University of Virginia Library


President Darden distributed to the Board, by request of the University Senate, copies
of a Report submitted to the Senate on March 12th by a Committee "formed in February, 1954
for the purpose of studying the Constitution and functions of the University Senate
and reporting its findings to that Senate." The President invited special attention to
the section on Athletics, pages 4-6, and to the Conclusions on page 9

The discussion which followed included expressions of agreement with the "Conclusions",
but members noted that the section on athletics did not indicate a comprehension of the
Board's attitude on consultation with the Faculty, or of all the steps by which the Board
has reached its decisions on athletics since 1950. The opinion was expressed that the
Board has given meticulous attention to faculty opinion at every stage of its decisions
on athletics. There was general agreement on the desirability of more contacts of the
Board with Faculty members.

The Board resolved: (1) that The Rector should write to Professor Runk, Secretary
of the Senate, acknowledging receipt of the Report, stating that copies have been given
to each member of the Board for study, and advising him of the Board's attitude and that the
Board would communicate with the Senate at a later date regarding the contents of the Report,
(2) that the Chairman of the Athletic Committee prepare for the use of the Board in replying to
the Senate, with reference to pages 4-6, a factual summary of the steps taken by the Board on athletics
from the year 1950 to the present, and (3) that the Secretary file a copy of the Report with
the minutes of this meeting