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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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P. Frankl's vast The Gothic: Literary Sources and Inter-
pretations through Eight Centuries
(Princeton, 1960), con-
tains much valuable material and a large bibliography, but
is mainly concerned with architecture. A valuable pilot
project spreading a wider net in a particular area is J.
Haslag, “Gothic” im siebzehnten und achtzehnten Jahr-
(Cologne and Graz, 1963).

The following list gives other useful studies. E. S. de Beer,
“Gothic: Origin and Diffusion of the Term,” Journal of the
Warburg and Courtauld Institutes,
11 (1948), 143-62. Jan
Białostocki, “Late Gothic: Disagreements about the Con-
cept,” Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 29
(1966), 76-105. A. Bøe, From Gothic Revival to Functional
(Oslo, 1957). K. Clark, The Gothic Revival, 3rd ed.
(London, 1962), has valuable illustrations. C. L. Eastlake,
A History of the Gothic Revival (London and New York,
1872). R. Haferkorn, Gotik und Ruine in der englischen
Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts
(Leipzig, 1924). H. Heine,
Sämtliche Werke, ed. E. Elster, 7 vols. (Leipzig and Vienna,
1924). George Henderson, Gothic (Harmondsworth and
Baltimore, 1967). S. Kliger, The Goths in England...
(Cambridge, Mass., 1952). A. O. Lovejoy, Essays in the
History of Ideas
(Baltimore, 1948), pp. 136-65, “The First
Gothic Revival and the Return to Nature.” H. Messmer,
hispania-Idee und Gotenmythos (Zurich, 1960). E. Panofsky,
“The First Page of Giorgio Vasari's Libro: A Study on the
Gothic Style in the Judgment of the Italian Renaissance,”
in Meaning and the Visual Arts (Garden City, 1955), pp.
169-225. N. Pevsner, Ruskin and Viollet-le-Duc: Englishness
and Frenchness in the Appreciation of Gothic Architecture

(London, 1970). R. Menéndez Pidal, Los Godos y la epopeya
(Madrid, 1956). G. Previtali, la Fortuna dei primi-
tivi: Dal Vasari ai neoclassici
(Turin, 1964). A. W. N. Pugin,
The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture
(London, 1843). W. D. Robson-Scott, The Literary Back-
ground of the Gothic Revival in Germany
(Oxford, 1965),
contains an extensive bibliography. E. Stutz, Gotische Liter-
(Stuttgart, 1966). J. Svennung, Jordanes und
Skrifter utgivna av k. humanistiska vetenskapssam-
fundet i Uppsala, Vol. 44, No. 2A (Stockholm, 1967); idem,
Zur Geschichte des Goticismus, Vol. 44, No. 2B, see above
(Stockholm, 1967). L. Venturi, Il Gusto dei primitivi
(Bologna, 1926). Otto von Simson, The Gothic Cathedral
(New York, 1956; also reprint). N. Wagner, Getica: Unter-
suchungen zum Leben des Jordanes und zur frühen
Geschichte der Goten
(1967), Quellen und Forschungen zur
Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker,
N. F., 22. J. F. White, The Cambridge Movement: The
Ecclesiologists and the Gothic Revival
(Cambridge, 1962).


[See also Baroque; Beauty; Classicism; Culture and Civili-
zation; Hermeticism; Romanticism; Style.]