2748]
- LINDER, LeR.H., Norton's Literary Register: A View of American Publishing in 1855, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , 6:22-8(Spring 1958).[2749]
- LOWRY, EDWARD, “The Writer as Technician”: The Method of John Dos Passos, 1925-1936 , Thesis, New York Univ., 1959.[2750]
- MAXON, J.W., Jr., Nathan Sellers, America's First Large-Scale Maker of Paper Moulds, Paper Maker , 29:1:1-16.[2751]
- MAYFIELD, J.S., Lanier in the Florae [with a bibliographical note on his Tiger-Lilies], Amer. Book Collector , 10:6:7-10.[2752]
- MAYFIELD, J.S., Sidney Lanier's Tiger-Lilies: A Bibliographical Mystery, PBSA , 54:265-72.[2753]
- MEINE, F.J., Some Notes on the First Editions of “Huck Finn,” Amer. Book Collector , 10:10:31-34.[2754]
- MILLARES, AGUSTÍN, ed., El Epitome de Pinelo, Primera Bibliografia del Nuevo Mundo [with an introduction and brief bibliography], Washington, Pan American Union, 1958, xlii, [92], 186, xii p.[2755]
- MILLER, C.W., Franklin's Poor Richard Almanacs: Their Printing and Publication, SB , 14:97-115.[2756]
- MUNBY, A.N.L., Elias Burling, A Call to Back-Sliding Israel, New York, 1694: An Unrecorded Tract Printed by William Bradford, SB , 14:251-3.[2757]
- NASH, RAY, A Colonial Writing Master's Collection of English Copybooks, HLB , 14:12-19.[2758]
- NASH, RAY, Notes on the Riverside Press and D. B. Updike, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1960):329-333.[2759]
- NEW YORK. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Old Fashioned [American] Type Specimens, in the Robinson-Pforzheimer Collection , New York Public Libr., 1960. Unpaged. 28 x 22 cm., opens to 86 x 56 cm.[2760]
- PARSONAGE, D.G., An Unrecorded German Translation [Die Brittische Apocalypse, “London” 1784, from L'Apocalypse Britannique, “Londres” 1782; on the American Revolution], PBSA , 54:69.[2761]
- RANDALL, D.A., Two States of Two Lives [by William Ellery Leonard], PBSA , 54:295.[2762]
- RISTOW, W.W., Augustine Herrman's Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1673, LCQJCA , 17:221-6.[2763]
- ROGERS, J.W., U.S. National Bibliography and the Copyright Law: An Historical Study , New York, Bowker, 1960. xii, 115 p.[2764]
- ROPER, GORDON, Mark Twain and His Canadian Publishers, Amer. Book Collector , 10:10:13-29.[2765]
- SILVER, R.G., Grub Street in Philadelphia, 1794-1795: More about James Hardie, BNYPL , 64:130-42.[2766]
- SMEALE, J.F.S., “Miss Polly Baker's Speech”: An American Text, North Dakota Quart. , 27:78-80(Summer 1959).(Questions Franklin's authorship.)[2767]
- STERN, M.B., Ann E. Stephens: Author of the First Beadle Dime Novel, 1860, BNYPL , 64:303-22.[2768]
- SUTTON, WALTER, Cincinnati as a General Publishing Center: The Middle Years, 1830-1860, Bull. of the Historical & Philosophical Soc. of Ohio , 16:311-23(October 1958)[2769]
- TAGUE, J.A., William D. Gallagher, Champion of Western Literary Periodicals [the Cincinnati Mirror, the Western Monthly, and the Hesperian], Ohio Hist. Quart. , 69:257-71.[2770]
- TARTELLA, VINCENT, James's “Four Meetings”: Two Texts Compared, Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 15:17-28.[2771]
- TOWNE, J.E., Printing in New Mexico beyond Santa Fe and Taos, 1848-1875, New Mexico Hist. Rev. , 35:109-17.[2772]
- TWO Letters Solve a Bitter Dispute [over the publication of Huckleberry Finn], Manuscripts , 11:13(Fall, 1959.)[2773]
- VERNER, COOLIE, A Carto-Bibliographical Study of The English Pilot. The Fourth Book. With Special Reference to the Charts of Virginia , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1960. viii, 87, [1] p.(Reproduced from typescript.)[2774]
- VERNER, COOLIE, Mark Tiddeman's Chart of New York Harbour, American Neptune , 19(1959):44-50.[2775]
- VERNER, COOLIE, Mr. Jefferson Makes a Map [of Virginia, 1786], Imago Mundi , 14(1959):96-108.[2776]
- WEBSTER, LYNNE, The History of the Burlington Free Press [1827-1959], Vermont History , 28:143-7.[2777]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, “I Am a Born Democrat”: An Unpublished Whitman Fragment, N.&Q. , 204(1959):254-5.[2778]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2d, and FLEMING, J.F., Rosenbach: A Biography , Cleveland, The World Publishing Company, 1960. 616 p.[2779]


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