University of Virginia Library


The Annual Meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on this date at 10 o'clock
a. m. in the President's Office with Visitors Corbitt, Garnett, Rinehart, Stuart, L. C.
Williams and R. Gray Williams and President Newcomb present. In the absence of the Rector,
Mr. Corbitt was elected Rector pro-tem.

The minutes of the previous meeting, having been copied and mailed to all members
of the Board, were approved.

President Newcomb made the following announcements:

Attendance for the regular session of 1935-36, 2440.

Gifts received:



From the Rockefeller Foundation for the Bureau of Public
Administration, payments to be made over a four-year
period beginning July 1, 1936 
$ 40,000 
From the General Education Board, for the salary of Dr.
James Hart, who is being appointed to the staff of the
department of Political Science 
From the Virginia Education Association, for renovating
and restoring certain equipment in the Preventorium 
$ 1,000 
From Mr. George L. Scherer, for the general purpose of
the hospital, - given in token of his appreciation of
the kindness and efficiency of the doctors and staff
of the hospital during the illness of his daughter 
From the National Research Council, for the purchase of
apparatus and materials in connection with Dr. Speidel's
studies in Physiology 
From the Seven Society, - their annual gift to be used
"in any way the President or Rector and Visitors deem
best for the promotion of the best interests of the

Upon the recommendation of the President, the following resignations, leave of
absence, promotions and elections were voted:


Dr. Kenneth F. Maxcy, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Bacteriology, and

Dr. C. Howe Eller, Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the resignations of Dr. Kenneth F. Maxcy and Dr. C. Howe Eller be and
the same are hereby accepted with regret. Dr. Maxcy and Dr. Eller have
carried forward their work here with devotion and skill, and the Rector
and Visitors wish for them continued success in their new fields.

Leave of Absence:

To Dr. Frank Stringfellow Barr, Professor of History, granted leave of
absence for the session of 1936-37 without salary.

Promotions and change in status effective with the session of 1936-37:

Dr. James Carrol Flippin, from Professor of Clinical Medicine to Professor of
Internal Medicine without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. Henry B. Mulholland, from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of
Practice of Medicine, without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. J. Edwin Wood, Jr., from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, to
Professor of Practice of Medicine, without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. Charles Bruce Morton, from Assistant Professor of Surgery and Gynecology to
Professor of Clinical Surgery and Gynecology, without change in base rate paid
by the University, but with permission to earn from his receipts not in excess
of $10,000.

Dr. John McIntire Nokes, from Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
to Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, without change in base rate
of pay.

Dr. William Wirt Waddell, Jr., from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, to
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, without change in base rate of pay.

Miss Myrtle M. Hollo, from Acting Assistant Professor of Nursing Education to
Assistant Professor of Nursing Education, without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. Oscar E. Swineford, from Instructor in Medicine to Assistant Professor of
Practice of Medicine, without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. Staige D. Blackford, from Instructor in Medicine to Assistant Professor of
Practice of Medicine, without change in base rate of pay.

Dr. Everett Cato Drash, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Clinical
Surgery and Gynecology - base rate of pay changed from $3,500 to $5,000.

Dr. Chauncey McL. Gilbert, from Instructor in Biology to Assistant Professor of
Biology, with a base pay of $2,800.

Dr. Lewis M. Hammond, from Instructor in Philosophy, to Assistant Professor of
Philosophy, with a base pay of $2,800.

Mr. Joseph Lee Vaughan, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of English, at a
base salary of $2,800.


Dr. James Hart, Professor of Political Science, at a base salary of $4,500. Incumbency
to begin with the session of 1936-37.

Dr. Frank E. McLean, Acting Associate Professor of Public Speaking for the session
of 1936-37, at a salary of $3,300 for the session.

Dr. Leland Bradley Snoddy, Assistant Professor of Physics, at a base salary of
$2,800. Incumbency to begin with the session of 1936-37.

Dr. G. Richard Wendt, Acting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for the session of
1936-37, at a salary of $2,700 for the session.

Mr. John Black Sirich, Jr., Acting Assistant Professor of History for the session
of 1936-37, at a base salary of $2,800.


The President presented draft of new contract between the University and the
Joint Health Board of the City and County, and the Rector was authorized to sign the same
in the following resolution, adopted:

RESOLVED, That the Rector be and he is hereby authorized and requested
to sign on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia an
agreement between the University of Virginia and the Joint Health authorities
of the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle.

The next order of business was the consideration of application for admission to
the University of Virginia.

