University of Virginia Library


The annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on this date at
8 o'clock P. M., being continued on the morning of the 10th. There were present Mr.
Fred W. Scott, Rector, and Visitors Buchanan, Hart, McIntire, Munford, Rinehart,
Shackelford, Walker and Williams. Judge Carson attended the meeting on the 10th, and
Messrs. Buchanan and Hart were absent at this time.

Minutes of the previous meeting, copies of which had been sent to the members
of the Board, were approved.

The President announced the total enrollment for the session of 1929-30,

The following gifts were announced,

From the estate of Mrs. Evelyn M. B. Tiffany, second payment  $130,000 
From the General Education Board, for the Department of
From Mr. Forrest Hyde, a proposed gift of  10,000 
the income from which is to be used to establish a scholarship
for a third-year law student. Mr. Hyde will pay $500 a year,
until such time as he can contribute the capital sum. 
From the Carnegie Corporation, through the American Council of
Learned Societies, for the support of the program for the collection
of Virginiana material for the Library 
From Mrs. Susan L. Stanard, to establish and endow a Fellowship
as a memorial to her brother, Capt. Craig Woodrow MacDonald,
an alumnus of the University of Virginia 
From Dr. Frederick P. Keppel, for the Library  500 
From the Seven Society, for the usual scholarship  350 
From the Yale University Press, for the Library of our
Political Science Department, a number of valuable books, this
gift being made in memory of William Howard Taft, B.A. Yale,
'78, and Arthur Twining Hadley, B.A. Yale '76, President
Emeritus of Yale University. 
From Mr. William A. Clark Jr., a letter of Thomas Jefferson,
and from various interested friends, alumni, etc., books,
pamphlets, and letters for the Virginiana Collection. 
From Mr. Preston Davie, of New York, photograph of a portrait
of James Patton Preston. 
Contributions, pledges, and prospective subscriptions for the
Institute of Public Affairs for the 1930 Institute 
and estimated fees of  1,000 

Resignations were received from the following members of the faculty, and
resolutions were adopted in reference thereto, as follows:

Dr. Richard Heath Dabney, Corcoran Professor of History.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, that Dr. Richard Heath Dabney be asked to continue his
duties as Corcoran Professor of History. It is the judgment of the
Board that the Department of History would be seriously weakened by
the resignation of Professor Dabney

Dr. Edwin Carlyle Markham, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia accept with regret the resignation of Dr. Edwin Carlyle
Markham, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Markham has carried
forward his work with devotion and skill.

Mr. Arthur Milton Young, Acting Assistant Professor of Greek:

RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Arthur Milton
Young, Acting Assistant Professor of Greek. Mr. Young has carried
forward his work here during the past year with devotion and skill,
and the Rector and Visitors wish him continued success.

Mr. Theobold Holsopple, Acting Instructor in Art and Architecture:

RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Theobold Holsopple,
Acting Instructor in Art and Architecture.

Leave of absence was granted to Dr. Archibald Bolling Shepperson, as set
forth in the following resolution:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that Dr. Archibald Bolling Shepperson, Assistant Professor of English,
be granted leave of absence from September 15, 1930 to January 1, 1931,
to do some work in connection with the work of the English Department.


The following promotions and changes in rank in the faculty were made,
effective with the session of 1930-31.

  • Duncan Clarke Hyde, B.A., Ph.D.
    Acting Associate to Associate Professor of Economics.

  • George W. Spicer, B.A., Ph.D.
    Acting Professor to Associate Professor of Political Science.

The following were elected to the faculty, incumbency to begin September 15,

  • Dr. Alexander David Fraser, Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology,
    at a salary of $3,750.

  • Mr. Frederic C. Disque, Assistant Professor of Architecture, at a salary of

  • Dr. Edwin C. Markham, formerly Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University
    of Virginia, Research Associate in Chemistry, at a salary of

  • Richard Thomas McGregor Bell, Instructor in Chemistry, at a salary of $2,400.

  • Lester Jesse Cappon, Archivist of the University Library, with the title of
    Acting Assistant Professor, at a salary of $3,000, incumbency to begin
    July 1, 1930.

The following appointments were made to the staff of the Institute for Research
in Social Sciences for terms beginning July 1, 1930, at the salaries stated per
year of twelve months. Appointments are to extend through June 30, 1932, conditioned
upon satisfactory service the first year, and renewal of the grant for the Institute by
the Rockefeller Foundation

  • Alvin B. Biscoe, Research Associate in Economics, at a salary of $2,800.

  • Edward Allison Terry, Research Associate in Rural Social Economics, at a
    salary of $2,500.

