University of Virginia Library


The University reserves the right to approve the housing arrangements of all students.

All students entering one of the undergraduate schools directly from high or preparatory school,
or as transfers from other colleges, are required to live in one of the Residence Houses during their
first two regular semesters at the University and may be required to live in University accommodations
during one additional session thereafter, prior to graduation. Other students may live in University
accommodations on the Grounds, or in approved fraternity or rooming houses.

The Director of Housing, upon request to him in writing, may authorize exceptions to these residence
requirements in cases of those students who will live at home with their families. Married
students who will establish their homes at the University do not require special permission.

All rooms in University facilities are rented subject to the University Housing Terms and Conditions
of Occupancy.

All women students, regardless of school or status, are required to secure the approval for their
living accommodations from the Dean of Women, and all correspondence about housing for women should
be directed to that office