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1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumeration
A. English and General
- ALDEN, J. English Books, 1641-1700, Acquired 1 July 1948—30 June 1949 , Univ. Penn. Libr. (mimeographed).[87]
- BESTERMAN, T. “Preliminary Short-Title List of Bibliographies Containing Manuscript Notes,” BSA , 43:209-26.[88]
- BESTERMAN, T. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies , 2nd ed., revised, 3 vols., Priv. pr. author, London 1947-49.[89]
- BOWERS, F. Supplement to Woodward & McManaway Check List English Plays 1641-1700 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[90]
- CARTER, J. “Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:69-87.[91]
- CORDASO, F. G. M. & K. W. SCOTT. Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade , Long Island University, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1949.[92]
- FRANKLIN, B. & G. LEGMAN, David Ricardo and Ricardian Theory: A Bibliographical Checklist , N. Y., Franklin, 1949 (prominent 19th-century economist).[93]
- GEORGE, M. D. Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires , vol. 9, British Museum, 1949 (covers period 1811-1819).[94]
- GIBSON, S. A Bibliography of Francis Kirkman , Oxford Bibliographical Society Publ., new series, I (for 1947), 1949.[95]
- GILMOUR, J. S. L. “The Early Editions of Rogers's Italy,” Library , 5th ser., 3:137-40.[96]
- HATCH, B. L. “Notes Towards a Definitive Bibliography of Thomas Hardy's Poems of the Past and Present,” Colby Libr. Quart. , Nov. 1949, 195-98.[97]
- HEIFETZ, A. & A. YARMOLINSKY, “Chekhov in English: A List of Works by and about him,” NYPB , 53:27-38, 72-93.[98]
- JOOST, N. “Henry Stephens: Bibliographical and Biographical Note,” N & Q , Sept. 3, 1949, 379-80.[99]
- LEHMANN-HAUPT, H. One Hundred Books about Bookmaking , rev. ed., Columbia Univ. Press, 1949.[100]
- MACGILLIVRAY, J. R. Keats: A Bibliography and Reference Guide, 1816-1946 , Univ. Toronto Press, 1949.[101]
- McANALLY, H. The Alfierian Canon , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1949 (reprinted from MLR, 44).[102]
- McKAY, G. L. “Books about Books,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7:266-76.[103]
- MILLER, C. W. Henry Herringman Imprints , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[104]
- OSBORNE, M. T. Advice-to-a-Painter Poems 1633-1856: An Annotated Finding List , Univ. Texas, 1949.[105]
- PARTRIDGE, C. “School-Books, 1800-1823,” N & Q , Sept. 3, 1949, 387-89.[106]
- PHILIP, A. J. Index to Special Collections in Libraries, Museums, and Art Galleries in Great Britain and Ireland , London, F. G. Brown, 1949.[107]
- PRAZ, M. Studies in 17th Century Imagery, v. 2: A Bibliography of Emblem Books , London, Warburg Institute, 1949.[108]
- SMITH, W. C. Bibliography of Musical Works Published by John Walsh , Bibl. Soc. (London), 1949.[109]
- TANNENBAUM, S. A. & R. D. Robert Herrick: A Concise Bibliography , Tannenbaum, Eliz. Bibl. no. 40.[110]
- WHITE, W. “James Joyce: Addenda to Alan Parker's Bibliography,” BSA , 43:401-11.[111]
- WHITE, W. “D. H. Lawrence: A Checklist, 1931-1948,” pts. 2 & 3, Bull. Bibl. , 19:209-11, 235-39.[112]
- WORLEY, P. “Current National Bibliographies,” Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. Current Acquisitions , Aug. & Nov., 1949.[113]
B. United States
- BAER, E. Seventeenth Century Maryland: A Bibliography , Baltimore, Garnett Library, 1949.[114]
- BIBL. SOC. AMERICA. Preliminary Finding List of Writings on the Kentucky Book Trade , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[115]
- CHOMET, O. “Jack London: Works, Reviews, and Criticism published in German,” Bull. Bibl. , 19:211-15, 239-40.[116]
- COLEMAN, J. W. Bibliography of Kentucky History , Univ. Kentucky Press. [117]
- FOLEY, T. T. Books About Collecting: Year-and-aquarter Bibl. Report of Books Appeared in American Book Market , Priv. pr., Paris, Ill. [118]
- GALLUP, D. Bibliographical Check-List of Writings of T. S. Eliot , Yale Univ., 1949.[119]
- HARDING, W. “Additions to the Thoreau Bibliography,” Thoreau Soc. Bull. , see issues.[120]
- HINTZ, C. W. “Notable Materials Added to North American Libraries 1943-47,” Libr. Quarterly , 19:105-18.[121]
- HISTORICAL SOCIETY PENNSYLVANIA. Guide to Manuscript Collections of Hist. Soc. Penn. , 2d ed., Phila., 1949.[122]
- KALLICH, M. “Bibliography of John Dos Passos,” Bull. Bibl. , 19:231-35.[123]
- LARREMORE, T. A. “An American Typographic Tragedy—the Imprints of Frederick Conrad Bursch,” BSA , 43:1-38, 111-72, 425-26.[124]
- MORSE, A. R. The Works of M.P. Shiel: A Study in Bibliography , Fantasy Publ., Los Angeles, 1949.[125]
- NASH, R. The Isaiab Thomas Donation Library of Dartmouth College , Dartmouth Libr., 1949.[126]
- NEW YORK CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. Berg Collection. Edgar Allan Poe; an Exhibition Catalogue , ed. J. D. Gordan, 1949.[127]
- NORTHERN, P. 100 Years of the “Shields Gazette” 1849-1949 , priv. pr. South Shields, Ill., 1949.[128]
- NORTHWEST BOOKS. Bibliography Northwest Writing; Ist suppl. 1942-47, Univ. Nebraska, 1949.[129]
- RUSSO, D. R. Bibliography of Booth Tarkington , Indiana Hist. Soc., 1949.[130]
- SILVER, R. G. Baltimore Book Trade Directory, 1800-1830 . At present in reference files, Peabody Institute. [131]
- SPILLER, R. E. etc. Literary History of the United States , v. 3, bibl. MacMillan, 1948-49.[132]
- TEMPLEMAN, W. D. “Additions to Young's Night-Thoughts in America,” BSA , 43:348-49.[133]
- VAIL, R. W. G. “Gold Fever: Catalogue of California Gold Rush Exhibition,” N. Y. Hist. Soc. Quart. , 33:237-71.[134]
- WAGMAN, F. Newspapers on Microfilms; a Union Checklist , Washington, 1949.[135]
- WETHERBEE, W. JR. Donn Byrne: A Bibliography , N. Y. Publ. Libr., 1949.[136]
- WINKLER, E. W. Check List of Texas Imprints 1846-1860 , Texas State Hist. Assn., Austin, 1949.[137]
- WYATT, E. A. IV. Preliminary Checklist of Petersburg, Va. 1786-1876 , Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1949.[138]
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