University of Virginia Library



The Board agreed to hear the charges of Mr. Homer Richey, Assistant Professor of Foreign
Affairs, against his colleagues in the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Richey appeared
before the Board at this meeting, and several hearings on the petition took place during the succeeding
months, the record of which is made a part of these minutes by reference.

At a meeting of this Board which took place May 9, 1952, the following resolution was adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the record of the hearings on the petition of Homer Richey, which hearings took place on
May 11, June 7, July 12 and September 13, 1951, not be spread in full on the permanent Minute Book, but
that the record of these hearings be made a part of the minutes by reference.