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- ADAMS, T. R., A Rediscovered Dante “Credo,” [Florence, 1495-1500], PBSA , 50:181-2.[1]
- ALKER, HUGO, Beutelbücher aus Oberösterreich, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1955):229-55; (1956) 282-7[2]
- ARCHIV FUER GESCHICHTE DES BUCHWESENS , Frankfurt a.M., Buchhändler-Vereinigung, v.1(1956)-.[3]
- ARNALDUS DE VILLA NOVA, Der Weintraktat (De vinis), übersetzt a.d. Lateinischen [von] Wilhelm von Hirnkofen , [facs. of ed. Vienna, 1532], Stuttgart, Metzger, 1956. 10p., 181.[4]
- AUDIN, MAURICE, A propos des premières techniques typographiques, types déplacés et types lyonnais, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:161-70[5]
- AUDIN, MAURICE, Les types lyonnais primitifs conservés au Département des imprimés [de la Bibliothèque nationale], Paris, Bibl. nat., 1955. 70p.[6]
- AUTENBOER, A. van, Onbekende Drukken van Volksboeken en Andere “Duutsche” Werken in 1569, Leuvense Bijdragen , 45, nos. 3-4(1955):134-45.(Lists of books, containing a few items printed before 1551 which failed to survive; among them an unknown edition of Historie van Robrecht, 1543, De historie vande vier heemskinderen,n.d., De historie vande verdulidghe Helena, 1548, Floris ende Blancefloer, n.d., etc.)[7]
- AVANZI, GIANNETTO, Libri, librerie, biblioteche nell'Umanesimo e nella Rinascenza. Inventari, cataloghi e notizie , Rome, Italia che scrive, 1956. 22p.(Reprinted from L'Italia che scrive. — Cf. no. 843.)[8]
- AVIS, F. C., English Printers' Marks of the Incunabula Period, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):111-5[9]
- BANK, ARNOLD, Calligraphy and its Influence in the Time of Plantin, Gedenkboek der Plantin-Dagen, 1555-1955; Internationaal Congres , Antwerpen, Vereeniging der Antw. Bibliophielen, 1955, pp. 81-130[10]
- BARAUT, CYRIAN, Montserratinische Holzschnitte in den von J. Rosenbach gedruckten Büchern (1521-1528), Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):169-76[11]
- BAUMANN, WALTER, Geschichte des alten Halberstädter Buchdrucks, Börsenblatt f. d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:1573-1601[12]
- BAUMANN, WALTER, Geschichte des alten Halberstädter Buchdrucks, Arch.f.Gesch.d.Buchw. , 1:245-73[13]
- BAUER, CHRYSOSTOMUS, Initia patrum graecorum , Città del Vaticano, Bibl.apost., 1955. 2v.(cxiii, 661; 720p.) (Studi e testi, v. 180-1)[14]
- BENZING, JOSEF, Hermann Gülfferich zu Frankfurt/M.und sein populärwissenschaftlicher Verlag (von 1542 bis 1554 bezw.1556), Das Antiquariat , 12:129-33, 173-5(Incl. cat. of 144 items)[15]
- BENZING, JOSEF, Hutten und seine Drucker , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1956. 16op.(Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, v.6)[16]
- BENZING, JOSEF, Johann Eckhart, ein Nachdrucker zu Speyer (1521?-1526), Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):184-92.(With bibliography)[17]
- BENZING, JOSEF, Zu den ersten Ausgaben des “Rosengarten” von Eucharius Rösslin, Das Antiquariat , 12:57-58[18]
- BERGIER, J. F., Le contrat d'édition de la Bible de l'épée, Genève, 1540, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:110-3[19]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, The History of Eton College Library, The Library , 5th ser., 11:231-61.(Incl. information on early holdings and gifts)[20]
- BLUM, ANDRÉ, Editions suisses du Fasciculus temporum [of Werner Rolewinck], Schweiz. Gutenbergmuseum , 42:17-26[21]
- BORSA, GEDEON, Beiträge zur Bibliographie der Drucke von Johannes Winterburger [Vienna; additions to Langer-Dolch], Das Antiquariat , 12:213-6[22]
- BOURDEL, NICOLE, Études sur quelques bibliothèques de particuliers au XVIe sièle; [unpublished thesis, Paris, École nat. des chartes, 1951] (Incl. inventories.-Extract publ. in École nat. des chartes, Positions des thèses, <1951>:21-7)[23]
- BOURQUIN, MARCUS, Geilers [von Kaysersberg] Alphabet in 23 Predigten [and its illustrations], Schweiz. Gutenbergmuseum , 41(1955):163-86[24]
- BRESLAU, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY [= Biblioteka uniw. we Wrocławiu], Wystawa druków doby Renesansu [Catalogue of exhibition of Renaissance books], Breslau, 1954. 73p.[25]
- BRNO [Brünn], UNIVERSITY LIBRAY, Soupisy tisků 16. století z fondu Universitní knihovny v Brně. I: Klášterni knihovna kapucínů v Brně , Brno, 1955. iii, 181p.(List of 16th-cent. printed books in Univ. Library, Brünn — Comp. by V. Dokoupil. — Cf. former nos. 2885-6)[26]
- BRUNET, SUZANNE, Une donation à la Bibliothèque mazarine [i.e. collection of mss. and early printed books given by Mr. Faralicq], Bull. du Biblioph. (1955):256-64[27]
- BÜHLER, C. F. The Constance Missal and Two Documents from the Constance Diocese, PBSA , 50:370-5[28]
- BÜHLER, C. F. The Earliest Appearances in Print of Vegetius, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):91-3[29]
- BÜHLER, C. F., Watermarks and the Dates of Fifteenth-Century Books, SB. , 9(1957):217-24[30]
- BULHAK, HENRYK, Repertorium druków języku polskim z pierwszej połowy XVI w. [Printing in Polish in the first half of the 16th cent.], Przegląd Biblioteczny , 23(1955):305-8[31]
- CALDORA, UMBERTO, L'introduzione della stampa in Calabria; Ottaviano Salomone di Manfredonia e la prototipografia di Cosenza, Calabria nobilissima , 9(1955):172-93[32a]
- CARY GEORGE, The Medieval Alexander , Cambridge, Univ. Press. 1956. xvi, 415p.(Contains numerous references to early printed eds.)[32b]
- CLERCX, SUZANNE, Les éditions musicales anversoises du XVIe siècle et leur rôle dans la vie musicale des Pays-Bas, Gedenkboek der Plantin-Dagen, 1555-1955; Internationaal Congres , Antwerpen, Vereeniging der Antw. Bibliophielen, 1955, pp. 364-75[33]
- COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER, La carta de Cristobal Colón anunciando el descubrimiento del Nuovo Mundo . . . Reproducción del texto original español impreso en Barcelona (Pedro Posa, 1493) . . . Historia del impreso . . . , Madrid, Sanz, 1956. 53p.[34]
- CUESTA GUTIERREZ, LUISA, Un interesante hallazgo bibliográfico en la Biblioteca nacional de Madrid [Ordenanca del Prior de Guadalupe, 1547], Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):177-83.(Same title in Bol. de la Dirección gen. de arch. y bibliot., 1955:68[35]
- D'ALESSIO, CARLO, Sul “De partu virginis” [Naples, 1526] di Jacopo Sannazaro , Florence, Sansoni, 1955. 14p.(Bibl. degli eruditi e dei bibliofili. v. 16. — Reprint of no. 2909, “Checklist for 1955.” See also 2910)[36]
- DANGON, GEORGES, Une seule révolution dans l'histoire du livre, la découverte de Gutenberg, Schweiz, Gutenbergmuseum , 41(1955):114-20[37]
- DAVIDSSON, ÅKE, Die Literatur zur Geschichte des Notendruckes, in his Musikbibliographische Beiträge , Uppsala, Lundequistska bokh., 1954, pp. 91-118.(Uppsala univ. årsskrift, 1954, no. 9)[38]
- DAVIS, N. Z., Holbein's Pictures of Death and the Reformation at Lyons, Studies in the Renaissance , 3:97-130.(Incl. information on printing history)[39]
- DE FREDE, CARLO, Sul commercio dei libri a Napoli nella prima età della stampa, Boll. Ist. di patologia del libro , 14(1955):62-78[40]
- DE MARINIS, TAMMARO, comp., Rilegature veneziane del XV e XVI secolo; catalogo [Exhibition, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia, 1955], Venezia, Pozza, 1955. 45p., xxxviii plates[41]
- DENCK, HANS, Schriften. Teil 1. Bibliographie , Gütersloh, Bertelsmann, 1955. 68p.(Quellen u. Forsch. z. Reformationsgesch. Bd. 24)[42]
- DONATI, LAMBERTO, Una nuova copertina veneziana [1537], Amor di libro , 5(1957):104[43]
- DONATI, LAMBERTO, Osservazioni sperimentali sull' Apocalisse xilografica, Bibliofilia , 58:85-124[44]
- DOUCET, R., Les bibliothèques parisiennes au XVIe siècle . Paris, Picard, 1956. 175p.(Incl. inventories)[45]
- DOUGHTY, D. W., Fracastor's “Syphilis”: An Issue of Which Perhaps the Only Known Copy Is in the Library of Queen's College, Dundee, Bibliotheck , 1:29-30[46]
- DRESLER, ADOLF, Gutenberg-Studien II-III, Das Antiquariat , 12:66-7, 257-60.(Cont. of the author's “Hat Gutenberg in Bamberg gedruckt?” Deals with the so-called “Krakauer Probedrucke,” the 36-line Bible, and the astronomical calendar)[47]
- DRESLER, ADOLF, Gutenberg und Regiomontanus; die ersten gedruckten Kalender, Das Antiquariat , 13(1957):18-20.(Gutenberg Studien IV; to be cont.)[48]
- DUHEM, J., Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima, Bull.du Biblioph. (1956):19-28.(Cont. of former Sel. Check List, nos. 1891, 2403, 2924)[49]
- EDGERTON, W. L., Nicholas Udall in the Indexes of Prohibited Books, JEGP , 55:247-52[50]
- EINERSEN, HENNING, Nye Inkunabler i det Kong. Bibliotek [Copenhagen], Fund og Forskning , 2(1955):107-12.(Catalogue of 22 additions, 1938-54)[51]
- EIS, GERHARD, ed., Wahrsagetexte des Spätmittelalters; aus Handschriften und Inkunabeln herausgegeben , Berlin, Schmidt, 1955-(Heft 1:8op.)[52]
- ELWERT, W. T., Ital. Zibaldone [unknown Venetian physician who translated into Italian the third book of Almansor, cf. Hain 13902-4, and a Milan, 1494 edition unknown to Hain], Paideia , 10(1955):303-7[53]
- ESTER, KARL d', Gutenberg's Work in Literature and Art; Classical German Writers on the Art of Printing, Archiv für Druck und Papier , 1(1955):207-35.(Text in German and English)[54]
- EVOLA, N. D., Appunti di bibliologia e biblioteconomia [2nd ed.], Palermo, Università [1956?] 289p.(Repr. from typewritten copy. —Early printing, pp. 49-111)[55]
- FRATAROLO, RENZO, Tipografi e librai ebrei e non, nel napoletano, alla fine del XV sec., Amor di Libro , 4:138-46, 203-12[56]
- FRATAROLO, RENZO, Tipografi e librai ebrei e non, nel napoletano, alla fine del XV sec., Firenze, Sansoni, 1956. 24p.(Bibl. degli eruditi e dei bibliofili. 23)[57]
- FUHRMANN, O. W., The Present Location of the Schoeffer Missals in Poland and the Polish and Sowjet Zones of Germany, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):80-3[58]
- FUHRMANN, O. W., Ueber die Auflagenhöhe der ersten Drucke, nebst Bemerkungen über den Verlauf der Erfindung Gutenbergs , Mainz, Gutenberg-Ges., 1956. 51p.(Kleiner Druck d. Gutenberg-Ges. 61)[59]
- GANDILHON, RÉNÉ, Impressions inconnues de Jean Trumeau de Provins (début du XVIe siècle), Recueil de travaux offert à M. Clovis Brunel , Paris, Soc. École des chartes, 1955, v.1, pp.504-9[60]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Bamberger Kleriker-Notare in der Frühgeschichte des Buchdrucks, Andreas in der Clingen und Ulrich Helmasperger, Fränkische Blätter f. Geschichtsforsch. 6(1954):97-8[61]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Das Fust-Schöffersche Signet und das Schöffersche “Handzeichen,” Börsenblatt f.d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:1179-82[62]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Handschiften und Buchdruck im alten Bamberg, Bayerland , 58:173-7[63]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Unbekanntes vom ältesten Strassburger Buchdruck und Buchhandel, Hans, ein Buchführer Heinrich Eggesteins, und Johannes Ehenmeyr, ein Buchführer Johann Mentelins, Börsenblatt f.d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank.Ausg.) 12:629-36[64]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Vitus Pucher aus Moosburg und der älteste Buchdruck in Rom; ein unbekanntes römisches Notariatsinstrument . . . 1471, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):75-9[65]
- GIRALDI, GIOVANNI, Bibliografia delle opere di G.M.A. Carrara, Rinascimento , 6(1955):125-43.(“Opere edite” incl. the only early printed ed., the De omnibus ingeniis augende memorie, Bologna, 1491; nos. ix-xxiv list the “inedite,” nos. xxv-xli the opere “perdute”)[66]
- GOFF, F. R., Printed Calligraphic Initials Found in Two Basel Incunabula, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):116-20[67]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P., Marcus Fugger [as collector], Bull.du Biblioph. (1956):209-15.(Transl. of article in Alba Annual, 1952)[68]
- GOLLOB, HEDWIG, Die Ordnungen und Patente Kaiser Ferdinands I. für Österreich und deren buchkünstlerische Gestaltung, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):236-41[69]
- GORINI, ERNESTO, La stampa a Vercelli nel sec. XVI, [Parma], Tip. parmense, 1955. 46,2p.[70]
- GRAYSON, CECIL, La prima edizione del Philodoxeos [Salamanca, 1500, cf. Vindel, Salamanca, pp.220-3], Rinascimento , 5(1954):291-3[71]
- GRIMM, HEINRICH, Ulrich von Hutten und die Pfefferkorn-Drucke, Zeitschr.f. Religions- u. Geistesgesch. , 8:241-50[72]
- GUIGNARD, JACQUES, Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens, 1525-36, Bull.Assoc. Guillaume Budé , ser. 3(1953):43-73[73]
- HAGUENAU, BIBL. MUNICIPALE, Catalogue des incunables [comp. A. Burg], Strasbourg, Heitz, 1956. 100p.[74]
- HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, Additions to the Rare Book Department [of the Boston Public Library], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 9(1957):59-72[75]
- HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, A Splendid Gift [unrecorded Breviarium, Milan or Venice, ca. 1490], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 9(1957):16-9[76]
- HAUGSTAD, MOGENS, Aeldre Danske Bogtrykker- og Foraeggermaerker, Fund og Forskning , 2(1955)39-58.(16th and 17th-century printers' and publishers' marks)[77]
- HEIDERSBERGER, HELMUTH, Landshuter Buchdruckerkunst u. Verlagstätigkeit , Landshut , 1955. 40p.(“Wiegendruck des 16.Jh.”, pp.3-16)[78]
- HIRSCH, RUDOLF, Bueve de Hantone (an Addition to GW 5716-17), PBSA , 50:379[79]
- HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, List of Books Printed Before 1601 in the Library of the HSA , N.Y., The Society, 1955. xvi, 305p.(Offset reissue with additions, compiled by C. L. Penney)[80]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., A Binding for Geoffroy Granger [ca. 1540], Bibl. d' Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:280-1[81]
- HOLTER, KURT, Zum gotischen Bucheinband in Österreich: Bemalte Einbände aus Kloster Garsten, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):288-98[82]
- HORNBOGEN, ALFRED, Aus der Blütezeit des Buchholzschnittes; Basler Drucke des 16.Jh. aus der Greizer Sammlung , Greiz, 1954. 26p., illus.(Staatliche Bücher- u. Kupferstichsammlung, Greiz. Heft 2)[83]
- INDESTEGE, LUC, Een Band Teruggevonden uit het Bezit van de Antwerpse Humanist Peter Gillis [Petrus Aegidius], en een Spes-Band, door Marcus Fugger te Leuven in 1546 Besteld, Gulden Passer , 33(1955):27-35[84]
- INDESTEGE, LUC, De Boekband in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden Tijdens de 16de Eeuw, Gedenkboek der Plantin-Dagen, 1555-1955; Internationaal Congres , Antwerpen, Vereeniging der Antw. Bibliophielen, 1955, pp.166-97.(With summary in English)[85]
- JAYNE, S. R., Library Catalogues of the English Renaissance , Berkeley, Univ. Cal.Press. 1956. viii, 225p.[86]
- JOOST, SIEGFRIED, Notizen zum frühen niederdeutschen Bibeldruck; ein Beitrag zur Halberstädter Bibel, Börsenblatt f.d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:1541-59[87]
- JUNTKE, FRITZ, Ein Privatdruck des XV. Jahrhunderts [Hain, Nachträge, no.138], Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):94-9[88]
- KANZOG, KLAUS, Eine Mitteilung über den 42zeiligen liturgischen Psalter, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):72-4[89]
- KARP, ALBERT, Deutsche Schriftkunst , Dresden, Verlag der Kunst, [1955]. 279p., 1l., illus.(Includes survey of Gothic, “Schwabacher” and “Fraktur” printing types of the 15th and 16th cent.)[90]
- KASPERS, HEINZ, Zur älteren Geschichte der deutschen Amtsdrucksachen, Kölner Schule, Festgabe zum 60.Geburtstag von Rudolf Juchhoff , Cologne, Greven, 1955, pp.43-53[91]
- KER, N. R., Sir John Prise [with list of printed books formerly in his possession], The Library , 5th ser., 10(1955):1-24[92]
- KESTERČAMEK, FRANO, Cenzura knjiga i rukopisa i nadzor nad knjigama u Dubrovniku za vrijeme republike, Vjesnik Biblotekara Hrvatske , 3(1954):17-26.(Censorship in Dubrovnik during the 16th cent.)[93]
- KING, K. C., The Early Printed Versions of Medieval German Heroic Literature, Bull. John Rylands Lib. , 39:97-131[94]
- KINSMAN, R. S., Eleanora rediviva; Fragments of an Edition of Skelton's Elynour Rummyng, ca. 1521, Hunt. Libr.Quart. , 18:315-28[95]
- KNAUS, HERMANN, Einbände von Johannes Fogel in Düsseldorf und Bielefeld, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):315-8[96]
- KNAUS, HERMANN, Ein Kölner Buchbinder PA?, Börsenblatt f.d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:1183-4[97]
- KNAUS, HERMANN, Ein Kölner Buchbinder PA?, Arch.f.Gesch.d.Buchw. , 1:209-11[98]
- KOCH, HANS, Ernst Schulz [palaeographer and incunabulist], Das Werk der Bücher . . . Festschrift für Horst Kliemann , Freiburg, Rombach, 1956, pp.242-53.(“Die Schriften von Ernst Schulz,” pp.248-53)[99]
- KOESTER, KURT, Gutenbergs Aachener Heiltumsspiegel, Das Werk der Bücher . . . Festschrift für Horst Kliemann , Freiburg, Rombach, 1956, pp.284-301[100]
- KOESTER, RUDOLF, Deutsche Buchdrucker in Italien im Zeitalter der Renaissance, Papier u. Druck (Leipzig), 4(1955):108-11, 125-6[101]
- KOLPING, ADOLF, Die Drucke der Albert dem Grossen zugeschriebenen Messerklärung; ein Beitrag zur Editionstechnik der Inkunabeln scholastischer Werke, Freiburger Zeitschr. f. Philos. u. Theol. , 2(1955):197-205[102]
- KOTVAN, I., Katalóg prvotla&c.reve;í Univerzitnej knižnice v Bratislave , Bratislava, 1955. 36,42p.(Catal. of incunabula in the Univ. Library, Bratislava)[103]
- KOTVAN, I., Prvotla&c.reve;e Vedeckej knižnice mesta Bratislavy [Incunabula in the Scientific Library of Bratislava], Kniznica , 8:116-20[104]
- KRIEG, M. O. Index zu Max Geisbergs Deutsche Buchillustration im 16. Jahrhundert , Das Antiquariat , 12:297-300[105]
- KROGMANN, WILLY, Die niederdeutschen Ausgaben des Ulenspegel, , Beiträge zur Gesch. d. deutschen Sprache u. Literatur [Tübingen], 78:235-301[106]
- KRONENBERG, M. E., Campbell's Annales de la Typographie néerlandaise au XVe siècle; Contributions to a New Edition , The Hague, Nijhoff, 1956. 167p.(With important concordance)[107]
- KRONENBERG, M. E., Een der eerste Noord-Nederlandse drukkers: Gerard Leeu, Gouda, 1477-1484 , Gouda, Koch und Knuttel, 1956. 23p.[108]
- KUEHNERT, H., Über eine im Jahre 1451 bei der Stadt Coburg gegründete Papiermühle, Papiergeschichte , 6:34-8[109]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Eigenartige Verzierung spätgotischer Einbände, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):310-4[110]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Der Lederschnittband der Berliner Handschrift Ms.germ.Fol. 1277, Börsenblatt f.d. deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:842-3[111]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Verzierte gotische Einbände im alten deutschen Sprachgebiet , Stuttgart, Hettler, 1956. Tafelband 2: 137p.(Pp. 34-137 illus.—Cf. former nos. 911, 2451)[112]
- LANCKOROŃSKA, MARIA, Das Lieblingsornament von Hans Springinklee, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):157-62[113]
- LAURIN, GERTRAUT, Admonter gotische Blinddruckstempeleinbände, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):299-309[114]
- LAW, R. A., More About a Book of Balettes, 1547-1549, [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5:3-5[115]
- LEHMANN, PAUL, Eine Geschichte der alten Fuggerbibliotheken , Tübingen, Mohr, 1956-. v.1-.(Schwäbische Forschungsgem.b.d. Kommission f. bayer. Landesgesch. Reihe 4, v.3-, = Studien zur Fuggergeschichte. v. 12)[116]
- LITERATURE of the Renaissance in 1954 , Studies in Philology , 52(1955):213-432; 53(1956)[117]
- LÓPEZ ESTRADA, FRANCISCO, Textos para el estudio de la espiritualidad renacentista: el opusculo “Sermon en loor del matrimonio” de Juan de Molina (Valencia . . . 1528) [text criticism and reprint], Rev.arch.,bibliotec.y mus. 61(1955):489-530[118]
- LUDOVICI, S. S., Un interrasile inedito in Guido de Monte Rochen, Manipulus curatorium , Rome, 1481, La Bibliofilia, 58:125-8[119]
- LUELFING, HANS, comp., Neue Literatur zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, Archiv f. Kulturgesch. , 37(1955):244-63[120]
- MADURELL MARIMÓN, L. M., Documentos para la historia de la imprenta y libreria en Barcelona (1474-1553) , Barcelona, Gremios de edit., libr. y maestros impres., 1955. cxx, 1013p.[121]
- MANNUCCI, F. L., Un testo scolastico latino in uso nel cinquecento [Esopus constructus], Genoa, 1506, Paideia , 10(1955):117-20[122]
- MARSTON, T. E., Additions to the Collection of Incunabula [of Yale Univ.], Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 30 (1955):19-21 (Cf. no. 3079)[123]
- MARSTON, T. E., The Catholicon of 1460 [copy on vellum recently acquired by Yale Univ.], Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 30:89-93[124]
- MARSTON, T. E., Coverdale's New Testament in Latin and English [1538], Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 31:84-6[125]
- MARTINI, G. S., La bottega di un cartolaio fiorentino della seconda metà del quattrocento; nuovi contributi . . .a Gherardo e Monte di Giovanni, Bibliofilia , 58, Supplemento (82p.)[126]
- MARX, MOSES, Formularium diversorum contractuum [unknown ed.:] Ancona, Gersham Soncino, 1518, Studies in Bibliography and Booklore , 2:182-4[127]
- MEDAKOVIČ, DEJAN, Über die künstlerische Ausstattung der serbischen gedruckten Bücher des XV. bis XVII. Jh., Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):145-56[128]
- MELTZ, C., Die Drucke der Michaelisbrüder zu Rostock 1476 bis 1530, Wissensch. Zeitschr.d.Univ.Rostock , 5(1955-6), Sonderheft:229-62[129]
- MENDELS, JUDY, Das “Bergbüchlein” [Ulrich Rülein von Kalbe, Von ertzlicher ader minerischer geburdt, 1500] und seine Nachfolger, Zeitsch.f.d.deutsche Philol. , 75:83-94[130]
- MICHALOVSKI, K., Bibliografia polskiego piśmienictwa muzycznego [1515-1954], Cracaw, Polskie wyd.muz., 1955. 280p.(Materiały do bibliografii muzyki polskiej. 3)[131]
- MILAN, BIBLIOTECA TRIVULZIANA, I libri figurati milanesi del Rinascimento nella Bibl. Triv., Catalogo . . . a cura di C. Santoro , Milano, 1956. 74, [2]p.[132]
- MONNERET DE VILLARD, U., Le filigrane delle carte milanesi, dalle più antiche alla fine del XV sec., Arch.stor. lomb. , ser. 8,5(1954-5;publ.1956):24-55[133a]
- MORANTI, LUIGI, La Biblioteca universitaria di Urbino e i suoi incunaboli , Urbino, Ist. stat. d'arte, 1956.(Collana di studi arch. e art. marchigiani.v.5).[133b]
- NAÏS, HELÈNE, Le Rustican; notes sur la traduction française du traité d'agriculture de Pierre de Crescens, Bibl.d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 19 (1957):103-32.(Lists mss. and eds.)[134]
- NEUE BIBLIOGRAPHIEN [containing section “Buch- u. Bibliothekswesen”, published in most issues of] Zeitschrift f. Bibliothekswesen u. Bibliographie [135]
- OHLY, KURT, Georg Reysers Wirken in Strassburg und Würzburg; zum Problem des Druckers des Henricus Ariminensis, Gutenberg-Jahrb.(1956):120-40[136]
- OLDHAM, E. M., A Great French Mystery Play [Les actes des apostres, 1537, 1540 and 1541], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 8:209-13[137]
- ONORANZE A AGNOLO POLIZIANO nel V centenario della nascita; catalogo della mostra bibliografica , Montepulciano, Sopraint.bibl.toscana, 1954. 43p.[138]
- PAINTER, G. D., A Horatian Ghost [1470; Bibliotheca Lindesiana, II, 4488, actually Basle, 1484-], The Library , 5th ser., 11:278-82[139]
- PALANCA PONS, ABELARDO, Incunable valenciano poco conocido [Devota adoratio de Jesus Redemptor nostre crucificat], Miscellanea di scritti vari in memoria di Alfonso Gallo , Firenze, Olschki, 1956, pp.589-96[140]
- PANIZZA BOVÉ, MARISTELLA de, Le tre versioni del De vero bono del Valla, Rinascimento , 6(1955): 349-64.(Cont. of article in Giorn.stor.lett.ital. v.121:1-22; comparison of ms. and early printed text traditions)[141]
- PESENTI, GIULIANO, Libri censurati a Venezia nei sec. XVI-XVII [1544-1611 imprints], Bibliofilia , 58:15-30[142]
- PETRUS POMPONATIUS, Tractatus de immortalitate animae, a cura di Gianfranco Morra , Bologna, Nanni and Fiammenghi, 1954. 244p.(Based on ed. 1516, with bibliography)[143]
- PINTA LLORENTE, MIGUEL de la, Historia interna de los índices expurgatorios españoles, Hispania , 56(1954):411-61[144]
- POVEY, K., Pinholes in the 1457 Psalter, The Library , 5th ser., 11:18-22[145]
- PRESSER, HELMUT, Unknown Illustrations of the Printing Press [Gebetbüchlein, 1509; Hortulus animae, 1514], Archiv für Druck und Papier , 1(1955):29-32[146]
- RATH, ERICH von, Buchdruck u. Buchillustration bis zum Jahre 1600 [revised by R. Juchhoff], Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft , 2nd ed., Stuttgart, 1952, pp. 388-455[147]
- RAU, ARTHUR, La première édition lyonnaise de Mélusine [undescribed French translation, printed by M. Husz, between 1478 and 84], Bibliothèque d' Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:429-31[148]
- RHODES, D. E., Antonio Zanchi of Bergamo [Venice and Mantua], Gutenberg-Jahrb . (1956):141-4.(With bibliography)[149]
- RHODES, D. E., A Bibliography of Mantua to about the year 1610, I.1472-98, Bibliofilia , 57(1955):173-87.(Lists 42 items)[150]
- RHODES, D. E., Monumenta ordinis fratrum minorum [Leipzig, Lotter, c.1506-10], PBSA , 50:375-8[151]
- RHODES, D. E., Provost Argentine of King's and His Books, Trans.Cambridge Bibl.Soc. , 2:205-12[152]
- RHODES, D. E., The “Quodlibeta” of Petrus Joannes Olivi [Cop.4986; Reichl.III, 161: Paris, c.1495. Actually Venice, ca. 1505], PBSA , 50:85-7[153]
- RHODES, D. E., Santiago de Compostela and its Early Indulgences [1497-1505], The Library , 5th ser., 11:41-4[154]
- RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Contributi sopra Niccolò Tedesco [2 hitherto undescribed imprints of Nicolaus Alemannus, Florence, 1483-5: Officium B.V. Mariae.- Appolonius, Historia, transl.in verse by A. Pucci], Bibliofilia , 58:1-14[155]
- RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel sec.XV.- V. Note sopra Bartolomeo de' Libri, Bibliofilia , 57 (1955):89-104[156]
- RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Spigolature machiavelliane: la “contrafazzione” del Decennale , Bibliofilia , 57(1955):196-202[157]
- RIEPPEL, F. W., Early Illustrated Medicine, Graphis , 67:442-53.(Mss. and early printed books)[158]
- RILEY, LYMAN, Johann Draconites (1494-1566), [Univ. of Penna.] Library Chronicle , 22:29-32[159]
- RILEY, LYMAN, Aristotle Texts and Commentaries to 1700 in the University of Pennsylvania Library, [Univ. of Penna.] Library Chronicle , 22:86-95.(To be cont. in subsequent nos.)[160]
- ROBERTS, S. C., The Evolution of Cambridge Publishing , Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1956. 66p.(Sandars Lectures, 1954)[161]
- ROGERS, D. M., The “Friends of North Newington;” a New Pynson Broadside [1521], Bodleian Libr.Rec. , 5:251-5[162]
- ROSENFELD, HELLMUT, Die ätesten Spielkarten und ihre Farbzeichen, Archiv f. Gesch.d.Buchw. , 1:122-8[163]
- ROSENFELD, HELLMUT, Gutenberg als Erfinder der Buchdrucktechnik, Börsenblatt f.d.deutsch. Buchh. (Frank.Ausg.) 12:1709-22[164]
- ROTH, CECIL, A Jewish Printer in Naples, 1477, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 39:188-99.(Anon.printer of Dante, Divina commedia, Apr. 12, 1477)[165]
- ROTH, CECIL, Jewish Printers of Non-Jewish Books in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Jour. of Jewish Studies , 4(1953):116-30[166]
- RUPPEL, ALOYS, Die Bücherwelt des 16. Jh. und die Frankfurter Büchermessen, Gedenkboek der Plantin-Dagen, 1555-1955; Internationaal Congres , Antwerpen, Vereeniging der Antw. Bibliophielen, 1955, pp.146-65[167]
- RUPPEL, ALOYS, Vor 500 Jahren druckte Gutenberg in Mainz die erste Bibel, Schweiz. Gutenbergmuseum , 41(1955):107-13[168]
- RUPPEL, ALOYS, Die Wanderlegende vom Diebstahl der Buchdruckerkunst, Schweiz. Gutenbergmuseum , (1956):123-40[169]
- RUPPEL, M., Wichtige Funde alter jugoslawischer Drucke in schweizerischen Bibliotheken, Nachrichten d.Vereinigung schweiz.Bibliothekare , 30(1954):75-9[170]
- ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Catalogue of Incunabula , St. Andrews, Univ. Court, 1956. 101p., 6 plates.(St. Andrews University Publ. no.53)[171]
- SAMARAN, CHARLES, La prétendue première coquille typographique [dans le Psalterium de Fust et Schöffer, 1457], France graphique , 9(1955):18-24[172]
- SAULNIER, V. L., L'humanisme français et Christophe Plantin, Gedenkboek der Plantin-Dagen, 1555-1955; Internationaal Congres , Antwerpen, Vereeniging der Antw. Bibliophielen, 1956, pp. 42-69[173]
- SAULNIER, V. L., Sur le séjour à Lyon de Christophe Plantin [1514/20-1548/9], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:96-100[174]
- SCEAUX, RAOUL de, Collection des incunables et des livres du XVIe siècle de la Bibliothèque provinciale de Capucins de Paris, Collectanea franciscana , 26:187-201, 282-306[175]
- SCHELER, LUCIEN, François Rabelais pronostiqueur et son succès jusqu'en 1769, Bibl.d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:384-91[176]
- SCHELER, LUCIEN, A propos de l'édition originale des Marguerites de la Marguerite des princesses [Lyons, de Tournes, 1547], Bibl.d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 18:282-5[177]
- SCHELER, LUCIEN, La véritable édition originale de Gérard de Roustillon [Paris, Michel Le Noir, 1520], Bibl.d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 19(1957):343-5[178]
- SCHMID, H. H., Augsburger Einzelformschnitt und Buchillustration, Börsenblatt f.d.deutsch. Buchh. (Frank. Ausg.), 12:1602-50.(With “Katalog der wichtigsten Buchillustratoren:” Bämlermeister, Sorgmeister, Kreuzfahrtmeister, Sorgscher Columnameister, Meister der heil. Veronika, Kalendermeister, Meister der Augsburger Schedelchronik, Meister der Ungarnchronik, Hans Burgkmair d. Aeltere)[179]
