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Paul, the apossel, on his way frum Geroosalem
2 Damaskus, to persekoot the Crischens, seed a
dazzlin lite wich struck him blind. The old
Dimokrasy, on the 13th uv October, on its way to
Glory, to persekoot the nigger, seed a lite wich
nocked it crazy. Wen yu 've suckt a orange dry,
natrelly yoo fling away the peel; and if the froot
provd sour and bitter instid uv sweet, yoo fling
it a good deel further, bein disgustid. Vallandigum's
marterdom wuz our orange—we suckt
it wiggerously; but, alas! quinine is sweetnis
compared to it; to-wit: I fling away the wuthless

Myself and flock is now all war Dimekrats.
We hev alluz bin. We never agreed with the
extreemists uv our party, and we remaned in the
organnyzation only becoz, ez members thereof, we
cood restrane it frum doing mischif. We wer
zealus in the support uv Vallandigum, and workt
hard to elect him, only that, being his supporters,
and havin electid him, we cood curb him.


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Therefore, all our apparent opposishen to the
war wuz reely its most effishent support. I hope
the peeple will see it.

At a biznis meetin uv our Church yisterdy
afternoon, the follerin resolooshens wuz past:

Wareas, Dimokrasy flurishes best wen it is
successful; and wareas, it is a tender flower that
do n't bare the chillin frosts uv adversity much;
and wareas, the peeple hev shode by the pekoolyer
stile uv ther votin that they do n't like Vallandigum
ner his principples; and wareas, the peeple
is uv moar use to us than Vallandigum; therefore
be it

Resolvd, That Vallandigum never wuz a representativ
uv the Dimekratik idee.

Resolvd, That we do not indorse his views, or
approve his acts, and never did.

Resolvd, That honist old A. Linkin, by arrestin
uv him, and thereby forsin uv us into committin
polittikle sooiside by nominatin uv him, wuz guilty
uv a heenus sin.

Resolvd, That we aint ez much consernd about
our habis corpusses ez we wuz afore the elecshen.

Resolvd, That the war for the Union must go
on until its enemies is subjoogated, and the banner
uv buty and glory waves over every stait; and
the Dimekratik committis uv the varius staits be


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requestid to procoor a sufficient number uv banners,
and appint sub-committis to wave em.

Resolvd, That we air in favor uv subjoogashen,
emansipashen, confiscashen, taxashen, conscripshen,
exterminashen, nigger enlistments; and ef
ther is any thing else the peeple desire, let em
write us, (post pade,) and weel pass the nessary

These preamble and resolooshens (which, at my
reqwest, wuz past unanimusly) strikes me ez kivering
the hull ground.

Waitin and watchin,

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.