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- AMERBACHKORRESPONDENZ . . . bearbeitet und herausgegeben von A Hartmann, Bd. 4:Die Briefe aus den Jahren 1531-36 , Basel, Univ. Bibl., 1953. xi, 503 p.[1841]
- AMOR DI LIBRO ; rassegna di bibliografia e di erudizione, diretta da M. Parenti, Firenze, Sansoni, 1, 1953- (New bibliographical periodical).[1842]
- ANGELERI, CARLO, Bibliografia delle stampe popolari a carattere profano dei sec. XVI e XVII, conservate nella Bibl. naz. di Firenze , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 218 p.(Contributi alla Bibl. bibliogr. ital. 2).[1843]
- ANGELERI, CARLO, Le stampe popolari a carattere profano nella Bibl. naz. di Firenze, Amor di libro , 1:41-48;113-20.[1844]
- ARBER, AGNES, From Medieval Herbalism to the Birth of Modern Botany, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 17-36.(Incl. survey of botanical lit. of the Renaissance).[1845]
- ARBER, AGNES, Herbals, their Origin and Evolution . . . 2nd ed., rewritten and enlarged, Cambridge, Eng., 1953. xxiv, 326 p.[1846]
- ASCARELLI, FERNANDA, La tipografia cinquecentina italiana , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 259 p.(Contr. alla Biblioteca bibl. ital. 1).[1847]
- AUER, ALBERT, Leidenstheologie im Spätmittelalter , St. Ottilien, Eos Verl., 1952. 142 p.(Incl. ms. tradition of the De duodecim utilitatibus tribulationum and bibl. of four English imprints: Duff 400; ed. 1530; Duff 365; ed. 1511).[1848]
- AVILA, DIEGO G. de, Panegirico à la Reina Doña Isabel . . . [Valladolid, 1509, facs.:] Madrid, Real Acad. esp., 1951. 2,20,1l.[1849]
- [BALDINI, UMBERTO], La mostra vasariana, Firenze . . . 1950; Catalogo, Studi vasariani , Firenze, Sansoni, 1952, pp. 257-87.(Bibliogr. descr. of 1st ed., 1550, and subsequent eds.)[1850]
- BARONCELLI, UGO, Catalogo degli incunabuli della Biblioteca Ugo da Como di Lonato. . . , Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 172, 4 p. illus.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 25).[1851]
- BELLONI, LUIGI, Die figurierte Nomenklatur der aüsseren Körperteile des Menschen in der Tradition der griechischen Manuskripte und in den ersten gedruckten anatomischen Büchern [Hundt, Vesalius, Casserius], Centaurus , 2:181-200.[1852]
- BENZ, RICHARD, Geist und Gestalt im gedruckten Buch des 15. Jh., Stultifera Navis , 10:67-74.(Type, and book illustration); also published separately: Mainz, Gutenberg-Gessleschaft, 1953.[1853]
- BERENGUER, ISIDRO A., Las secciones de incunables de las bibliotecas de Alicante y de Orihuela, Biblioteconomia , 8(1951):167-79.(Lists 105 incunabula).[1854]
- BERNSTRÖM, GUSTAV, [16] Nyfunna danska och svenska 1500-talstryck, Nordisk tidskr. bok-och biblioteksv. , 40:51-63.[1855]
- BIAGIARELLI, BERTA M., Di una inesistente edizione dell' Imitazione di Cristo [Venice, 1496], Bibliofilia , 54(1952):47-8.[1856]
- BIANCHI, VINCENZO, Le opere à stampa di Matthaeus Curtius, Boll. Soc. pavese di storia patria , n.s., 4(1952):91-4.[1857]
- La BIBLE de Jean Grüninger, 1485 ; intr. de Paul Ahnne, Strasbourg, W. Fischer, 1952. 21 p. illus.(Les livres illustrés strasbourgeois du XVe siècle. 1).[1858]
- BINNS, NORMAN E., An Introduction to Historical Bibliography , London, Assoc. of Asst. Libr., 1953. xii, 370 p., 1l.(Incl. sections on early printing, book illustration and binding).[1859]
- BLOCH, JOSHUA, Zacuto and His Almanach perpetuum [1496, Stillwell Z14], BNYPL , 57:315-18.[1860]
- BLUM, ANDRÉ, Réponse à l'article de M. Georges Dangon [Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953): 17-24], Ibidem (1953):104-5.[1861]
- BOGENG, G. A. E., Doppeldrucke [issues, variants], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:161-2.[1862]
- BOINET, AMÉDÉE, Un bibliophile français du XVIe siècle: Claude Gouffier, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):176-79.[1863]
- BONACINI, CLAUDIO, Bibliografia delle arti scrittorie e della calligrafia , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 409 p.(Bibl. bibliogr. ital. 5. -Exhaustive bibliogr., incl. many 15th-16th cent. titles).[1864]
- [BRITISH MUSEUM] Manuscripts and Printed Books from the Holkham Hall Library, British Museum Quart. , 17(1952):23-40.[1865]
- BÜHLER, CURT F., The First Edition of The Abbey of the Holy Ghost [hitherto undescribed, Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 1496], SB , 6:101-6.[1865a]
- BÜHLER, CURT F., Iberian Incunabula in America, Libr. Q. , 23:281-83.[1866]
- BÜHLER, CURT F., Some Observations on The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers , Library , 5th ser., 8:77-88.[1867]
- BÜHLER, CURT F., The Two Issues of the First Edition of . . . [Thomas de Hibernia's Manipulus florum HC. 8542,] Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):69-72.[1868]
- BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., The English Primers (1529-45) . . ., Philadelphia, Univ. of Penna. Press, 1953. xiii, 340 p.[1869]
- BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., Erasmus [N.T., Greek, 1516 and 1519] and Bilney and Foxe, BNYPL , 57:575-79.[1870]
- BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., The Lord's Prayer is Printed in London [1500], [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 19:93-98.[1871]
- CAMPBELL, DONALD, The Medical Curriculum of the Universities of Europe in the Sixteenth Century, with Special Reference to the Arab Tradition, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 357-67.(Incl. survey of textbooks).[1872]
- CARRIAZO, JUAN de MATA, El Breve parte [de las hazañas del excelente nombrado Gran Capitán, Sevilla, 1527], Arch. hisp. , 2:51-74.[1873]
- CLEMENS, P., Old New Year Cards, Graphis , 9:386-93; 420-21.(Incl. notes on 15th and 16th cent. printed cards).[1874]
- CORDIÉ, CARLO, Ricerche bibliografiche intorno a Teofilo Folengo [ristampa delle “Maccheronee,” Fratelli da Legnano, 1520, and Arrivabene, 1520], Miscellanea Giovanni Galbiati , Milan, Hoepli, 1951, v. 2, pp. 329-40.(Fontes ambrosiani. v. 25-27).[1875]
- CORTESÃO, ARMANDO, Nautical Science and the Renaissance, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 303-16. (Incl. brief survey of literature).[1876]
- DAGENS, JEAN, Bibliographie chronologique de la littérature de spiritualité et de ses sources (1501-1610), Paris, Brouwer, 1952. 208 p., 1l.(Chronol. arranged shorttitle listing of devotional lit. in its broadest sense).[1877]
- DALBANNE, CLAUDE, Jacques Vise, cartier Lyonnais (1481-1517), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):62-4.[1878]
- DANGON, GEORGES, Gutenberg est bien le premier inventeur de l'imprimerie, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953):17-24.[1879]
- DANGON, GEORGES, Une cause célèbre, Coster contre Gutenberg, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1952):68-76.[1880]
- DAVIDSSON, ÅKE, Catalogue critique et descriptif des imprimés de musique des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, conservés dans les bibliothèques suédoises (excepté la Bibl. de l'Univ. roy. d'Upsala), Upsala, 1952. 471 p.(Studia musicologica upsaliensia. 1.—Cf. Check List no. 980).[1881]
- DAVIDSSON, ÅKE, Catalogue critique et descriptif des ouvrages théoretiques sur la musique, imprimés au XVIe et au XVIIe siècles et conservés dans les bibliothèques suédoises , Ibidem, 1953. 83 p.(Studia musicologica upsaliensia. 2).[1882]
- DE GRAAF, B., Alardus Amstelredamus, 1494-1544; a Bibliographical List of [35] Books Written or Edited by Him, Folium , 3:44-57.[1883]
- DEL ARCO, RICARDO, Un panegírico de Fernando el Católico por el humanista Juan Sobrarias [Zaragossa, 1511], Bol. Real Acad. esp. , 32(1952):193-222.[1884]
- DELARUE, HENRI, Trouvailles bibliographiques [Breviary for Bourges, Paris, Wolf, 1487-97; undescribed fragment of 8l., and a Primer, Geneva, Pomard?, 1534?], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:161-63.[1885]
- DONATI, LAMBERTO, Un' edizione non individuata del "Missale Zagrabiense" [Venice, 1511], Bibliofilia , 55:131-33.[1885a]
- DONATI, LAMBERTO, Iniziali con la corona, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):9-10.[1886]
- DONATI, LAMBERTO, Le problème de Lienhart Ysenhut, Libri , 2:320-25.[1887]
- DORGAN, CORNELIA W., Le Roman de la rose , 1526, BPLQ , 6:58-61.[1888]
- DRESLER, ADOLF, Augsburg und die Frühgeschichte der Presse , München, Pohl, 1952. 87 p.(With list of printers and bibliography of “Neue Zeitungen”).[1889]
- DUBLANC, JOHANN, Heures à l'usage de Rome, Paris [Kerver] 1512, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1952):123-27.[1890]
- DUHEM, J., Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima; inventaire des écrits laissés par l'antiquité classique sur le pouvoir du vol, Bull. du biblioph . (1953):259-76.(To be cont.— With short-title bibliogr.)[1891]
- [DUMRESE, HANS], Buchdruck, Bucheinband und Druckgraphik in Lüneburg von der Renaissance bis zum Rokoko , Lüneburg, Museumsverein, 1953. 7l.[1892]
- DUVAL, MICHEL, Le livre et sa diffusion en Bretagne dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle, Mém. Soc. d'hist. et arch. de Bretagne , 32(1952):31-61.[1893]
- EDLER DE ROVER, FLORENCE, New Facets on the Financing and Marketing of Early Printed Books, Bull. Business Hist. Soc. , 27:22-30.[1894]
- EDLER DE ROVER, FLORENCE, Per la storia dell'arte della stampa in Italia; come furono stampati a Venezia tre dei primi libri in volgare, Bibliofilia , 55:107-17.[1895]
- EIS, GERHARD, Beiträge zur spätmittelalterlichen Prosa aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken [Andreas Proles, H.13394 and Reichl.I,693; 3 undescribed astron. fragments by S. Eyssenmann, ca.1515-20], JEGP , 52:76-89.[1896]
- FERRARA, BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE ARIOSTEA, Edizioni Savonaroliane della Biblioteca . . ., Ferrara, 1952. xiv, 134p.[1897]
