University of Virginia Library


A called meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date with the Rector, John Stewart Bryan, and Visitors,
W. R. Duke, E. L. Greever, Alex. F. Robertson, Fred W. Scott


and C. Harding Walker, and President Alderman present.

The minutes of the meeting of November 29th, having
been copied and mailed to each member, were approved.

The President announced the following gifts:

  • Bequest of $5,000 from Dr. J. R. Humphrey, Bluemont,
    Va., to establish a scholarship for needy and deserving
    students; also valuable ore specimens and
    books for the Library.

  • Collection of operas to Department of Music by Mr. J.
    Iradell Jenkins, of Norfolk.

  • From Dr. Charles Baskerville one hundred and forty-three
    volumes from his library to the Cobb Chemical

  • One of the seventy reproductions of the celebrated
    CODICE TRIVUIZIANO, published by Ulrico Hoepli,
    under the official supervision of the Dante Society
    of Italy. Sent to the University Library at the
    suggestion of Mr. Luigi Carnovale, of Chicago.

  • From C. W. Payne, Chief Clerk of the Department of State,
    Austin, Texas, 1911 Civil Statutes of Texas and
    1911 Criminal Statutes of Texas, 2 volumes.

  • From Dean W. M. Lile to the Law Library copy of his
    Notes on Equity Jurisprudence.

  • From Miss Mary J. Galt, bronze portrait of William
    Richard Galt, the first Virginian to take degree of
    Master of Arts in two years at the University.

Prof. Fiske Kimball, Supervising Architect for the New
Gymnasium. submitted the bids received for excavating the foundation
and basement of the New Gymnasium, and after some discussion
of the matter funal decision was left to the Gymnasium Committee.
In connection with the fees to be allowed the Supervising
Architect and his assistants for work in connection with the
New Gymnasium, the following was adopted:


RESOLVED, That the Committee in charge of the
construction be and is hereby authorized to pay to Prof.
Kimball $2500.00 and to Prof. Makielski $2000.00 for
their services, including supervision, out of the
$9,500 appropriated for architectural service in said
connection at the meeting of November 29, 1921.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted with
respect to the lease to the City of Charlottesville of the
tract of land on Observatory Mountain for the purpose of
constructing a filter plant, and to certain charges covering
the operation of said plant and the furnishing of water therefrom
for the benefit of the University:

WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, held on November 29th,
1921, a resolution was adopted authorizing the lease to
the City of Charlottesville of a tract of land owned by
the University and situated on Observatory Mountain, containing
approximately 3 1/2 acres, for the purpose of
erecting a filtration plant for the City of Charlottesvill
and the University of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, said resolution appropriated to the City
of Charlottesville for the purpose of assisting in constructing
said filtration plant the sum of $15,000.00,
or so much, if any, thereof as might be appropriated
by the Legislature for the purpose of improving the
water system at the University; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature did not make such appropriation
for the purpose of improving the water system at
the University; and

WHEREAS, it is deemed important and necessary that
the water supply at the University shall be augmented and
purified and with a view to attaining that end the
City of Charlottesville has submitted to the Rector and
Visitors of the University the following proposition:

FIRST: That a tract of land now owned by the University
of Virginia, situated on Observatory Mountain, containing
approximately 3 1/2 acres, and a right of way for
pipe line from said tract to the Lynchburg Road, through
the land owned by the University, which right of way contains


approximately 1 1/2 acres, all of which is accurately
described on a plat prepared by Lee H. Williamson, C.P.E.,
dated January 1922, together with the rights of ingress
and egress thereto over the lands of the University, under
the supervision of the Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, be leased to the City of Charlottesville without
charge for a term of ninety-nine years with the privilege
of renewal of said lease by said City at the expiration

SECOND: In view of the fact that that portion of the
present six-inch pipe line now belonging to the University,
which runs from the old reservoir to the site of
the proposed filtration plant will become unnecessary upon
the completion of said filtration plant, and will be abandoned,
and the City of Charlottesville can use the pipe
in this line to advantage, that the University give said
pipe, consisting of about fifteen thousand feet of six-inch
cast iron pipe, to the City of Charlottesville without
charge, with the right of ingress and egress to University
property for the purpose of taking up and removing said
pipe; in consideration of which the City of Charlottesville
agrees to place a six-inch pipe line from the present water
main in Observatory Road past the site of the new gymnasium
into Ivy Road, and also a six-inch pipe line out Rugby
Road from University Avenue to the city limits.

