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The Printing of Hamlet, Q2
Fredson Bowers
THE SECOND quarto of Hamlet, printed in 1604/5 by James Roberts, offers an interesting problem in running-title analysis. Over and above this, our ability now to separate the pages set by the two compositors provides a check, not usually present in running-title problems, to test results by other evidence. Thus when, as in Hamlet, the spelling tests for compositors equate so precisely with what one may conjecture to have been their stints from the evidence of running-titles, we may be somewhat more confident in the future about roughing-out two-compositor work in books on this running-title evidence. Not, as will be seen, that the running-titles will always tell us the precise pages set by different compositors, for they would not have detected in Hamlet the unusual fact that Compositor X assisted Y with sheet L by setting sig. L4v, and L1r. On the other hand, bibliographical evidence about the presswork may assist to differentiate the work of compositors when spelling tests prove doubtful. For example, in Hamlet the spelling evidence in sheet N is not so clearcut as in other sheets and might even be interpreted as indicating the possibility, at least, that compositor Y set sigs. N1-2v, and X sigs. N3-4v. But the evidence of the running-titles practically enforces the hypothesis that sheet O + A was imposed before either M or N, and, moreover, that inner N was imposed before any forme of M. If this is so, and it seems to be true, then it is all but impossible to work out stints for the two compositors that will enable them to have shared sheet N; and hence it is necessary to weight the almost equal evidence and to award all of sheet N to compositor X, a view confirmed by typographical evidence. Running-title and spelling tests, therefore, offer valuable complementary evidence to decide difficult problems in the analysis of printing.
Some time ago a preliminary survey of the running-titles convinced me of the possibility, even the necessity, for the use of two presses in printing Hamlet Q2. But since I was then concerned only with discussing the nature of bibliographical evidence in criticism of Dover Wilson's non- bibliographical

Mr. John Russell Brown's article in this volume of Studies gives the result of spelling tests which show that compositor X set sheets B. C, D, F. I, sig. L1 and L4v, sheet N and half-sheet O (doubtless including the title-page on half-sheet A machined with 0). Compositor Y set sheets E, G, H, K, sigs. L1v-L4r, and sheet M. This assignment is confirmed by the running-titles, which show that sheets B-D, F. and I were imposed by one pair of skeleton-formes; and sheets E, G, H, K, and L by a different pair. Sheets M-O exhibit a curious mixture of titles from the two different sets, which will be analyzed below, but the main pattern is clear that compositor X served one press and imposed his formes for that press, whereas compositor Y served a second press and, correspondingly, imposed his own distinct formes for that press.
The evidence of the running-titles follows. I have assigned roman numerals to identify every title and have not indicated the few times when minor re- spacing somewhat alters the appearance of the typesetting. These running- titles are occasionally so similar in their typographical characteristics and in their spacing determined by measurement as to lead to considerable difficulty in precise identification. However, I have reasonable confidence that the table below presents the facts with some accuracy. The relation of the N1 running-title is the only point of serious doubt.
I B2v-C1v-D1v-F1&v-I3v-N3v | IX E1v-G1v-H1v-K1v-L3v-M3& v |
II B2-C2-D2-F4-I4-02-N1(?) | X E2-G2-H2-K4-L4-M2 |
III B1v-C3v-D3v-F3&v-I1v-N1v | XI E3v-G3v-H3v-K3v-L1&v-M1v |
IV B4-C4-D4-F2-I2-N2 | XII E4-G4-H4-K2-L2-N4 |
V B3-C1-Dl-Fl-Il-Ml-Ol | XIII E1-G3-H3-K3-L3-N3 |
VI B4v-C2v-D4v-F2&v-I4v-O1v-N2v | XIV E2v-G4v-H2v-K4&v-L4v-N4v |
VII [Bl]-C3-D3-F3-I3-M4 | XV E3-G1-H1-K1-L1-M3 |
VIII B3v-C4v-D2v-F4&v-I2v-M4v | XVI E4v-G2v-H4v-K2v-L2&v-M2v |
Before we come to the major problem of sheets M-O, several minor irregularities call for discussion. The first concerns the transfer of running-titles from the formes of sheet B to those of sheet C whereby in an unusual manner two running-titles break their formes and are exchanged for each other. Such an event could not arise unless both formes of B were rinsed and lying together on the bench waiting to be stripped and their furniture, including the running-titles, to be transferred to the C formes. Presumably

B (i) | B (o) |
(4) IV VIII (3v) | (1) [ ] I (2v) |
(1v) III II (2) | (4v) VI V (3) |
C(i) | C(o) |
(4) IV III (3v) | (3) VII VIII (4v) |
(1v) I II (2) | (2v) VI V (1) |
The transfer of the running-titles from C(i) to (Di) was accomplished normally, with each title being placed in its corresponding position in the newly imposed forme. An irregularity developed in the transfer of the outer forme, since C1 and C3 went properly to D1 and D3; but C2v to D4v and C4v to D2v Such an exchange diagonally across a forme is somewhat unusual but not unknown. I have observed it before and speculated whether it meant that some compositors stripped the form not horizontally or vertically, but instead on a diagonal. It will be noticed that precisely the same diagonal exchange takes place in both formes when sheet F is imposed from D. In the inner forme D2 and D4 go respectively to F4 and F2, and in the outer D2v and D4v respectively to F4v and F2v. And in the transfer of the running-titles from both formes of F to I, once more each forme exhibits one diagonal exchange: F1v and F3v to I3v and I1v and F2v and F4v to I4v and I2v respectively. This is an interesting compositorial habit, seemingly, although compositor Y indulges in it four times also: between H(i) and K(i) the titles of H2 and H4 are exchanged diagonally, and between K(i) and L(i) the titles of K1v and K3v; in the outer forme G2v and G4v titles exchange in the transfer to H, and H2v

At this point two statements may be made about the printing before sheet M which are pertinent in connection with what is to follow. First, except for the evidence that under special circumstances C(o) was first imposed although not necessarily first sent to press, we cannot distinguish, except inferentially, the order in which formes for any sheet were imposed and machined; but we do know that there was perfect regularity of procedure and that each compositor faithfully imposed inner from inner and outer from outer. Second, we know that whatever slight irregularity developed, as in the diagonal exchange of quarters common to both compositors in transferring furniture, each forme maintains its integrity, and except for the special circumstances of sheet C there is no transfer of running-titles and furniture from one forme to another. Hence when this transfer develops with sheet M, and running-titles indeed are exchanged even between compositors, the effect is not random but there is a cause to seek which must lie in the circumstances of composition or presswork and is therefore subject to analysis.
For a start, we have one useful piece of information derived from the spelling tests: compositor X assisted his companion by setting type-page L4v and very likely L1r of a sheet not assigned as part of his stint. Another piece of evidence derives from the running-titles. Although the types for the letterpress of the running-title I4v-O1v-N2v are identical, an adjustment is found in its spacing which indicates that the title was imposed above O1v directly from I4v, and thereupon the spacing differs in the same title on N2v It would appear, therefore, that sheet O+A was imposed and machined before sheet N. Even without this important evidence, we should be forced to infer this order of printing as I-O-N for the work of compositor X, since the only non-random explanation for the evidence of the running-titles in sheets M, No, and O requires some unusual employment of only certain titles in a forme leading consequentially to a necessary breaking-up of the integrity of the skeleton-formes. This requirement can be satisfied only by the imposition and machining of half-sheet O (by twin half- sheet imposition with half-sheet A) before either sheet M or N. Moreover, the evidence of the running-titles requires inner N to have been imposed before either forme of M. This latter requirement cannot be met if the two compositors split sheet N between them, for workman Y would be free to tackle N only after he had finished M. We are able, as a result, to lay out an approximate time schedule for the relation of the two compositors'

The assistance that X gave to Y by setting L1 and L4v is rather curious. From typographical evidence Dr. Gerritsen has discovered—that the italic in each compositor's font was cast on a different size of body so that a similar speech-prefix will vary in measurement by about one millimetre according to the fonts-it is clear that when X helped Y. he abandoned his own cases and used Y's. This is most curious, although it could perhaps be explained as a device not to mix the types when the formes of L were distributed by Y and thus to prevent the depletion of X's cases if the pages set by him in L were not segregated for his own distribution. However, it raises the question whether the two workmen were composing simultaneously, or whether X took over composition while Y was imposing one or other formes of K and very likely engaging in some distribution Whichever it was, both men could not be using the same cases for their separate purposes. It may be, however, since compositors seemed to have worked with pairs of cases, that X composed from one set while Y was either composing from or distributing to the other set.[1]
Still another problem is raised by the particular pages L1 and L4v both from the outer forme, chosen by X. One of three explanations may conjecturally account for the apparent anomaly that X did not proceed to

An approximate composition schedule for the work of the two men might resemble something like the following. In it, I have included arbitrarily two extra type-pages in X's stint as against Y's, on the evidence for his faster composition. I have also assumed in this schedule that X set both L1 and L4v.
An alternate ending might have been:
Before discussing this curious alignment, we may survey the evidence that leads to the reconstruction of such a schedule. Since there are only four pages of letterpress to combine with four blanks in sheet O + A, there would have been time for compositor X to turn to the assistance of Y by setting O + A and L1 and L4' before the first forme of O + A was required by the press. It may be that I(o) was first off the press and that O(o), requiring only the single type-page O1, was immediately imposed from it,

Bench I(o) | Forme O(o) |
VII VI | bl bl or bl bl |
VIII V | V bl or bl V |
Bench I(o,i) | Formes O(o,i) |
VII VI II I | bl bl II tp |
VIII V III IV | bl V VI bl |
If we arbitrarily assume that O(o) was first sent to press, and that N(i) was imposed while O(i) was printing, the quarters available on the bench, and the imposition, would be: The prime difficulty here lies in the reason why title XII was taken from Y's bench to fill up the fourth quarter when VII and VIII and probably V were available. The regular transfer to the same respective positions of titles I, III, and IV shows that II must have been previously removed, and this evidence joins to the clearcut case of respacing VI between O1v and N2v to indicate the high probability that the imposition of O preceded that of N. As remarked above, this order is also indicated by the necessity to explain the irregularity of the running-titles in M and N as consequent upon the use of only some titles in imposing sheet O + A. If, as seems possible, the wrought-off formes for both presses were placed on the same bench, in spite of the fact that previously there had been no mixing of the running-titles, it would appear that in this case, partly perhaps because no complete X forme was present, the compositor, once more on a line, abstracted the furniture and running-title from another forme. This time he was forced to do so by the presence of only three quarters in I(i). The only

When Y came to impose M(i), he had on his part of the bench only the three remaining running-titles from L(i): IX X, and XI. These he imposed in their regular positions except for a diagonal exchange of IX and XI, and he necessarily abstracted his fourth quarter from X's share, choosing VII from I(o).
M(i) | imposition |
VII | IX |
XI | X |
When N(o) came to be imposed by X he had these miscellaneous quarters available, and also L(o) on Y's part of the bench:
I(o) | O(o) | O(i) | L(o) | |
II | XIII | XIV | ||
VIII | V | VI | XVI | XV |
N(o) | imposition |
VI | II? |
M(o) | imposition |
XVI | V |
The above reconstruction has been somewhat arbitrarily presented without an attempt made at showing possible alternatives, in large part because no alternative that I have been able to conceive of has in any way fitted the evidence of the running-titles. It is necessary to repeat that on the evidence of sheets B-L of this quarto, as well as the evidence of countless other books, there is every indication that printing would have continued normally to the end, each skeleton-forme as a unit imposing the next forme, if some unusual circumstance had not intervened. So far as I can see, this could only have been the printing of sheet O + A after sheet I. Thereafter, no compositor could have an integral skeleton-forme to transfer as a unit, once compositor X had abstracted XII from Y's materials to

It is unfortunate that the spelling evidence is not more clearcut for L1 since if X set only L4v the situation would be much more transparent. The collateral spelling evidence does seem to tend towards the hypothesis that X set L1, although something could be said for the appearance of the two VV's as favoring Y. The question has no intimate relation with the breakup of the skeletons consequent on the imposition of O + A and what this tells us of the order of the sheets. And the conjectural schedule is not vitally affected, though it would be much neater if only L4v were set by X. Since there is some small latent doubt about the assignment of L1 I add a proposed schedule in case X set only L4v This is an adjusted printing composition schedule:
One troublesome remaining question is why, if X started setting only shortly after Y, the two men did not alternate sheets regularly as they had previously done in the first Merchant of Venice quarto. It is distinctly odd that copy was cast off to start Y with sheet E when X was either just finishing sheet B or beginning sheet C. Then, although Y skips sheet F, he sets two adjacent sheets G and H, and after skipping I sets two more sheets in a row, K and L, followed after L4 recto by sheet M. It may be that this plan was adopted to enable X to draw more even with him. Why X set A + O after sheet I, and only then returned to assist Y by setting sheet N is explicable, apparently, only by supposing that the original plan was to put X to work on another book, leaving Y to finish the quarto at his own rate. This would help to explain the three-sheet sequence K, L, M given to Y; and we must suppose that the plan was cancelled when A+O was set, and L1 and L4v had been helpfully typeset to assist Y, once it was seen that the schedule was such that both compositors could finish at approximately the same time if X set N while Y worked on M. This hypothesis may appear to hang together, the more especially since only by some such reconstruction of motive can one explain why X helped Y by setting two pages of L instead of continuing with his own stint. However, if we take it that X's stint was planned to end with I, or just possibly with something after I, like A + O, then the distribution of the sheets for setting is fairly regular, given the fact that Y started with sheet E, for each compositor did in fact alternate sheets with his fellow (except for the G-H sequence) up to the start of K, from which point it would appear Y was at first expected to carry on alone to finish the book.

If so, there remains only the question why so late a sheet as E was assigned as the beginning of Y's stint. This question has no easy answer, and it is more than possible that the question of copy had something to do with the case, for it must be remembered that the first act, in which contamination from Q1 has been detected, concludes seven lines down on E1. The precise manner in which Q1 influenced Q2 has not yet been established with certainty, nor have its limits been definitely determined. It may prove to have significance that the major, though not the only, pages in which contamination seems apparent appear in sheets B-D assigned as the stint of compositor X, even at the price of starting Y so late as sheet E. But it would be idle to speculate about this matter further until a more precise study is made of the influence of Q1 on Q2, a study which I hope to publish in the near future.
For example, it will be noticed that four regular roman capital W's appear in the upper part of L1 recto, set by X, but when next the letter is required he twice sets VV for W at the foot, perhaps indicating that the sort was exhausted. Yet on L1v, Y regularly sets W. Capital W appears on L4v. On the other hand, the worth of this evidence is doubtful. In X's stint the only other time he uses VV for W is on B4v once, though W appears on C1 which should have been composed before any forme of sheet B was distributed. Compositor Y sets VV once on G3v, line 7, but W precedes it in line 4, and various W's follow on the same page, four to be exact. Y also uses a VV on H1v along with W. and again on H3, K2 (thrice), L2v, and M2. Very likely Y liked to justify a line by substituting VV for W.
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