- FIOR DI VIRTÙ , The Florentine Fior de Virtù of 1491, Translated into English by Nicholas Fersin, With Facsimile of All of the Original Woodcuts , [Philadelphia], Published for the Library of Congress, 1953. xxxi, 119p.[1898]
- GALEAZZI, A. G., Fernando Colombo, bibliofilo, bibliotecario, storico, Accad. e bibl. d'Italia , 21:31-35.[1899]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Bamberger und Nürnberger Lederschnittbände; Festgabe der Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek für Karl Schottenloher, mit einer Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen Karl Schottenlohers von O. Schottenloher, München, Zink, 1953. 58p.[1900]
- GELDNER, FERDINAND, Deutsche Buchdrucker des 15. Jh. als Mitglieder der Römischen Bruderschaften, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):209-14.[1901]
- GRAYSON, CECIL, Notes on the Texts of Some Vernacular Works of Leon Battista Alberti, Rinascimento , 3(1952):211-44.(Incl. early printed eds. in the collation of texts).[1901a]
- GUIGNARD, JACQUES, Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens, 1525-36, Bull. Assoc. G. Budé , ser. 3(1953):43-73.(L'humanisme européen et les civilisations d'Extrême-Asie. Cycle 1).[1902]
- GUSMAO, A., Livros impresos do sec.XVI existentes na Bibl. publ. e Arq. distrital de Evora, A cidade de Evora , 9(1952):217-93.[1903]
- GUTENBERG MUSEUM, MAINZ, Ausstellung . . . 1953. Grosse Drucker von Gutenberg bis Bodoni . . . , Mainz, 1953. 50p. 1l. ports.(Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellsch., 54.—Short sketches of Gutenberg, Schöffer, Mentelin, Pfister, G. and J. Zainer, Koberger, Ratdolt, Drach, Aldus, Amerbach, Froben, Quentell, Schönsperger, Giunta, Lotter, Luft, Froschauer, Estienne, Egenolff, etc.)[1904]
- HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, Centennial Exhibit in the Treasure Room, BPLQ , 6:3-22.(Review of exhibit, incl. early printed books).[1905]
- HARBOE, HENRIK, Litt svensk-norsk bokhistorie bielke-Gyllenstierna [Gustavus Vasa Bible], Nordisk tidsk. bok-och biblioteksv. , 40:64-70.[1906]
- HASE, MARTIN von, Erfurter Kleindrucker des zweiten Viertels des 16. Jh. [A. Rauscher], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):92-5.(Cf. Selective Check List, no. 1373).[1907]
- HAZAÑAS Y LA RUA, JOAQUÍN, La imprenta en Sevilla: Arte tipogr. . . . hasta el siglo XIX , Sevilla, Diput. prov., 1952. v. 1-).[1908]
- HEGG, PETER, Ein unbekannter Apiarius Druck [Utz Eckstein, Concilium, Bern, ca. 1550, incl. fragments of proofs found in binding], Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953):51-66.[1909]
- HELWIG, HELLMUTH, Handbuch der Einbandkunde , [Hamburg], Maximilan-Ges., 1953. (v.1:226p.)[1909a]
- HIRSCH, RUDOLF, The First Printed Protestant “Eheordnung” [1534-36], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):96-7.[1910]
- HOLTER, KURT, Über einige Privatbibliotheken des 15. Jh., Das Antiquariat , 9:137-39.[1911]
- HOOGEWERFF, GOFFREDO, L'editore del Vasari: Lorenzo Torrentino [1547 etc.], Studi vasariani , Firenze, Sansoni, 1952, pp. 93-104.[1912]
- HORODISCH, A., Betrachtungen aus Anlass einer Buchausstellung [Italian books, London, 1953], Stultifera Navis , 10:130-36.(Emphasis on early printed books).[1913]
- HUMBERT, DENISE, Inventaire des incunables de la bibliothèque Victor Cousin, Bull. du bibliophile (1952):309-18;(1953):29-51(Cf. Check List, no. 1332).[1914]
- HUNGER, HERBERT, Michael Servet und das Exemplar seiner Restitutio christianismi in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Biblos , 1(1952):63-78.(Incl. pre-history of 1553 ed.)[1915]
- JACKSON, WILLIAM A., Three Printed English Indulgences at Harvard, HLB , 7:229-31.[1916]
- JANOT, J. M., Les moulins à papier de la région vosgienne , Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1952. 2v.(From 15th-19th cent.—With repr. of watermarks).[1917]
- JOHNSON, FRANCIS R., Astronomical Text-Books in the Sixteenth Century, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 285-302.[1918]
- JUEGO DEL AJEDREZ , dechado de la vida humana [Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1549, facs.:] Valencia, Ed. Castalia, 1953. 531.[1919]
- JUNTKE, FRITZ, Jacobus van der Meer und der holländische Sachsenspiegel [GW. 9270, with correction from newly discovered complete copy], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):65-8.[1920]
- KAHLER, ERNST, Karlstadt und Augustin; der Kommentar des Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt zu Augustinus Schrift “De spiritu et litera” [Wittenberg, 1517-19], Halle, Niemeyer, 1952. 62, 134p.(Hallische Monographien. Nr. 19—“Gestalt und Geschichte des Drucks,” pp. 45-53).[1921]
- KING, K. C., Das Lied vom hürnen Seyfrid: the Printers and Orthography of a Sixteenth-Century Text [ca.1524-1642], Bull. John Rylands Library , 35:61-87.(Develops stemma of printed eds. for text-critical purposes).[1922]
- KINSMAN, R. S., The Printer and Date of Publication of Skelton's Agaynste a Comely Coystrowne [STC.22611] and Dyuers Balettys [STC.22604], HLQ , 16:203-10.[1923]
- KNAUS, HERMANN, Heroldsromantik; zwei Blätter Michael Ostendorfers mit einem Spruchgedicht von Hans Sachs, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):86-91.[1924]
- KRIEG, WALTER, Materialien zu einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bücherpreise und des Autoren-Honorars vom 15. bis zum 20. Jh. , Vienna [etc.], Stubenrauch, 1953. 250p.(Repr. in large parts from Das Antiquariat, cf. no. 904 of the Check List).[1925]
- KRONENBERG, M. E., Een Latijnse Broederschapsbrief, in de Nederlanden Gedrukt [1515 or 1516], Het Boek , 31:173-78.[1926]
- KRONENBERG, M. E., Uitgaven van Luther in de Nederlanden Verschenen tot 1541, Nederl. Arch. v. Kerkgesch. , 40:1-25.[1927]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Bamberger und Nürnberger Lederschnittbände, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:345-46.[1928]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Nürnberger Einbände der Spätgotik, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:519-20.[1929]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Schenkungsexemplare bekannter Drucker des 15. Jh., Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):36-8.[1929a]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Spätgotische Einbände im Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Zeitschr. f. württ. Landesgesch. , 11(1952):244-46.[1930]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Stuttgarter Buchbinder der Renaissance, 1540-1630, Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 67:173-91.[1931]
- LANCKORONSKA, MARIA, Das Lieblingsornament des Petrarcameisters, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):78-85.[1932]
- LANCKORONSKA, MARIA, Der Petrarcameister und die Reformation, Imprimatur , 11(1952-53):162-74.[1932a]
- LAURENT, MARIE H., Essai de bibliographie Catherinienne [Catherine of Siena]; les premières editions italiennes, Arch. fratrum praedictaorum , 20(1951):349-68.[1933]
- LEWICKA-KAMINSKA, ANNA, Inkunabuł Biblioteki Jagiellońskeij nr. 2267 żródłem przewrotu w dotychczasowych badaniach nad Gutenbergiem, Przegląd Biblioteczny , 20(1952):222-32.(Criticism of Wehmer's theory on printer of 1448 calendar).[1934]
- LODOVICI, SERGIO S., Un libro d'eccezione, “Il Valturio” [De re militari, Verona, 1472], Linea grafica , 5(1952):16-20.[1935]
- LUCHSINGER, F., Der Basler Buchdruck als Vermittler italienischen Geistes, 1470-1529 , Basel, Helbing and Lichtenhahn, 1953. viii, 144p.(Basler Beitr. z. Geschichtswissenschaft. 45).[1936]
- LUCIA, GIOVANNOZZI, Contributo alla bibliografia delle opere del Savonarola; edizioni dei sec. XV e XVI . . . Catalogo della Mostra savonaroliana . . . nel Museo di S. Marco in Firenze , Firenze, 1953. 170, 5p. illus.(271 nos. bibliogr., 237 nos. in exhibition cat.)[1937]
- LUELFING, HANS, Universität, Buchdruck und Buchhandel in Wittenberg, vornehmlich im 16. Jh., Vierhundertfünfzig Jahre Martin Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg , Halle a. S., 1953, v. 1, pp. 377-91.[1938]
- MARCHETTI, ITALIANO, Di Bernardo Giambullari fiorentino [Reichl. IV, 1219, etc.], Amor di libro , 1:25-34;97-102;167-75;225-32.[1939]
- [MARTÍNEZ DE CALA Y JARAVA, ANTONIO] Vocabulario español-latino por Elio Antonio de Nebrija (Salamanca, 1495?), Madrid, R. Acad. esp., 1951, 181.(Nueva col. de facs. 4).[1940]
- MARX, MOSES, A Catalogue of the Hebrew Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Now in the Library of the Hebrew Union College [Cincinnati], Studies in Bibliography and Booklore , 1:21-47.(List of 65 titles).[1941]
- MAYER, C. A., Une édition inconnue de Clément Marot [Petit traicté contenant plusieurs chantz royaulx, Paris, Jean de Saint-Denis, 1532], Bull. du biblioph. (1953):151-66.[1942]
- MAYER, C. A., Le texte de Marot, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:71-91.(Cont. from Check List, no. 1421).[1943]
- MELI, FILIPPO, Documenti inediti sull'arte della stampa e sul commercio librario in Palermo nel periodo della Rinascenza, Archivi , ser.2, 19(1952):211-13.[1944]
- MENDOZA, IÑIGO de, Vita Christi, fecho en coplas (Zamora 1492); sale nuevamente a luz reproducida en facs. por acuerdo de la Real Acad. esp., Madrid, 1953. 3,40,1l.[1945]
- MERCATI, G., Note per la storia di alcune biblioteche romane nei sec. XVI-XIX , Città del Vaticano, 1952. 4l., 190p.(Studi e testi. no. 164).[1946]
- MONTEIRO, HERNANI, M. F. ASHLEY MONTAGU, C. D. O'MALLEY and J. B. de C. M. SAUNDERS [Articles on Vesalius and his Fabrica], Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 368-400.[1947]
- MORISON, STANLEY, Some New Light on Verini [Secreti e modi bellissimi, 1530-35; Luminario libro 7, ca.1527; Luminario, 1538], Newberry Libr. Bull. , 3:41-5.[1948]