- SCHMID, H. H., Augsburger Einzelformschnitt und Buchillustration, Arch. f. Gesch.d.Buchw . 1:274-322[180]
- SCHMIDT, WIELAND, Das Berliner Exemplar der Gutenberg-Bibel, Edwin Redslob zum 70. Geburtstag , Berlin, 1954, pp.96-123[181a]
- SCHMIDT, WIELAND, Gutenberg und die Schriftkultur seiner Zeit, Gutenberg-Jahrb . (1956):11-6.[181b]
- SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, The Strasbourg Speculum judiciale, 1473: with a Note on the Career of Johann Bekenhub, The Library , 5th ser., 11:273-7[182]
- SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Two Unrecorded Early Book-Advertisements [Strasbourg, Mentelin for Paulus de Sancta Maria, Scrutinium scripturarum; Lübeck, Brandis for the Rudimentum novitiorum], The Library , 5th ser., 11:114-5[183]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, KARL, Das alte Buch [3rd ed.], Braunschweig, Klinkhardt und Biermann, 1956. 467p., 162 illus.(Bibl.f.Kunst-u.Antiquitätenfreunde. Bd.14)[184]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, KARL, Bibliographie zur deutschen Geschichte im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 1517-1585 , [2nd ed., without additions or revisions], Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1956- 6v.(In process of publ.)[185]
- SCHUTZ, A. H., Vernacular Books in Parisian Private Libraries in the Sixteenth Century According to the Notarial Inventories , Chapel Hill, Univ. of N. C. Press, 1955. iii, 88p.(Univ. of N. C. Studies in Romance Lang. and Lit. v. 25)[186]
- SCHWARZ, H., Bibliographie und Register der von 1945 bis 1955 in Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel veröffentlichten Beiträge zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, Börsenblatt f.d.deutsch. Buchh. (Frank.Ausg.), 12:1185-1208[187]
- SCHWARZ, H., Bibliographie und Register der von 1945 bis 1955 in Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel veröffentlichten Beiträge zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, Arch.f.Gesch.d.Buchw. , 1:185-208[188]
- SECKEL, EMIL, Paläographie der juristischen Handschriften des 12. bis 15. und der juristischen Drucke des 15. u. 16. Jh. , [Weimar, Böhlau, 1953] 16p.(Unchanged reprint)[189]
- SELIG, K. L., A German Collection of Spanish Books [1582], Bibl.d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 19(1957):51-79.(281 nos.)[190]
- SELMER, CARL, The Vernacular Translations of the Navigatio Sancti Brendani: A Bibliographical Study, Mediaeval Studies , 18:145-57.(Incl. in bibliography are early printed eds.)[191]
- SERVOLINI, ALFREDO, La stampa a Firenze nel secolo XVo , Gutenberg-Jahrb . (1956):84-90[192]
- SERVOLINI, ALFREDO, Gli [146] incunaboli della collezione bibliografica romagnola di Carlo Piancastelli, Accad. e bibl.d'Italia , 23(1955):277-92[193]
- SONET, JEAN, Répertoire d'incipit de prières en ancien français , Genève, Droz, 1956. xvi,410p.(Soc. de publ. romanes et franç. 54)[194]
- SPERBER, GISELA, Bucheinbände des 15.u.16.Jh. aus der Wiegendruckabteilung der niedersächsischen Staats-u. Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen [unpublished “Jahresarbeit,” Hamburger Bibliotheksschule, 195-] [195]
- STAEHELIN, ERNST, L'édition de 1522 du Defensor pacis de Marsile de Padoue, Rev.d'hist. et de phil.relig. , 34(1955):209-22[196]
- STARK, L. M., New York Public Library [Renaissance book] Acquisitions, June 1955-July 1956 , Renaissance News , 10:45-47[197]
- STIEWESAND, RUDOLF, Heinrich Günther und Gutenberg; das Problem des “etwan” im Protokoll des Fust-Eides, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1956):62-71[198]
- SYDOW, JUERGEN, Regensburger Buchdruckerkunst aus 6 Jahrhunderten , Munich, Fachverl.f.graph.Künste, 1956. 44p.[199]
- TAYLOR, R. E., comp., Renaissance Books [Current listing of new publications in every issue of] Renaissance News [200]
- TEMPESTI, FOLCO, La biblioteca di un umanista ungherese della seconda metà del cinquecento [Joannes Sambucus], Accad. e bibl. d'Italia , 24:25-32[201]
- TEUCHER, EUGEN, Das Helmaspergersche Notariatsinstrument; eine neue Interpretation [based on Rudolf Blum's Der Prozess gegen Gutenberg], Schweiz. Gutenbergmuseum , 42:26-51[202]
- THOMAS AQUINUS, Expositio super librum Boethii De trinitate, recensuit Bruno Decker , Leiden, Brill, 1955. xiii, 243p.(“De editionibus veteribus,” pp. 29-32)[203]
- TOLDBERG, HELGE, De gamle tryk og håndskrifter af den dansk rimkrønike [eds. 1495-1533], Nordisk tidskr. bok-och biblioteksv. , 43:85-116[204]
- TSCHUDIN, PETER, Das Basler Papierhandwerk; Gründung und Entwicklung bis 1530, Stultifera Navis , 13:116-24.(Incl. “Wasserzeichentafel zur Basler Papiergeschichte, 1433-1530”)[205a]
- VALENCIA, Biblioteca municipal, Catálogo y estudio de los incunables . . . [comp.by] José Martínez Ortiz , Valencia, 1955. 101p. 34 plates.[205b]
- VIAL, JEAN, Jean Rosenbach, prototypographe de Perpignan, Gutenberg-Jahrb . (1956):163-8[206]
- VIENNA, NATIONALBIBLIOTHEK, Liste der Wiener Inkunabeln in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Das Antiquariat , 12:100-1.(Lists 15 incunabula omitted by H. Gollob, cf.no. 2942, “Checklist for 1955).”[207]
- VLEESCHAUWER, H. J. de, Schatten über der Buchdruckerkunst im ersten Jahrhundert ihres Daseins, Mousaion [Pretoria, 1956], nos.8-9 (77p.)[208]
- VOLZ, HANS, Konrad Kachelofen und Melchior Lotter d. Ä. als Drucker liturgischer Werke, Gutenberg-Jahrb . (1956):100-10.(With bibliography)[209]
- WIJNMAN, H. F., . . . De Ontwikkeling van de Ethiopische Typografie in West-Europa in de 16de Eeuw, Het Boek , 32:225-46[210]
- WINGER, H. W., Regulations Relating to the Book Trade in London from 1357 to 1586, Libr.Quart. , 26:157-95.[211]
- WOLEDGE, BRIAN, Bibliographie des romans et nouvelles en prose antérieurs à 1500 , Geneva, Droz, 1954. 180p.(Lists mss. and printed eds. in short-title form)[212]









1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- ALLISON, A. F., and ROGERS, D. M., A Catalogue of Catholic Books in English Printed Abroad or Secretly in England, 1558-1640 , Bognor Regis, The Arundel Press, 1956. 2 vols.(Biographical Studies, Vol. III, nos. 3 and 4.)[213]
- BOLD, F. A., A Bibliographical Study of “Scots Wha Hae” by Robert Burns , University of North Carolina. Thesis, 1956 [214]
- BONNARD, G. A., Shakespeare in the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Shakespeare Survey , 9:81-5[215]
- BRIGGS, G. M., The William W. Clary Oxford Collection: A Descriptive Catalogue , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. xxv, 234 p.[216]
- BRIGHAM, C. S., Check List of Newspapers of the British Isles, 1665-1800, in the American Antiquarian Society, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 65 (1955):237-51[217]
- CHAPPLE, A. J. V., Some Unpublished Poetical Manuscripts of John Clare, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 31:34-48[218]
- CHILDS, J. R., Casanoviana: An Annotated World Bibliography of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt and of Works Concerning Him , Vienna, Christian M. Nebehay for the Casanova Society of Virginia, 1956. 396 p.[219]
- CRANFIELD, G. A., Handlist of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals, 1700-1760. Additions and Corrections, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:269-274.(Revises No. 1500, “Check List for 1952”)[220]
- DOUGAN, R. O., W. B. Yeats: Manuscripts and Printed Books Exhibited in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin , Dublin, For the Friends of the Library of Trinity College, 1956. 50 p.[221]
- DUBAY, MARTHA, A Bibliography and Index to the Literary Criticism of Francis Thompson, 1889-1907 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [222]
- DYSINGER, R. E., The John Millington Synge Collection at Colby College: A Check List, Colby Libr. Quart. , ser. 4, no. 9:166-72[223]
- FERN, A. M., Typographical Specimen Books: A Check-List of the Broxbourne Collection, with an Introduction by W. Turner Berry, Book Collector , 5:256-72.[224]
- GERBER, H. E., J. D. Beresford: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:201-4[225]
- GORDAN, J. D., Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950; An Exhibition from the Berg Collection , New York Public Libr., 1956. 51 p.(Also printed in BNYPL, 61 (1957):117-138, 192-207, 250-9)[226]
- HAYWARD, JOHN, The Location of Copies of the First Editions of Giordano Bruno, Book Collector , 5:152-157.(Location of additional copies, ibid.:381-2)[227]
- HISCOCK, W. G., The Christ Church Supplement to Wing's Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700 , Oxford, 1956. 47 p.[228]
- JAYNE, S. R., See Part I: no. 86
- JAYNE, S. R., and JOHNSON, F. R., The Lumley Library. The Catalogue of 1609 , London, British Museum, 1956. 372 p.[229]
- KENNEDY, R. S., Bibliography of G. A. Henty and Hentyana , London, Bernard J. Farmer, 1956. 93 p.(Mimeographed)[230]
- KINDILIEN, C. T., The George Russell Collection at Colby College: A Check List, Colby Libr. Quart. , ser. 4, no. 2:31-55[231]
- LUTTRELL, NARCISSUS, Narcissus Luttrell's Popish Plot Catalogues . Introduction by F. C. Francis, Oxford, Blackwell, 1956. 91 p.(Luttrell Society Reprints, No. 15)[232]
- McKAY, G. L., A Stevenson Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1956. 351 p.(Continues Nos. 1015 and 2046, Check Lists for 1951 and 1953)[233]
- METZDORF, R. F., Southey Manuscripts at Yale, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:157-62[234]
- MORGAN, PAUL, George Skyppe's Catalogue of Books: The Library of a 17th Century Herefordshire Squire, Trans. of the Woolhope Club , 35:Part I:24-46[235]
- NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE. Walter De La Mare: A Checklist , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. xvi, 56 p.[236]
- O'SULLIVAN, WILLIAM, Archbishop Whitgift's Library Catalogue, TLS , August 3, 1956, p. 468[237]
- PENDRED, JOHN, The Earliest Directory of the Book Trade [1785]. Edited by Graham Pollard, London, The Bibliographical Society, 1955. xxiii, 90 p.(Review, with addenda, by W. S. Todd, PBSA, 50:398-402)[238]
- PYRITZ, HANS, Goethe-Bibliographie , Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1955. 2 v.[239]
- RAMSDEN, CHARLES, London Bookbinders, 1780-1840 , London, Batsford, 1956. xiv, 162 p., 40 pl.[240]
- ROLPH, J. A., Dylan Thomas: A Bibliography , London, Dent, 1956. xix, 108 p.[241]
- ROTA, BERTRAM, Constance Holme (Some Uncollected Authors, XI), Book Collector , 5:250-5[242]
- RUBEL, MAXMILIEN, Bibliographie des oeuvres de Karl Marx avec en appendice un répertoire des oeuvres de Friedrich Engels , Paris, Librairie Marcel Rivière et Cie, 1956. 273 p.[243]
- SADLEIR, MICHAEL, William Ernest Henley (Some Uncollected Authors, X), Book Collector , 5:162-8[244]
- SHANNON, E. F., Jr., and BOND, W. H., Literary Manuscripts of Alfred Tennyson in the Harvard College Library, HLB , 10:254-74[245]
- SITWELL, SACHEVERELL, and BLUNT, WILFRID, Great Flower Books, 1700-1900 . Bibliography by W. T. Stearn, H. Buchanan, and S. Wilson. Ed. P. M. Synge, London, Collins, 1956. 94 p.[246]
- SPARROW, JOHN, Samuel Parr (1747-1825), (Some Uncollected Authors, IX), Book Collector , 5:63-72[247]
- STOTT, R. T., The Writings of William Somerset Maugham , London, Bertram Rota, 1956. 136 p.[248]
- SWAN, B. F., A Checklist of Early Printing on the Island of Antigua (1748-1800), PBSA , 50:285-92[249]
- UPPSALA. UNIVERSITET. BIBLIOTEK, Bibliotheca Walleriana: Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science , Stockholm, Almquist and Wiksell, 1955. 2 v.[250]
- WADDELL, DAVID, The Writings of Charles Davenant (1656-1714), Library , 5th ser., 11:206-12[251]
- WAGNER, GEOFFREY, James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon [with] A Chronological Checklist of His Writings, Bibliotheck , I:3-21[252]
- WAINWRIGHT, A. D., The Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists: A Summary Report and an Introduction, PULC , 17:59-67.(Followed by reports by others on Thackeray, Lady Novelists, Reade, Wilkie Collins, Carrolliana, Stevenson, and Barrie, at pp. 68-98)[253]
- WALBRIDGE, E. F., Drames à Clef: A List of Plays with Characters Based on Real People, BNYPL , 60:159-174, 235-247, 289-297.(Also published separately)[254]
- WELLAND, D. S. R., Wilfred Owen's Manuscripts, TLS , June 15 and June 22, 1956. Comment and corrections by Edith Sitwell, TLS, June 22, 1956, p. 377, and by Joseph Cohen, TLS, August 10, 1956, p. 475[255]
- WILSON, E. M., Samuel Pepys' Spanish Chap-Books, Part II, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:229-268.(A continuation of No. 3134, “Check List for 1955”)[256]
- WOODRING, C. R., Charles Lamb in the Harvard Library, HLB , 10:208-239, 367-402[257]
- WOOLF, CECIL, A Bibliography of Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956. 136 p.[258]
- WOOLF, CECIL, Sir William Watson (Some Uncollected Authors, XII), Book Collector , 5:375-80[259]


B. United States
- BAUM, J. H., and BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; An Exhibition of His Published Writings , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1956. 49 p.[260]
- BAUM, J. H., Stephen Crane (1871-1900): An Exhibition , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1956. 61 p.[261]
- BLANCK, J. N., Peter Parley to Penrod , 2d printing, N. Y., R. R. Bowker, 1956. 159p.[262]
- BLUMENTHAL, W. H., Lincoln's World Wide Fame: Lincoln Biographies in Foreign Languages, American Book Collector , 6:No. 9:8-10[263]
- CAMERON, K. W., Some Collections of Emerson Manuscripts, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 3(Second Quart. 1956):1-3; No. 5 (Fourth Quart.):20-1[264]
- CAMERON, K. W., Three Ungathered Whitman Manuscripts, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 1(Fourth Quart, 1955):8-9[265]
- CLARK, T. D., Travels in the Old South: A Bibliography [1527-1825], Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1956. 2 v.[266]
- CLARY, A. R., A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1821 through 1830, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [267]
- COUFAL, EVELYN, A Checklist of Washington, D. C., Non-official Imprints; 1843-1844, with a Historical Introduction, Catholic Univ. of America . Thesis, 1955 [268]
- DAVIS, K. N., A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1781 to 1805, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [269]
- DAY, B. M., Edgar Rice Burroughs Biblio. , South Ozone Park, N. Y., Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications, 1956 [270]
- DAY, B. M., Talbot Mundy Biblio. , South Ozone Park, N. Y., Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications, 1956. 30 p.[271]
- DELL'ISOLA, FRANK, Thomas Merton: A Bibliography , N. Y., Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956. 116 p.[272]
- DOYLE, JOSEPH, George Edward Woodberry: A Bibliography. Part IV, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:209-214.(Completes No. 3153, “Check List for 1955”)[273]
- FISH, A. M., The Clarke Historical Collection. With a List of Michigan Imprints , Mount Pleasant, Michigan, Central Michigan College Press, 1956. 46 p.[274]
- GALVIN, THOMAS, Directory of Individuals and Firms Engaged in Activities Related to the Boston Book Trade, 1760-1790 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [275]
- GIBBONS, Mother M. R., A Checklist of Delaware Imprints from 1801 through 1815, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1955 [276]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, Thomas Paine: A Bibliographical Check List of “Common Sense ,” Yale Univ. Press, 1956. 124 p.[277]
- GREENLY, A. H., A Bibliography of Father Richard's Press in Detroit , Ann Arbor, William L. Clements Library, 1955. x, 48 p.[278]
- HEANEY, H. J., The Americana Collection of William M. Elkins—A Check-List: 1493-1869, PBSA , 50:129-168.(Also published with No. 516 here as a separate, Philadelphia, The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1956. 56 p.)[279]
- HEARD, J. N., Bookman's Guide to Americana. Part II-Literature , New Brunswick, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1956. 254 p.[280]
- HOPKINS, E. A., A Checklist of Unofficial Washington, District of Columbia, Imprints, 1854-1855, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1955 [281]
- HUTCHINSON, P. M., Reminiscences of Willa Cather as a Teacher, with a Contribution toward a Bibliography of Her Writings, BNYPL , 60:263-288; 338-356; 378-400[282]
- KERN, ALEXANDER, Thoreau Manuscripts at Harvard, Thoreau Soc. Bull. , 53 (Fall, 1955):1-2[283]
- KUEHL, J. R., Walter Van Tilburg Clark: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:18-20[284]
- LaHOOD, C. G., Jr., A Survey of Regional Bibliographies and Checklist of Early American Imprints , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [285]
- LARWOOD, JAMES, Georgia, 1800-1900. A Series of Selections from the Georgiana Library of James Larwood [Arranged and described by John C. Settelmayer], Atlanta Public Libr., 1956. xv, 295 p.(A cumulation of the series begun with No. 2593, “Check List for 1954”)[286]
- LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue of the Library Company of Philadelphia. 1741 . A Facsimile, with an introduction by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, Philadelphia, The Library Company, 1956. 55 p.[287]
- McKINNELL, BETTINA, A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1841 through 1852, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [288]
- MEEKS, L. F., A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for the District of Columbia, 1853, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [289]
- MILES, J. W., Catalogue of the Library of the Reverend James Warley Miles ; Reprinted from the only Surviving Copy of the Charleston Edition of 1854, with Introductory and Biographical Notes by George Walton Williams, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 39 p.[290]
- MOLL, WILHELM, A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for the District of Columbia for the Year 1856, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [291]
- PORTER, B. H., H. L. Mencken: A Bibliography , San Francisco, Bern Porter, 1956. 26 p.[292]
- RAYMOND, A. L. M., Publications of the Mississippii Legislature, 1789-1952 , Atlanta Univ. Thesis, 1956 [293]
- SHUFELT, MARCIA, A Checklist of Atlanta, Georgia, Imprints from 1846 to 1876, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [294]
- SMYTHE, K. H., Eudora Welty: A Checklist, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:207-8[295]
- SOWERBY, E. M., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson , Washington, The Library of Congress, 1955. 568 p.(The earlier volumes are Nos. 1580 and 2110 in the Check Lists for 1952 and 1953)[296]
- STARKEY, L. G., A Descriptive and Analytical Bibliography of the Cambridge, Massachusetts, Press: From Its Beginnings to the Publication of Eliot's Indian Bible in 1663 , Lexington, Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1956. 10 microcards[297]
- STREETER, T. W., Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1848. Part II. Mexican Imprints Relating to Texas, 1803-1845 , Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1956. xxiv, 283 p.(Part I. Texas Imprints, 2 vols., was No. 3184, “Check List for 1955”)[298]
- STROUPE, H. S., The Religious Press in the South Atlantic States, 1802-1865: An Annotated Bibliography with Historical Introduction and Notes , Durham, N. C., Duke Univ. Press, 1956. 172 p.[299]
- TURNBULL, R. J., Bibliography of South Carolina, 1563-1950 , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. Vols. 1-4, 1563-1906.(To be completed)[300]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, John P. Marqu-and Since 1950 , Bull. of Bibl. , 21:230-234.(Continuation of No. 584, “Check List for 1950”)[301]
- WILLIAMS, D. T., A Checklist of Nonofficial Imprints for the District of Columbia, 1936-1937, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [302]


2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ALSPACH, R. K., Some Textual Problems in Yeats, SB , 9:51-67[303]
- ARDAGH, PHILIP, St. Andrews University Library and the Copyright Acts, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:183-211[304]
- BARNETT, G. L., An Unpublished Review by Charles Lamb, MLQ , 17:352-6[305]
- BEARE, R. L., Notes on the Text of T. S. Eliot: Variants from Russell Square, SB , 9:21-49[306]
- BEATY, F. L., Two Manuscript Poems of Coleridge, R.E.S. , n.s. 7:185-7[307]
- BECERRA DE LEON, BERTA, La imprints en Cuba en el sieglo XVIII, Boletín , Asociacion Cubana de Bibliotecarios, 3(1951):79-87[308]
- BENTLEY, G. E., The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. Plays and Playwrights , Vols. III-V, Oxford, Claredon Press, 1956.(Vols. I and II published in 1941)[309]
- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes and Queries, Book Collector , 5:75-79, 171-175, 276-282, 383-385. Including: D. F. Foxon, “The Golden Treasury 1861;” S. Roscoe, “Children's Books in Boxes;” D. F. Foxon, “Fielding's The Modern Husband, 1732;” D. F. Foxon, “Akenside's The Pleasures of Imagination;” W. B. Todd, Sheridan's The Critic; Robert Birley, “Press-Marks of the de Thou Library;” D. F. Foxon, “Concealed Pope Editions;” T. R. Francis, “A Variant Issue of Thomson's Summer, 1727”[310]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT. See Part I, no. 20
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Accounts of the Wardens of the Stationers' Company, SB , 9:69-93[311]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN. Henry Rhodes and the “Monthly Mercury,” 1702 to 1720, Book Collector , 5:343-53[312]
- BLAYNEY, G. H., Variants in Q1 of A Yorkshire Tragedy , Library , 5th ser., 11:262-7[313]
- BOFARULL Y SANS, FRANCISCO DE, Heraldic Watermarks or La Heráldica en la Filigrana del Papel , translated by A. J. Henschel, Hilversum, Holland, The Paper Publications Society, 1956. 22 p., 16 pl.[214]
- BOLTON, J. S. G., Worn Pages in Shakespearian Manuscripts, SQ , 7:177-82[315]
- BOND, W. H., The Publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , HLB , 10:306-24[316]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Hamlet's “Sullied” or “Solid” Flesh: A Bibliographical Case History, Shakespeare Survey , 9:44-8[317]
- BOWYER, T. H., The Published Forms of Sir Josiah Child's A New Discourse of Trade , Library , 5th ser., 11:95-102[318]
- BRADNER, LEICESTER, Some Unpublished Poems by John Leland, PMLA , 71:827-36[319]
- BROWN, J. R., and COTTIER, MARGARET, A Note on the Date of Lyly's “Galathea,” M.L.R. , 51:220-2[320]
- BROWN, T. J., The Brontës (English Literary Autographs: XVII), Book Collector , 5:55-6[321]
- BROWN, T. J., Robert Bridges, 1844-1930 (English Literary Autographs: XX), Book Collector , 5:369[322]
- BROWN, T. J., Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928 (English Literary Autographs: XIX), Book Collector , 5:249[323]
- BROWN, T. J., William Morris, 1834-1896 (English Literary Autographs: XVIII), Book Collector , 5:151[324]
- BUCHER, OTTO, Adam Meltzer (1603-1610) und Gregor Hänlin (1610-1617) als Musikalien Drucker in Dillingen/Donau, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1956):216-26[325]
- BYRNS, R. H., De Quincey's First Article in Blackwood's Magazine, BNYPL , 60:333-7[326]
- BYRNS, R. H., Some Unpublished Works of De Quincey, PMLA , 71:990-1003:[327]
- CANTRELL, P. L., and WILLIAMS, G. W., The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599), SB , 9:107-28[328]
- CARNIE, R. H., Lord Hailes' Contributions to Contemporary Magazines, SB , 9:233-44[329]
- CARTER, HARRY, The Types of Christopher Plantin, Library , 5th ser., 11:170-9[330]
- CARTER, JOHN, The Text of Housman's Poems, TLS , June 15, 1956, p. 361[331]
- CASTRO, MANUEL DE, La Imprenta en Galicia [1620-1792], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):227-35[332]
- CHILDS, J. R., An Unknown Work of Casanova Identified [Lettera ai Signori Giovanni e Stafano Luzac], PBSA , 50:264-78[333]
- CLAIR, COLIN, Clément Perrett, Calligrapher, Library , 5th ser., 11:50-2, 286[334]
- CORSON, J. C., The “Border Antiquities,” Bibliotheck , 1:23-6[335]
- CUNNINGHAM, J. S., editor, William Collins: Drafts and Fragments of Verse , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. xii, 49 p.[336]
- DAIN, N. E., Notes on Editing and Collecting of Shakespeareana, Librarian , 8:149-53[337]
- DAVIS, R. B., Sandy's Song of Solomon: Its Manuscripts Versions and Their Circulation, PBSA , 50:328-41[338]
- DICKSON, S. A., editor, The Importance of Being Earnest . . . As Originally Written by Oscar Wilde , New York Public Library, 1956. 2 v.[339]
- DOIG, R. P., George Paton's Contributions to Herbert's Typographical Antiquities , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:215-9[340]
- DOIG, R. P., A note on John Baine, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:222[341]
- DUVEEN, D. I., and KLICKSTEIN, H. S., The “American” Edition of Lavoisier's L'art de fabriquer, William and Mary Quart. , 33:493-8[342]
- ELWIN, MALCOLM, editor, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. In Both the Revised and the Original Texts with Its Sequels , Macdonald, 1956. xxiii, 614 p.[343]
- ENRIGHT, B. J., The Later Auction Sales of Thomas Rawlinson's Library, 1727-34, Library , 5th ser., 11:23-40, 103-13[344]
- FORMAN, P., Two Rare Books in the University Library, Glasgow [Michael Scott's Mensa Philosophica, 1609, and the Grammar of Sulpitius, between 1506 and 1518], Bibliotheck, 1:22-3[345]
- FOXON, D. F., Another Skeleton in Thomas J. Wise's Cupboard, TLS , October 19, 1956, p. 624. Also T. J. Wise Again, ibid.:p. 617[346]
- FOXON, D. F., On Printing “At One Pull”, and Distinguishing Impressions by Point-Holes, Library , 5th ser., 11:284-5[347]
- FRASER, PETER, The Intelligence of the Secretaries of State and Their Monopoly of Licensed News, 1660-1688 , Cambridge, At the University Press, 1956. xii, 177 p.[348]
- FRIEDLAND, L. S., The Illustrations in The Theatre for Worldlings , HLQ , 20:107-20[349]
- FRY, M. I., and DAVIES, GODFREY, William Prynne in the Huntington Library, HLQ , 20:53-93[350]
- GARDNER, HELEN, Milton's First Illustrator, Essays and Studies , 1956; 27-38[351]
- GETTMANN, R. A., Colburn-Bentley and the March of Intellect, SB , 9:197-213[352]
- GIBSON, R. W., A New-Found Discourse on Bacon, TLS , March 16, 1956, p. 165[353]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol: Three States of the First Edition , New Haven, Privately Printed, 1956. [8] p.[354]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Domingo Navas Spénola, Impresor, Editor y Autor, Revista Nacional de Cultura , Caracas, No. 114:69-81[355]
- GRASES, PEDRO, La Fecha de Impresion del Libro de Quintana , Caracas, 1956. 8 p.[356]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Origenes de la Imprenta en Cumana , Caracas, 1956. 14 p.[357]
- GREENE, D. J., Johnson's Contributions to The Literary Magazine , R. E. S. , n.s., 7:367-92[358]
- GREG, W. W., The English Stock of the Stationers' Company, Library , 5th ser., 11:53.(Corrects remark in No. 3203, “Check List for 1955”)[359]
- GREG, W. W., Samuel Harsnett and Hayward's Henry IV, Library , 5th ser., 11:1-10[360]
- GREG, W. W., Some Aspects and Problems of London Publishing between 1550 and 1650 , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. viii, 131[361]
- HAAS, W. J., English Book Censorship , Univ. of Rochester Press for the Assn. of College and Reference Librs., 1955. 80 leaves.(ACRL Microcard Series No. 49)[362]
- HABER, T. B., The Text of Housman's Poems, TLS , July 20, 1956, p. 435.(Reply to No. 331 above)[363]
- HABER, T.B., A Unique “Shropshire Lad,” PBSA , 50:198-200[364]
- HARLOW, NEAL, The Well-Tempered Bibliographer, PBSA , 50:28-39[365]
- HETHERINGTON, J. R., Robert Walker, Printer, c. 1755, Library , 5th ser., 11:286[366]
- HINMAN, CHARLTON, The prentice Hand in the Tragedies of the Shakespeare First Folio: Compositor E, SB , 9:3-20[367]
- HISCOCK, W. G., In and Not in “Wing” at Christ Church, TLS , September 14, 1956, p. 544[368]
- HOFER, PHILIP, Eighteenth-Century Book Illustration , Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1956. 66 p.[369]
- HONIGMANN, E. A. J., The Date of Hamlet, Shakespeare Survey , 9:24-34[370]
- HOOK, LUCYLE, The Publication Date of Rochester's Valentinian , HLQ , 20:401-7[371]
- HORST, I. B., Thomas Cottesford's Two Letters , Library , 5th ser., 11:44-47[372]
- HOSLEY, RICHARD, Quarto Copy for Q2 Romeo and Juliet , SB , 9:129-41[373]
- HOTSON, LESLIE, Falstaff's Death and Green field's, TLS , April 6, 1956, p. 212. Further comment by Ernest Barker, TLS, April 13, 1956, p. 221[374]
- HOY, CYRUS, The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (II), SB , 9:143-162.(For Part I see No. 3270, “Check List for 1955”)[375]
- JOHNSON, EDGAR, Bibliographical note in his introduction to the facsimile edition of A Christmas Carol , Columbia University Press, 1956 [376]
- JOLLEY, L., Two Inquiries about the Bibliography of William Cullen, Bibliotheck , 1:28-9[377]
- KIRSCHBAUM, LEO, Shakespeare and the Stationers , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1955. x, 421 p.[378]
- KRONICK, D. A., The Origins and Development of the Scientific and Technological Periodical Press, 1665-1790 , Univ. of Chicago. Doctoral Thesis, 1956 [379]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Notes on Bindings from English Collections at Stuttgart, Book Collector , 5:158-61[380]
- LAWLIS, M. E., Shakespeare, Deloney, and the Earliest Text of the Arthur Ballad, HLB , 10:130-4[381]
- MACKANESS, GEORGE, Collecting Norman Lindsay, American Book Collector , Vol. 7:No. 1:15-20, No. 2:22-7, No. 3:17-20[382]
- MacKENNA, R. O., “Memoirs of James, Marquis of Montrose” [by George Wishart], Bibliotheck , 1:27-8[383]
- MAIN, C. F., New Texts of John Donne, SB , 9:225-33[384]
- MARCHAND, JEAN, Une Pseudo Edition ou contrefaçon Elzévirienne du tome III de l' “Historie Universelle” d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, en 1626, Bull. du Bibliophile , 1956:153-60[385]
- MAUD, RALPH, The Date of Brian Melbancke's Philotimus, Library , 5th ser., 11:118-20[386]
- MAYO, ROBERT, Two Early Coleridge Poems, Bodleian Libr. Record , 5:311-8[387]
- MECHANIZED Collation, TLS , March 9, 1956, p. 156[388]
- MICHON, LOUIS-MARIE, Les Reliures mosaiquèes du XVIIIe siècle , Paris, Société de la Reliure Originale, 1956. 125 p., and 45 pl.[389]
- MOORE, J. R., The Canon of Defoe's Writings, Library , 5th ser., 11:155-69[390]
- MOORE, J. R., “Robin Hog” Stephens: Messenger of the Press, PBSA , 50:381-7[391]
- MOSCOW Responses to Harvard Library Accounts of Recent Russian Acquisitions, HLB , 10:403-405.(Harvard's account was No. 3274, “Check List for 1955”)[392]
- MOSER, THOMAS, “The Rescuer” Manuscript: A Key to Conrad's Development—and Decline, HLB , 10:325-55[393]
- MUMBY, F. A., Publishing and Bookselling , 4th ed., London, Jonathan Cape, 1956. 442 p.[394]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding for John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville, 1741 (English Bookbindings, XIX), Book Collector , 5:368[395]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Fletcher, 1660 (English Bookbindings, XVI), Book Collector , 5:53-4[396]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Fletcher, c. 1662 (English Bookbindings, XVII), Book Collector , 5:150[397]
- NIXON, H. M., A Mosaic Binding by A. de Sauty, c. 1904 (English Bookbindings, XVIII), Book Collector , 5:248[398]
- NIXON, H. M., Styles and Designs of Bookbindings from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century , London, Published for the Broxbourne Library by Maggs Bros, Ltd., 1956. 251 p.[399]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M., Hand B in Sir Thomas More , Library , 5th ser., 11:47-50[400]
- NURMI, M. K., Blake's Revision of The Tyger , PMLA , 71:669-85[401]
- PAFFORD, J. H. P., Defoe's Proposals for Printing the History of the Union , Library , 5th ser., 11:202-6[402]
- PETERSON, W. M., The Text of Cibber's She wou'd and She wou'd not , MLN , 71:258-62[403]
- PHILBRICK, T. L., British Authorship of Ballads in the Isaiah Thomas Collection, SB , 9:255-8[404]
- POLLARD, GRAHAM, Changes in the Style of Bookbinding, 1550-1830, Library , 5th ser., 11:71-94[405]
- POVEY, KENNETH, On the Diagnosis of Half-sheet Impositions, Library , 5th ser., 11:268-72[406]
- POVEY, KENNETH, Twenty-Fours with Three Signatures, SB , 9:215-6[407]
- PRICE, G. R., The Manuscript and the Quarto of The Roaring Girl , Library , 5th ser., 11:180-6[408]
- RANC, ROBERT, L'Excellence de l'imprimerie exposee au Roi Louis XV, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):242-50[409]
- RAYSOR, T. M., Wordsworth's Early Drafts of The Ruined Cottage in 1797-98, JEGP , 55:1-7[410]
- RENKER, ARMIN, Eine Papierfabrik vor Hundert Jahren, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):57-61[411]
- RHODES, D. E., Volcanoes, Variants and the S.T.C., Library , 5th ser., 11:282-283.(Supplement No. 2773, “Check List for 1954”)[412]
- RICKERET, CORINNE, An Addition to the Canon of [Francis] Bacon's Writings, M.L.R. , 51:71-2[413]
- ROBERTS, S. C., The Evolution of Cambridge Publishing , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. ix, 67 p., 14 pl.[414]
- ROLLINS, H. E., Notes on Keats' Letters, SB , 9:179-95[415]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, John Bellamy: “Pilgrim” Publisher of London, PBSA , 50:342-69[416]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, The Will of John Martyn, “Printer to the Royal Society,” PBSA , 50:279-84[417]
- RUTHERFORD, ANDREW, An Early MS. of “English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,” Keats-Shelley Memorial Bulletin , 7:11-3[418]
- RYDER, JOHN, Printers' Flowers: Some Notes on a Few Selected Examples, Book Collector , 5:19-27[419]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Dating and Order of the Fragments of Christopher Smart's Jubilate Agno , HLB , 10:201-7[420]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Probable Time of Composition of Christopher Smart's Song to David, Psalms, and Hymns and Spiritual Songs , JEGP , 55:41-57[421]
- SHROEDER, J. W., The Great Folio of 1623: Shakespeare's Plays in the Printing House , Hamden, Connecticut, Shoe String Press, 1956. 136 p.[422]
- SIMMONS, J. S. G., The Undated Oxford Broadsheet Specimen [1757 or 1758], Library , 5th ser., 11:11-7[423]
- SIRLUCK, ERNEST, To Your Tents, O Israel: A Lost Pamphlet, HLQ , 20:301-5[424]
- SPARROW, JOHN, The Text of Donne, TLS , Dec. 21, 1956, p. 765.(Correction of Donne's Songs and Sonnets, London, Methuen, 1956)[425]
- SPOERRI, J. F., The Odyssey Press Edition of James Joyce's “Ulysses,” PBSA , 50:195-8[426]
- SPROTT, S. E., The Osler Mnauscript of Herbert's Religio Laici , Library , 5th ser., 11:120-2[427]
- STRATHMANN, E. A., A Note on the Ralegh Canon, TLS , April 13, 1956, p. 228[428]
- STROUP, T. B., “The Christmas Ordinary”: Manuscript and Authorship, PBSA , 50:184-90.(William Richards not Henry Boxe)[429]
- STROUT, A. L., The Authorship of Articles in Blackwood's Magazine, Numbers XVII-XXIV (August 1818 - March 1819), Library , 5th ser., 11:187-201[430]
- SULLIVAN, J. J., G. K. Chesterton, Manchester Review , 7:416-21.(On collecting Chesterton)[430]
- TAPLIN, G. B., Mrs. Browning's Poems of 1850, BPLQ , 8:181-94[431]
- The TEXT of Housman's Poems, TLS , June 22, 1956, p. 377[432]
- THOMAS, J. D., A Modern Instance [of an Error in Pagination Resulting from an Error in Folding a Sheet], PBSA , 50:302-4[433]
- TINGAY, LANCE, The Publication of Trollope's First Novel, TLS , March 30, 1956, p. 200. Further comment by John Hagan, TLS, May 4, 1956, p. 269[434]
- TODD, W. B., Concealed Pope Editions, Book Collector , 5:48-52[435]
- TODD, W. B., The Early Editions and Issues of Scott's Border Antiquities , SB , 9:244-51[436]
- TODD, W. B., The First Edition of The World , Library , 5th ser., 11:283-4.(Compare No. 3344, “Check List for 1955”)[437]
- TODD, W. B., Goldsmith's The Traveller , Library , 5th ser., 11:123-124.(Reply to comments by L. W. Hanson in a review, Library, 5th ser., 10:297-8, on No. 2794, “Check List for 1954”)[438]
- TODD, W. B., A Prospect of Society by Oliver Goldsmith Reconstructed from the Earliest Version of The Traveller , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 31 p.(Reprints text from a privately printed edition of 1954, and No. 2794, “Check List for 1954”)[439]
- VIETH, D. M., The Text of Rochester and the Editions of 1680, PBSA , 50:243-63[440]
- VINDEL, FRANCISCO, En papel de fabricacion azteca fue impreso el primo libro en America , Madrid, 1956. 42 p., 8 pl.[441]
- WALKER, ALICE, Principles of Annotation: Some Suggestions for Editors of Shakespeare, SB , 9:95-105[442]
- WALSH, J. E., A Poem by Donne, TLS , April 6, 1956, p. 207[443]
- WALTON, J. K., The Copy for the Folio (No.3349, “Check List for 1955.”) Reviewed by W. W. Greg, Library , 5th ser., 11:125-9[444]
- WEBB, R. K., The British Working Class Reader, 1790-1848: Literacy and Social Tension , London, Allen & Unwin, 1955. 192 p.[445]
- WEITENKAMPF, FRANK, American Illustrators of Shakespeare, BNYPL , 60:70-2[446]
- WHALLEY, GEORGE, Coleridge's Sheet of Sonnets, 1796, TLS , November 23, 1956, p. 697[447]
- WHITE, H. O., An Allingham Pamphlet [Flower Pieces], TLS , August 17, 1956, p. 486[448]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Colophon Notes for Housman Collectors, American Book Collector , 7:No. 2:18-20[449]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Misprints in A Shropshire Lad , Bull. of Bibl. , 21:200[450]
- WHITING, F. B., 2nd, The Authorship of “A Proposition for the Safety and Happiness of the King . . .” (1667), PBSA , 50:182-3[451]
- WILES, A. G. D., The Date of Publication and Composition of Sir William Alexander's Supplement to Sidney's “Arcadia,” PBSA , 50:387-92[452]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., An Initiation into Initials [in British Renaissance Books], SB , 9:163-78[453]
- WILLOUGHBY, E. E., The Making of the King James Bible , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1956. 31 p.[454]
- WILSON, J. D., The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts: An Introduction for Lay Readers. III. In Sight of Shakespeare's Manuscripts, Shakespeare Survey , 9:69-80[455]
- WINGER, H. W. See Part I, No. 211





B. United States
- ADAMS, F. B., Jr., Franklin and His Press at Passy, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:133-8[456]
- ALDEN, JOHN, Hawthorne and William Henry Smith: An Essay in Anglo-American Bibliography, Book Collector , 5:370-4[457]
- ALDERIDGE, A. O., Franklin's Essay on Daylight Saving, AL , 28:23-9[458]
- ALLEN, G. W., Regarding the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass, AL , 28:78-9[459]
- ARCHER, H. R., The Writings of William Faulkner: A Challenge to the Bibliographer, PBSA , 50:229-42[460]
- ARNDT, K. J. R., Early Impressions: An Unknown Work by Sealsfield, JEGP , 55:100-16[461]
- ATCHESON, R. M., Southern Literary Magazines, 1865-1887 , Duke University. Thesis, 1956 [462]
- BIGGS, D. C., The Printers in Stevenson's Regiment, Quarterly News Letter , Book Club of California 21:29-35[463]
- BINGHAM, E. R., Charles F. Lummis: Editor of the Southwest , San Marino, Huntington Library, 1955. 218 p.[464]
- BLODGETT, H. W., Bibliographical Description as a Key to Whitman, Walt Whitman Newsletter , 2(March-June, 1956):8-9[465]
- BLUMENTHAL, W. H., American Book Burnings, American Book Collector , 6:No. 10:13-9[466]
- BOHNER, C. H., The Red Book , 1819-1821, a Satire on Baltimore Society, Maryland Hist. Mag., 51:175-87[467]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Manuscripts of Whitman's “Song of the Redwood-Tree,” PBSA , 50:53-85[468]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., A Collation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise , SB , 9:263-5[469]
- BURANELLI, VINCENT, The Myth of Anna Zenger, William and Mary Quart. , 33:157-68[470]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., Army Field Printing in the New World, PBSA , 50:169-80[471]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., The World War I Stars and Stripes and Its Derivative Publications, BNYPL , 60:129-34[472]
- CHEN, J. Ti-Ti, A Survey of Catholic Americana and Catholic Book Publishing in the U. S., 1891-1895 , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [473]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Copyright Deposit at Harvard, HLB , 10:135-40[474]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Harvard, Millot's History and Isaiah Thomas, HLB , 10:240-4[475]
- CONNETT, E. V., Some Random Notes on the Derrydale Press, PUBLC , 18:11-4[476]
- DOWGRAY, J. G. L., Jr., A History of Harper's Literary Magazine , Univ. of Wisconsin. Doctoral Thesis, 1956 [477]
- DUGAS, M. S., The Development of Subject Bibliography in American Literature , Univ. of Chicago. Thesis, 1955 [478]
- FAHEY, HERBERT, Early Printing in California, from Its Beginning in the Mexican Territory to Statehood, September 9, 1850 , San Francisco, The Book Club of California, 1956. ix. 141 p.[479]
- FLINT, R. W., The Boston Book Trade, 1835-1845 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [480]
- FOSTER, J. W., Fielding Lucas, Jr., Early Nineteenty-Century Publisher of Fine Books and Maps, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 65(1955):161-212.(Also issued as an offprint)[481]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, The First Appearance of Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 31:87-9[482]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, New Political Writings by Thomas Paine, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:94-107[483]
- GRIER, E. F., The Eighteenth Presidency! By Walt Whitman, A Critical Text Edited by Edward F. Grier, Lawrence, Kansas, Univ. of Kansas Press, 1956. x, 47 p.[484]
- GROSS, S. L., A Note on Joaquin Miller's “The Bravest Battle,” N & Q , 3 (March, 1956):124-5[485]
- GUILDS, J. C., Jr., Simms's First Magazine: The Album , SB , 9:266.(Corrects No. 3376, “Check List for 1955”)[486]
- HAACKER, F. C., The Peekskill Paper Mills (1777-1852), Westchester Historian , 32:69-74, 104-9[487]
- HAMILTON, M. W., The Library of Sir William Johnson, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:209-51[488]
- HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, The Enigma of the Bay Psalm Book , Univ. of Chicago xiii, 143 p., and a volume of facsimile[489]
- HARDING, WALTER, The Influence of Thoreau's Lecturing upon His Writing, BNYPL , 60:74-80[490]
- HOVDE, C. F., The Writing of Henry D. Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers: A Study in Textual Materials and Techniques , Princeton Univ. Thesis, 1956 [491]
- HOYT, H. P., The Sandwich Island Story of California's First Printing Press, California Hist. Soc. Quart. , 35:193-204[492]
- JOHANNSEN, ALBERT, Phiz. Illustrations from the Novels of Charles Dickens , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. 453 p.[493]
- JORDAN, A. M., Magazines for Children, BNYPL , 60:599-604[494]
- KASER, DAVID, The Chronology of Carey Imprints, PBSA , 50:190-3[495]
- KASER, DAVID, The Retirement Income of Mathew Carey, Pa. Mag. of History and Biography , 80:410-5[496]
- KENDIG, P. F., Some Notes on a Little Known American Novel. The Prisoners of Niagara or Errors of Education (1810) by Jesse Lynch Holman , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 16 p.[497]
- KNERR, V. C. H., Elihu Stout, Indiana's First Printer , Univ. of Rochester Press for the Assn. of College and Reference Libraries, 1955. iii, 44 leaves.(ACRL Microcard Series, No. 49)[498]
- KOESTER, LEONARD, An Amusing Description of the Pioneer Press in Kentucky, Register of the Kentucky Historical Soc. , 54:214-20[499]
- KRAUS, S. J., Henry James's Revisions of The Portrait of a Lady: A Study of Literary Portraiture and Perfectionism , Columbia Univ. Thesis, 1956 [500]
- LAWRENCE, A. A., Georgia's First Printer, James Johnston . . . . With Decorations and Remarks on Johnston's Work by Ray Dilley , Savannah, The Pigeonhole Press, 1956. 54 p.[501]
- LESTER, J. G., Some Early Georgia Maps, Emory Univ. Quart. , 22:31-4[502]
- MABBOTT, T. O., Newly Found Verses Ascribed to Poe, N & Q , 3 (March, 1956): 122[503]
- McDADE, T. M., Lurid Literature of the Last Century: The Publications of E. E. Barclay, Pa. Mag. of History & Biography , 80:452-64[504]
- McDERMOTT, J. F., An Unrecorded Sealsfield Publication, PBSA , 50:193-4[505]
- MARSH, PHILIP, Further Attributions to Hamilton's Pen, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:351-60[506]
- MATCETT, W. H., The “Success” by Emily Dickinson, BPLQ , 8:144-7[507]
- MEARNS, D. C., Thayer's The Pioneer Boy: A Second and Harder Look, Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 13:129-34[508]
- MOORE, P. A., The Newspaper Press of the Calumet Region, 1836-1933, Indiana Mag. of History , 52:111-40[509]
- MOORE, R. S., Southern Writers and Northern Literary Magazines, 1865-1890 , Duke Univ. Thesis, 1956 [510]
- O'NEAL, W. B., Jefferson's Fine Arts Library for the University of Virginia , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 53 p.[511]
- POWELL, D. M., The Peralta Grant: A Lost Arizona Story, PBSA , 50:40-52[512]
- RAPIN, R., Dreiser's Jennie Gerhardt , Chapter LXII, Expl., 14:Item 54(May, 1956)[513]
- ROBERSON, J. R., The Manuscript of Page's “Marse Chan,” SB , 9:259-62[514]
- RODENBERG, JULIUS, Buchdruck und Zeitung, die Ausgangspunkte von Benjamin Franklins staatsmännischem Wirken, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):251-62[515]
- SHAFFER, ELLEN, Portrait of a Philadelphia Collector: William McIntire Elkins (1882-1947), PBSA , 50:115-29.(Also published as a separate, with No. 279 here, Philadelphia, The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1956, 56 p.)[516]
- SHAFFER, ELLEN, The Rosenbach Collection of Early American Children's Books in The Free Library of Philadelphia, American Book Collector , 6:No. 7:3-7[517]
- SILVER, R. G., Publishing in Boston, 1726-1757: The Accounts of Daniel Henchman, Proc. American Antiquarian Society , 66:17-36[518]
- SOWERBY, E. M., Thomas Jefferson and His Library, PBSA , 50:213-28[519]
- SPALDING, T. M., The First Printing in Hawaii, PBSA , 50:313-27[520]
- SPICER, J. L., The Poems of Emily Dickinson, BPLQ , 8:135-43[521]
- STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane: Some New Stories, BNYPL , 60:455-62, 477-86[522]
- STERN, M. B., Imprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers , Bloomington, Indiana, Univ. of Indiana Press, 1956. xii, 492 p.[523]
- THOMPSON, E. A., and THOMPSON, L. S., Fine Binding in America: The Story of the Club Bindery , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Library, 1956. 64 p., 8 pl.(Beta Phi Mu Chapbook No. 2)[524]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Kurze Geschichte der Handbuchbinderei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika , Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1956. 111 p.[525]
- TRASCHEN, ISADORE, Henry James and the Art of Revision, PQ , 35:39-47[526]
- TRASCHEN, ISADORE, James's Revisions of the Love Affair in The American , New England Quarterly , 29:43-62[527]
- TURNER, R. K., Jr., Coxe's A Description of Carolana (1722-1741), SB , 9:252-55[528]
- VAIL, R. W. G., Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, Loyal American Refugee (1787), PBSA , 50:101-14[529]
- VAIL, R. W. G., The Manuscript of a Revolutionary War Play from Long Island, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:20-7[530]
- WEEMS, EDDIE, Notes on Frontier Editors and Newspapers [in West Texas, 1866-1885], Southwestern Historical Quart. , 60:282-88[531]
- WENTZ, ROBY, Eleven Western Presses , Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1956. 58 p.(First presses of present eleven western states)[532]
- WHEAT, C. I., Mapping the American West, PBSA , 50:1-16[533]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, More about the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass , AL , 28:516-7[534]
- WILLGING, E. P., and HATZFELD, HERTA, Catholic Serials in the 19th Century in the United States: A Bibliographical Survey and a Union List. Part IV, Records of the American Catholic Historical Soc. of Philadelphia , 67:31-50.(Parts One through Three, RACHS, 65(1954):158-75, 55(1955):156-73, 222-38)[535]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, A Key to the Identification of Franklin's Books, Pennsylvania Mag. of History and Biography , 80:407-9[536]
- WOLF, EDWIN, The Romance of James Logan's Books, William and Mary Quart. , 33:342-53[537]
- WOODFIELD, DENIS, The “Fake” Title-page of “The Gilded Age”: A Solution, PBSA , 50:292-6[538]
- ZEITLIN, JACOB, Small Renaissance: Southern California Style, PBSA , 50:17-27[539]



The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. Curt F. Bühler, Messrs. Dennis E. Rhodes and George D. Painter of the British Museum, and Mr. John C. Wyllie, and the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. The editor of Studies in Bibliography would be grateful for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed.
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