University of Virginia Library


A conference of the Rector and Visitors was held in Richmond at the John
Marshall Hotel on this date at 8 o'clock, P. M., to consider certain matters in connection
with the requests of the University for capital outlays for the biennium of

There were present the Rector, C. Harding Walker, and Visitors Buchanan,
McIntire, Mrs. Munford, Rinehart, Scott and Williams, and President Alderman.

The President stated that he had, with the approval of the Board, submitted
the following requests for capital outlays for the University for the biennial budget
of 1930-32:


1.  Completion of central heating plant  $ 152,000 
2.  New Engineering Building  250,000 
(If the State will supply $250,000, the University
will raise $250,000)
3.  Home for Nurses  200,000 
4.  Women's Building (not a dormitory)  100,000 
5.  Addition to Biological Laboratory  40,000 
6.  Addition to Law Building  75,000 
7.  Completion of wing to Hospital, two stories  80,000 
8.  Teacher training building  200,000 
(If State will supply $200,000, the University
will raise $100,000)
9.  Additional dormitories  500,000 

and that he had received a request from the Governor to meet him tomorrow morning in
conference with respect to the University's budget requests, for capital outlays to be
incorporated in the Governor's Budget, recommendations to be presented to the Legislature.
The Governor had intimated to him that in view of the fact that he would be unable
to recommend the whole amount for capital outlay, he would like to have the Board express
its preference for priority of the items listed.

During the discussion of the matter it developed that not more than $600,000
might be expected for capital outlays, the question then being which items should have
priority. It was generally agreed that completion of the central heating plant and additional
dormitories were the most pressing needs in the field of capital outlays. The
order of priority then would be, 1. Completion of heating plant, 2. Additional dormitories,
3. New Engineering building, 4. Home for Nurses, 5. Women's building, etc. Mrs.
Munford moved that the order of the Women's Building be made 4th on the list, which was
lost by a vote of 6 to 1 (Mrs. Munford voting in the affirmative).

The original motion was then put and adopted by a vote of 6 to 1 (Mrs. Munford
voting in the negative), as follows:

RESOLVED, That in the list of capital outlays requested for the
University, as presented to the Governor for incorporation in the biennial
budget for 1930-32, the dormitory request be made second, and that
the other items remain in their present order:

That in case the Governor cannot recommend the full amount of
the first three items, including the dormitory request, totalling
$902,000, any reduction therefrom be taken from the dormitory request.

It was voted that the Rector and President, and such other members of the Board
as may find it convenient, present the action of the meeting to the Governor.

The conference then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers