University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
was held on this date at 10 o'clock in the Office of the President of the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.;
President Colgate W. Darden, Jr., of the University of Virginia; Visitors Calcott, Carrington,
Garnett, Gay, Gravatt, Mears, Trout, Wailes, and Willis. Absent: Anderson, Barksdale, Black,
Combs, and Miller.


John Segar Gravatt, appointed by the Governor on July 27, 1948 to succeed Maitland Hunt
Bustard, resigned, for the term ending February 28, 1950, presented a certificate from the Clerk
of Nottoway County that he had duly qualified.

The minutes of the meeting of July 9, which had been copied and mailed to the members,
were approved.

The President announced the following gifts:




From the estate of the late Leander J. McCormick, to be used for the
School of Astronomy 
$ 347.23 
From Mrs. W. S. Rodman, for the purchase of books for the
Engineering Library 
From the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, for a post doctoral
fellowship in the study of the organic compounds of phosphorus, the
research program to be carried on by Dr. Burger and Dr. Henderson 
From the E. I. du Pont Company, for a fellowship in chemistry for
the session of 1948-49 
From the United States Public Health Service, a grant for work
under the direction of Dr. D. C. Smith 
From the United States Public Health Service, a grant for work
under the direction of Dr. J. E. Wood, Jr. 
$ 9,960.00 
From the estate of the late J. Gordon Bohannon, for the purchase
of books of a permanent nature for the Law Library 
From the Tennessee Eastman Corporation, for a fellowship in
organic chemistry 
From the Summer Quarter Dance Committee, to be added to the
Interfraternity Council Scholarship Fund 
From the American Cyanamid Company, for a graduate scholarship
in chemistry for the session of 1948-49 
From the United States Public Health Service, a grant for work
under the direction of Dr. D. C. Wilson 
From the United States Public Health Service, a grant for work
under the direction of Dr. R. E. Lutz 
From Mrs. Charles T. Neale, a painting - "Fish, Still Life,"
by William M. Chase 
From Mrs. Carter Glass, a portrait of Senator Glass 

Upon recommendation of the President, the following resignations, promotions, elections,
and appointments were approved.


RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. Arthur August Pegau, Assistant Professor of Geology, be and the
same is accepted. We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. William Hubert Baughn, Assistant Professor of Rural Economics,
be and the same is accepted. We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. Glenn Ray Noggle, Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology,
be and the same is accepted. We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.


Dr. Frank Sanford Kaulback, Jr. from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of
Accounting, effective 16 September 1948.

Mr. James Stuart Constantine from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek,
effective 16 September 1948.


Dr. Alexander Newton Finchell as Visiting Professor of Geology for the session of
1948-49 at a salary of $5,000.00.

Mr. Gaston G. Fornes as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at a session
salary of $4,950.00.

Mr. Edward R. Estes, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics at a session
salary of $3,510.00.

Mr. Kenneth C. Rathbun as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at a session
salary of $3,510.00.

Dr. Julius Carl Poindexter as Instructor in Economics for the session of 1948-49 at a
session salary of $3,020.00.

Mr. Charles Villiam Smith as part-time Instructor in Art at a session salary of

Mr. Clyde R. Carter as Instructor in Art at a session salary of $3,210.00.

Dr. Edgar N. Weaver as Instructor in Neurosurgery as of April 1, 1948. His salary is
to be paid from the earnings of the Department of Neurosurgery.

Dr. Thomas S. Edwards as Instructor in Internal Medicine as of July 1, 1948, with no
salary from the University.

Dr. Bennett S. White, Jr. as Lecturer in Rural Social Economics for the first semester
of the 1948-49 session.

Mr. Gay voted in favor of the foregoing promotions and elections but stated that in so
doing he was not to be construed as creating "life tenure" of office for any of such persons so
promoted or elected.


Lieutenant Commander Marion Felder Barfield as Associate Professor of Naval Science,
as of June 8, 1948, without salary from the University.

Major John Hogarth Jones as Associate Professor of Naval Science, as of August 2, 1948,
without salary from the University.

Lieutenant Commander John Blackburn Burnett as Associate Professor of Naval Science,
as of September 7, 1948, without salary from the University.



President Darden stated that he had invited Mr. William M. Simpson, distinguished
sculptor of Norfolk, to visit the University to discuss the possibility of accepting a position
on the faculty of the School of Painting and Sculpture. Mr. Simpson stated to Mr. Darden that we
could not begin to do the work in sculpture by simply appointing a professor, he pointed out that
the costs would be considerable, since live models of professional grade would be necessary.

Mr. Darden has asked President Combs of Mary Washington College if a joint program could
be worked out to use some members of the Mary Washington faculty on a part-time basis here at the

Mrs. Wailes moved the adoption of the following resolution which was passed:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the University
collaborate with Mary Washington College in the establishment of a class in sculpture and that
President Darden continue to attempt to arrange with Mr. William M. Simpson to accept a position on
the faculty.


The President presented for consideration of the Board a letter from Mr. Clarence P.
Houston, Chairman of the Compliance Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, to
the effect that the University should resign from the NCAA. Mr. Houston stated that the regulations
promulgated by the NCAA are a part of the NCAA constitution and that refusal to sign will
necessitate withdrawal of the University of Virginia.

The letter was referred to the Special Committee of the Board on NCAA regulations.


The following resolutions were approved:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Robert B. Tunstall be reappointed to the McGregor Advisory Committee, effective July 1, 1948.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. David K. E. Bruce, who was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of the late Mr.
Alexander Weddell, be and he is hereby reappointed to the McGregor Advisory Committee, effective
July 1, 1948.


At the request of Mr. F. D. G. Ribble, Dean of the Department of Law, the Board approved
the allocation of a bequest of $10,000 made by the late Justice James Clark McReynolds as a permanent
endowment fund for the Law School. The bequest was made with the hope that the money would be
used for the Law School.


A motion that the Board of Visitors appropriate $15,000 for installation of new equipment
in the Dry Dock was approved.


A proposal prepared by Mr. George E. Bokinsky, Comptroller of the University of Virginia
Hospital, with the collaboration of representatives of the State Auditor of Public Accounts, for
charging off uncollectible hospital accounts was approved as submitted.


The Accounts Committee, composed of the Bursar of the University, the Medical Director of
the Hospital, and the Comptroller of the Hospital, will review all accounts and make recommendations
on the following category:

  • a. Charge off delayed charges and small balances up to $10.00.

  • b. Charge off service allowances to hospital employees up to $10.00.

  • c. Recommend delinquent accounts to local Credit and Collections Bureau.

  • d. Charge off free service to indigents up to $10.00.

  • e. Any amount over and above $10.00 recommended for cancellation, whether free service
    to indigents, service allowance to hospital employees or delinquent patients' accounts,
    to be referred to the Board of Visitors with a brief history of each case.


A proposal by Mr. F. D. G. Ribble, Dean of the Department of Law, for financing the
Virginia Law Weekly by imposing for one year a fee of three dollars per student on each student in
the Law School was approved.


A recommendation by Mr. Frank Hartman, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, that the
basement of Pavilion VIII be reserved when allocation of this pavilion is next made, to provide
space for the proposed telephone exchange for the University, was approved.


Action was deferred on a recommendation by Mr. F. D. G. Ribble, Dean of the Department of
Law, that the title of Mr. John Ritchie be changed from Assistant Dean to Vice Dean of the Law School.



A resolution passed by the Virginia Law School Association was presented.

WHEREAS, the General Assembly has appropriated $300,000 for the construction of an addition
to the Law School Building at the University, subject to release only when the Governor has certified
that labor, materials and other facilities can be obtained at reasonable cost; and

WHEREAS the Governor has so far refrained from so certifying with respect to this and a
number of other similar appropriations; and

WHEREAS, this Association feels that the need for an addition to the Law Building is most
pressing, and that there is no prospect that building costs will decrease at any time within the
near future,

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Association respectfully urges the Governor to
certify that labor, materials and other facilities for the construction of said addition to the Law
Building can now be obtained at reasonable cost, thereby enabling work to proceed on this much-needed
addition to the facilities of the Law School.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this Association present copies of this resolution
to the Governor and also to the President and Rector of the Board of Visitors of the University.

President Darden stated that the Governor has authorized expenditures for architectural
fees but not for construction.


The following resolution was adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the interest
rate on student loans be set at three per cent to conform with the Executive Order of the Governor,
dated August 23, 1948, fixing at three per cent the rate of interest on loans made from State
Student Loan Funds; but -

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution does not affect any interest rate set by a
donor at the time of the establishment of a student loan fund.


Action was deferred on a proposal to increase certain laboratory fees in the Department
of Engineering.


The question of a location for the plaque awarded the University by the Navy was discussed
and the matter was referred to the President with power to act.


The Board agreed to meet at Mary Washington College of the University three times each
year. President Darden was asked to determine the dates for these meetings in consultation with
President Combs of Mary Washington College.


President Darden stated that the curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences needed a
thorough review and examination, and that he has reconvened the Postwar Committee of the College
to restudy the college curriculum.


