University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Visitors was held on this date in the office of the
President at 10 o'clock with the following present: Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Rector, Visitors
Garnett, Anderson, Bustard, Carrington, Mrs. Calcott, Mrs. Wailes, Mrs. Willis, Black, Barksdale,
Gay, Dr. Trout, Mears, Dr. Miller, President Newcomb, and President Combs.

The President reported the following enrollment, gifts, etc.:

Enrollment to date 4,384.


From Mr. Charles Slaughter, of New York City, to be used to procure
speakers for the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs 
From Mr. Jack N. Burdow, of Lawrence, N. Y., to be added to the
Herbert W. Burdow Fund 

The following changes in academic standings, resignation, promotions and elections presented by the
President, were approved:

  • Professor Garrard Glenn is hereby designated James Monroe Professor of Law.

  • Professor F. D. G. Ribble is hereby designated James Madison Professor of Law.


  • Dr. Ralph B. Houlihan, Asst. Prof. of Bacteriology, resigned effective December 1, 1946.


  • Mr. R. Chapin Jones, Associate Professor of Forestry, to Professor of Forestry, at a session
    salary of $4,500, plus the Tuck Formula; a total of $5,184.

  • Mr. Frederick Tracy Morse, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, to Professor of Mechanical
    Engineering, at a session salary of $4,500, plus the Tuck Formula; a total of $5,184.

  • Mr. Edwin C. McClintock, Asst. Prof. of English in the Department of Engineering, to Associate
    Professor of English in the Department of Engineering, at a session salary of $3,750, plus the
    Tuck Formula; a total of $4,344.


  • Dr. Ullin Whitney Leavell, Professor of Education, at a session salary of $3,300 from the University,
    and he is to receive an additional sum of $2,700 from the School Board of Albemarle
    County, effective November 4, 1946.

  • Mr. Paul J. Hartman, Acting Assistant Professor of Law from January 1, 1947, through June, 1947,
    at a session salary of $2,800, plus the Tuck Formula; a total of $3,280.

  • Alfred B. McEwen, Instructor in Law, at a session salary of $2,400, plus the Tuck Formula, effective
    October 23, 1946; a total of $2,832. (Mr. Gay did not vote on the McEwen election.)

  • Thomas Munford Boyd elected Lecturer in Law for one semester, beginning October 23, 1946, with a
    total compensation of $1,100 for the semester.

  • Mr. John S. Battle, Jr., part-time Instructor in Law, with a compensation of $400 per semester,
    encumbency to begin October 23, 1946.

  • Mr. Franklin W. Peters, Jr., Part-time Instructor in Law for the semester, at a salary of $400,
    encumbency to begin October 23, 1946.

  • Mr. Robert M. Musselman, Part-time Lecturer in Accounting at a session salary of $1,200, plus the
    Tuck Formula; a total of $1,488.

  • John Alex. Rorer, Asst. Prof. in charge of Extension teaching, be made Acting Director of the
    Extension Division with an increase in salary of $1,200 per year.

  • Lewis Machen Hammond, Asso. Prof. of Philosophy, be made Acting Dean of the Summer Quarter with
    an increased compensation of $1,500 per year.

The following motion by Judge Barksdale was adopted:

RESOLVED that the present inhibition against ownership and operation of automobiles by first year
students be and it is hereby rescinded.

The following motion by the President was unanimously adopted:


WHEREAS, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (herein called the "Applicant"), acting
by and through its governing body, upon the basis of available data, has found that there exists
or impends an acute shortage of educational facilities required for persons engaged in the pursuit of
courses of training or education under Title II of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended,
and to relieve such shortage proposes to request the United States of America through the Bureau of
Community Facilities, Federal Works Agency, (herein called the "Government"), to provide education facilities,
pursuant to Public Law 697, 79th Congress, (Section 504 of the Lanham Act, as amended), and in
connection therewith, has examined and considered such law, the Regulations, the Information for Applicants,
the form of application and the form of proposed agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia of the Applicant (herein called the "Governing Body") that a justification of need and that
an application or applications be filed, in such form as may be required by the Government, to provide
such education facilities as are required to alleviate such acute shortage, and that the Applicant will
comply with the various requirements and conditions necessary to enable the Government to provide such
facilities; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Frank E. Hartman is hereby designated as the Applicant's Representative
and is authorized in his capacity as such Representative to file with the Government a
justification of need and an application or applications to negotiate, execute, and enter into an
agreement or agreements with the Government in substantially the form of agreement considered by
the Governing Body, to negotiate, execute and enter into such other agreements and instruments and to
perform and do any and all acts as may be necessary to provide a suitable site and site preparation,
streets or roadways, sidewalks, landscaping, utility mains, technical or engineering data, architectural
or engineering services, necessary rights of entry and rights of way for Government operations, to
accept on behalf of the Applicant ownership and possession of such facilities, to assure the Government
that such facilities will be utilized by the Applicant to carry out the purposes of such law,
and to do or perform any and all other acts that are necessary to accomplish the purposes of the
Applicant's application, to perform the Applicant's obligations under its agreement with the Government,
and to obtain the provision of such facilities.


I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the University of Virginia (herein
called the "Applicant") and the keeper of the records of the Applicant, including the journal of proceedings
of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (herein called the "Governing Body"),
do hereby certify:

1. That the attached Resolution For Veterans Educational Facilities, (herein called the "Resolution"),
is a true and correct copy of the Resolution as finally adopted at a meeting of the Governing
Body held on the 8th day of November 1946, and duly recorded in my office;

2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and to the
extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; and a legal quorum was present
throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the
proper manner and for the adoption of said Resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under
the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said Resolution, including publication, if required,
have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute
this certificate.

3. That if an impression of a seal has been affixed below, it constitutes the official seal of the
Applicant and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal.

The Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies

President Newcomb read a report on the incorporation of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, and
presented the following resolution which was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University that the President
of the University of Virginia be and he is hereby authorized to join with the thirteen southern institutions
in incorporation of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the sum of $5,000 be hereby appropriated for the work of the Institute for
the coming year.

The following motion from President Newcomb was adopted:

WHEREAS: at the 1946 session of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, an act was passed
entitled "An Act to provide for the hospitalization and treatment of indigent persons through joint
action of the State and the counties and cities thereof" and under this Act the State Board of Health
was authorized and empowered to initiate and administer a program of hospital and outpatient treatment
and care for indigent and medically indigent persons residing in the several counties and cities of the
Commonwealth, and,

WHEREAS: the State Board of Health under the powers delegated to it by this Act has initiated a
program which provides that the University of Virginia Hospital enter into separate contracts with each
county and city of the Commonwealth,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: that Dr. Carlisle S. Lentz, Administrator of the University of Virginia
Hospital, is hereby authorized to sign such contracts with each county and city of the Commonwealth on
behalf of the University of Virginia Hospital.

Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the University, presented to the Board a deed dated November 8, 1946, by which
the University conveys to the City of Charlottesville an easement or right of way for construction and
maintenance of a 10-inch gas pipe line along and through the grounds of the University on the southwest
side of West Main Street from a point just opposite Elliewood Avenue through said grounds of the University
to Route 29, as shown upon a plat attached to said deed as a part thereof, the construction of
said pipe line being necessary in order to furnish gas for domestic purposes to the University's emergency
housing project at "Copeley", just west of the University.

Mr. Perkins stated that the matter had been considered by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and location
of said pipe, as shown upon the plat attached to said deed, has been approved by said Committee.

It was, thereupon,

RESOLVED, that the President be and is hereby instructed to execute said deed in the name and on
behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and the Secretary is instructed to
affix the seal of the University thereto, attest the same and deliver said deed to the City of Charlottesville.


The Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee reported that, in company with the President and
members of the Architectural School, a proposed site for the location of the temporary building to be
located on the North Side of Carr's Hill, which building is proposed to be erected at the expense of
the U. S. Government, be approved with the understanding that the building is to be considered temporary
and subject to demolition when its use is to be dispensed with. (See Amendment on Page 471.)


Mr. E. C. Anderson, Chairman of the Committee, discussed at some length the amount to be raised and the
use to be made thereof of such funds as may be raised, and it was decided that the financial campaign go
forward under the direction of the John Price Jones Corporation, the details to be worked out later.

RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,000.00, or as much thereof as may be needed, be and the same is hereby
appropriated from the unexpended income on University's private endowment to pay additional expenses in


connection with the preliminary survey of the John Price Jones Corporation for the preliminary report on
the Fund Raising Campaign. (See Amendment below.)


