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Miss Alcott is really a benefactor of Households.

H. H.

LITTLE MEN: Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys.
By Louisa M. Alcott. With Illustrations. Price

“The gods are to be congratulated upon the success of the Alcott experiment,
as well as all childhood, young and old, upon the singular charm of the little men
and little women who have run forth from the Alcott cottage, children of a maiden
whose genius is beautiful motherhood.”

The Examiner.

“No true-hearted boy or girl can read this book without deriving benefit from
the perusal; nor, for that matter, will it the least injure children of a larger growth
to endeavor to profit by the examples of gentleness and honesty set before them in
its pages. What a delightful school `Jo' did keep! Why, it makes us want to
live our childhood's days over again, in the hope that we might induce some kind-hearted
female to establish just such a school, and might prevail upon our parents
to send us, `because it was cheap.'... We wish the genial authoress a long
life in which to enjoy the fruits of her labor, and cordially thank her, in the name
of our young people, for her efforts in their behalf.”

Waterbury American.

“Miss Alcott, whose name has already become a household word among little
people, will gain a new hold upon their love and admiration by this little book.
It forms a fitting sequel to `Little Women,' and contains the same elements of
popularity.... We expect to see it even more popular than its predecessor, and
shall heartily rejoice at the success of an author whose works afford so much hearty
and innocent enjoyment to the family circle, and teach such pleasant and wholesome
lessons to old and young.”

N. Y. Times.

“Suggestive, truthful, amusing, and racy, in a certain simplicity of style which
very few are capable of producing. It is the history of only six months' school-life
of a dozen boys, but is full of variety and vitality, and the having girls
with the boys is a charming novelty, too. To be very candid, this book is so
thoroughly good that we hope Miss Alcott will give us another in the same genial
vein, for she understands children and their ways.”

Phil. Press.

A specimen letter from a little woman to the author of “Little Men.”

Dear Miss Alcott, — We have just finished “Little Men,” and like it so
much that we thought we would write and ask you to write another book sequel to
“Little Men,” and have more about Laurie and Amy, as we like them the best.
We are the Literary Club, and we got the idea from “Little Women.” We have
a paper two sheets of foolscap and a half. There are four of us, two cousins and
my sister and myself Our assumed names are: Horace Greeley, President; Susan
B Anthony, Editor; Harriet B Stowe, Vice-President; and myself, Anna C.
Ritchie, Secretary. We call our paper the “Saturday Night,” and we all write
stories and have reports of sermons and of our meetings, and write about the
queens of England. We did not know but you would like to hear this, as the
idea sprang from your book; and we thought we would write, as we liked your
book so much. And now, if it is not too much to ask of you, I wish you would
answer this, as we are very impatient to know if you will write another book; and
please answer soon, as Miss Anthony is going away, and she wishes very much to
hear from you before she does. If you write, please direct to — Street, Brooklyn,

Yours truly,

Alice —.

Mailed to any address, postpaid, on receipt of the advertised
price, by the Publishers,