- MORISON, STANLEY, A Tally of Types, Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1953. 102p.[1949]
- MORTIMER, JEAN E., An Unrecorded Caxton at Ripon Cathedral [Laurentius Guilelmus of Savona, Epitome margaritae eloquentiae, ca. 1480], Library , 5th ser., 8:37-42.[1950]
- NÉRET, JEAN A., Histoire illustrée de la librairie et du livre français , Paris, Lamarre, 1953. 397p. illus.[1951]
- NESBITT, CHARLES F., Mercenary Motives in the Production of the English Bible in the Early Sixteenth Century, Anglican Theol. Rev. , 34:154-66.[1952]
- NETTER, MARIA, Freiheit und Bindung in der Bibelillustration der Renaissance, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum , 4:155-87.(Iconogr. of Bible illus.)[1953]
- NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, Fifty Incunabula Added to the Library's Collection, BNYPL , 57:107-13.[1954]
- NIXON, HOWARD M., English Bookbindings: VI; an Early English Panel-Stamped Binding [B.M. I.A. 55550, ca.1500-20], The Book Collector (1953):140-2.[1955]
- NURMELA, TAUNO, Manuscrits et éditions du Corbaccio de Boccace [eds.1487-1563], Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 54:102-34.[1956]
- OHLY, KURT, Ein unbeachteter illustrierter Druck Eggesteins [Lucian, Goldener Esel, Schreiber 3346], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):50-61.[1957]
- PARIS, GALERIE ROYALE, Exposition de 181 manuscrits, incunables et autres éditions rares de la Bibliotheca judaica Simonensiana de Copenhague . . . 1952 [Catalogue par D. Jassine], Paris, Ed. polyglottes, 1952. 64p.(Chefs-d'oeuvres hébraiques de la Bibl. royale de Copenhagen).[1958]
- PEDRETTI, CARLO, L'arte della stampa in Leonardo da Vinci, Linea grafica , 5(1952):184-93.[1959]
- PEDRO, DIEGO de, Tratado de amores de Arnalte y Lucenda . . . (Burgos, 1491), [repr.:] Madrid, Real Acad. esp., 1952. 71l.[1960]
- PERRAT, CHARLES, Sur un tas de prognostications de Louvain, François Rabelais , Genève, Droz [etc., etc.], 1953, pp. 60-73.(With list of 29 prognostications, 1475-1560, incl. hitherto undescribed titles).[1961]
- PFISTER, ARNOLD, Das schweizer Inkunabelinventar Nachr. Ver. Schweiz. Biblioth. , 29:155-70.[1962]
- PLACE, EDWIN B., The Edition of the Amadis of Saragosse, 1521, Hisp. Rev. , 21:140-42.[1963]
- QUARANTA, EMANUELA, Osservazioni intorno al caratteri greci di Aldo Manuzio, Bibliofilia , 55:123-30.[1964]
- REICHLING, D., Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum additiones et emendationes . . . [Repr.:] Milano, Görlich, 1953. 2v.[1965]
- RENOUARD, A. A., Annales de l'imprimerie des Aldes . . . [facs. repr. of the 3rd, best ed., 1834], Bologna, 1953. xvi, 582p., 3l., lxviiip, 2l, 8p.[1966]
- RHODES, D. E., The British Museum's Copy of a Rare Book from Brescia [Giordano Ruffo, Arte de cognoscere la natura d'caual, tr. by G. Bruno, ed. Brescia, Thomas Fernandus, 1504], SB , 6:231-2.[1967]
- RHODES, D. E., The 1472 Paris Edition of Plato's Letters, Library , 5th ser., 8:197-201.[1968]
- RHODES, D. E., An Indulgence Printed at Mondovì in 1487 [hitherto undescribed], British Museum Quart. , 18:69-70.(Cf. Check List. no. 1443).[1969]
- RHODES, D. E., A Note on Some Fragments of Vegetius from Augsburg [G. Zainer], Library , 5th ser., 8:36-7.[1970]
- RICHTER, B. L. O., Printers and Poets; notes on Giolito and the Petrarchists, [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 19:77-92.(Deals primarily with the Rime diverse series).[1971]
- RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Del carattere italico aldino nel sec. XV, Bibliofilia , 55:119-22.[1972]
- ROGERS, DAVID, The Holkham Collection, Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 4:255-67.(Sections on incunabula, STC books, English plays, and Italian books to 1601).[1973]
- ROSENTHAL, ERWIN, Concerning the Dating of Rüst's and Sporer's World Maps, PBSA , 47:156-58.[1974]
- RUYSSCHAERT, JOSE, A Note of the “First” Edition [1470, H.10269] of the Latin Translation of Some of Lucian of Samosata's Dialogues, Journ. Warburg Courtauld Inst. , 16:161-62.(Cf. Check List, no. 889).[1975]
- SALLANDER, H., Eine neuentdeckte Ausgabe des Balsam Mariae Magdalenae [Nürnberg, Creussner, ca.1480], Nordisk tidskr. för bok-ock biblioteksv. , 40:34-36.[1976]
- SANTIFALLER, LEO, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Beschreibstoffe im Mittelalter , Graz [etc.], Böhlau, 1953. Teil 1-(Mitt. d. Inst. f. österr. Geschichtsforschung. Erg. Bd. 16, H. 1-).[1977]
- SARTORI, CLAUDIO, Bibliografia della musica strumentale italiana stampato in Italia fine al 1700 , Florence, Olschki, 1952. xxiv, 652p.[1978]
- SARTORI, CLAUDIO, Nuove conclusive aggiunte alla “Bibliografia del Petrucci” [Firenze, 1948], Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 36p.(Offprint from Coll. hist. musicae, v. 1).[1979]
- SAULNIER, V. L., Notice sur deux poètes du règne de François Ier: Jacques le Gros [Temple d'honneur, 1504; Les excellentes vaillances, n.d.], Robert Cusson, Bull. du biblioph . (1953):167-75;207-16.[1980]
- [SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO] La Bibliofilia , anno 55, dispensa 1a, nel V centenario di Girolamo Savonarola, Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 84p.(Contents: R. RIDOLFI, Il quinto centenario . . . —R. BLUM, Un inedito documento . . . —L. DONATI, Di una figura savonaroliana.—A. de RUBERTIS, La censura delle opere di . . . Savonarola.—G. AVANZI, Le bibliografie savonaroliane.—Recensioni).[1981]
- SCHELER, LUCIEN, Un quatrième exemplaire des “Grandes et inestimables chroniques” [de Rabelais], Lyon, 1532, Francois Rabelais , Genève, Droz [etc., etc.], 1953, pp. 44-52.(Descr. a hitherto unknown issue).[1982]
- SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, A Folio With a Strange Device [J. Lindholtz, Arbores consanquinitatis, Strassburg, Schott, 1516], Library , 5th ser., 7(1952):273-75.[1983]
- SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, An Unrecorded Early Printing Centre [Psalterium, Castano Primo, Joh. Ant. de Cornate, 1486], Library , 5th ser., 8:128-29.[1984]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, KARL, Ein fürstlicher Bücherliebhaber der Renaissance [Ottheinrich, Pfalz-Neuburg, with notes on the printing press of Hans Kilian in Neuburg], Gutenburg Jahrb. (1953):180-88.[1985]
- SCHULZ, HERBERT C., Albrecht Pfister and the Nürnberg Woodcut School [the British Museum and the Huntington Library Passion series], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):39-49.[1986]
- SCHUNKE, ILSE, Die bibliophile Mission des Nikolaus von Ebeleben, Imprimatur , 11(1952-53):150-61.(Bindings, middle 16th cent.)[1987]
- SCHUNKE, ILSE, Der Klassische Grolier-Buchbinder in Paris, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):164-71.[1988]
- SCHUNKE, ILSE, Die vier Meister der Farnese-Plaketteneinbände, Bibliofilia , 54(1952):57-91.(With list of bindings described).[1989]
- SELECTIVE CHECK LIST of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1952 , SB , 6:266-86.(Pp. 266-72 cover incunabula and early Renaissance).[1990]
- SERVOLINI, LUIGI, Le xilografie di Ugo da Carpi, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):105-10.[1991]
- SHEPPARD, L. A., The Early Provenance of the Museum Copy of the Missal Printed at Rome by S. Plannck, 1496, British Museum Quart. , 16:2-4.[1992]
- SIMONI, ANNA E. C., Guillaume Haudent and the First Translation of Poliziano's Rusticus [Rouen, Jean Petit, ca.1550], Library , 5th ser., 8:111-17.[1993]
- SJORNOVA, A. S., Ornamentika kniga moskovskoii pezati XVI-XVII vekov [Book illus. in Moscow imprints, 16th-17th cent.], Moscow, 1952. 26p., 84 plates, 77p.[1994]
- SKRUNDEN, JAN, Die Entwicklung der cursiven Schriftform der Renaissanceepoche durch die humanistische Reformbewegung, besonders in Italien und ihr Erscheinen in der Buchdruckerkunst im 15. und 16. Jh. , n.p. [1951] 90l.(Typewritten Ph.D. diss.—Cologne).[1995]
- SONNE, ISAIAH, The Zodiac Theme in Ancient Synagogues and in Hebrew Printed Books, Studies in Bibliography and Booklore , 1:3-13.(Earliest example in Rashi's commentary on Pentateuch, Augsburg, H. Schwarz, 1533).[1996]
- SPEYGEL DER LEYEN , Neuausgabe eines Lübecker Mohnkopfdruckes aus dem Jahr 1496 , hrsg. von Pekka Katara, Helsinki, 1952. xlix, 90p.(Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemien Toimituksia. Sarja B,nide 77,2).[1997]
- SPEZIALI, PIERRE, Léonard de Vinci et la Divina proportione de Luca Pacioli, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:295-305.[1998]
- STEIGER, C. F. de, Die Bibliothek des Berner Schultheissen Johannes Steiger [1518-81], Stultifera Navis , 10:44-54.(With list of 16 titles, 1530-75).[1999]
- STONE, HOWARD, The French Language in Renaissance Medicine, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:315-46.(With chronol. list of 16th cent. medical writings in French: I. Translations. II. French originals).[2000]
- SURTZ, E. L., Thomas More and the Great Books, PQ , 32:43-57.(Comparison of More's Utopia with Erasmus' Plan of Study, etc.)[2001]
- [THOMAS, HENRY], Antonio [Martínez] de Salamanca, printer of the Celestina, Rome, ca.1525, Library , 5th ser., 8:45-50.[2002]
- TÓTH, L., Hungarica in Johann Feigenbaums Bücherei [additions to F. Merzbacher, cf. Check List no. 1422], Zentralbl. f. Bibliotheksw. , 66(1952):456-58.[2003]
- TRICOU, JEAN, Le testament de Sébastian Gryphius [1493-1556], François Rabelais , Genère, Droz [etc., etc.], 1953, pp. 263-70.[2004]
- TURRINI, GIUSEPPE, Il patrimonio musicale della Biblioteca capitolare di Verona dal sec. XV al sec. XIX, Atti e mem., Accad. di agric., sc. e lett., Verona , ser. 6, 2:95-176.(Inventory of mss. and printed books).[2005]
- UPSALA, UNIVERSITET, Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitätsbibliothek . . . Neuerwerbungen seit dem Jahre 1907, Von Hans Sallander , Uppsala, Almquist and Wiksell, 1953. 176p.(Bibliotheca Ekmaniana. 59).[2006]
- VACCARI, ALBERTO, L'editio princeps del commento di Aimone alla Cantica . . . [Expositio utilis ac praeclara, Pavia, 1509], in his Scritti di erudizione . . ., Roma, Ed. storia e lett., 1952, pp. 331-40.[2007]
- VADIAN, JOACHIM, Lateinische Reden [ed. M. Gabathuler], St. Gallen, Fehr, 1953. 69*,166p.(Vadian-Studien. 3. Bibliography of Vadian's Orationes, 1510-16, pp.53*-7*).[2008]
- VAN HEEL, DALMATIUS, Incunabelen Berustende in de Goudse Librye , Gouda, 1952. 50p.(Reprod. from typewritten copy).[2009]
- VAN'T HOFF, B., and L. J. NOORDHOFF, Een Kaart van de Nederlanden en de “Oosterscherzee” Gedrukt door Jan de Beeldesnyder van Hoirne te Antwerpen in 1526, Het Boek , 31:151-56.[2010]
- VELASQUEZ DE AVILA, Cancionero gotico . . . fielmente reimpreso del unico ejemplar [Valencia? 1535-50] con un prologo de A. Rodríguez-Moñino, Valencia, Castalia, 1951. 118p., 1l.[2011]
- VISEL, K., Ein altes Exlibris [Hildebrand Brandenburg, printed on a Memmingen Kunne waste sheet], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:133-34.[2012]
- VOLK, PAULUS, Ein neuer datierter Druck des Augsburger Hanns Schaur [sign. f of Anselm of Canterbury's Dialogus beatae Mariae, 1495], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):73-77.[2013]
- W., B., Die Gesamtausgaben der Werke Martin Luthers [1539-1938, etc.], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:539-42.[2014]
- WINGER, HOWARD W., Regulations Relating to the Book Trade in London from 1357 to 1586 , Urbana, 1953.(Unpublished Univ. of Ill. Ph.D. thesis).[2015]
- ZANETTI, ALBERTO S., I pronostici di Girolamo Manfredi [1475-93], Studi riminesi e bibliogr. in onore di Carlo Luccesi , Faenza, Lega, 1952, pp. 193-213.[2016]
- ZAPF, HERMANN, Vom Formgesetz der Renaissance Antiqua, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):11-15.[2017]







1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumeration
A. English and General
- ABBEY, J. R., Life in England in Aquatint and Lithography, 1770-1860. A Bibliographical Catalogue , London, Curwen Press, 1953. 428 p., 33 pl.[2018]
- BABLER, O. F., Rainer Maria Rilke in English: A Bibliography, N & Q , 198:42; additions by Stanley Godman, N & Q, 198:132.[2019]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, Some Unrecorded Cambridge Books in the Library of Eton College, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:441-43.[2020]
- BRITISH MUSEUM, Daniel Defoe: An Excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books , London, British Museum, 1953. 61 p.[2021]
- CAHILL, PATRICK, The English First Editions of Hilaire Belloc , London, The Compiler, 1953. 52 p. Additions, N & Q, 198:365 and 452.[2022]
- CAMERON, W. J., A Bibliography of English Poetical Miscellanies, 1660-1720, in the Alexander Turnbull Library , Wellington, N. Z., Victoria University College, 1953.(Turnbull Library Bulletin No. XI.)[2023]
- CAMERON, W. J., Bibliography of Ned Ward (1667-1731) [Additions to bibliography in Appendix A of H. W. Troyer's Ned Ward of Grub Street], N & Q , 198:284-86.[2024]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., Copper Engraving in Mexico during the Late Eighteenth Century: An Inventory of the Engravers Found in the New York Public Library, BNYPL , 57:263-72.[2025]
- CHAPMAN, R. W., Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953. 62 p.(Review and reply, TLS, Nov. 6, Nov. 13, 1953, p. 716 and 725.)[2026]
- CLARK, LEONARD, A Handlist of the Writings in Book Form (1902-1953) of Walter de la Mare, SB , 6:197-217.[2027]
- CLARK, LUCY, Books on Printers' Ornaments in the Library of the University of Virginia, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 29:3.[2028]
- COSSIO, F. G. de, La imprenta en Mexico (1553-1820), 510 adiciones a la obra de José Toribio Medina , Mexico, Universidad Nacional de Mexico, 1952. 354 p.[2029]
- COUCHMAN, G. W., Editions of Falconer's “Shipwreck,” N & Q , 198:439-40.[2030]
- CROWELL, N. B., Bibliography of the Works of Alfred Austin, in Alfred Austin: Victorian , Albuquerque, New Mexico, Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1953.[2031]
- DAHL, FOLKE, Bibliography of English Corantos , “Check List for 1952,” No. 1501, reviewed, TLS, April 17, 1953, reply by author and further comment, TLS, May 22, 1953, p. 339.[2032]
- DUNFERMLINE. PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Murison Burns Collection: A Catalogue , The Library, 1953. 140 p.[2033]
- ECHEVERRIA, DURAND, see No. 2087.
- FLETCHER, G. B. A., A. E. Housman Bibliography, Library , 5th ser., 8:51.(Addition to “Check List for 1952,” No. 1545.)[2034]
- FROMM, HANS, Bibliography of German Translations from the French, 1700-1948 , Baden-Baden, Verlag für Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1953. 547 p.[2035]
- GILL, E. R., Bibliography of Eric Gill , London, Cassell, 1953. 224 p.[2036]
- GREEN, R. L., Lewis Carroll's Fugitive Pieces, TLS , July 31, 1953, p. 500.[2037]
- HANNA, ARCHIBALD, Jr., John Buchan, 1875-1940: A Bibliography , Hamden, Connecticut, The Shoe String Press, 1953. 135 p.[2038]
- HOPKINSON, TOM, George Orwell , London, Longmans, 1953. 37 p.(Bibliographical Series of Supplements to “British Book News” . . . No. 39.)[2039]
- HUFF, W. H., Dylan Thomas: A Bibliography , Northwestern Univ. Library, 1953. 27 p.[2040]
- JANNATTONI, LIVIO, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, con un saggio di bibliografia italiana, Amor di Libro , 1:35-40.[2041]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, A Bibliography of the Writings of Dr. William Harvey, 1573-1657 , 2d ed. rev., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 79 p.[2042]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, and WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, William Blake's Illuminated Books: A Census , New York, Grolier Club, 1953. 125 p., 8 plates.[2043]
- LEWIS, A. O., Jr., Emblem Books and the English Drama: A Preliminary Survey, 1581-1600 , Pennsylvania State College. Thesis, 1952.[2044]
- MacDONALD, HUGH, and HARGREAVES, MARY, Thomas Hobbes: A Bibliography , No. 1521, “Check List for 1952.” Review and correspondence, TLS , April 24, 1953, p. 276, May 8, p. 307, June 5, p. 365[2045]
- McKAY, G. L., A Stevenson Library: Catalogue of a Collection . . . Formed by Edwin J. Beinecke , Yale Univ. Press, 1953. Vol. 2 of No. 1015, “Check List for 1951.”[2046]
- MACOMBER, H. P., A Census of the Owners of Copies of the 1687 First Edition of Newton's “Principia” [and of the 1726 Presentation Issue], PBSA , 47:269-300.[2047]
- MADAN, F. F., Some Notes on the Bibliography of Francis Osborne, Oxford Bibl. Soc., Publications , new ser., 4:55-60.[2048]
- MADDISON, FRANCIS, and others, Sir William Dugdale, 1605-1685: A List of His Printed Works , etc., Warwick, Published by L. Edgar Stephens for the Record and Museum Committee on the Warwickshire County Council, 1953. 92 p.[2049]
- MALCLES, L. N., Les sources du travail bibliographique , Geneva, Droz, 1952. Vol. 2 of No. 443, “Check List for 1950.”(Includes the Humanities.)[2050]
- MARKEN, J. W., William Godwin's Writing for the New Annual Register, MLN , 68:477-79.[2051]
- MITCHELL, P. M., A Bibliographical Guide to Danish Literature , Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1951. 61 p.[2052]
- O'KELLEY, FRANCIS, Irish Book-Sale Catalogues before 1801, [Papers], Bibliographical Society of Ireland, 6: No. 3:35-55.[2053]
- PEARL, M. L., William Cobbett: A Bibliographical Account of His Life and Times , Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 266 p.[2054]
- RIEDE, Brother RANDAL, Maurice Baring: A Bio-bibliography , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's Thesis, 1953.[2055]
- ROSCOE, S., Thomas Bewick: A Bibliography Raisonné of Editions of the “General History of Quadrupeds,” the “History of British Birds,” and the “Fables of Aesop” Issued, in His Lifetime , Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 198 p.[2056]
- ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS, Five Centuries of Maps & Map-Making: An Exhibition , London, The Institute, 1953. 128 p.[2057]
- SAUL, G. B., James Stephens' Contributions to Sinn Féin, BNYPL , 57:175-81.[2058]
- SITWELL, Sacheverell, and others, Fine Bird Books, 1700-1900 , London, Collins, 1952. 120 p., plates.[2059]
- SLOANE, C. E., John Henry Newman: An Illustrated Brochure of His First Editions , Worcester, Mass., Holy Cross College, 1953. 54 p.[2060]
- SLOCUM, J. J., and CAHOON, HERBERT, A Bibliography of James Joyce (1882-1941) , Yale Univ. Press, 1953. 196 p.[2061]
- SLOCUM, J. J., and CAHOON, HERBERT, A Note on Joyce Biography, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:44-50.[2062]
- SPOERI, J. F., Finnegans Wake by James Joyce: A Check List , Northwestern Univ. Libr., 1953. 19p.[2063]
- STARNES, D. T., A Short-Title List of Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionaries (1500-circa 1750) in American Libraries , Dept. of English, Univ. of Texas, 1953. 8 p.(Mimeographed.)[2064]
- STARR, H. W., A Bibliography of Thomas Gray, 1917-1951 . . . with Material Supplementary to C. S. Northup's Bibliography of Thomas Gray , Univ. of Penn. Press for Temple Univ. Publications, 1953. 152 p.[2065]
- VAUGHAN, ROBERT, Bibliography of First Editions, in G. D. Cummins, Dr. E. OE. Somerville: A Biography , 1953.(Bibliography of 27 p.)[2066]
- WALBRIDGE, E. F., Key Novels, American and European: A Supplement to Literary Characters Drawn from Life [by E. F. Walbridge], PBSA , 47:161-91.(See also his review of Vol. 3 of Georg Schneider's Die Schlüsselliteratur, Stuttgart, 1953, PBSA, 47:400-401, and Lawrence S. Thompson's review of the first two volumes, ibid.: 200-201.)[2067]
- WARD, W. S., Index and Finding List of Serials Published in the British Isles, 1789-1832 , Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1953. 180 p.[2068]
- WEBER, C. J., An Interim Bibliography of Vernon Lee [Violet Paget], Colby Libr. Quart. , 3:123-27.[2069]
- WYLLIE, J. C., Wing Addenda & Corrigenda, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, No. 26:2; No. 28:3; No. 29:2-3.[2070]


B. United States
- ADAIR, HELEN, Elizabeth Janet Gray (Mrs. Morgan Vining): A Bio-Bibliography , Florida State Univ. Master's thesis, 1953.[2071]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O., Thomas Paine and the New York Public Advertiser , New-York Hist. Soc. Quart. , 37:361-82.[2072]
- AMERICAN IMPRINTS INVENTORY, A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, 1864-1869 , Madison, State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, 1953. 197 p.[2073]
- AMERICAN Imprints Inventory. List of Checklists Undertaken as Theses, Department of Library Science, Catholic University, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 28:2.[2074]
- BENNETT, E. F., A Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1870-71, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis, 1953.[2075]
- BENTINCK-SMITH, WILLIAM, The Literature of American Typefounding, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:21-26.[2076]
- BERRY, W. T., The Autobiography of a Wooden Press [with a list of books on the history of the wooden press], Typographica , 8:20-26.[2077]
- BRADLEY, J. J., An Annotated Bibliography of Material by and about Thornton Niven Wilder , Carnegie Institute of Technology. Master's thesis, 1953.[2078]
- BRISTOL, R. P., Maryland Imprints, 1801-1810 , Univ. of Virginia Press for Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1953. 310 p.(Lithoprinted from type copy.) Addenda, Secretary's News Sheet, Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 27:2; No. 29:3.[2079]
- BRITTON, A. P., and LOWENS, IRVING, Unlocated Titles in Early Sacred American Music, Music Libr. Assn. Notes , 2d ser., 11:33-48.[2080]
- CANADAY, D. W., A Check List of Tennessee Baptist Imprints, 1809-1849, Tennessee Hist. Quart. , 12:323-33.[2081]
- CLIFT, G. G., A Bibliography of Kentucky Statute Law, 1792-1830. By Douglas C. McMurtrie , Univ. of Kentucky, 1953. 41 p.(Mimeographed. Margaret I. King Library. Occasional Contribution No. 49. Records copies added at the Kentucky Historical Society, the University of Kentucky, and the Filson Club, 1935-1952.)[2082]
- COHEN, HENNIG, The Poems of Joseph Dumbleton, 1740-1750, Bull. of Bibl. , 20 (1952): 220.[2083]
- CONCORD, Massachusetts. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Exhibition , The Library, 1953. 17 p.[2084]
- CURRIER, T. F., A Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes. . . . Edited by Eleanor M. Tilton for The Bibliographical Society of America , New York Univ. Press, 1953. 707 p.[2085]
- DEDMOND, F. B., A Check-List of Edgar Allan Poe's Works in Book Form Published in the British Isles, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:16-20.[2086]
- ECHEVERRIA, DURAND, French Publications of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitutions, 1776-1783, PBSA , 47:313-38.[2087]
- EDWARDS, JOHN, A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of Ezra Pound; Especially His Contributions to Periodicals , New Haven, Kirgo-Books, 1953. 73 p.[2088]
- FLETCHER, FRANK, A Bibliography of W. C. Brownell, Bull. of Bibl. , 20:242-44.[2089]
- GORDAN, J. D., Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882: Catalogue of an Exhibition from the Berg Collection , New York Public Libr., 1953. 47 p. Also BNYPL, 57:392-408, 433-60.[2090]
- GRUBER, M. E., An Annotated Bibliography of Edna St. Vincent Millay , Drexel Institute of Technology. Master's thesis, 1953.[2091]
- HARDING, WALTER, A Centennial Check-List of the Editions of Henry David Thoreau's “Walden,” Univ. of Virginia Press for the Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1954 [i.e., 1953]. xxxii p.[2092]
- HARWELL, R. B., Cornerstones of Confederate Collecting , 2d ed., Univ. of Virginia Press for the Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1953. 35 p., facsimilies, 7 p.(Revised edition of No. 1562, “Check List for 1952.”)[2093]
- HENDERSON, R. W., Early American Sport: A Check-List of Books by American and Foreign Authors Published in America prior to 1860, Including Sporting Songs , 2d ed., rev. and enl., New York, A. S. Barnes, 1953. 234 p.[2094]
- ISHILL, JOSEPH, The Oriole Press: A Bibliography , Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, The Oriole Press, 1953. 478 p.[2095]
- JENKINS, ALAN, Sandburg's Private Printings, Jour. Illinois State Hist. Soc. , 46:401-406.[2096]
- KESTER, MARTHA, Stephen A. Douglas: A Bibliographical Study , Univ. of Illinois. Master's thesis, 1951.(Available in ACRL Microcard Series.)[2097]
- LEE, A. G., Charles Waddell Chesnutt: His Works and Their Significance , Western Reserve Univ. Master's thesis, 1953.[2098]
- MILLER, F. DeW., Identification of Contributors to the North American Review under Lowell, SB , 6:219-29.[2099]
- MITCHELL, E. D., A Preliminary Checklist of Tennessee Imprints, 1861-1866 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1953. 98 p.(Mimeographed)[2100]
- MORGAN, D. L., A Bibliography of the Churches of the Dispersion, [Introduction], Western Humanities Rev. , 7:255-66. Reprinted separately with the bibliography added, and paged 107-181 in continuation of Nos. 1053 and 1054, “Check List for 1951.”[2101]
- NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, Walt Whitman: The Oscar Lion Collection , New York Public Libr., 1953. 78 p. Also BNYPL, 58 (1954):213-29 and following numbers.[2102]
- NORTH CAROLINA ENGLISH TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and the NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, North Carolina Authors, a Selective Handlist , Univ. of North Carolina Libr., 1952. 136 p.(Extension Publication, Vol. 18, No. 1.)[2103]
- PIERSON, R. M., A Preliminary Checklist of Lexington, Ky., Imprints, 1821-1850 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1953. 155 p.(Mimeographed)[2104]
- POWER, F. M., American Private Book Clubs, Bull. of Bibl. , 20:216-20, 233-36.(Lists their publications.)[2105]
- RICHEY, H. G., Memorandum on the German Editions of Jefferson's “Notes on Virginia,” Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1953. 4 p.(Mimeographed)[2106]
- SCHWARTZ, EDWARD, Katherine Anne Porter: A Critical Bibliography , New York Public Libr., 1953. 42 p. Also BNYPL, 57:211-47.[2107]
- SILVER, R. G., The Baltimore Book Trade, 1800-1825 , New York Public Libr., 1953. 56 p. Also BNYPL, 57:114-25, 182-201, 248-51, 297-305, 349-57.[2108]
- SOME Uncollected Authors. I: Raymond Chandler, Book Collector , 2:209-11.[2109]
- SOWERBY, E. M., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson , Libr. of Congress, 1953. Vols. 2 and 3. Vol. 1 is No. 1580, “Check List for 1952.”[2110]
- SPENCER, HELEN, A Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1850-1852, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis, 1953.[2111]
- WADE, J. C., A Preliminary Checklist of Non-technical Imprints for the District of Columbia, 1841-42, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis, 1953.[2112]
- WAGNER, H. R., The Plains and the Rockies: A Bibliography of Original Narratives of Travel and Adventure, 1800-1865 , 3d ed. rev. by Charles L. Camp, Columbus, Long's College Book Co., 1953. 601 p.(For additional locations in the Boston area see Elizabeth C. Stuart's “Preliminary Survey,” Simmons College, School of Libr. Science, Studies, No. 1, ii, 6 p., mimeographed.)[2113]
- WEGELIN, OSCAR, A Bibliographical List of the Literary and Dramatic Productions and Periodicals Written and Compiled by Samuel Woodworth , New Orleans, 1953. 22 p.(Heartman's Historical Series, No. 78.)[2114]
- WUST, K. G., German Printing in Virginia: A Check List, 1789-1834, Soc. for the Hist. of the Germans in Maryland , No. 28 (1953):54-66.[2115]
- WYLLIE, J. C., Evans Addenda & Corrigenda, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 27:3; No. 28:3.[2116]


2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical, and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ALDEN, JOHN, Deception in Dublin: Problems in Seventeenth-Century Irish Printing, SB , 6:232-37.[2117]
- ALLOTT, KENNETH, The Text of Praed's Poems, N & Q , 198:118-20.[2118]
- ALTICK, R. D., English Publishing and the Mass Audience in 1852 , SB , 6:3-24.[2119]
- ARNDT, K. J. R., Charles Sealsfield and the Courier des Etats-Unis [New York], PMLA , 68:170-88.[2120]
- AVIS, F. C., Moxon's “Mechanick Exercises,” Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):120-23.[2121]
- BAUER, JOSEPHINE, The London Magazine [1820-1829], Copenhagen, Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1953. 363 p.(Anglistica, Vol. 1)[2122]
- BEEBE, LUCIUS, The “Territorial Enterprise,” American Heritage , new ser. 4:20-23, 67-68.[2123]
- BEEBE, LUCIUS, The “Territorial Eenterprise,” Nevada's First Newspaper, New 95 Years Old, Print , 8:No.4:33-36.[2124]
- BERRY, W. T., and JOHNSON, A. F., Encyclopaedia of Type Faces , London, Blanford Press, 1953. 336 p.[2125]
- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes and Queries, Book Collector , 2:72-80, 154-59, 219-24, 278-84. Including: W. B. Todd, “Goldsmith's Millenium Hall, 1762”; W. B. Todd, “Johnson's Marmor Norfolciense”; A. I. Doyle, “A Late Use of a Crested Roll”; T. G. Harmsen, “Goldsmith's Millenium Hall, 1762”; A. N. L. Munby, “The Publication of Camilla”; D. F. Foxon, “Binding Variants in the Brontës Poems”[2126]
- BINNS, N. E., see Part I, No. 1859.
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Genesis of the Term Catalogues, Library , 5th ser., 8:30-35.[2127]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Notes on the Ballad Market in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, SB , 6:161-80.[2128]
- BLAYNEY, G. H., An Error in Microfilms [Taken from a Misbound Photostat: A Warning to Users], Library , 5th ser., 8:126-27.[2129]
- BORRONI, FABIA, Contributo alla storia della tipografia pisana del secolo XVII: Giovanni Fontani e Gio. Battista Boschetto, Amor di Libro , 1:241-44.[2130]
- BOULTON, J. T., The Reflections: Burke's Preliminary Draft and Methods of Composition, Durham Univ. Jour. , 14:114-19.[2131]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker , edited by Fredson Bowers, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. Vol. 1 of 4.[2132]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Dryden as Laureate: The Cancel Leaf in “King Arthur,”, TLS , April 10, 1953, p. 244.[2133]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Ogilby's Coronation Entertainment (1661-1689): Editions and Issues, PBSA , 47:339-55.[2134]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Problem of the Variant Forme in a Facsimile Edition, Library , 5th ser., 7:262-72.[2135]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Purposes of Descriptive Bibliography, with Some Remarks on Methods, Library , 5th ser., 8:1-22.[2136]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Shakespeare's Text and the Bibliographical Method, SB , 6:71-91.[2137]
- BROWN, J. R., The Printing of John Webster's Plays (I), SB , 6:117-40.[2138]
- BROWN, T. J., The Detection of Faked Literary MSS., Book Collector , 2:6-23.[2139]
- BUTTERWORTH, C. C., The English Primers (1529-1545), Their Publication and Connection with the English Bible and the Reformation in England , Univ. Penn. Press, 1953. 340 p.[2140]
- CALLAN, NORMAN, Pope's Iliad: A New Document, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:109-21.(Proof sheets of first eight books, corrected by Pope himself.)[2141]
- CARLO, A. M., and CALVO, JULIAN, Juan Pablos, primer impresor que a esta tierra vino , Mexico, Libreria de Manuel Porrua, 1953. 221 p.[2142]
- CARNALL, GEOFFREY, A Hazlitt Contribution, TLS , June 19, 1953, p. 397.[2143]
- CLAPPERTON, R. H., The History of Papermaking in England, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:9-22.[2144]
- CLARKE, W. J., Early Nottingham Printers and Printing , 2d ed., Nottingham, Thos. Forman & Sons, 1953. 71 p.[2145]
- CLOWES, W. B., Family Business, 1803-1953 , London, William Clowes and Sons, 1953.[2146]
- CRAIG, MAURICE, The Irish Parliamentary Bindings, Book Collector , 2:24-37.[2147]
- CROFT, WILLIAM, The Achievement of Bulmer and Bensley; Together with a Note on the Work of Bulmer and Bensley for the Roxburghe Club. Handlist of Books Printed by Thomas Bensley, Signature , new ser., 17:32-54.(Supplement to No. 1621, “Check List for 1952.”)[2148]
- DAVIS, HERBERT, Reprinting The Craftsman [in the Works of Swift, as a Preface to His Answer], Book Collector , 2:279-82.[2149]
- DEARING, V. A., Jonathan Swift or William Wagstaffe?, HLB , 7:121-30(The Miscellaneous Works of Dr. William Wagstaffe, 1726, his and not Swift's.)[2150]
- DENONAIN, JEAN-JACQUES, editor, Religio Medici , edited from the manuscript copies and the early editions, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 163 p.[2151]
- ELLIOTT, HARRISON, John Baskerville (1706-1775), Type-Founder, Typographer, Printer and Originator of Wove Paper, Paper Maker , 20:No. 2:10-15.[2152]
- ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The Oldest Paper Mill in the Western World [Cartiere Miliani-Fabriano] and Its Historical Background, Paper Maker , 21:No. 1:39-46.[2153]
- ELLIS, R. W., Book Illustration; A Survey of Its History & Development , Kingsport, Tennessee, Kingsport Press, 1952. 76 p.[2154]
- ENSCHEDE, (JOH.) EN ZONEN, The House of Enschedé, 1703-1953 , Haarlem, Enschedé, 1953, lxi, 147 p.[2155]
- EVANS, G. B., The Text of Dryden's Mac-Flecknoe , HLB , 7:32-54.[2156]
- EWART, K., Copyright , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1952. 19 p.(Cambridge Authors' and Printers' Guides. 5.)[2157]
- FAY, H. C., Chapman's Text Corrections in His Iliads , Library , 5th ser., 7:275-81.[2158]
- FAY, H. C., Critical Marks in a Copy of Chapman's Twelve Bookes of Homers Iliades , Library , 5th ser., 8:117-21.(Ben Jonson's copy?)[2159]
- FERRARI, G. E., La metodologia bibliografica, verso una definizione del suosvolgimento, in Miscellanea di scritti di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi Ferrari , Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1952, p. 287-312.[2160]
- FEUILLERAT, ALBERT, The Composition of Shakespeare's Plays: Authorship, Chronology , Yale Univ. Press, 1953. 340 p.(“This book . . . in all seriousness verges on the lunatic fringe of scholarship,” Review, MP, 51:132-35; see also SQ, 5:70-77.)[2161]
- FOAKES, R. A., On the Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy , M.L.R. , 48:129-38.(Supports Cyril Tourneur as author as against Middleton.)[2162]
- FOXON, D. F., Some Notes on Agenda Format, Library , 5th ser., 8:163-73.[2163]
- GASKELL, PHILIP, Addendum [to No. 1644, “Check List for 1952”]: Type Sizes in the Eighteenth Century, SB , 6:286.[2164]
- GASKELL, PHILIP, Baskerville's Punches. (Printed on the occasion of Charles Peignot's presentation of the surviving Baskerville punches to the University of Cambridge, 12 March 1953.) , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953.[2165]
- GRASES, P., El primer libro impreso en Venezuela. Edición facsimilar del Calendario manual y guía universal de forasteros en Venezuela para el año de 1810 , Caracas, Edics. del Ministerio de Educación, 1952. 100 p., 64 p. facsims.[2166]
- GREENING, W. E., Paper Makers in Canada , Cornwall, Ontario, 1952. 96 p.[2167]
- GREG, W. W., Jonson's Masque of Gipsies in the Burley, Belvoir, and Windsor Versions: An Attempt at Reconstruction , London, G. Cumberlege, for British Academy, 1952. x, 235 p.[2168]
- GRIFFITH, R. H., Pope on the Art of Gardening, Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31:52-56.(His corrections of Gardiner's translation Rapin Of Gardens, 3d ed., 1728.)[2169]
- GRUBB, G. G., The American Edition of “All the Year Round,” PBSA , 47:301-304.[2170]
- HABER, T. B., Editing A. E. Housman, TLS , Oct. 2, 1953, p. 636; reply by John Carter, TLS, Oct. 23, 1953, p. 677.[2171]
- HAIG, R. L., The Last Years of the Gazetteer [London, 1783-1797], Library , 5th ser., 7:242-61.[2172]
- HAMILTON, M. H., The Manuscript of Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Relation of the Harvard MS. to the First Quarto, SB , 6:237-46.[2173]
- HAMMELMANN, H. A., Eighteenth-Century English Illustrators. Francis Hayman, R. A., Book Collector , 2:116-32.[2174]
- HARRIER, R. C., Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Sir Thomas Wyatt's Poetry, N & Q , 198:234-36. Reply by Kenneth Muir, ibid., p. 236.[2175]
- HART, E. F., Caroline Lyrics and Contemporary Song-books, Library , 5th ser., 8:89-110.[2176]
- HASLER, CHARLES, A Show of [Typographical] Hands, Typographica , 8:4-11.[2177]
- HAZLETT, McCREA, “New Frame and Various Composition”: Development in the Form of Owen Felltham's Resolves , MP , 51:93-101.[2178]
- HILLEBRAND, H. N., and BALDWIN, T. W., editors A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida , Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1953. xix, 613 p.[2179]
- HINMAN, CHARLTON, The Proof-Reading of the First Folio Text of Romeo and Juliet , SB , 6:61-70.[2180]
- HINMAN, CHARLTON, Variant Readings in the First Folio of Shakespeare, SQ , 4:279-88.[2181]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., French and Italian Collectors and Their Bindings, Illustrated from Examples in the Library of J. R. Abbey , Oxford, Privately Printed, 1953. xliii, 190 p., 90 plates.[2182]
- HOBSON, KENNETH, Some Notes on the History & Development of Bookbinders' Stamps & Tools, Print , 8:No.4:37-42.[2183]
- HODGSON, SIDNEY, The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Notes on Its Origin and History , London, Stationers' Hall, 1953.[2184]
- HOSLEY, RICHARD, The Corrupting Influence of the Bad Quarto on the Received Text of Romeo and Juliet , SQ , 4:11-33. Followed by Clifford Leech's, Notes on Dr. Richard Hosley's Suggestions concerning the Received Text of Romeo and Juliet, SQ, 5 (1954):94-95, and The “Good Night, Good Night” Sequence in Romeo and Juliet, SQ, 5 (1954):96-98.[2185]
- HUDSON, R. B., The Publishing of Meredith's Rhoda Fleming , SB , 6:254-57.[2186]
- JANOT, JEAN-MARIE, Les moulins a papier de la région vosgienne , Nancy, Imprimerie Bergen-Levrault, 1952. 2 vols.[2187]
- JENNINGS, AUDREY, Hood's “Autumn,” TLS , June 26, 1953, p. 413.[2188]
- JOHNSON, S. F., Coleridge's The Watchman: Decline and Fall, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:147-48.[2189]
- JONAS, K. W., Franz Kafka: An American Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 20:212-16, 231-33.[2190]
- JUEL JENSEN, BENT, Polyolbion, Poemes Lyrick and pastorall, Poems 1619, The Owle , and a few other Books by Michael Drayton, Library , 5th ser., 8:145-62.[2191]
- KARCH, R. R., How to Recognize Type Faces , Bloomington, Ill., McKnight & McKnight, 1952. 265 p.[2192]
- KAZMEIER, A. W., Ein Druck auf Asbestpapier über Asbestpapier, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):25-29.[2193]
- KEAST, W. R., Some Emendations in Johnson's Preface to the Dictionary , R.E.S. , new ser. 4:52-57.[2194]
- KEIR, DAVID, The House of Collins: The Story of a Scottish Family of Publishers from 1789 to the Present Day , London, Collins, 1953. 303 p.[2195]
- KELLEHER, DENIS, Papermaking in Ireland, Paper Maker , 19:No.2:21-29.[2196]
- KELLEHER, DENIS, Papermaking in Wales, Paper Maker , 21:No.1:51-56.[2197]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, Religio Bibliographici, Presidential Address to the Bibliographical Society, March, 1953, Library , 5th ser., 8:63-76.[2198]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, The Work of Thomas Bewick, TLS , June 5, 1953, p. 372. Added comment by S. Roscoe, TLS, June 19, 1953, p. 397.[2199]
- KOCH, HERBERT, Aus der Frühgeschichte des Jenaer Buchdrucks, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):98-104.[2200]
- KYRISS, ERNST, see Part I, No. 1931.