The President was authorized by the Board to offer the position of Dean of the Department
of Medicine to Dr. Vernon W. Lippard of Louisiana State University.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that a new form of lease
be prepared for student rooms on the grounds, striking the provision in present leases prohibiting
liquor in the rooms, but retaining the provision prohibiting women to enter these rooms at any time;
and -

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a clause be inserted in said new form of lease providing that
the student shall occupy the quarters in a manner which will not reflect discredit on the University.


Mr. Garnett, Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, presented to the meeting
a deed dated September 10, 1948, with plate attached thereto, the purpose of which is to effect conveyance
by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to the City of Charlottesville of
certain easements and rights of way ever the lands of the University for the purpose of laying,
operating and maintaining an 18-inch pipe line as a part of the water system of the City of Charlottesville,
said deed containing a provision for lease of a small tract of land accurately described
upon Plat A attached to said deed, under which lease the City of Charlottesville is given the right
to use said tract of land for the erection, operation and maintenance of a pumping station.

And Mr. Garnett stated that all details of this conveyance of right of way or easement for
said water line and lease for said pumping station had been thoroughly investigated and considered
by his Committee with the assistance of Mr. Hartman and Mr. Perkins and recommended that said conveyance
and lease be executed and delivered to the City.


Thereupon, it was

RESOLVED that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and is hereby instructed to execute said
deed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and Vincent
Shea, Secretary of this Board, is instructed to affix the corporate seal of the University thereto,
attest the same, see to execution of said deed on behalf of the City of Charlottesville and to the recordation
thereof in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, and that a copy of said
deed be spread as a part of the minutes of this meeting.

- - -

THIS DEED made this 10th day of September, 1948, by and between The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia (hereinafter called "University"), of the first part, and the City of Charlettesville,
a municipal corporation (hereinafter called "City"), of the second part,


THAT WHEREAS, due to the continued growth of the City of Charlottesville, it has become necessary
for the City to extend its water system; and,

WHEREAS the only practical location for such an extension lies through the grounds of the
University of Virginia; and,

WHEREAS it is to the interest of the University that said City should have adequate facilities
for supplying the demands of said City and the demands of the University pursuant to a contract of
April 18, 1922, between the University and the City, as subsequently amended; and,

WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia duly called,
convened and held on September 10, 1948, a resolution was adopted instructing the President to execute a
deed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and the Secretary
was instructed to affix the seal of the University thereto, attesting the same, conveying to the
City the easements hereinafter more fully described and leasing to the City a small tract of land on
which to erect a pumping station hereinafter more fully described;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the agreements on the part of said
City hereinafter set out and the further consideration of $1.00 cash in hand paid, said University doth
hereby grant, give and convey unto said City an easement or right of way for the sole purpose of constructing
and maintaining a new 18-inch water line, with convenient appurtenances thereto, along and
through the grounds of the University of Virginia along the rollowing routes:

(1) A line extending from the property of Homer G. Richey lying north of Route 29 to the
property of Homer Richey lying north of Stadium Road and from the property of said Homer Richey to the
filtration plant, as indicated by the red lines shown on the plat hereto attached and made a part of
this deed designated "Plat A";

(2) A line extending from the clear water basin at the filtration plant to U.S. Route No. 29,
as indicated by the red lines shown on the plat hereto attached and made a part of this deed designated
"Plat B";

(3) A line extending from U.S. Route 29 across the margin of Lambeth Field to Rugby Road, as
indicated by the red lines shown on the plat hereto attached and made a part of this deed designated
"Plat C";

Together with the right of ingress and egress to and from all points on said lines for the
purposes of construction, maintenance and repair.

And in consideration of the foregoing grant said City on its part, as is evidenced by its acceptance
of this conveyance and its performance of the work of laying said line, doth hereby agree as

(1) That it will furnish all material and labor necessary for the construction and installation
of said new 18-inch water lines in an efficient and workmanlike manner, will commence the work
promptly and will complete same as quickly as may be possible under present conditions;

(2) That in the construction of said lines it will adequately protect any and all underground
services such as pipe lines, telephone and electric lines, etc., that may be encountered, and if damage
of any kind is done to any of these services it will promptly and efficiently repair such damage at its
own cost;

(3) That it will replace or repair in a workmanlike manner all walk and road surfaces under
which said pipe line may pass, replacing the surfaces of such walks or roads in as good condition as
these surfaces were in before the pipe line was placed under them;

(4) That it will carefully and properly back-fill the ditch in which the pipe line is placed,
so that in the future no depression shall develop over said pipe line, and where said pipe line crosses
Lambeth Field it will carefully replace any sod that may be cut and removed in the construction of said
line, and if a depression should occur over said pipe line where the same crosses Lambeth Field it will
further fill the same so as to bring the surface of the ground over the pipe line back to the same grade
obtaining before the ditch was dug;

(5) That when said pipe line shall interfere with use of the surfaces of the ground by the
University said City, when so requested by the University, shall relocate said pipe line in a new location
feasible for the purposes for which this pipe line is to be used, at the expense of said City;

(6) That in the construction of said line the City shall cut and remove only such trees and
bushes as may be necessary and shall pile up such brush and trees as may be cut in neat piles along the
route of the pipe line.

And in further consideration of the premises and $1.00 cash in hand paid, said University doth
hereby lease and demise unto the said City for the term of ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof,
with the privilege of renewing this lease at the expiration hereof, a tract or parcel of land situated
in Albemarle County, Virginia, lying on the north side of Stadium Road adjoining the property of Homer
Richey and more accurately described as the tract of land outlined in blue on Plat A hereinbefore referred
to, which tract or parcel of land shall be used by the City for the location of a pumping station
on said water line.

And in consideration of the foregoing lease said City on its part doth hereby agree that said
tract of land shall be used only in connection with said water line for the location of a pumping station
and that any building erected on said land shall be faced with red brick with a dark roof, in accordance
with plans approved by the University.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, pursuant to
the aforesaid resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board of Visitors thereof held on September 10,
1948, has caused this deed to be signed by Colgate W. Darden, its President, and its corporate seal to
be hereto affixed and attested by Vincent Shea, its Secretary, and the City of Charlottesville has
caused this deed to be signed by G. K. Tebell, its Mayor, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed
and attested by its Clerk, the day and year first above written.







I, _______________, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, hereby
certify that Colgate W. Darden, whose name as President is signed to the foregoing deed bearing date on
the 10th day of September, 1948, has acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid.

Given under my hand the ___ day of __________, 1948.

My commission expires the ___ day of __________, 19__.

Notary Public


I, _______________, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, hereby
certify that G. K. Tebell, whose name as Mayor is signed to the foregoing deed bearing date on the 10th
day of September, 1948, has acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid.

Given under my hand this ___ day of __________, 1948.

My commission expires the ___ day of __________, 19__.

Notary Public

(For plats see Deed Book 280, pp. 314, 315, and 316, Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle
County, Virginia.)


Mr. Garnett, Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, reported to the Board that pursuant
to instructions given the Committee on Buildings and Grounds at a meeting of this Board held July
9th, last, further investigation had been made as to sale of a portion of the Lambeth property to Mrs.
Lambeth, and that his Committee wishes to recommend to the Board that sale and conveyance be made to Mrs.
Lambeth of a strip of land cut off of the rear of the Lambeth property, which strip shall have a front
of 10 feet on Thomson Road and shall extend back therefrom in a southerly direction and between parallel
lines a distance of 239 feet, and that the consideration to be expressed in said deed for this conveyance
shall be "$10.00 and other valuable consideration, including the acknowledgment by Mrs. Lambeth that all
obligations assumed by the University under its contract of June 22, 1932, to Dr. W. A. Lambeth and herself
have been fully discharged down to the date of the deed to her".

It was, thereupon,

RESOLVED that W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for this Board, be and is hereby instructed to prepare
a deed by which this strip of land shall be conveyed to Mrs. Frank Irene Lambeth upon the terms set
out in the preamble to this resolution. And that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and is hereby
instructed to execute this deed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia and Vincent Shea, Secretary of this Board, shall affix the corporate seal thereto and attest
the same, said Perkins, Attorney, to deliver said deed to Mrs. Lambeth.


The Buildings and Grounds Committee recommended the purchase of the Richey property at a price
of $10,000, which recommendation was approved by the Board.


In the absence of Dr. Combs, President of Mary Washington College, the Mary Washington docket
was presented by President Darden and the following elections were approved.


Miss Tannye Olivia Burnett as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $2,500 for the
session, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Benjamin W. Early as Instructor in English at a salary of $3,000 for the session, incumbency
to begin September 13, 1948.

Miss Mary Frances Gratzer as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $3,000 for the
session, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Henry Weldon Hewetson as Associate Professor of Economics at a salary of $4,300 for the
session, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Edwin Harvie Jones as Acting Assistant Professor of French and Spanish at a salary of
$3,300 for the session, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

* * *

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned after a motion
to that effect had been made, seconded, and carried.

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
by Barron F. Black
Vincent Shea