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Tadlock, J. D., 683.

Taliquo, Indian town, 73.

Tarleton, 350, 354, 356, 358.

Tate, Thomas M., 775.

Tax on tea retained, 180.

Taylor, Hancock, 147, 148; Major James, 479; Major John, 116, 363;
Zachary, 489.

Tazewell county, Indian atrocities in, 385, 386.

Tea destroyed in Boston harbor, 183.

Tecumseh, 32.

Telico, 244.

Tennessee, admitted in 1796, 709.

Territorial Government, effort to establish, 550.

Terry, William, 760.


Page 909

Test, oath, required of all citizens, 219.

Thomas, Benj., 385; Isaac, rewarded for services, 219, 243, 247.

Thompson, Charles, 191, 206; Hugh, 42; James, 104, 109, 131, 135, 237,
402; William, 83.

Thompson's Valley, 157.

Tinkling Spring, 139.

Tithables, commissioned to take lists, 258.

Tomney, W. H., 789.

Toquo, 243.

Tories and British spies, 272, 277, 292, 293, 366, 421.

Townsend, speech in House of Commons, 170.

Trade, board of, bill of parliament to appoint, 177.

Trails, Indian, 27, 28, 29, 33, 76.

Transalleghany, pioneers, 35.

Treaty with Indians, 67, 85, 90, 92, 110, 114, 247, 248; between France and
England, 79.

Tree, inscription by Boone, 76.

Trials of Americans, to be conducted in England, 178.

Trigg, Abram, 756; Connally F., 763, 774; Daniel, 787.

Troops and officers of Washington county, 517.

Troops of States in Revolutionary war, 865.

Tryon, Geo., 115.

Tuckasee, 365.

Turnpikes, Abingdon and Saltville, 447; Southwestern, 506, 509.

Turtle tribe, 32.