- LABARRE, E. J., editor, Zonghi's Watermarks , Hilversum, Holland, Paper Publications Society, 1953. xvi, 168 p., 134 plates.[2201]
- LANG, C. Y., The First Chorus of Swinburne's Atalanta , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 27:119-22.[2202]
- LEACH, N. R., Edith Wharton's Unpublished Novel, AL , 25:334-53.[2203]
- LEONARD, I. A., On the Lima Book Trade, 1591, Hispanic American Hist. Rev. , 33:511-25.[2204]
- LEWIS, GWYNETH, Thomas Taylor's Maps of Wales, 1718, Jour. Welsh Bibl. Soc. , 7:193-95.[2205]
- LIEVSAY, J. L., and DAVIS, R. B., A Cavalier Library—1643, SB , 6:141-60.[2206]
- MacGRATH, KEVIN, New Light on the Irish Printing Press at Louvain, Irish Book Lover , 32:36-37.[2207]
- MACKENZIE, A. D., The Bank of England Note: A History of Its Printing , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 163 p.[2208]
- MACLEOD, R. D., The Scottish Publishing Houses , Glasgow, W. and R. Holmes, 1953. 28 p.[2209]
- McMAHON, DOROTHY, Variations in the Text of Zárate's Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Peru , Hispanic American Hist. Rev. , 33:572-86.[2210]
- McMANAWAY, J. G., An Unrecorded English Coranto, Library , 5th ser., 8:125-26.[2211]
- MARTIN, L. C., Henry Vaughan and “The Chymists Key” [London, 1657], TLS , Dec. 11, 1953, p. 801.[2212]
- MEDINA, J. T., Contribución a la historia de la imprenta en Venezuela . Edición conmemorativa . . . Presentación y notas de P. Grases, Caracas, Ed. del Ministerio del educación, 1952. 73 p.[2213]
- METZDORF, R. F., The Full Text of Rossetti's Sonnet on Sordello, HLB , 7:239-43.[2214]
- METZGER, B. M., Three Learned Printers and Their Unsung Contribution to Biblical Scholarship, Jour. of Religion , 32:254-62.(William Bowyer, Isaiah Thomas, Jr., and Robert Young.)[2215]
- MILLER, E. H., The Editions of Robert Greene's A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1592), SB , 6:107-116.[2216]
- MILLER, SONIA, The Text of the Second Edition of Milton's Eikonoklastes , JEGP , 52:214-20.[2217]
- MISH, C. C., Best Sellers in Seventeenth-Century Fiction, PBSA , 47:356-73.[2218]
- MITCHELL, W. S., John Harrison's Signed Roll?, Library , 5th ser., 8:123-24.[2219]
- MONAGHAN, T. J., Johnson's Additions to His Shakespeare for the Edition of 1773, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:234-48.[2220]
- MORGAN, PAUL, A Bookseller's Subscription in 1669, Library , 5th ser., 7:281-82.(Registration in the Diocesan Registry of Worcester under Section VIII of the Act for Preventing Abuses in Printing.)[2221]
- MORISON, STANLEY, A Talley of Types Cut for Machine Composition and Introduced at the University Press, Cambridge, 1922-1932 , Cambridge, Privately Printed, 1953. 102 p.[2222]
- MUIR, KENNETH, editor, King Lear , New Arden Shakespeare, Harvard Univ. Press, 1953. lxiv, 256 p.(Reviewed, with comment on editorial procedure, by Fredson Bowers in Shakespeare Survey, 4:471-77.)[2223]
- MUIR, KENNETH, The Painfull Adventures of Pericles, Prince of Tyre , by George Wilkins. Edited by Kenneth Muir, Univ. of Liverpool Press, 1953. 120 p.[2224]
- MUNBY, A. N. L., Collecting English Signed Bindings, Book Collector , 2:177-93.[2225]
- NIXON, H. M., English Bookbindings: V An Eighteenth-Century London Binding, c. 1764; VI An Early English Panel-Stamped Binding; VII Binding by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, 1888; VIII A Binding Presented to Edward VI, c. 1552, Book Collector , 2:66-67; 140-41; 212-13; 272-73.[2226]
- NIXON, H. M., Twelve Books in Fine Bindings from the Library of J. W. Hely-Hutchinson , Oxford, Privately Printed, 1953. xvi, 78 p., 15 plates.[2227]
- NOLTE, E. A., Michael Scott and Blackwood's Magazine: Some Unpublished Letters, Library , 5th ser., 8:188-96.[2228]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M., The Publication of Marlowe's Elegies and Davies's Epigrams , R.E.S. , new ser., 4:260-61.[2229]
- OATES, J. C. T., Cambridge Books of Congratulatory Verses, 1603-1640, and Their Binders, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:395-421, 5 plates.[2230]
- OLIVER, L. M., An Early Socinian Publication in England, HLB , 7:119-21.[2231]
- PARROTT, T. M., “God's” or “gods” in King Lear , V.iii.17, SQ , 4:427-32.[2232]
- PASSOS, ALEXANDRE, A imprensa no período colonial , Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Educação e Saúde, 1952. 72 p.[2233]
- PHILLIPS, J. W., Richard Mountague, Bookbinder, Library , 5th Ser., 8:124-25.[2234]
- PIERCE, LORNE, The Ryerson Press, Canadian Libr. Assn. Bull. , 9:135-37.[2235]
- POTTER, G. R., and BUTT, JOHN, Editing Donne and Pope , William Andrews Clark Memorial Libr., 1953. 24 p.[2236]
- POTTER, G. R., and SIMPSON, E. M., The Sermons of John Donne , Univ. of California Press, 1953. Vol. I.[2237]
- PRICE, G. R., The First Edition of Your Five Gallants-and of Michaelmas Term , Library , 5th ser., 8:23-39.[2238]
- PUBLISHING and Printing in the Netherlands , Amsterdam, Graphic Export Center, 1953. 28, 22 p.[2239]
- QUIGLY, ISABEL, The House of Guasp, Book Collector , 2:264-69.(Printers at Palma de Mallorca since 1579.)[2240]
- RAMSDEN, CHARLES, Richard Wier and Count MacCarthy-Reagh, Book Collector , 2:247-57.(Wier's work for the Count as a binder.)[2241]
- RANSOM, HARRY, Ownership of Literary Titles, Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31 (1952):125-35.[2242]
- REILLY, DESMOND, Early Papermaking in Canada, Paper Maker , 21:No. 1:13-21.[2243]
- RENKER, ARMIN, Die Erfindung der Papiermaschine, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):30-35.[2244]
- ROGERS, BRUCE, Pl: A Hodge-Podge of the Letters, Papers, and Addresses Written during the Last Sixty Years by Bruce Rogers , Cleveland and New York, World Publishing Co., 1953. 185 p.[2245]
- ROGERS, NEVILLE, Shelley and the Skylark, TLS , July 24, 1953, p. 482.[2246]
- ROSENKILDE, VOLMER, Trykkeriet i den Danske Koloni Frederiksnagor eller Serampore, Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen , 40:16-25(summary in English at p. 25).[2247]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, Richard and Anne Bladwin, Whig Patriot Publishers, PBSA , 47:1-42.[2248]
- SADLEIR, MICHAEL, The Nomenclature of Nineteenth-Century Cloth Grains, Book Collector , 2:54-58.(Photographs of 24 types.)[2249]
- SCHNEIDER, ELISABETH, The Text of Hazlitt: [“Of Persons One Would Wish to Have Seen”], TLS , May 8, 1953, p. 301. Further comment by P. G. Gates, TLS, June 5, p. 365, and by H. M. Sikes, TLS, June 12, p. 381.[2250]
- SCHOENBAUM, SAMUEL, John Day and Elizabethan Drama, BPLQ , 5:140-52.[2251]
- SERONSY, C. C., Daniel's Manuscript Civil Wars with Some Previously Unpublished Stanzas, JEGP , 52:153-60.[2252]
- SETERS, W. H. van, De Nederlandse Uitgaven van “The Man in the Moone,” Het Boek , 31:157-72.[2253]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Cancels in Dr. Johnson's “Works” (Oxford, 1825), PBSA , 47:376-78.[2254]
- SHERBURN, GEORGE, The Swift-Pope Miscellanies of 1732: Corrigendum, HLB , 7:248.(Corrects No. 1731, “Check List for 1952.”)[2255]
- SKELTON, R. A., Visscher's View of London, British Museum Quart. , 18:65.[2256]
- SLEIGH, G. F., The Authorship of William and Margaret , Library , 5th ser., 8:121-23.(By David Malloch or Mallet.)[2257]
- SOLER, W. G., John Dickinson's “Ode, On the French Revolution,” AL , 25:287-92.[2258]
- SOLER, W. G., A Reattribution: John Dickinson's Authorship of the Pamphlet, A Caution, 1798, Penn. Mag. Hist. & Biog. , 77:24-31.[2259]
- SOLER, W. G., Two Variants of John Dickinson's “Ode, On the French Revolution,” N & Q , 198:63-65.[2260]
- STEFFAN, GUY, Byron's Focus of Revision in His Composition of Don Juan , Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31 (1952):57-67.[2261]
- STERN, M. B., Sherlock Holmes, Rare-Book Collector: A Study in Book Detection, PBSA , 47:133-55.[2262]
- STEVENSON, ALLAN, Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence, SB , 6:181-95.[2263]
- SULLIVAN, FRANK, Little Pitchers in the Big Years, Being a Study of the Water Pitcher Watermark in Elizabethan England, Paper Maker , 20:No. 1:10-19.[2264]
- SULLIVAN, FRANK, Syr Thomas More: A First Bibliographical Notebook , Loyola Univ. of Los Angeles, 1953. 112 p.[2265]
- SUPER, R. H., Landor's American Publications, M.L.R. , 14:360-74.[2266]
- SUPER, R. H., “None Was Worth My Strife”: Landor and the Italian Police, PBSA , 47:113-32.[2267]
- TAYLOR, N., Derbyshire Printing and Printers before 1800, Jour. of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural Hist. Soc. , No. 70, 1950.[2268]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Danish Christmas Books, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:76-79.[2269]
- TIMES, London, Printing The Times since 1785 , London, Printing House Square, 1953. 195 p.[2270]
- TINDALE, T. K., and TINDALE, H. R. The Handmade Papers of Japan , Rutland, Vt., Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1952. 3 vols. and portfolio.[2271]
- TODD, W. B., Concealed Editions of Samuel Johnson, Book Collector , 2:59-65.(The False Alarm and Taxation No Tyranny.)[2272]
- TODD, W. B., Multiple Editions of Lyttelton's “The Court-Secret” (1741), PBSA , 47:380-81.[2273]
- TODD, W. B., On the Use of Advertisements in Bibliographical Studies, Library , 5th ser., 8:174-87.[2274]
- TODD, W. B., Press Figures, Library , 5th ser., 7:283.[2275]
- TODD, W. B., The Printing of Johnson's Journey (1775), SB , 6:247-54.[2276]
- TODD, W. B., The “Private Issues” of The Deserted Village , SB , 6:25-44.[2277]
- TODD, W. B., The 1680 Editions of Rochester's Poems, with Notes on Earlier Texts, PBSA , 47:43-58.[2278]
- TODD, W. B., Three Notes on Charles Hanbury Williams, PBSA , 47:159-60.(The Old Coachman, 1742; The Country Girl, 1742; An Ode to the Honourable H---y, F--x, 1746.)[2279]
- TODD, W. B., Three Notes on Fielding, PBSA , 47:70-75.(An Apology for the Life of Mr. T[heophilis] C[ibber], 1740; A Dialogue between a Gentleman of London . . . and an Honest Alderman of the County Party, 1747; Amelia, 1752.)[2280]
- TRACY, WALTER, A Note on Eric Gill's Pilgrim Type, Book Collector , 2:50-53.[2281]
- TREWIN, J. C., and KING, E. M., Printer to the House: The Story of Hansard , London, Methuen, 1952. 272 p.[2282]
- URE, PETER, Chapman's “Tragedy of Bussy d'Ambois”: Problems of the Revised Quarto [1641], M.L.R. , 48:257-69.[2283]
- VANDERHOOF, M. B., Hamlet: A Tragedy Adapted from Shakespeare (1770) by Jean François Ducis. A Critical Edition, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soc. , 97:No. 1:55 p.[2284]
- VIETH, D. M., A New Song by Rochester, TLS , Nov. 6, 1953, p. 716. Comment by J. L. Mackie, TLS, Feb. 19, 1953, p. 121, and MacDonald Emslie, TLS, Feb. 26, 1954, p. 137.[2285]
- VOORN, HENK, In Search of New Raw Materials [in Making Paper in the Eighteenth Century], Paper Maker , 21:No. 2:1-14.[2286]
- VOORN, HENK, Papermaking and Papermakers in Long Ago Holland, Paper Maker , 20:No. 2:1-9.[2287]
- VOORN, HENK, Random Rambles through the Glorious Past of German Papermaking, Paper Maker , 22:No. 1:1-9.[2288]
- WALBRIDGE, E. F., An Additional Note on “The Card-board Box,” PBSA , 47:75-76.(Corrects a note in PBSA, 34:190-91.)[2289]
- WALKER, ALICE, King Lear—The 1608 Quarto, M.L.R. , 47(1952):376-78.[2290]
- WALKER, ALICE, The Folio Text of I King Henry IV , SB , 6:45-59.[2291]
- WALKER, ALICE, Textual Problems of the First Folio: Richard III, King Lear, Troilus & Cressida, 2 Henry IV, Hamlet, Othello , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 170 p.(Shakespeare Problem Series, 7.) (Reviewed by Philip Williams, SQ, 4:481-84.)[2292]
- WEEKLY, MONTAGUE, Thomas Bewick , Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 223 p.[2293]
- WEISS, K. T., Die Bestimmung einer Stuttgarter Handschrift mit Hilfe des Verwendeten Papieres und Seiner Wasserzeichen, Guntenberg Jahrb. (1953):16-24.[2294]
- WEITENKAMPF, FRANK, American Illustrators of Dickens, BPLQ , 5:189-94.[2295]
- WHEELWRIGHT, W. B., How Marbled Papers Are Made, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:1-5.[2296]
- WHITAKER, S. F., The First Edition of Shaftesbury's Moralists , Library , 5th ser., 7:235-41.[2297]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Variant Readings in Housman's “More Poems,” Book Collector , 2:73-77.[2298]
- WILLIAMS, PHILIP, Two Problems in the Folio Text of King Lear , SQ , 4:451-60.[2299]
- WINNY, JAMES, A Marvell Emendation, TLS , Oct. 2, 1953, p. 629.[2300]
- WOLFF, J. J., Gissing's Revision of “The Unclassed,” NCF , 8:42-52.[2301]
- WORMSER, R. S., Fabulous Fiction, PBSA , 47:231-47.(Some printed publications which are hoaxes and some which describe nonliterary hoaxes.)[2302]
- WYLLIE, J. C., The Forms of Twentieth-Century Cancels, PBSA , 47:95-112.[2303]
- WYLLIE, J. C., The Printer of a 1641 Suckling Pamphlet [Wing S 6123], PBSA , 47:70.(John Dawson.)[2304]
- ZACHRISSON, BROR, Akke Kumlien: 1884-1949, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:45-56.[2305]






B. United States
- BEARD, J. F., Jr., The First History of Greater New York: Unknown Portions of Fenimore Cooper's Last Work [The Towns of Manhattan], New-York Hist. Soc. Quart. , 37:109-45.[2306]
- BLANCK, JACOB, Brackenridge's Death of General Montgomery (1777), HLB , 7:357-61.[2307]
- BLOOM, R. L., Morton McMichael's North American , Penn. Mag. Hist. and Biog. , 77:164-80.[2308]
- BOND, W. H., Melville and Two Years before the Mast , HLB , 7:362-65.[2309]
- BONNELL, R. L., The Press of Mathew Carey, 1785-1851 , Drexel Institute of Technology. Master's thesis, 1953.[2310]
- BOROME, J. A., Winsor's History of America, BPLQ , 5:119-39.[2311]
- BOWDEN, E. T., Henry James and the Struggle for International Copyright: An Unnoticed Item in the James Bibliography, AL , 24:537-39.[2312]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Manuscript of Whitman's “Passage to India,” MP , 51:102-117.[2313]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Whitman's Manuscripts for the Original “Calamus” Poems, SB , 6:257-65.[2314]
- CHADBOURN, C. C., Jr., A Note on the Publication of The Good Gray Poet , Books at Brown , 15:1-4.[2315]
- COHEN, HENNIG, The South Carolina Gazette, 1732-1775 , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina, 1953. 273 p.[2316]
- CONKWRIGHT, P. J., Binny & Ronaldson's First Type [and] Notes on Some Early Uses of the Type, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:27-35.[2317]
- COOK, R. L., Thoreau's Annotations and Corrections in the First Editions of Walden , Thoreau Soc. Bull. , 42:1.[2318]
- CORDASCO, THOMAS, Thomas Paine and the History of “Junius”: A Forgotten Cause Célèbre , JEGP , 52:226-28.[2319]
- DANIEL, B. J., Georgia Imprints, 1763-1799: A Study of the Form and Subject Matter of the Early Printing in Georgia , Emory Univ. Master's thesis, 1952.[2320]
- DAVIS, C. R., William Cobbett: Philadelphia Bookseller and Publisher, Jour. Rutgers Univ. Libr. , 16:16-26.[2321]
- DODD, C. I., A Survey of Catholic Americana and Catholic Book Publishing in the United States, 1856-1860 , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis, 1953.[2322]
- EGGERS, Johann, German Publishing in the United States . 15 p.(Mimeographed.) (Univ. of Kentucky Libraries. . . . Occasional Contributions, No. 53.) (Translated from Der deutsche Pionier, Cincinnati, 2 (1870):114-19, 147-50, 178-82.)[2323]
- ELLIOTT, HARRISON, Benjamin Franklin, Paper Mill Promoter and Patron, Paper Maker , 20:No. 1:35-40.[2324]
- ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The First Paper Mill in New York, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:25-30.[2325]
- ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The Gilpin Paper Mill on the Brandywine, Paper Maker , 19:No. 1:25-26.[2326]
- GREEN, RALPH, The [John] Melcher Press, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:42.(Candidates among surviving presses used at Portsmouth, N. H.)[2327]
- GRUBB, G. G., see No. 2170.
- HAMILTON, SINCLAIR, John Foster and the “White Hills” Map, PULC , 14:177-82.[2328]
- JOHNSON, T. H., Emily Dickinson: Creating the Poems, HLB , 7:257-70.[2329]
- JOYAUX, G. J., French Press in Michigan, Michigan History , 37:155-65.(French language periodicals, 1809-1919.)[2330]
- LUCEY, W. L., Catholic Magazines: 1880-1890, Rec. American Catholic Hist. Soc. of Philadelphia , 63:65-109.[2331]
- LUTZ, EARLE, The Stars and Stripes of Illinois Boys in Blue, Jour. , Illinois State Hist. Soc., 46:132-41.[2332]
- METZDORF, R. F., The First American “Rasselas” and Its Imprint, PBSA , 47:374-76.[2333]
- METZDORF, R. F., The Publishing History of Richard Henry Dana's Two Years before the Mast , HLB , 7:312-32.[2334]
- MILNE, W. G., William Douglas O'Connor and the Authorship of The Good Gray Poet , AL , 25:29-42.[2335]
- NAPIER, JAMES, Some Book Sales in Dumfries, Virginia, 1794-1796, William and Mary Quart. , 10:441-45.[2336]
- NEIDERHEISER, CLOUDAUGH, Some Civil War Wallpaper Newspapers, Minnesota Hist. , 32:211-13.(Discusses a facsimile of the Vicksburg Daily Citizen of July 4, 1863.)[2337]
- OLDHAM, E. M., Early Jewish Books Printed in America, BPLQ , 5:83-96.[2338]
- PARKER, W. W., Printing in Gambier, Ohio, 1829-1884, Ohio State Archaeological and Hist. Quart. , 62:55-66.(Final note: A check list of Gambier imprints may be secured from the author.)[2339]
- POLLARD, W. C., “Gone with the Wind”: Story of a Best Seller , Florida State Univ. Master's thesis, 1952.[2340]
- REMORDS, GEORGES, John Steinbeck—Note bibliographique, Bulletin de la Faculté des Lettres de Strasbourg , 26(1950):301-305.[2341]
- RICE, O. K., West Virginia Printers and Their Work, 1790-1830, West Virginia Hist. , 14:297-338.[2342]
- RICHARDSON, L. N., Revision in Sinclair Lewis's The Man Who Knew Coolidge , AL , 25:326-33.[2343]
- ROCKEFELLER, G. C., Early Papermaking in Trenton: Some Account of the Potts & Reynolds Mill, 1777-1785, Proceedings , New Jersey Hist. Soc., 71:24-32.[2344]
- SCHORTER, C. E., Hamlin Garland's First Published Story, AL , 25:89-92.(“Ten Years Dead” in Every Other Saturday, March 28, 1885.)[2345]
- SCOTT, A. L., Mark Twain's Revisions of The Innocents Abroad for the British Edition of 1872, AL , 25:43-61.[2346]
- SILVER, R. G., Benjamin Edes, Trumpeter of Sedition, PBSA , 47:248-68.[2347]
- SILVER, R. G., Three Eighteenth-Century American Book Contracts, PBSA , 47:381-87.[2348]
- SMITH, J. M., The Aurora and the Alien and Sedition Laws. Part I: The Editorship of Benjamin Franklin Bache, Penn. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 77:3-23. Part II: The Editorship of William Duane, Ibid., 77:123-55.[2349]
- STERN, MADELEINE, Purple Passage: The Life of Mrs. Frank Leslie , Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1953. 281 p.[2350]
- STINEHOUR, R. D., Hawthorn House, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:65-75.(Check List of Hawthorn House Printing, p. 74-75.)[2351]
- STONE, E. O., Benjamin Franklin, Printer: Part II, Bull. of Bibl. , 20 (1952):206-212.(Brief discussion of production, types, presses, partnerships.)[2352]
- STROUPE, H. S., The Beginnings of Religious Journalism in North Carolina, 1823-1865, North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 30:1-22.(“Check List and Finding List,” p. 15-22.)[2353]
- SUPER, R. H., see No. 2266.
- SWAN, B. F., The Hammett Pamphlets and Their Author, Rhode Island Hist. , 12:105-109.[2354]
- SWAN, B. F., Two Rhode Island Imprints of 1727, Rhode Island Hist. , 12:33-43.[2355]
- THAYER, LEE, The Decorative Designers: A Footnote on Publishing History, Publisher's Weekly , 164:874-78.[2356]
- WEITENKAMPF, FRANK, see No. 2295.
- WESSEN, E. J., Jones' Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio , PBSA , 47:218-30.[2357]
- WHEELWRIGHT, W. B., Zenas Crane, Pioneer Papermaker, Paper Maker , 20:No. 1:1-7.[2357a]
- WOODWARD, F. G., An Early Tennessee Almanac and Its Maker: Hill's Almanac, 1825-1862, Tennessee Folklore , 18 (1952):9-14.[2358]
- WORDEN, W. S., A Cut Version of What Maisie Knew , AL , 24:493-504.(A study of the effect of the excisions made in the serialized version in the British New Review, February-September, 1897.)[2359]


The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. Curt F. Bühler and Mr. John C. Wyllie, and the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. The editor of Studies in Bibliography would be grateful for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed.
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