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My dear Sir

Only yesterday I was thinking of writing to you, and now this morning I get your note of enquiry.-I have just had a daughter married, and am seeing her off to America;[1] this has thrown me back with my work. I must now first finish what I had promised to Mr. Knowles for his January number,[2] and my promise to you for February cannot, I fear, be kept. But you shall have the article for your March number;-what is the latest possible day you can give me in February ?

If, on reading the article, you think it would be in the least degree an unsuiting or embarrassing apparition in the "Contemporary," you must frankly tell me so and I assure you I shall not be foolish enough to feel at all hurt or offended.

A happy New Year to you, and believe me, very truly yours,
Percy Wm. Bunting Esq.
Matthew Arnold.-