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* A census of copies of The Campaign in some fifty English and American libraries discloses only fourteen copies of the first edition. Three others in the possession of the writer, and three in private or dealers' hands, raises the total to twenty, of which nineteen have been examined for variant features. The first edition is held by the following libraries: MH(2), CSmH, CLUC, CtY (badly trimmed, lacking title), MB, NjP, NN, IU, ICU, NNC, TxU, British Museum (Ashley: another copy lost in blitz), and Bodleian. A selection of prominent libraries not holding the first edition includes DFo, MiU, MWiW-C, ICN, NNP, Pforzheimer, Grolier, Congress, Cambridge University.


The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison, ed. A. C. Guthkelch, vol. I (1914), pp. 154-70.


R. D. Horn, "Addison's Campaign and Macaulay," Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, LXIII (1948), 892-93.


Horn, op. cit., p. 893.


Some difficulty, which cannot be fully resolved, arises in that sheet C is set in a slightly wider measure, though apparently by the same compositor, than sheet B and, by the evidence of the half-title, sheet A. Just possibly the order of composition was B, A, and C, and the compositor adjusted his measure with C in order to utilize skeletons made up for the latter part.


The first-edition sheet D may be recognized by the lack of a comma after "dispense" in line 1 of sig. D1 recto, whereas a comma appears in the second edition. On sig. D2 recto of the first edition the second and third lines end with thin commas, but in the second edition these are of regular font thickness.


The writer is indebted to Dr. Bowers for suggestions concerning the bibliographical evidence and its possible interpretation in these editions.


For a discussion of this precise point and case-histories from the text of Dryden, see F. Bowers, "Recent Theories of Copy-Text, with an Illustration from Dryden," Modern Philology, for August, 1950.


Pope very easily finds in panegyric verse illustrations for Macrology and Pleonasm, "the superfluity of words and vacuity of sense" conjoined. Without naming Addison he remarks, "I am pleased to see one of our greatest adversaries employ this figure." He then offers six isolated lines without comment, and in the following sequence, 199, 202, 193, 268, 168, and 190. Actually, Addison got off very easily. Since Pope's extracts are taken almost without exception from Whig apologists, he may have included Addison as much for his political associations as for being guilty of poetic swellings and tautology. See Works of Pope, ed. Warburton, IV (1788), 173-74.


For this editorial procedure, see W. W. Greg, "The Rationale of Copy-Text" earlier in the present volume. Presumably either the "Brittish" or "British" form would be made consistent, however, according to which seems to represent Addison's own usage.


The posthumous Tickell edition of 1721 has been made the basis of all modern texts, including that of Guthkelch, instead of the early editions. Tickell, in fact, did restore a number of the first-edition punctuation variants to his third-edition copy-text (this is surely significant coming from Addison's close friend); but, as was inevitable, the compositor of his edition normalized some spellings and treated the capitalization freely so that in certain respects his text is yet one further step removed from basic authority in detail.