University of Virginia Library


Referring to the request from Mr. Walter Chinn, of Fredericksburg, for permission to read
the transcript of testimony in the hearing before the Board of charges against Dr. Combs, the
Rector read aloud to the Board the letter that he had written to Mr. Chinn in response to the
Board's resolution of April 9th.

The Rector, stating that this letter had brought forth no response from Mr. Chinn except
a rather unsatisfactory telephone call, asked for an expression of the wishes of the Board
in the event that Mr. Chinn shall request permission to see the Board's minutes relative to
the charges against Dr. Combs

In the discussion that followed, Mr. Black reported that he had consulted the Attorney
General, Mr. Lindsay Almond, as to the legal status of the Board's minutes. The
Attorney General appeared to consider it incumbent on the Board to make its minutes, but
not its correspondence and other papers, available for inspection, under the custodian's
supervision, to citizens making application to the Board and stating a proper reason for the

After further discussion, during which the Rector read to the Board a letter addressed to
the Secretary by Dr. Gilbert Lipton, of Fredericksburg, the Board resolved that if a further
request is received from Mr. Chinn, the Rector shall advise him that he can examine the
minutes at the University in the presence of the Custodian, providing that he shall state
in writing to the Rector a proper purpose for the inspection.