University of Virginia Library


OCTOBER 2, 2000

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia conducted a meeting by telephone on Monday, October 2, 2000; John P. Ackerly, III, Rector, presided. The meeting, which began at 9:05 a.m., was in Open Session and members of the public were invited to listen to the proceedings by speakerphone, which was set up in the Board office at the Rotunda.

The Rector, Mr. Crutchfield and Mr. Phelan were present in Madison Hall for the meeting; Mr. Goodwin and Mr. Wheat were in Mr. Goodwin's office in Richmond.

Mr. Bliley, Dr. Caravati, Mr. Glazer, Mr. Greer, Mrs. Holland, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Ross, Ms. Twohy, Mr. Walker and Mr. Wolfe participated on their own telephones.

Mr. Casteen, Mr. Sandridge, Mr. Gilliam, Ms. Sheehy, Mr. Forch and Ms. Bailes also were participants.

The Rector asked Mr. Sandridge to present the Agenda.

Mr. Sandridge explained that the University's proposed amendments to the state budget are due in Richmond on October 4th, the day before the beginning of the scheduled meeting of the Board of Visitors on October 5th and 6th. As the Board had expressed its desire to approve the amendments — and the University did not receive guidelines from the state on amendments until August 16th — before they are sent to Richmond, the telephonic meeting was called.

Referring to material which had been sent to the Board before the meeting, Mr. Sandridge gave a quick overview of the proposed amendments. (The amendments are appended to these Minutes as an attachment.)

Mr. Bliley moved that the amendments be approved; Mr. Crutchfield seconded the motion. The Secretary established by roll call vote that all participating Members approved the resolution.