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  • AGENO, FRANCA, Nota sulle redazioni e le prime stampe del Morgante [of Pulci] Giorn. stor. lett. ital. , 70 (1953):508-13.[2360]
  • AGENO, FRIDERICUS, Librorum saec. XV impressorum, qui in publica ticinensi bibliotheca adservantur, Catalogus , Florence, Olschki, 1954. 472 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 29).[2361]
  • ALKER, HUGO, Der Inkunabelkatalog der Universitätsbibliothek Wien, Biblos-Schriften , 3 (1953):178-83.[2362]
  • ALKER, HUGO, Über den Stil von Schöffers zweifarbigen Initialen, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):66-70.[2363]
  • ALMAGIÀ, ROBERTO, La diffusion des produits cartographiques flamands en Italie au XVIe siècle, Arch. int. d'hist. des sciences , 7:46-48.[2364]
  • ALMAGIÀ, ROBERTO, Note sulla cartografia dell'Italia nel sec. XV e XVI, Atti Accad. naz. dei Lincei , ser. 8, 6 (1951):3-9.[2365]
  • ALTAMURA, A., [Richard de Bury] . . . Ampia bibliografia delle fonti dei manoscritti, delle edizioni a stampa e delle traduzioni del suo Philobiblon, in BURY, A., Philobiblon , Naples, 1954, pp. 14-46.[2366]
  • ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH, Robert Estienne, Royal Printer , Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1954. xx p., Il., 309 p.[2367]
  • AUDIN, MAURICE, Types du XVme siècle, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):84-100.
  • BATTELLI, GUIDO, La biblioteca comunale di Sassoferrato e i suoi incunaboli, Accad. e bibl. d'Italia , 22:76-79.[2368]
  • BAUDET, H., M. A. NAUWELAERTS and F. TICHELMAN, Lijst van Werken von Noord-Nederlandse Humanisten Geboren voor of omstreeks 1500, Folium , 4:3-28.[2369]
  • BAUMANN, WALTER, Die Druckerei Stuchs zu Nürnberg, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):122-32.(Incl. STC of imprints: Georg Stuchs, 132 titles, ca. 1483-1517; Johann Stuchs, 93 titles, 1509-32; Nikolaus Stuchs, 2 titles, 1535-37).[2369a]
  • BENZING, JOSEPH, Domitzer's Pflantzbüchlein [1529-48]. Das Antiquariat , 10: 273-4.[2370]
  • BENZING, JOSEPH, Ulrich von Hutten und der Druck seiner Schriften in der Schweiz, Stultifera Navis , 11:68-72.[2371]
  • BIBLIOTHECA CATHOLICA neerlandica, impressa 1500-1727 , The Hague, Nijhoff, 1954. x, 669 p.(Pp. 1-56 cover 1500 to 1550 imprints).[2372]
  • BLUM, HANS, Ein neuer Erfurter Buchbinder des 15. Jh. [Nicolaus Moir], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):267-73.[2373]
  • BLUM, RUDOLF, Der Prozess Fust gegen Gutenberg , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1954. 31., 118 p.(Beiträge zum Buch-u. Bibliothekswesen. 2).[2374]
  • BOER, BERTILO de, Een Lichtpuntje in de Costerkwestie?, Het Boek , 31:270-81.[2375]
  • BOUCHEREAUX, S. M., Recherches bibliographiques sur Gilles Corrozet, Bull. du Biblioph . (1954):260-95.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 6).[2376]
  • BOUZA BREY, F., La marca del impresor Agustín de Paz Mondoñedo 1550, Cuad. est. gallegos . 5(1950):393-408.[2377]

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  • BREEN, QUIRINUS, The Observationes in M. T. Ciceronem of Marius Nizolius [1535-1630], Studies in the Renaissance , 1:49-58.[2378]
  • BRISTOL (Eng.), REFERENCE LIBRARY, A Catalogue of Books . . . Printed in England and Ireland up to the year 1640 and of English Books Printed Abroad , Bristol, 1954. 51 p.[2379]
  • BROWN UNIVERSITY, LIBRARY, A Contribution to a Union Catalog of Sixteenth Century Imprints in Certain New England Libraries , [Providence], 1953. vii, 466 p.(STC. of about 10,000 titles; Harvard and Yale are not incl.)[2380]
  • BUCHER, O., Sebald Mayer, der erste Dillinger Buchdrucker [1550-76], Jahrb. Hist. Ver. Dillingen , 54(1952):107-29.[2381]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Authors and Incunabula, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 401-406.[2382]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Battista Palmieri, printer and miniaturist, Libri , 5:153-55.[2383]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Corrections in Caxton's Cordiale [1497], PBSA , 48:194-96.[2384]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Savonarola's Arrest and the Theft of a Book . . ., Renaissance News , 7:95-97.[2385]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., A Volume from the Library of Dr. Nicolaus Pol [in the Pierpont Morgan Library, containing Census G499, G501, G498, G495 and L346], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):147-51.[2386]
  • CARTIER, R. E., La Bible de Gutenberg [a census], Bull. du biblioph . (1954):58-61.[2387]
  • CASALI, SCIPIONE, Annali della tipografia veneziana di Francesco Marcolini da Forli , [Forli, Casali, 1861, repr.:] Bologna, Gerace, 1953. 16, xviii, 344 p.[2387a]
  • CAVALLERA, F., Tridentina; raretés bibliographiques sur le Concile de Trente, Bull. litt. eccl. (1953):120-23.[2388]
  • CONI, FRANCO, Elenco descrittivo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca universitaria di Cagliari e di altre biblioteche sarde . . ., Cagliari, Granero, 1954. 51 p.(Pubbl. Sez. reg. sarda dell'Assoc. ital. per le bibl. 9.—Lists 222 items).[2389]
  • CONRADY, K. O., Zu den deutschen Plautusübertragungen; ein Überblick von Albrecht von Eyb bis zu J. M. R. Lenz , Euphorion , 48:373-96.[2390]
  • COSENZA, M. E., Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Italian Humanists and of the World of Classical Scholarship in Italy, 1300-1800 , New York, Renaissance Soc., 1954. 29 reels on 16mm film.(Reproduces the appr. 40,000 cards in the author's working file).[2391]
  • DALY, L. W., Master Jacobus' Frogs [Aristophanes, Frogs, Basle, Froben, 1524], [Univ. Penn.] Library Chron. , 20:66-68.[2392]
  • DE GRAAF, B., “Alardiana [Alardus Amstelredamus] in the Bibliothèque nationale, Folium , 3:183-87.(Cf. Selective Check List, No. 1883).[2393]
  • DE GRAAF, B., Alardus Amstelredamus (1491-1544), Folium 4:29-118.[2394]
  • DE GRAAF, B., Vergeten Glory; over de Studie van het Vroeg 16e-Eeuwse Nederlandse Humanisme, Folium , 3:81-91.(Plea for bibliogr. of Dutch Humanism).[2395]
  • DE MARINIS, TAMMARO, Di alcuni antichi libri fiorentini illustrati [St. Augustine, Lorationi, ca. 1498; Antonius, Confessione, 1496; the same ca. 1510; Apolonius de Tyro, ca. 1498; Paulo Enea, Disputatione, 1509; Petrarca, Trionfi, 1515; Pulci, Ciriffo Calvaneo, 1508; Trastullo delle donne, ca. 1515]. Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):152-67.[2396]
  • DOBROVSKÝ, J., O zavedení a rozíření knihtisku v Čechách , Prague, Nakl. česk. Akad. Věd., 1954. 125, xvi p.(Intro. into the hist. of printing in Bohemia).[2397]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Micellanea bibliografica: I. Opera nova contemplativa [ca. 1537?]. II. Un altro relitto del Polifilo [1499], Bibliofilia , 56:21-26.[2398]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Protogoni ed epigoni della miniatura, Amor di libro , 2:108-28.(Deals with parallels in book illus.)[2399]
  • DORGAN, C. W., Boccaccio's Genealogy of the Gods [in French, Paris, Jehan Petit], 1531, Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:117-19.[2400]
  • DORGAN, C. W., The French version of Alciati's Emblems [Livret des emblèmes, Paris, Wechel, 1536], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:188-90.[2401]
  • DRESLER, A., Hat Gutenberg in Bamberg die 36-zeilige Bibel gedruckt?, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 10:553-56; 618-22; 701-704.[2402]
  • DUHEM, J., Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima, Bull. du biblioph . (1954):39-47, 69-81.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 1891).[2403]
  • EIS, GERHARD, Martin Pollich's Vorhersage [undescribed edition of Prognosticatio, Leipzig, M. Landsberg] für 1490, Libri , 4:103-29.(With facs.)[2404]

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  • FASTNACHT, A., Katalog dokumentów Biblioteki Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich, Cz. 1: Dokumenty z lat 1507-1700 [Cat. of the Osslinski Library], Wrocław, 1953. vii, 328 p.[2405]
  • FAVA, DOMENICO, Manuale degli incunabuli , Milan, Görlich, 1953. 290 p.(2nd. ed.)[2406]
  • FONTAINE VERWEY, H. de la, Pieter Coecke van Aest en de Uitgaven van Serlio's Architectuurboek, Het Boek , 31:251-70.[2407]
  • FONTAINE VERWEY, H., De Wereld van het Boek; Rede . . ., Haarlem, Willink, 1954. 47 p.[2408]
  • FUHRMANN, O. W., The Gutenberg “Donatus” Fragment at Columbia University, New York, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):36-46.[2409]
  • FULTON, J. F., Michael Servetus . . . with a Bibliography of His Works and a Census of Known Copies by M. E. Stanton, New York, Reichner, 1953[1954]. 98 p.[2410]
  • GELDNER, FERDINAND, Um das Psalterium benedictinum von 1459, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):71-83.[2411]
  • GENTY, MAURICE, and G. N. GENTY, Les incunables de l'Academie de medicine de Paris, Libri , 3:420-23.[2412]
  • GERLO, ALOIS, Badius Ascensius “Stultiferae naves;” Latijnse Aanvulling bij Sebastian Brant's “Narrenschiff,” Rev. belge de phil. et d'hist. , 32:510-24.[2413]
  • GIEGLING, FRANZ, Über die Entwicklung des Notendrucks, Stultifera Navis , 11:80-88.[2414]
  • GIOVANNOZZI, LUCIA, Contributo alla bibliografia delle opere del Savonarola . . . , Florence, 1953. 170, 5 p.(Corrected entry of Selective Check List, No. 1937).[2415]
  • GIULIANO, MABELLI, Gli annali delle edizioni virgiliane , Florence, Olschki, 1954. 392 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 27).[2416]
  • GOFF, F. R., Rare Books, Libr. Congress Quart. J. , 11:180-94.(Addit. to Rosenwald Coll.)[2417]
  • GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P., The First Cambridge Press [Siberch] in its European Setting , Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1955. 96 p.(Sandars Lectures, 1953).[2417a]
  • GOLLOB, HEDWIG, Studien zur deutschen Buchkunst der Frühdruckzeit; I Die Strassburger Initialserien der Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke. —II. Der Schmuck des Wiener Buches , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1954. 20 p., 85 pl.(Zentralbl. f. Bibliotheksw. Beiheft 78).[2418]
  • GOLLOB, HEDWIG, Wiener Planetendarstellungen aus der Zeit der ersten Türkenbelagerung, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):143-46.[2419]
  • GRANT, W. L., European Vernacular Works in Latin Translation, Studies in the Renaissance , 1:120-56.(Ref. to numerous early editions given in copious footnotes).[2420]
  • GREG, W. W., Ad imprimendum solum [Regulation of Henry VIII, Nov. 16, 1538], Library , 5th ser., 9:242-43.[2421]
  • GRYCZOWA, A., Drukarstwo polskie w dobie Odrodzenia , Warzawa, 1953. 76 p.(Typewritten; on printing in Poland during the Reformation).[2422]
  • HARVARD UNIVERSITY [Renaissance Acquisitions], Renaissance News , 7:70-71.[2423]
  • HASE, MARTIN von, Erfurter Kleindrucker des zweiten Viertels des sechzehnten Jahrh. [III, Wolff Heinick.—IV. Golthammer], Guteberg Jahrb. (1954):198-203.(Cf. Selective Check List, Nos. 1373, 1907).[2424]
  • HIRSCH, RUDOLF, An Undescribed Printed Poster of 1516 [Ausschreiben of Duke Ulrich von Württemberg], PBSA , 48:414-16.[2425]
  • HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, A History of the . . . Society , New York, 1954. x, 569 p.(“Library Collection,” describes among others the outstanding holdings in early printed books, pp. 373-541).[2426]
  • HOBSON, KENNETH, Some Notes on the History and Development of Bookbinders' Stamps and Tools, Print , 8(4):37-42.[2427]
  • HOLLSTEIN, F. W. H., German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts, ca. 1400-1700 , Amsterdam, Hertzberger, 1954- v. 1-[2428]
  • HOLTER, KURT, Zum gotischen Bucheinband in Österreich; die Buchbinderwerkstatt des Stiftes Lambach, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):280-89.[2429]
  • HOURS, ENRI and CLAUDE DELBANNE, Deux placards imprimés à Lyon en 1489 [Ordonnance d'Antoine de Feurs and Mandement de l'Eveque d'Autun], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):137-42.[2430]
  • ICAZBALCETA, J. G., Bibliografia mexicana del siglo XVI [repr. of 1886 ed.], Mexico, Fondo de cultura econ., 1954. 581 p., 1l.[2431]

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  • INDICE GENERALE degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d'Italia (v. III, G-H), Rome, Libr. dello Stato, 1954. viii, 254 p.(Indici e cataloghi. n.s. I).[2431a]
  • INGUANEZ, MAURO, A Hand-List of Incunabula of the Royal Malta Library, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 407-11.[2432]
  • JACKSON, W. A., Printed Quire and Sheet Numbers, [Paris, 1510-50; Spain, 1598-1733], HLB , 8:96-102.[2433]
  • JENNY, MARKUS, Zur Geschichte des evangelischen Gesangbuches in Basel im 16. u. 17. Jh., Stultifera Navis, Festgabe Emanuel Stickelberger , 1954, pp. 31-38.[2434]
  • JOHNSON, R. K., A Survey of Early Paper-Making with Emphasis on Europe and the 15th Cent., Aspects of Librarianship , 3(22 p.)[2435]
  • JUCHHOFF, RUDOLF, Aufgang und Blütezeit des Kölner Buchdrucks, in WIENAND, A., ed., Fünf Jahrhunderte schwarze Kunst in Köln , Cologne, 1953, pp. 9-26.[2436]
  • JUCHHOFF, RUDOLF, Johannes de Westfalia als Buchhändler, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):133-36.(Identifies Johannes de Aquisgrano as Johannes de Aken de Westfalia, Louvain printer).[2437]
  • JUNTKE, FRITZ. Ein unbekannter österreichischer Lederschnittband des fünfzehnten Jahrh., Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):274-79.[2438]
  • KAZMEIER, A. W., Druck und Papier des Manifestes von Diether von Isenburg von 1462 [G.W. 8338], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):26-35.[2439]
  • KOCOWSKI, B., Śląskie studia inkunabulistyczne , Wrocław, Bibl. uniw., 1953. 28 p.(Repr. from his Z dziejów książki).[2440]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Enkele Nieuwe Gegevens over Henrick Eckert van Homberch [i.e. Butzbach; Delft-Antwerp-Brussels], Het Boek , 31:291-98.[2441]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Fragments of a Bookseller's List, Probably Antwerp, About 1533-35, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:14-37.[2442]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Houtsneden van Jan van Doesborch in Edinburg gebruikt [Palayce of Honour of Gawin Douglas, ca. 1540], Het Boek , 31:348-49.[2443]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Johann Haselberg von Reichenau als Johann Monteleporis te Antwerpen (1532), Het Boek, 31:299-302.[2444]
  • [KRUITWAGEN, B.], In memoriam Pater Dr. Bonaventura Kruitwagen O.F.M. [special issue of] Het Boek , 32, no. 1.(100 p.; biogr. articles on the great incunabulist).[2445]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Die ältesten gedruckten Atlanten, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):107-14.[2446]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Aus der Bibliothek von Martin Crusius [1526-1607], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat) , 10:22-3.[2447]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Parisian Panel Stamps Between 1480 and 1530, SB , 7:113-24.[2448]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Stuttgarter Buchbinder des 16. bis zum Anfang des 19. Jh. Zeitschr. f. Württemb. Landesgesch. , 12 (1953 [1954]:310-26(Cf. Selective Check List, No. 1931).[2449]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Verzierte gotische Einbände im alten deutschen Sprachgebiet , 1. Tafelband [Cf. Selective Check List, No. 911], Stuttgart, Hettler, 1953. 31 p., 152 pl.[2451]
  • LABAYEN, A. M., El primer libro impreso en Tolosa, Bol. Real Soc. vascongada de amig. del pais , 9(1953):435-43.[2452]
  • LANCKOROńSKA, MARIA, Die Burgkmair-Werkstatt und der Petrarcameister, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):171-80.[2453]
  • LANCKOROńSKA, MARIA, Weiteres zur Identifizierung des Petrarcameisters, Stultifera Navis , 11:35-43.[2454]
  • LAW, R. A., Sixteenth Century Chronicles in the University of Texas Library, [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5:9-16.[2455]
  • LEBEER, LOUIS, Le dessin, la gravure, le livre xylographique et typographique, Bruxelles au XV me siècle , Brussels, Libr. encycl., 1953, pp. 187-217.[2455a]
  • LEEMANN VAN ELCK, PAUL, Holbeins Holzschnitte in den Zürcher Bibeln, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1954):50-53.[2456]
  • LESCHINKOHL, FRANZ, Ein Beitrag zur ersten Druckerei Südosteuropeas [Obod, 1483-90], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):115-21.[2457]
  • LESKIEN, ELFRIEDE, Ein französischer Renaissance-Einband, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):304-307.[2458]
  • LESURE, F. and G. THIBAULT, Bibliographie des éditions musicales publiées par Nicolas du Chemin, 1549-1576, Annales musicales , 1(1953):269-73.[2459]
  • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, The Rosenwald Collections , Washington, D. C., 1954. vi, 292 p.(XVth-XVIth cent. books and maps: nos. 23-789; pp. 7-147).[2460]

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  • LOPEZ, ATANASIO, La imprenta en Galicia, siglo XV-XVIII, Madrid , [Bibl. nac.], 1953. 289 p., 21.[2461]
  • LOPEZ ESTRADA, FRANCISCO, Sobre la imprenta en Sevilla en el siglo XVI, Arch. hispalense , 18(1953):37-48.(Suppl. to Escudero y Perosso, Tipografia hispalense).[2461a]
  • LOPEZ ESTRADA, FRANCISCO, Una edición desconocida del Enquiridion [of Erasmus] (Valencia, 1528), Rev. arch., bibl. y museos , 58(1952):449-63.[2462]
  • LUDOVICI, S. S., La xilografia e tipografia lombarda del '400, Linea grafica , 7:140-44.[2463]
  • MABELLI, GIULIANO, Gli annali delle edizioni virgiliane , Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1954. 396 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 27).[2464]
  • MADURELL MARIMON, J. M., Algunas antiguas ediciones barcelonesas de libros (1502-1704), Bol. Real. Acad. de buenas letras, Barcelona , 24(1951-52):133-72.[2465]
  • MARCHETTI, ITALIANO, Di Bernardo Giambullari fiorentino, Amor di Libro , 2:155-60; 205-10.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 1939).[2466]
  • MARÍN [Martinez], TOMÁS, La biblioteca del obispo Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco (1495-1556) [legada a la Catedral de Calahorra], Hispania sacra (1952):263-326.[2467]
  • MARSTON, T. E., An Additional Group of Incunabula, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:103-5.[2468]
  • MARSTON, T. E., The First Illustrated Edition of the Canterbury Tales, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:150-52.[2469]
  • MASSON, IRVINE, The Mainz Psalter and Canon Missae, 1457-1459 , London, Bibliographical Soc., 1954. 8, 72 p.(Bibliographical Society [Folio] Publication for the years 1952 and 1953).[2470]
  • MEAD, H. A., A New Title from de Worde's Press [Octauyan the Emperoure of Rome, STC. 18799], Library , 5th ser., 9:45-9.[2471]
  • MOHAN, G. E., Incipits of Logical Writings of the XIIIth-XVth Centuries, Franciscan Studies , 12(1953):349-489.[2472]
  • NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY [Renaissance acquisitions], Renaissance News , 7:108-11.[2473]
  • NIAVIS, PAULUS, Judicium Iovis [Leipzig, M. Landsberg, 1492-95] . . . übersetzt u. bearbeitet von Dr. Paul Krenkel , Berlin, Akademie Verl., 1953. 63 p.(Freiburger Forschungshefte, Kultur u. Technik. D3.—Incl. facs.).[2474]
  • NISSEN, CLAUS, Die illustierten Vogelbücher, ihre Geschichte und Bibliographie , Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1953. 222 p.(1031 nos.)[2475]
  • OATES, J. C. T., Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge , Cambridge, Univ. Library, 1954. xii p., 1l., 898 p.[2476]
  • PARISI, A. F., Jacottino de Rubeis, tipografo pinerolese , Pinerolo, Soc. stor. pin, 1953. 66 p.(Bibl. Soc. stor. pinerolese, 1).[2477]
  • PATHELIN, PIERRE, Maistre Pierre Pathelin; reproduction en facs. de l'édition imprimée en 1489 par Pierre Levet, Geneva, Droz [etc.], 1953. x p., 42 facs.(Coll. Textes litt. franç.)[2478]
  • PAVIA, BIBL. PUBLICA see AGENO, F. PERRY, WILLIAM, Renaissance Dictionaries in the University of Texas Library, [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5(2):3-11.[2479]
  • PENNEY, C. L., The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America , New York, Hisp. Soc., 1954.(Nos. 1-10, pp. 28-53, of this catalogue cover editions printed between 1499 and 1545).[2480]
  • PÉREZ GÓMEZ, ANTONIO, Impresos sevillanos no mencionados por Escudero ni Montoto, Rev. bibl. doc. 3(1949):197-216.(Describes 20 new titles).[2481]
  • PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, Oratio de hominis dignitate [lat. text of 1492 ed., and Engl. transl. by E. L. Forbes, pref. by P. O. Kristeller], [Lexington, Anvil Press, 1953], 1l., 48 p., 1l.[2482]
  • PIERPONT MORGAN LIBRARY , Constance Missal, Renaissance News , 7:71.[2483]
  • POYNTER, F. N. L., comp., A Catalogue of Incunabula in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library , London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. xiv, 159 p.(Publ. Wellcome Hist. Med. Mus., n.s., No. 5).[2484]
  • PRESSER, HELMUT, Neue Donatfragmente in der Type der 42-zeiligen Bibel in Mainz, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):47-62.[2485]
  • PROCTOR, ROBERT, An Index of German Books, 1501-1520, in the British Museum , [London, 1903, repr.:] ibidem, 1955. 273 p., 66 facs.[2485a]
  • RHODES, D. E., The Early Bibliography of Southern Italy: I. Cosenza [1478-1665], Bibliofilia , 56:102-109.[2486]

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  • RHODES, D. E., The First Book Printed at Bari [1535], SB , 7:208-11.[2487]
  • RHODES, D. E., Francesco Villani, a Forgotten Poet, Book Collector , 3:45-9.[2488]
  • RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel secolo XV, Bibliofilia , 56:1-20; 85-101.[2489]
  • ROSENTHAL, FRANK, The Study of the Hebrew Bible in Sixteenth-Century Italy, Studies in the Renaissance , 1:81-91.[2490]
  • ROTH, CECIL, The Border of the Naples [Hebrew] Bible of 1491-2 [GW. 4199], Bodleian Libr. Rec. 6(1953):295-303.[2491]
  • SÁNCHEZ, REAL, J., Las impresiones de Rosenbach en Tarragona, Bol. arq. tarrag. , 5(1950):66-110.[2492]
  • SCACCIA, S. S., Le opere dell' umanista Giovanni Sulpizio Verolamo nelle edizioni del sec. XV , Rome, Tip. della Pace, 1954. 18, 2 p.[2493]
  • SCHELER, LUCIEN, Une presse conventuelle à Bourges en 1511, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Rennaissance , 16:18-24.[2494]
  • SCHELER, LUCIEN, A Rabelais Discovery [Almanac for 1544], Book Collector , 3:41-4.[2495]
  • SCHIROKAUER, ARNO, The Place of Esop in Medieval Literature [to 1570], [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 20:5-16.[2496]
  • SCHNEIDER, HEINRICH, Der Text der Gutenbergbibel . . ., Bonn, Hanstein, 1954. 120 p.(Bonner bibl. Beitr. 7).[2497]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Henrich Sybold, Physician and Printer at Strasburg [1528-30], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):168-70.[2498]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Two Strasburg Reprints of Aldine Classics [Cicero, Orationes and Rhetoricorum libri IV, 1540], Library , 5th ser., 8(1953):274-75.[2499]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Variant Settings-up in Zel Quartos, Library , 5th ser., 9:128-29.(Nider's Manuale confessorum and his De morali lepra).[2500]
  • SCHUNKE, ILSE, Vom Einfluss der ornamentalen Vorlagblätter auf den Einbandschmuck, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):290-303.[2501]
  • SCOGNAMIGLIO, GIOACCHINO, Saggio di bibliografia poliana [i.e. Marco Polo], L'Italia che scrive , 37:143-48.(XVth-XVIth cent. eds. descr. on pp. 143-44).[2502]
  • SELECTIVE CHECK LIST of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1953 , SB , 7(1955):219-238.(Pp. 219-26 cover incunabula and early Renaissance).[2503]
  • SHEPPARD, L. A., The Speculum-Printer's Editions of Donatus: a Numerical Estimate, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):63-65.[2504]
  • SKINNER, A. E., Fifteenth-Century Books in the University of Texas Library: An Interim Check-List [of 32 titles], [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5:3-8.[2505]
  • SPEZIALI, P., Les dessins de la Divina proportione de Pacioli, Stultifera Navis , 11:9-12.[2506]
  • STARNES, DEW. T., Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English , Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1954. xii, 427 p.(STC with U. S. locations, pp. 394-99).[2507]
  • SULLIVAN, FRANK, Syr. Thomas More: a First Bibliographical Notebook , Los Angeles, Loyola Univ., 1953. 112 p.[2508]
  • THOMAS, HENRY, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and His Plaquette Bindings, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 474-80.[2509]
  • THORNDIKE, LYNN, A Problem as to Incunabula of the “Phisionomia” of Michael Scot, PBSA , 48:411-13.[2510]
  • THORNTON, J. L. and R. I. J. TULLY, Scientific Books, Libraries and Collectors , London, Libr. Assoc., 1954. x, 288 p.(Scientific incunabula and books of the XVIth cent., pp. 31-61).[2511]
  • TIBONI, RAFFAELE, Panorama della stampa in Abruzzo (sec. XV-XVIII), Notiziario della Soprintendenza alle biblioteche per l'Abruzzo e il Molise , 1, nos. 1-3:3-5.(To be cont.?)[2512]
  • TOLSADA PICAZO, FRANCISCO, Bibliografia española de agricultura (1495-1900) , Madrid, [González], 1953. lxviii, 122 p., 1l.[2513]
  • TOSCHI, ANTONIO, Elenco delle pubblicazioni del prof. Domenico Fava [1901-1955], Omaggio a Domenico Fava . . ., Bologna, [L. Parma], 1953. pp. 41-62.[2513a]
  • UGALDE, LOUIS, The Celestina of 1502 [printed in Sevilla], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:206-22.[2514]
  • UPPSALA, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Bibliotheca walleriana , Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell, 1955. 2v.(Descr. of 150 incunables and a great number of XVIth cent. imprints in medicine and science).[2515]
  • VALENTI, MARIA, Saggio di una bibliografia delle edizioni di Tacito nei sec. XV-XVIII , Roma, Italia che scrive, 1953. 16 p.[2516]
  • VALENTI, MARIA, Saggio di una bibliografia di lacito nei sec. XV-XVIII , Rome, Italia che scrive, 1950. 16 p.[2517]

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  • VALVERDE, CRISTINO, Códices, incunables y manuscritos biblicos en la Catedral de Segovia, Cultura biblica (1953); 109-10, 173-76.[2518]
  • VAN DONGEN, J. A., History and Character of the Library of the Royal Netherlands Assoc. for the Advancement of Medicine, Libri , 3:88-94.(Lists 52 early medical books.)[2519]
  • VERHEYDEN, PROSPER, Noord-Hollandse Boekbanden: Haarlemse Banden [voor 1600], Het Boek , 31:197-239.[2520]
  • VIAL, JEAN, Imprimeurs allemands à Toulouse au XVième siècle, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):101-6.[2521]
  • VINDEL, F., El primer libro impreso en América fué para el rezo del Santo Rosario [Mejica 1532-34], Madrid, Faure, 1953. 102 p.[2522]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Ein gefälschter Wittenberger Lutherpsalter vom Jahre 1541, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):204-10.[2523]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Hundert Jahre Wittenberger Bibeldruck, 1522-1626 , Göttingen, Häntzschel, 1954. 170 p.(Arb.a.d. Staats-u. Univ. Bibl. Göttingen. 1). [2524]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Das Lutherwappen als “Schutzmarke” [sign of authorization, 1524-1543?], Libri , 4:216-25.[2525]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Neue Beiträge zu Luthers Psalmenübersetzung; die Wittenberger Psalmendrucke des Jahres 1525 [1524-28], Zeitschr.f.d. Philol. , 73:291-305. [2525a]
  • WEIL, GOTTHOLD, Ein verschollener Wiegendruck von Gio.Maria Angiolello [Breve narratione, Vicenza, 1490-91], Westöstliche Abhandlungen , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1954, pp. 304-14.[2526]
  • WEISS, WISSO, Thüringische Papiermühlen und ihre Wasserzeichen , Weimar, Thüringer Volksverlag, 1953. 96 p., 46 illus.[2527]
  • WIENAND, ADAM, ed., Fünf Jahrhunderte schwarze Kunst in Köln . . . Cologne, Bibliophilen Ges., 1953. 45 p.[2528]
  • WIJNMAN, H. F., De Studie van het Ethopisch en de Ontwikkeling van de Ethiopische Typografie in West-Europa in de 16de Eeuw [J. Potken, ed.: Psalterium aethiopicum, Rome, 1513: Psalterium in quattuor linguis, Cologne, 1518], Het Boek , 31:526-47.[2529]
  • WIND, EDGAR, The Revival of Origen [1486-1536], Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 412-24.[2530]
  • [YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] Additional Early Americana Deeded to the Yale Library by Henry C. Taylor, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:153-55.[2531]
  • [YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] A Choice Decade of English Books [STC. 9995, 10891, 23876, 12470, 6473, 24875], Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:53-5.[2532]
  • ZAPF, H., Buchstabenverformungen seit der Renaissance, Folium , 3:92-96.[2533]
  • ZERMATTEN, MAURICE, Le livre et le vin [with emphasis on early printed books and their illustrations], Stultifera Navis , 11:137-149.[2534]