The applications of the persons, or applicants whose names are set out below,
having been considered by the Board, it is resolved and ordered that said applicants be and
they hereby are denied admission to the University of Virginia:

  • Henry M. Bass, of Suffolk, Virginia

  • Richard W. Foster, of Richmond, Virginia

  • H. Leslie Giles, of Lawrenceville, Virginia

  • Joseph Ransome, of Richmond, Virginia

  • C. Waldo Scott, of Newport News, Virginia

And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the persons or applicants
above named are bona fide residents and citizens of Virginia, that they possess the qualifications
of health, character, ability and preparatory education customarily required for
admission to the University of Virginia, that they are unable to obtain from any Virginia
State College, State University, or other State Institution, educational facilities equal to
those here applied for, and that such equal educational facilities can be provided and furnished
to said applicants by other colleges, universities and institutions not operated as
an agency or institution of the State of Virginia, it is further resolved and ordered that,
out of the funds appropriated by the State to the University of Virginia, said University do
pay to said applicants, severally, or to the institution or institutions attended by them,
as and when needed, such sums, if any, as may be necessary to supplement the amount which
it would cost said applicants to attend the University of Virginia; said payments to be made
pursuant to the authority vested in this Board by the provisions of chapter 352 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of 1936 (Acts 1936, p. 561.). And there is hereby appropriated for
scholarships the amount of money set opposite the name of each of the above applicants.

It is further resolved and ordered that, for the purpose of carrying into effect
the provisions of said Act, there is hereby created a committee, consisting of three members,
Deans Ferguson, Rodman and Eager, to be known as the "Students' Admission Applications
Committee", under Acts of General Assembly of Virginia of 1936, p. 561, which committee is
hereby authorized, during recess of this Board, to consider and act upon all applications
for admission to the University of Virginia, and in all cases where an applicant is denied
admission to direct the University of Virginia to pay to, or for the benefit of, any such
applicant as is qualified to receive same under the provisions of said Act, such supplementary
sum as may be fixed and determined by said committee as necessary to provide the equal
educational facilities contemplated by said Act.

It is further resolved and ordered that said committee do inquire into and fix
the cost of furnishing and providing to the above named applicants denied admission the said
equal educational facilities, and that the amount so fixed for each such applicant shall be
paid to him (or her), or to the institution attended by such applicant, as and when needed.

It is further resolved and ordered that in the event any applicant for admission
to the University of Virginia, who may be denied admission by said committee during the
recess of the Board, shall desire that the action of the committee denying such admission
be considered and reviewed by this Board, the President of said University shall forthwith
call a special meeting of this Board for the consideration and review of said action of
said committee.

It is further resolved and ordered that said committee shall report to this
Board for its approval and ratification, or its disapproval, all actions of said committee
during the recess following the last preceding meeting of the Board.

The following resolution covering elections during the summer was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, That
the President of the University, in consultation with the Deans and Committees
appointed by the President from the staff, be empowered during the summer to
employ those professors who have been authorized by the Board but who have not
yet been selected. It is understood that all actions of the President and
Committees will be brought to the Board for ratifications at their next meeting.

The President reported that with the approval of the Buildings and Grounds Committee
Pavilion X, now occupied by the widow of the late dean W. M. Lile, would be vacated
on August 1, 1936 and had been assigned to Dr. R. B. Bean at an annual rental of $500.00;
the residence on Monroe Hill, now occupied by the widow of the late Dean W. M. Thornton,
would be vacated on August 1, 1936 and had been assigned to Dr. J. Alex Waddell at a
rental of $500.00 per annum; that the residence on McCormick Road, formerly occupied by
Dean Page, would be vacated on September 1, 1936 but had not yet been assigned. The rental,
however, when assigned, to be $500.00 per annum.

The following Thomas Fortune Ryan Scholars were appointed for 1936-37:

George N. Wise  First District 
Millard Cass  Second District 
Charles M. Davison, Jr.,  Third District 
Francis D. Lazenby  Fourth District 
James W. Towler  Fifth District 
John T. Rucker  Sixth District 
Frederick M. Belmore  Seventh District 
James R. Low  Eighth District 
Charles E. Davis, Jr.  Ninth District 
Elbert T. Turner  Tenth District 

Nominations by the President for sundry instructors, assistants, scholarship and


fellowship holders were confirmed and will be found spread in detail on the payroll book
and scholarship book.

Upon application the Zeta Psi Fraternity was granted the privilege of reducing
its annual payments on account of its loan from the University from $1,000 to $500.00.

The President announced the resignation of Dr. Wm. H. Goodwin by reason of ill
health, effective June 15, 1936, and he was authorized to prepare a resolution with respect
to the services of Dr. Goodwin to be spread upon the minutes.

The budget of the University for the fiscal year 1936-37, as prepared by the
President and copies thereof mailed to all members of the Board, was taken up for consideration;
and after examination was, on motion duly made and seconded, adopted.

The detailed budget will be found filed in the office of the Secretary of the
Board in the Budget file.

The Rector pro-tem appointed the following Executive Committee of the Board for
the year 1936-37:

Messrs. Goolrick, R. Gray Williams, Mrs. Munford and the Rector.

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers