University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia was held on this date in the Office of the President of the University, at
Charlottesville, with the following present: The Rector, Barron F. Black; President Colgate W.
Darden, Jr., Visitors Coxe, Dunn, Emmett, Gravatt, Gray, Howard, McWane, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith,
Talbott, and Wheeler. Absent: Visitors Barksdale and Mears.

The minutes of the meeting of 12 March 1954, previously distributed, were approved


The Rector appointed Miss Dunn to be a member of the Committee on Mary Washington College
and Mr. Howard to be Chairman of that Committee, making the present membership of committees
as follows

Executive Committee  Mr. Black, Chairman 
Mr. Mears 
Mr. Talbott 
Finance Committee  Mr. Mears, Chairman 
Mr. Talbott 
Mr. Gray 
Buildings and Grounds
Mrs. Smith, Chairman 
Judge Barksdale 
Mr. McWane 
Mary Washington College
Mr. Howard, Chairman 
Mrs. Smith 
Miss Wheeler 
Mr. Gravatt 
Miss Dunn 
Athletic Committee  Mr. Talbott, Chairman 
Mr. Coxe 
Mr. Mears 
Medical Committee  Dr. Emmett, Chairman 
Mr. Smith 
Mr. Coxe 
Mrs. Smith 
Student Activities
Mr. Gravatt, Chairman 
Judge Barksdale 


President Darden reported the following gifts and grants

From Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davison, Jr., to establish the James Southall Wilson
$ 1,000.00 
From Miss Elizabeth B. Ewing, to be added to the Hospital Sundry Gifts Fund.  100.00 
From Mrs. Paul K. Fisher and Mrs. Edward Johnson, to the Bibliographical Society,
for the publication of the Turnbull Bibliography of South Carolina 
From Mrs. Lucretia WoodsWyckoff, in behalf of the nieces and nephews of the late
Samuel Forrest Hyde, to be added to the Samuel Forrest Hyde Scholarship Fund 
From the Heart Association of Northern Virginia, to be used for the Cardio-Pulmonary
From the Virginia Heart Association, to be added to the Cardiovascular Research
From Dr. John T. Bate, to be added to the Student Loan Fund  500.00 
From the Taraknath Das Foundation, for use by the Woodrow Wilson Department of
Foreign Affairs in promoting Indian studies 
From Anderson Brothers Book Store, to be added to the Foreign Student Fund  100.00 
From the U. S. Public Health Service, for continued research under Dr. Cornelia
From the Chemical Corps Research Procurement Agency, for research under Dr.
Alfred Chanutin 


The Board adopted the following resolutions

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. John Kerry King, Assistant Professor of Foreign Affairs, be and he is hereby granted
leave of absence without pay for the session of 1954-55 in order to accept a Carnegie Research

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. James Cook Bardin, Professor of Romance Languages, be and he is hereby granted leave
of absence without pay from September 13 to October 1, 1954, at which time he wishes to retire
from his position. He has been on the staff of the University since 1910

We wish for him many years of happiness in his retirement



The following resolution was adopted by the Board.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Roger Caldwell Davis, Instructor in Architecture, be and he is hereby promoted to
Assistant Professor of Architecture as of the beginning of the session of 1954-55, at a session
salary of $4,200.00


The Board adopted the following resolutions

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty.

Dr. Charles Cortez Abbott as Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration and
Professor of Banking and Finance, at an annual salary of $12,500, effective September 1, 1954

Mr. Wallace R. Brandon as Instructor in German for the session of 1954-55, at a session
salary of $3,700, effective September 15, 1954.

Dr. John McMillan Mennell as Lecturer in Medical Orthopedics and Director of Physical
Medicine, effective March 1, 1954, at a salary of $1,000 per year, to be paid from the
National Fund for Medical Education


In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia on July 14, 1945, authorizing the President to
give the proper professorial standing on the faculty to officers of the armed services
on duty at the University in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs, the following
appointment was announced by the President.

Lieutenant (jg) William H. Heathcote, as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, at no
salary from the University, effective in the summer of 1954.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
hospital accounts Schedules 433, 436, and 437, aggregating $22,140.19, recommended
by them for cancellation.


The Rector read to the Board a letter from Mr. Chinn of Fredericksburg requesting that
he be permitted to see transcripts of the hearings before the Board in December, January,
and February on the charges against Dr. Morgan L. Combs.

After considerable discussion, the Board resolved. (1) that the Rector be authorized
to inform Mr. Chinn that Dr. Combs' Attorney, Mr. Willis, has a copy of the only existing
transcript of the testimony in the hearings regarding Dr. Combs, and (2) that the Rector be
authorized to say to Mr. Chinn that he may see this transcript at Mr. Willis' office, or
at the office of the Secretary in Charlottesville, providing that Mr. Willis, acting
for Dr. Combs, grants him permission to do so


The President presented a letter from Mrs. Lucille Parson, student in the School of
Education, and wife of Dr. William Parson, Professor of Internal Medicine, requesting permission
to matriculate as a student in the College of Arts and Sciences. After some expressions of
dissent, the Board resolved that the Dean of the College be directed to admit Mrs. Parson
as a regular student. Mr. Talbott requested that his vote, one of three dissenting votes,
be recorded


Mrs. Smith presented the following Report for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds

In Compliance with established policy relative to residency on The Lawn, an effort has
been made by the Committee to provide proportionate representation from the several Schools,
giving preferential consideration to the Deans of the Schools with consideration of seniority
among applicants. It is recommended that the following assignments be made.

Pavilion II, East Lawn to Dean Lewis M. Hammond

Pavilion VI, East Lawn to Dean L. J. Stiles

Pavilion III, West Lawn to Professor A. F. MacConochie

/s/ A. D. Barksdale
/s/ H. E. McWane
/s/ Mrs. H. McK. Smith
The Board resolved to accept and approve the Report



President Darden briefly reviewed the previous steps taken toward the establishment of
a Graduate School of Business Administration, commented on the outstanding work of Virginia
bankers and business men under the leadership of Mr. Henry E. McWane and others in raising
a million-dollar fund for the foundation, and reported that the General Assembly has
appropriated matching funds for the income from this fund of approximately $100,000 for
the coming biennium.

In the discussion which followed, it was emphasized that the new School would provide
graduate instruction at an advanced level for a limited number of persons who have demonstrated
superior capacity in the field either as (1) undergraduate students in economics and related
subjects, or as (2) young bankers or business men demonstrating unusual promise in the performance
of their work, in addition, the School would organize short courses at the University and
elsewhere in Virginia, providing practical training and refresher courses for larger numbers of
working bankers and business men. President Darden pointed out that the School would probably
be unable to admit students earlier than September 1955. The first dean would need a year
in which to plan the organization of the School and its program, to select the teachers, and
to become acquainted with the University faculties and the bankers and business men of
Virginia with whom he must work.

After further discussion, the following Resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that a Graduate School of Business Administration be and it is hereby created as a separate
School of the University.

The President thereupon nominated as the first Dean of the Graduate School of Business
Administration Dr. Charles Cortez Abbott, now Converse Professor of Banking and Finance in
the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. In reference to Dr.
Abbott's reputation as an authority on banking and finance, President Darden remarked that
his election as the first professor in the new School would be a testimonial to the generous
contributions in time and money which the bankers of Virginia are giving toward the creation
of the School

The Board, after discussing the qualifications of Dr. Abbott, unanimously resolved that
he be elected Dean and Professor, as noted above under Elections.


President Darden laid before the Board a letter from the Dean of the College, as follows

Office of the Dean
President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia
Dear President Darden

In their Annual Reports for 1952-53, the Divisions of Philosophy and Psychology of the
Corcoran Department of Philosophy and Psychology strongly recommended that they be established
as separate academic Departments. This recommendation is wholly in accord with the pronounced
trend of recent years in regard to such matters, and I heartily concur in it. Each of the
Divisions is amply large in both staff and enrollment to be a Department, they are housed in
widely separated buildings, and they function quite independently of each other

The name "Corcoran" should be retained by the Department of Philosophy but not by the
Department of Psychology. There was formerly only the "Corcoran School of Philosophy." I
remember when the words "and Psychology" were added to the title.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Geo. O. Ferguson, Jr.
Acting Dean

After discussion the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Division of Psychology in the Corcoran Department of Philosophy and Psychology be and
it is hereby established as a separate department of the College of Arts and Sciences to be
designated the Department of Psychology, its chairman to be designated the Chairman of the
Department of Psychology.

RESOLVED FURTHER that the Division of Philosophy be and it is hereby designated the
Corcoran Department of Philosophy, its chairman to be designated the Chairman of the Corcoran
Department of Philosophy



The President laid before the Board a letter from the President of the Lynchburg Chapter of the
University of Virginia Alumni Association, together with the Bursar's Balance Sheet for the
Lynchburg Alumni Loan Fund, as follows

Mr. W. D. Johnson, Assistant Bursar
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Johnson

You will recall that I have, in the past, had some correspondence with you in reference to the
Lynchburg Chapter of the University of Virginia Loan Fund, and as of September 30, 1953, you
forwarded to me a statement not only of the assets, but of the notes receivable. At one
of our Lynchburg Alumni Meetings of recent date, we unanimously passed a motion to the effect
that we desire that the Lynchburg Alumni Loan Fund be returned to our Chapter for deposit in one
of Lynchburg's banks in order that we may earn interest on the money when it lays idle as it has
in the majority of years since 1924, and we believe that by having it in a local bank we can use
this money to help students through University in many more cases, for as I informed you in past
correspondence, for so many years we did not realize that this fund was still in effect at your
office, therefore, would you please be so kind as to inform me as to the manner in which I
should approach you for the release of such funds to our chapter

Thanking you for your kind consideration of this letter, and with best wishes and kindest
regards, I am

Sincerely yours,
/s/ William E. McBratney, Jr.

Lynchburg Alumni Loan Fund
Balance Sheet

At March 31, 1954

Cash  $1,102.62 
Notes Receivable  650.00 
Total Assets  $1,752.62 
Reserve for Delinquent Notes  450.00 
(Due Prior to January 1, 1930) 
Principal of Fund  1,302.62 
Total Reserve and Principal  $ 1,752.62 

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the comptroller of the University be and he is hereby authorized to return to the
Lynchburg Chapter of the University of Virginia Alumni Association the balance of the Fund
advanced by the Chapter to the University for making loans to needy students, it being
the understanding of this Board that the Fund will continue to be used for the purpose for
which it was created.


President Darden referred to his letter to The Rector dated March 26, 1954 (copies of
which have been mailed to members of the Board and to Professor Wright) reviewing the record
of Professor David McC. Wright's tenancy of the cottage at No. 2 Dawson's Row, and abstracting
the relevant parts of that portion of Professor Wright's correspondence on the subject which
has been addressed to the President

In the discussion which followed, the following points were made: (1) Residence in the
University Grounds is a privilege, not a right of University professors, only a few houses
are available, (2) Professor Wright originally requested and was assigned the No. 2 Dawson's
Row house with full understanding that the arrangement was temporary, that the University
planned demolition of the house at an early date, and that extensive repairs could not
be anticipated.

After stating that Professor and Mrs. Wright, in response to the Resolution adopted
by the Board on March 12th, have sent to Mr. O'Grince, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds,
a statement of their minimum requirements in repairs to the house, the President laid before the
Board the following letter, with attached statements supporting the figures mentioned therein


Office of the Superintendent
Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University, Virginia
Dear Mr. Darden

In reference to your request for an estimate on the renovation of the Wright cottage, see
the attached

My initial estimate of $6650 covers only those items requested by Mrs. Wright. Now as for
a complete estimate on the renovation of their residence, which the writer feels will then place
this home on par with other Faculty residences on the Grounds, the cost of the work involved will
total $11,850. This latter figure includes the initial $6650 mentioned above

Sincerely yours,
/s/ S. H. O'Grince


April 6, 1954 
(a)  Replastering and repainting entire inside area  $ 2,500.00 
(b)  Masonry - fireplace reinforced with new brick  150.00 
(c)  Electrical - wiring  1,500.00 
(d)  Flooring  2,500.00 
TOTAL  $6,650.00 


March 24, 1954 
1.  Electrical - Rewire completely  $ 1,500.00 
2.  Plumbing- New sink, kitchen cabinets  750.00 
3.  Plastering - 75% to be replaced  2,500.00 
4.  Paint - complete interior  1,500.00 
5.  Floors- replace living room, dining room, master bed room, renew joist
in kitcher 
6.  Rebuild rear porch  500.00 
7.  Rework and replace exterior siding  250.00 
8.  Heating - replacing radiators  250.00 
9.  Misc. carpentry - trim, doors, hardward, clothes closets  1,000.00 
10.  Misc. contingencies  750.00 
11.  Replace and rework blinds  350.00 
TOTAL  $11,850.00 

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
(1) that the request of Professor and Mrs. Wright be denied, the expense required to perform
the repairs specified as the minimum renovation satisfactory to them being unjustifiably high
for a temporary cottage which is to be demolished, probably two years hence, and not later than
four years from now, and (2) that the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds be directed
to carry out only such miminum repairs as will make possible the tenancy of the house by
Professor Wright (if he wishes to retain it) or by such other tenant as may be assigned to
the house as his successor


President Darden distributed to the Board, by request of the University Senate, copies
of a Report submitted to the Senate on March 12th by a Committee "formed in February, 1954
for the purpose of studying the Constitution and functions of the University Senate
and reporting its findings to that Senate." The President invited special attention to
the section on Athletics, pages 4-6, and to the Conclusions on page 9

The discussion which followed included expressions of agreement with the "Conclusions",
but members noted that the section on athletics did not indicate a comprehension of the
Board's attitude on consultation with the Faculty, or of all the steps by which the Board
has reached its decisions on athletics since 1950. The opinion was expressed that the
Board has given meticulous attention to faculty opinion at every stage of its decisions
on athletics. There was general agreement on the desirability of more contacts of the
Board with Faculty members.

The Board resolved: (1) that The Rector should write to Professor Runk, Secretary
of the Senate, acknowledging receipt of the Report, stating that copies have been given
to each member of the Board for study, and advising him of the Board's attitude and that the
Board would communicate with the Senate at a later date regarding the contents of the Report,
(2) that the Chairman of the Athletic Committee prepare for the use of the Board in replying to
the Senate, with reference to pages 4-6, a factual summary of the steps taken by the Board on athletics
from the year 1950 to the present, and (3) that the Secretary file a copy of the Report with
the minutes of this meeting



On motion of Mr. Coxe it was resolved that at future Board meetings a ten-minute recess
be called at 11:30.


President Darden referred to earlier proposals for a return by the Board to its former
practice of holding fewer meetings in addition to the Annual Meeting (required by law and
normally held in June), and initiated a discussion on reducing next session's meetings from
twelve to six, but extending the meeting period to two days in order to allow time for Board
members to meet with representative members of the various faculties on the preceding
afternoon or evening.

The discussion included numerous expressions of approval, but members proposed that the
experiment of meeting with faculty groups from the several Schools of the University be tried
at once, without waiting for the organization of the next session's Board meetings.

The Board thereupon resolved that the President be asked to arrange for a dinner to be
held by the Board on Thursday evening May 13th, and to invite to it the Dean and several
professors of the Medical School, with the object of improving acquaintances and holding
informal conversations on subjects of interest to the Medical faculty.



The following resolutions were adopted by the Board.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. Thomas M. Stritch be and he is hereby elected Instructor in Psychology at Mary Washington
College, at a salary of $3,420 per session, incumbency to begin 13 September 1954

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Miss Yvette Marie Fallandy be and she is hereby elected Instructor in French at Mary
Washington College, at a salary of $3,240, incumbency to begin 13 September 1954.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Miss Caroline Browne be and she is hereby elected Instructor in History for the session
of 1954-55 as a substitute for Professor Almont Lindsey, who will be absent on leave for this period


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. Almont Lindsey be and he is hereby granted an extension of his leave of absence,
without pay, until the beginning of the 1955-56 session in September 1955


Copies of a summary "Distribution of Academic Grades, First Semester, 1953-54", for the
College were laid before the Board, a similar summary for the University having previously
been sent to Board members.


The proposed Budget for the College was laid before the Board, and the Rector introduced
Mr. Edgar E. Woodward, Bursar, who presented a schedule of student fees, with proposed increases
for the 1954-55 session

After discussion the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the General College Fee paid by all students of Mary Washington College be and it is hereby
increased by $100.00 per nine-month session, from $170. to $270.; and that the Tuition Fee
paid by students not residents of Virginia be and it is hereby increased by $60. per nine-month
session from $280. to $340.; both increases to be effective at the beginning of the
1954-55 session, and resulting in the following schedule

Virginia Students  Current  1954-55  Increase 
General College Fees  170.00  270.00  100.00 
Library Fee  10.00  10.00 
Laundry Fee  12.00  12.00 
Infirmary Fee  6.00  6.00 
Student Activity Fee  18.00  18.00 
Board  315.00  315.00 
Furnished Room  126.00  126.00 
657.00  757.00  100.00 
Non-Resident Students 
Tuition  280.00  340.00  60.00 
General College Fees  170.00  270.00  100.00 
Library Fee  10.00  10.00 
Laundry Fee  12.00  12.00 
Infirmary Fee  6.00  6.00 
Student Activity Fee  18.00  18.00 
Board  315.00  315.00 
Furnished Room  126.00  126.00 
937.00  1,097.00  160.00 

After further discussion it was resolved by the Board that the remainder of the Budget be
referred to the Committee on Mary Washington College



The Chancellor presented a letter from President Combs proposing that the two large
dormitories in the new group be named respectively, for Martha Randolph and for Ann Mason.

The Board resolved that the names presented by President Combs be approved and the
two buildings named accordingly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On motion the meeting was then adjourned

Barron F. Black
Francis L. Berkeley