  • John Edward Hamm, Research Assistant in Labor Problems, at a salary of

The following were appointed to the Board of Advisors of the Mountain Lake
Biological Station.

  • Edwin Anderson Alderman, President of the University of Virginia, ex officio.

  • Donald Walton Davis, Professor of Zoology, College of William and Mary.

  • Lyman Denison, President Mountain Lake Hotel Corporation.

  • Ivey Foreman Lewis, Miller Professor of Biology, University of Virginia.

  • John Preston McConnell, President State Teachers College at East Radford.

  • Charles Gilmore Maphis, Professor of Education and Dean of the Summer
    Quarter, University of Virginia, Vice-Chairman.

  • Arthur Ballard Massey, Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology,
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

  • Albert Moore Reese, Professor of Zoology, West Virginia University.

  • Bruce Dodson Reynolds, Associate Professor of Biology, University of
    Virginia, Chairman.

  • A. Willis Robertson, Chairman, Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries
    for the State of Virginia.

  • Orland Emile White, Professor of Agricultural Biology and Director of the
    Blandy Experimental Farm, University of Virginia and Chairman Biology
    Section, Virginia Academy of Science.

The following resolution was adopted concerning elections during the summer

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the President of the University, in consultation with the Deans and
Committees appointed by the President from the staff, be empowered during
the summer to employ those professors who have been authorized by the Board,
but who have not yet been selected. It is understood that all actions of
the President and Committees will be brought to the Board for ratification
at their next meeting.

The following special appropriations were adopted:

For the Department of Art and Architecture, to make up salary
for Assistant Professor Disdue, who is being elected to fill
the vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Holsopple 
$ 850 
For the Student Self-Help Bureau  300 
For the Research Committee, to cover bill for printing, for

The following resolutions were adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,


That the President be and is hereby authorized to sign the release
to the Executors of the estate of Mrs. Evelyn M. B. Tiffany, in the
sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars.

RESOLVED, That Frederic W. Scott, Rector of the University of
Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized to sign, for either subscription
or for sale, the following certificates for subscription
rights to the stock of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company, issued
in the name of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia:

Certificate #6859 for 1380 rights.

Certificate #F19351 for 20 rights.

RESOLVED, That Frederic W. Scott, Rector of the University of
Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized to sign, for either subscription
or sale, the following certificates for subscription rights
to the stock of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, issued
in the name of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia:

Certificate #593-394 for 540 rights.

Certificate #593-395 for 2 rights.

RESOLVED, That Frederic W. Scott, Rector of the University of
Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized to sign the certificates of
stock, for either sale or transfer, as follows:

104  shares The Murray Company 
100  shares Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Corporation 
150  shares American Locomotive Company 
30  shares Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. pfd 
share Bethlehem Steel Corporation, pfd. 


The New Buildings Committee submitted through the Architectural Commission
sketches of the proposed building for Nurses' Home, with its location on the grounds
adjacent to the Hospital, the addition to be built to the Cobb Chemical Laboratory,
the Scott Stadium, and the Clark Memorial Law Building.

After full discussion of the several propositions, the following was

RESOLVED, That the Committee on New Buildings are hereby authorized
to receive bids for and to proceed with the erection of the Nurses' Home,
the annex to the Cobb Chemical Laboratory and the New Law Building, within
the appropriations for the respective buildings.

With reference to the road leading from Route 28 to Route 39, and running by
the Memorial Gymnasium, the following was adopted:

VIRGINIA, That the State Highway Commission be, and is hereby, petitioned
to build a public highway across the grounds of the University of Virginia,
connecting Route 28 on the South to Route 39 on the North of the University.
We desire to join the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County in making
this request and we sincerely hope that this work can be done before November
1, 1930.

With reference to granting an easement to the Virginia Public Service Company
across "Pantops" Farm:

RESOLVED, That the easement to the Virginia Public Service Company
across "Pantops" be granted, subject to the approval of the Buildings
and Grounds Committee of terms and conditions of such easement, and that
the Rector and Secretary be authorized to execute such contracts and conveyances
as may be necessary to carry out this conveyance when so approved.


THIS DEED made and entered into this 25th day of June, 1930, by and between
THE RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, party of the first part, hereinafter
called OWNER, and VIRGINIA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, a corporation, party of the
second part, hereinafter called COMPANY,


WHEREAS it has been found desirable by the party of the second part, in constructing
its electric transmission line from its sub-station near Charlottesville,
Virginia, to its new steam plant at Bremo Bluff, Virginia, to cross a certain tract
of land now owned by the party of the first part, known as "Pantops", and

WHEREAS by special act by the General Assembly of Virginia, passed at its
regular session held in the year 1930, as will appear from the Acts of the Assembly,
1930, page 921, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia were authorized
to convey to the party of the second part an easement and right-of-way for the erection
of the aforesaid electric transmission line, and

WHEREAS The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, by resolution
duly adopted, have authorized the conveyance of the said right-of-way to the party of
the second part;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, and of the further
sum of $1400.00, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
said party of the first part doth hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said party
of the second part, its successors and assigns, an easement and right-of-way upon which
to erect poles, towers and other supports and to guy, brace and re-locate and maintain
the same, and to string, stretch, suspend and construct thereon wires, cables and other
fixtures and appliances, including telephone wires necessary or convenient for the
transmission of electric current and the right to transmit electric current thereon
across and over a certain tract of land belonging to said OWNER, located in Albemarle


County, Virginia, generally known as "Pantops", adjoining the lands of R. C. Taylor,
et als, and containing approximately 363 acres, together with the right of ingress and
egress to and from said right-of-way, the right to keep said right-of-way free from
structures of all kinds that may be likely to interfere with the COMPANY'S use thereof,
and the right to cut and trim and to keep trimmed from the lands of the OWNER such limbs,
underbrush, trees and other growth as may interfere with, or be likely to interfere with
the foregoing uses.

The approximate route of said right-of-way, and the conditions of this deed,
are as follows:

"Beginning at an iron pipe, located at the intersection of the
north bank of the Rivanna River and the property line between the
properties of Owner and R. C. Taylor; thence in a northeasterly direction
along property line between Owner and R. C. Taylor, 820 feet,
more or less, to an iron pipe, thence south 88° 06′, west 1350 feet,
more or less, to an iron pipe; thence north 20° 42′, west 385 feet,
more or less, to an iron pipe located in the center of a small creek;
thence in a southwesterly direction along center line of small creek
405 feet, more or less, to the north bank of the Rivanna River, thence
easterly along and with the meanderings of the north bank of the Rivanna
River 1180 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe and the point of beginning,
as shown on map #VC-768 hereto annexed and made a part of this

OWNER reserves the right to make any use of said strip of land as may not be
inconsistent with this grant and as may not interfere with the COMPANY'S use thereof
for the foregoing purposes.

The COMPANY shall pay the OWNER for any damages done to crops, fences or
buildings of the OWNER during the construction of said line, and to pay the OWNER for
any damages done to crops, fences or buildings of the OWNER while making repairs to
said line, and in the event of their inability to agree upon the amount of such damages
the same shall be arbitrated in the usual manner.

This deed contains all agreements between the parties hereto relative to said
right-of-way, to the compensation for the use thereof, and to the damages, if any, resulting
from the use of the same.

The COMPANY may inspect, maintain, patrol and keep in repair all poles, towers,
wires, fixtures and appliances connected therewith on said land, and may remove the same
from said premises whenever it may elect to do so.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the said The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia has caused its name to be signed hereto by Frederick W. Scott, its Rector, and
its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by E. I. Carruthers, its Secretary,
they both being thereunto duly authorized, all upon the day and year first above


By Fred W. Scott,

E. I. Carruthers

I, Howard Winston, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that Frederick W. Scott, whose name as Rector of the University of Virginia,
is signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date on the 25th day of June, 1930,
personally appeared before me this day, in my said City and in the name and on behalf of
the said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, acknowledged the said
writing as the act and deed of the said The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, and made oath that he is Rector of the University of Virginia, and that the
seal affixed to said writing is the true corporate seal of the said the University of
Virginia, and that it has been affixed thereto by due authority.

My commission expires the 14th day of September, 1933.

Given under my hand this 28th day of June, 1930.

(Signed) Howard Winston,
Notary Public.

The Special Committee appointed at the April meeting, consisting of Messrs.
Shackelford and Williams, to study the need of additional athletic fields and to report
to the Board at the June meeting, submitted their report which was received and
discussed, with the following action taken by the Board thereon:

WHEREAS, at the meeting of the Board of Visitors, on April 3, 1930, a Committee
was appointed to study the need for additional athletic fields and to report
back to the June meeting, and, whereas the Committee has this day submitted its
report in writing to the Rector and Board of Visitors, and, whereas, the Rector and
Board of Visitors has given due consideration to the said report, be it therefore

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia,

FIRST, that the said report be received and filed.

SECOND, that the present athletic fee of $12.50 per student in the college be
increased to $15.00 per annum, and made applicable to all regularly matriculated students
in all departments of the University. The said fee shall be collected by the Bureau.


and paid over to the properly constituted officers of the General Athletic Association.

THIRD, that the Finance Committee of this Board be and is hereby authorized
to make a loan of $50,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the
General Funds of the University, to the General Athletic Association of the University
of Virginia, for the purposes hereinafter set forth, the amount of such loan
so advanced by the Rector and Visitors shall be evidenced by a bond or bonds of
the General Athletic Association, payable on demand, bearing interest at the rate
of six per cent per annum and payable semi-annually.

FOURTH, that this loan will be made to the General Athletic Association
on the condition that it shall be used for additional playing fields, for football,
baseball, track, tennis, lacrosse, and other sports, as follows:

  • (a) For resurfacing and rebuilding tennis courts.

  • (b) For building an athletic field between Ivy Road and the C. & O. Railway,
    and a track.

  • (c) For reconditioning Lefevre Field

  • (d) For acquiring additional land, and (or) building other fields on the
    Massie property or elsewhere, as may be hereafter designated and determined
    by the Board.

FIFTH, that to the Committee heretofore appointed, Mr. Hollis Rinehart is
added. This committee is fully authorized and empowered to act with reference to
matters embraced above, and designated in the Fourth paragraph, "a", "b" and "c",
but as to Item "d" under FOURTH, the Committee is only authorized to make further
investigation and report back to the Board before taking action.

SIXTH, that the said loan, the increased athletic fee, and the support of
this project by the Rector and Visitors is on the condition and with the understanding
that the General Athletic Association will set aside from the said Athletic Fee of
$15.00 per student, the sum of $5,00 per annum, per student, to pay the interest and
to retire the said debt.

SEVENTH, that the said loan, the increased athletic fee, and the support of
this project by the Rector and Board of Visitors is conditioned on its approval and
acceptance by the General Athletic Association of the University of Virginia. If, and
when, the loan and conditions contained in this Resolution are accepted by the General
Athletic Association, in manner and form, approved in writing by the Attorney for the
University, the action herein taken shall then become effective and all of the officers
and committees of the University required to act, in order to carry out the purposes of
this Resolution, shall then be fully authorized and empowered to act.

A communication was received from the Alumni Board of Trustees advising that
at a meeting of said Alumni Board on April 11, 1930, resolutions of appreciation of
President Alderman's services to the University were adopted, and that there was appropriated
from the funds under their control the sum of $2,500 per annum to be added to
the President's salary beginning July 1, 1930. The Board heard of the action of the
Alumni Board with much gratification and, after due consideration of the question, the
following offered by Mr. Williams was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the present salary of $12,500 of President Alderman be increased to
$15,000 per annum, effective July 1, 1930, subject to the approval of the
Governor of Virginia.

RESOLVED, That a committee consisting of the Rector and Mr. Williams
of this Board, with Mr. Tunstall of the Alumni Board of Trustees of the
University of Virginia Endowment Fund, be requested to present this action
to the Governor for his approval.

The question of consent of the University to changing deed of trust on Merry
Mills property was referred to the Finance Committee to investigate and report back.

The following Instructors, Assistants, Fellows and Scholars were appointed
for the session 1930-31:

Luther W. Green, Instructor in Music & Dramatic Art 300.00.

John L. Charlton, Instructor in Rural Social Economics.

William L. Leap, Instructor in Rural Social Economics.

Lodwick S. Meriwether, Richard Henry Whitehead Scholarship.

Miss Jean Barksdale Jones, William Selden Memorial Scholarship.

Algernon K. Turner, Virginia State Medical Scholarship 1929-30.

Wallace E. Herrell, Virginia State Medical Scholarship 1929-30.

George D. Cappacio, Sanitary Inspector.

John Ambler, Sanitary Inspector.

Clayton B. Ethridge, Seven Society Alumni Medical Scholarship.

Thomas Aubrey White, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Fellowship in Chemistry.

Alfred Arbogast, Philip F. du Pont Scholarship in Art and Architecture.

Leroy Phillips, Philip F. du Pont Scholarship in Art and Architecture.

Leonard Chapman Drake, Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Donald Bode Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Robert Joseph Taylor Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Marion Randolph Lytton Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Lowrey Love Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Floyd Henry Winsing Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Philip Allen Whitaker Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Fred Shank Palmer Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Dudley Cosby Smith Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

John Lyttleton Justice Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Frank N. Wilder Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Roy Bryan Davis Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

C. I. Parrish Philip F. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry.

Benjamin Gildersleeve Philip F. du Pont Scholarship in Geology.

Murray Ferguson Philip F. du Pont Scholarship in Geology.

J. S. Johnson Philip F. du Pont Scholarship in Geology.


Miss Dorothy Brame, du Pont Service Fellow and Instructor in Pharmacology.

George Gaines Leckie B.A., M.A., du Pont Service Fellow in Philosophy.

Homer G. Richey, B.A., M.A., du Pont Service Fellow in Philosophy.

Wm. S. Weedon, B.S. du Pont Service Fellow in Philosophy.

A. Graydon Wood, B.A., M.A., du Pont Service Fellow in Psychology.

J. M. Porter, Jr., du Pont Service Scholar in Psychology.

Tom Moore Carruth, du Pont Service Scholar in French.

Lloyd Guy Fangel, du Pont Service Scholar in French.

Thompson B. Maury, du Pont Service Scholar in French.

Herbert Leslie Morgenroth du Pont Service Scholar in French.

John Rogers Slidell, du Pont Service Scholar in French.

Clarence Edw. Topping, du Pont Service Scholar in French.

Clifton Brook McIntosh, B.A., M.A., Service Scholar in Spanish.

Linton Lomas Barrett, du Pont Service Fellow in Spanish.

Chas. Gordon Reid, Jr., du Pont Service Scholar in Spanish.

Samuel Sigelman, du Pont Service Scholar in Spanish.

Harold Edward Grotta, du Pont Service Scholar in Spanish.

Robert Genovese, du Pont Service Scholar in Italian.

Joseph Marchese, du Pont Service Scholar in Italian.

Magda Celsa Piccone Rinetti du Pont Service Scholar in Italian.

Leonie A. van de Kamp-Met du Pont Service Scholar in Italian.

Harvey Clarke, Board of Visitors Fellowship in French.

Linton Lomas Barrett Board of Visitors Fellowship in Spanish.

Hans Heyn, Ph. D., du Pont Fellow, Blandy Experimental Farm.

Ernst von Kesseler, Ph. D., du Pont Fellow, Blandy Experimental Farm.

Thomas W. Whitaker, B.S., M.S., du Pont Fellow Blandy Experimental Farm.

Walter S. Flory, B.A., M.A., du Pont Fellow Blandy Experimental Farm.

Hiram M. Showalter, B.A., M.A., du Pont Fellow Blandy Experimental Farm.

John A. Tiedeman, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.

Edward C. Stevenson, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.

Ralph B. Johnson, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.

Edward S. Gwathmey, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.

Jas. A. Hootman, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.

Philip P. Keiley, du Pont Service Fellow in Physics.


  • Virginia R. Case

  • Philip van U di Zerega

  • Samuel Lewis King

  • Manley L. Maddox

  • David I. Muntzing

  • Amy Louise Reid

  • Virginia Miner Smith

  • J. Hoge Tyler Sutherland

  • William Z. Catterton

  • James Edwards Hoofnagle

  • Alfred Luttrell

  • Gabe Nicholas Maupin

  • Constance M. Page

  • Harry Paul Shaffer

  • Jesse V. Taylor

  • Marshall P. Claiborne

  • Philip Ludwell Johnson

  • Robert Hamilton Lillard

  • Elbert Lawson Mumma

  • Lillian Roberts

  • Catherine P. Smith

  • John V. Boitnott

Robert Burwell Nelson, Jr., Miller School of Biology Scholarship - 1 year.

Thomas Keith Tindale, Miller School of Biology Scholarship - 2 years.

du Pont Service Fellows in Biology.

Edwin deWitt Miller

Chauncey McLean Gilbert

Maurice Langhorne Leitch

Donald R. Mann

Ladley Husted

John Nelson Leavell

Oscar Pilcher Sadler

Margaret Hess

Roland Guy Eves, Jr.

John Calhoun Shiver

Gordon Blumfield Wolcott

John Page Williams

du Pont Fellows in James Wilson School of
Economics, and McIntire School of Commerce.


L. R. Gray

Lewis K. Johnson

Robert O'Kelly, Jr.

Bolling R. Powell

John J. O'Keefe


Wm. Green Muncy

Eric Eastwood

Leland Howard


W. A. Summers

David S. Bridewell

Roy Marcell us Williams

Harry G. Bowman

Emily E. Travis

George Raymond Stevens


E. V. Jones,  First Congressional District 
W. H. Baker, Jr.  Second Congressional District 
C. M. Nelson  Third Congressional District 
W. D. Jarman  Fourth Congressional District 
E. C. Gerrard, Jr.  Fifth Congressional District 
Ben Belitt,  Sixth District 
W. D. Cabell  Seventh District 
Harold M. Jackson  Eighth District 
M. McT. Sutherland  Ninth District 
R. B. Bowles  Tenth District 

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers