University of Virginia Library

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 10:30 a.m. in the
Honor Committee Room in Newcomb Hall, at Charlottesville, with the following present.
Rector Charles R. Fenwick, President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., and Visitors Camp, Cross, Faulconer,
Hobbs, Johnson, Kendig, Kuykendall, Lantor, Lewis, Montague, Rogers, Walker, and Williams. Absent
Visitors Blanton, Parrish, and Wilkerson, Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson and Edgar E. Woodward
were present throughout the discussion of Mary Washington College matters. Comptroller Vincent
Shea and Mr. Matthias E. Kayhoe were present during the consideration of the Master Site Plan.

The minutes of the called meeting and the regular meeting both held on 16 October 1964,
previously distributed, were approved as corrected.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Dr. Phillip M. Allen as Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology, for three years,
effective 1 November 1964, at a salary of $14,550.

Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz as Visiting Professor of Law, for one semester, effective
1 February 1965, at a salary of $7,900.

Dr. Robert V. DeVito as Associate Professor of Surgery, effective 1 March 1965, at a
salary of $30,000.

Mrs. Catherine A. Jones as Junior Instructor in French, one-fifth time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,140.

Dr. George E. Lipscomb as Instructor in Radiology, for one year, effective 1 July 1965.

Mr. Louis J. Morin as Instructor in French, for one year, effective 21 October 1964, at
a session salary of $6,500.

Mr. William F. O'Dell as Lecturer in Commerce, for one semester, effective 1 February 1965,
at a salary of $1,000.

Mr. Donald R. Paul as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,400.

Mr. Kurt H. Quasebarth as Lecturer in Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 November 1964,
at a session salary of $7,100, plus 20 per cent for summer duties and $880 for administrative
duties, or a total salary of $9,400.

Mr. Henry W. Spiegel as Visiting Professor of Economics, two-thirds time, for one semester,
effective 1 February 1965, at a salary of $5,000.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:

Dr. Thomas C. Apostle, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, for three
years, effective 1 January 1965.

Mr. James W. England, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for three years,
effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,400.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leave of absence:

Dr. Chalmers L. Gemmill, Professor of Pharmacology, for the period 1 January through
31 August 1965, with part pay, to study in Europe.

Dr. Gerald Goldstein, Associate Professor of Microbiology, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, without pay, to work with Professor Alexander Haddow, Director of the
Chester Beatty Research Institute of the Royal Cancer Hospital in London, England.

Mr. William M. Griffin, Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective
2 June 1964, without pay, because of ill health, the termination date of his leave to be
determined by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the time Mr. Griffin is able to
reassume his regular duties.

Mr. Robert W. Langbaum, Professor of English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
without pay, to serve as Visiting Professor at Columbia University.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following change of status be and it is hereby made:

Mr. James B. Murray, from Lecturer in Commerce, full time, to Lecturer in Commerce,
three-fourths time, for the remainder of the 1964-1965 session, effective 1 February 1965,
at a salary of $3,000.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following changes of title be and they are hereby made:

Mr. Mortimer M. Caplin, from Professor of Law, to Visiting Professor of Law, for the
period 1 February 1965 through 30 June 1966, at a salary to be based on the number of courses
taught at the rate normally paid lecturers.

Mr. Jose Carneiro, from Assistant Professor of Anatomy, to Visiting Assistant Professor
of Anatomy, for three years, effective 1 October 1964.

Mr. Weldon Cooper, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Paul T. David, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Ralph Eisenberg, from Assistant Professor of Political Science, to Assistant Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Herbert Emmerich, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Alfred P. Fernbach, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. William M. Griffin, from Associate Professor of Political Science, to Associate
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert J. Harris, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Laurin L. Henry, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Wilson N. Howell, Jr., from Instructor in Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Instructor
in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Majid Khadduri, from Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Visiting
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Thomas H. Lahey, from Assistant Professor of Psychology, to Assistant Professor of
Neurology and Psychiatry (Psychology), effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Leslie Laszlo, from Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, to Visiting
Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Shao C. Leng, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert L. Lester, Jr., from Instructor in Government, one-half time, to Instructor in
Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Daniel R. McMillan, Jr., from Acting Associate Professor of Mathematics, to Associate
Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $10,900.

Mr. Stainslaw J. Makielski, Jr., from Assistant Professor of Political Science, to
Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert J. Morgan, from Associate Professor of Political Science, to Associate Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Jan Simon Nilsson, from Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, to Associate Professor
of Physics, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert H. Puckett, from Assistant Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Assistant Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Rouhollah K. Ramazani, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government
and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Vladimir Reisky de Dubnic, from Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Visiting
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Vladimir Reisky de Dubnic, from Visiting Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs,
to Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $11,900.

Mr. Vincent Shea, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Franklin R. Sibert, from Instructor in Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Instructor
in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.


Mr. George W. Spicer, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Matt W. Williamson, from Instructor in Political Science, one-half time, to
Instructor in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Johan Zwaan, from Assistant Professor of Anatomy, to Visiting Assistant
Professor of Anatomy, for three years, effective 15 October 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Kenneth A. Bruffee, Instructor in English, at a session salary of $7,400, effective
1 September 1964.


The following resignations were announced:

Mr. Charles A. Herring, Associate Professor of English, effective 25 November 1964,
because of ill health.

Mrs. Patricia B. Williamson, Instructor in Nursing, effective 10 February 1965, to go
with her husband who has been transferred to Fredericksburg, Virginia.


In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the following appointment was announced:

Captain Thomas W. Littlejohn as Assistant Professor of Military Science, effective
1 January 1965, at no salary from the University.

Also, the following appointment was announced:

Dr. Desmond Gourley as Acting Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, for the period
1 January 1965 through 31 August 1965.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following dates for the 1965 meetings of the Board be and they are hereby approved:

Saturday, 6 February 1965  Charlottesville 
Saturday, 10 April 1965  Fredericksburg 
Friday, 4 June 1965  Charlottesville 
Friday, 8 October 1965  Charlottesville 
Saturday, 11 December 1965  Charlottesville 

The President also reminded the Board that preliminary meetings of the Board have been
scheduled for Friday, 5 February 1965, and Friday, 10 December 1965.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the name of the Division of Educational Research be and it is hereby changed to Bureau
of Educational Research, effective 1 July 1965.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, for the purpose of providing local loan funds (10 per cent) to match National Defense
Education Act loan funds (90 per cent), the duPont Loan Fund be and it is hereby increased in the amount of $100,000 from surplus funds now in the duPont Scholarship Fund or to become available
in that Fund by the end of the current fiscal year.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as
uncollectible accounts Schedules 1248 and 1249, aggregating $48,462.00, as recommended by it,
consisting of the following:

Bad debts, etc.  $ 2,638.78 
Free service to counties and cities  45,823.22 
Total  $48,462.00 


Mr. Matthias E. Kayhoe, Planning Coordinator, presented a summary of the Master Site Plan
which was followed by a discussion. After full consideration, the following resolution was

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Master Site Plan of the University at Charlottesville, as presented to this meeting,
be and it is hereby approved.


The President announced the receipt of an unrestricted gift of real estate from
Mr. and Mrs. J. Deering Danielson, of Miami, Florida, consisting of the following. Lot "A,"
which lies between the filling station and restaurant and having 100 foot frontage on U.S.
Highway No. 250 West, comprising 17,687. square feet, and valued at $12,500. Mr. Danielson
is a graduate of the School of Law.

The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS the generosity of the donors in this instance is especially gratifying as a mark
of the continuing relationship between Mr. and Mrs. J. Deering Danielson and the University of

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that we hereby record our deep gratitude for this gift and direct the
Secretary to transmit a copy of this resolution to the donors as a mark of our warm appreciation.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Revolving Publication Fund for The University Press of Virginia be and it is hereby
increased from $50,000 to $75,000, effective 12 December 1964.


In accordance with Senate Joint Resolution No. 23 as adopted by the 1964 General Assembly
which requires the submission of a report to the Governor and General Assembly, not later than
1 January 1965, on the admissions policy of the University of Virginia and other institutions
of higher learning, the President summarized the report he intended to make which called for
a continuation of the present policy of admitting all qualified Virginia students. He stated
he would send a copy of the report to each member of the Board during the next week in ample
time to receive the members' comments and incorporate them in the report to be filed by
1 January 1965.


The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS we have learned of the illness of our fellow Visitor, Thomas H. Blanton,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
we express to him our fervent hope for a speedy recovery in order that he may return to continue
his work in our deliberations and instruct the Secretary to forward a copy of this resolution
to Visitor Blanton.


The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS we are informed that our former fellow Visitor, Colonel Joseph M. Hartfield, is undergoing
treatment in a New York hospital,

AND WHEREAS Visitor Hartfield has contributed markedly to the advancement of our beloved
University both as an alumnus and as a member of the Board of Visitors for eight years as one
of the first three out-of-state members,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
we wish for Colonel Hartfield a speedy recovery and an early return to active duty.




The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and he is hereby elected to the faculty:

Mr. Blaine G. Larson-Crowther as Instructor in Art, for one year, effective 1 November
1964, at a session salary of $5,100.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty member be and he is hereby granted leave of absence:

Mr. Stanley F. Bulley, Associate Professor of Music, for one year, effective 1 September
1965, with one-half pay, to accept a grant for research in Indian Music from the American
Institute of Indian Studies.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following change of status be and it is hereby made:

Mrs. Josefa R. McIntosh, from Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, one-half
time, to Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, full time, with special responsibilities
for the French House, for the remainder of the 1964-1965 session, effective 1 December 1964,


The following resignations were announced:

Miss Huguette J. Moreau, Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French), with special
responsibilities for the French House, effective 14 November 1964, for personal reasons.

Miss Janet Sloane, Instructor in Art, effective 15 October 1964, because of illness.


The Chancellor called to the Board's attention the request of the City of Fredericksburg
that an easement be granted it, six feet in width, for a 24″ water line, the route of such
easement to extend from College Avenue to Sunken Road and would adjoin a four foot sewer
easement heretofore granted the City by deed of Mary Washington College dated May 22, 1941,
of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Fredericksburg in Deed
Book 77 page 103.

A copy of the proposed agreement granting the easements in question, prepared by the
City, together with plat showing the route of the proposed 24″ water line and the easement
to be granted in respect thereto was exhibited to the Board.

It was pointed out that under the agreement Mary Washington College would have the
continuing right to connect its present and any future buildings to the water line and the
College would also reserve the right to build over and upon the easement or should the
college deem it necessary the City would relocate the water line around any building it
might erect, such relocation to be at the City's expense. The Chancellor further reported
that the agreement in question had been approved as to form by the University's special

After consideration, upon motion duly made and seconded it was,

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that, on the recommendation of the Chancellor of Mary Washington College, and
approved by the President of the University of Virginia, the grant to the City of
Fredericksburg of an easement six feet in width, to construct a water line on the property
of Mary Washington College, extending from College Avenue to Sunken Road, and more fully
described in the Agreement submitted to this meeting and on the plat attached thereto,
be and the same is hereby, approved and authorized.

RESOLVED, Further, the Agreement having received the approval of the University's
special counsel as to form, that the President be and he hereby is, authorized, empowered
and directed to execute said agreement in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, and that the Secretary be and he hereby is, authorized,
empowered and directed to affix the corporate seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia thereto, and to attest the same.




The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and she is hereby elected to the faculty:

Miss Fernande Gontier as Visiting Lecturer in Modern Languages, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,200.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mr. David Gottlieb as Lecturer in Sociology, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a salary of $2,250.

Mr. Ferris G. Hinton as Lecturer in Spanish, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,800.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Ralph A. Mauller, Lecturer in Mathematics, at a session salary of $4,100, effective
1 September 1964.



The President reported on recent developments at the Roanoke Center.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

On motion the meeting was then adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Charles R. Fenwick