Mr. Barron F. Black, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented an oral report to the Board informing
the members that the committee had made an investigation of the qualifications, services offered, charges,
etc., of most of the larger banks of the State of Virginia to act as financial advisor and custodian
for the Consolidated Endowment Funds of the University of Virginia, and that the committee, for various
reasons, had selected the State Planters Bank and Trust Company of Richmond, and that the committee
asked that it be directed and authorized to prepare a contract between the State Planters Bank and
Trust Company and the University which would set up the relations of the former as financial advisor
and custodian, and the committee was authorized to have such a contract prepared. (See Amendment below.)


The President, M. E. Combs, reported the following enrollment and gift:

Enrollment 1,532. The geographical distribution shows that there are 43 states, territories, and
countries represented, with 875 from Virginia.


Mrs. Alfred I. duPont, of Wilmington, Delaware, has established a scholarship fund in memory of
her Mother, Mrs. Lalla Gresham Ball, consisting of $7,000 in cash and 300 shares of common stock of
E. I. duPont deNemours and Company for the purpose of providing a limited number of scholarships for
students at Mary Washington College who are residents of one of the following named counties of
Virginia: King George, Westmoreland, Northumberland, Richmond, Lancaster, Essex and King and Queen.

Changes in fees for session 1947-48 to be carried in the next catalogue:

It is recommended that the following action be taken.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the charge for table board be increased from $25 to $35 per month for session 1947-48; the charge
for furnished room be increased from $10 to $12 per month; general fees for all students be increased
from $108 to $110 per session; and out-of state tuition be increased from $160 to $200 per session,
making a total charge for Virginians $579 per session, and non-Virginians $779 per session, and the
same is hereby approved.

Conveyance of a narrow strip of land to the City of Fredericksburg necessary for the widening of the
street known as Sunken Road which is the main entrance to the college.

At the meeting of the State Board of Education on August 28, 1943, the following resolution was adopted:

"Progress Report of Committee on Request of City of Fredericksburg for College to Convey
Strip of Land-
Pursuant to a minute of the Board, recorded in current volume (Vol. 14)
page 50, further consideration was given to the request of the City of Fredericksburg
for the college to convey a strip of land on the east side of the campus, varying in
width from 16 ft. to 22 ft. and 192 ft. long, in order to enable the city to widen and
straighten the street known as Sunken Road. The Board suggested that President Combs
notify Mr. L. J. Houston, Jr., City Manager of the City of Fredericksburg, that the
Board will, at the proper time, recommend to the Legislature that the City of Fredericksburg
be given this piece of land. In this connection, the Board called attention to the
importance of having ample provision contained in the agreement between the city and the
college for the proper protection of the college."

See the Act of the General Assembly during session 1944 in reference to the matter.

Pursuant to the resolution of the State Board of Education, then the governing body of Mary Washington
College, and the subsequent Act by the General Assembly, it is recommended that the following action
be taken.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the proper officers of Mary Washington College of the University of
Virginia be and are hereby authorized to convey to the City of Fredericksburg a strip
of land varying in width from 16 ft. to 22 ft. and 192 ft. long, in order to widen
the street known as Sunken Road, which is the main entrance to the college campus.

The foregoing resolution was adopted.


Mr. Black read a letter from the State-Planters Bank & Trust Company outlining the relations between
the parties. The Board authorized the committee to immediately enter into a contract with the bank
based upon this letter, and at a later date to present a formal contract embodying the terms of this
letter and any other terms which the committee thought proper.


The said building is to be used by the School of Arts and Architecture and provide facilities for the
teaching of painting and sculpture, neither of which subjects are now in the curricular of the school.
Furthermore the sum of $20,000 is appropriated for the session year for the employment of a faculty for
this purpose to consist of at least one instructor in each of these subjects.


On recommendation of the Committee of which Mr. Anderson is Chairman, that the Board approved (1) the
University's participation in a fund-raising campaign, (2) that the John Price Jones Corporation be employed
for that purpose and that a contract be entered into with them based on their proposal letter
which was submitted to and discussed by the Board, and (3) that the sum of $6,050,000 be set as the


objective of the fund-raising campaign, the amount allocated to the various purposes outlined in
the John Price Jones report to be subject to further consideration and discussion.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. R. Stettinius
E. I. Carruthersa