THIRD: That the City of Charlottesville agrees to
furnish to the University without charge 175,000 gallons
of water per day, for the term of the lease contemplated
hereby, for the use of the public buildings and of the
officials, professors and employees of the University
residing on University property. A meter shall be placed
upon the water main leading to the University at the point
where said main intersects with the City main leading
from filterplant, which meter shall be read at monthly
intervals, and all water in excess of said 175,000 gallons
per day used aforesaid shall be paid for by the University
at the minimum rate then charged by the City of Charlottesville
for water, or at a rate to be agreed on, which rate,
however, shall not exceed five cents per 1000 gallons.

FOURTH: The University to pay to the City of Charlottesville
one-seventh of the cost of operating and maintaining
the contemplated filtration plant, and the booster pump
and station, said one-seventh, however, not to exceed
the sum of $900.00.

And WHEREAS, the above proposition is considered advantageous
to the University, and it is the sense of the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the


same should be accepted.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Rector is hereby authorized
and directed on behalf of the University of Virginia
to enter into a contract with the City of Charlottesville,
which contract shall have been first approved by the
attorney for the University, carrying out and putting
into effect the provisions set out above.

The following was adopted with respect to leave
of absence to Prof. John H. Yoe:

RESOLVED, That leave of absence for one year, without
salary, be and is hereby granted to Mr. John H. Yoe,
Ass't Prof. of Chemistry.

The following was adopted with respect to leave of
absence for Prof. R. C. Minor:

RESOLVED, That a leave of absence for the remainder
of the session be and is hereby granted to Prof. R. C.
Minor of the Law School, with salary, on account of illness,
and the Rector be requested to express to him the
sympathy and best wishes of the Board in his illness.

A letter was read from Prof. Minor suggesting arrangements
to care for Prof. Minor's classes, during his absence, which
was approved, together with the appropriation of $925 to pay
the salaries of the necessary substitutes, as follows:

Mr. C. F. Melson will take over the course in Real
Property, and Mr. W. F. Cox, Jr., will take care of the balance
of Prof. Minor's work. Mr. A. R. Bowles, Jr., will take over
the Commercial Law Course, now being taught by Mr. Cox, and
Mr. R. Y. Button will be assigned to some of the under-graduate
work heretofore done by Messrs. Cox and Melson.

Prof. Charles Hancock, Supervising Engineer, submitted
the following report of expenditures in connection with the New
Heating Plant, together with an estimate for the second unit

President E. A. Alderman,
University of Virginia.
Dear Mr. President:-

I beg leave to submit for your information


the following statement of appropriations and ex-
penditures for the new heating system:

Amount originally appropriated  $60,000.00 
Additional appropriation to
install permanent mains as
far as East Lawn 
Total appropriation  $67,053.00 
Total expenditure to date 
For construction and materials  $57,001.52 
For Supervision  800.00 
For traveling expenses and consultation  1,218.47 
Total expenditures  $59,019.99 

The construction is now very nearly complete. East
Range and East Lawn are now being heated by the new system,
all radiators and piping are installed in the Rotunda, and
the latter is now being tested under pressure to detect
any possible leaks. Unless some unexpected trouble developes
the Rotunda will have hot water turned on before the end of
this week.

For the next step in construction I submit the following
estimates and recommendations:

Cost of mains from East Lawn to
West Range 
Heating equipment of West Lawn  12,500.00 
Heating equipment of West Range  6,600.00 
Heating equipment of the Commons  4,500.00 
Heating equipment of Randall Building  6,400.00 
Necessary extension of the power
Supervision  1,000.00 
Total estimated cost  60,000.00 

I respectfully recommend that you authorize construction
in the general order outlined, and proceeding as far as the
money available will permit.

Very cordially yours,
(Signed) Charles Hancock

The construction of the second unit was authorized in
the following resolution, unanimously adopted:


RESOLVED, That as soon as the Appropriation Bill
carrying an appropriation for the heating plant of $30,000
per year for two years, shall have been passed, the Committee
on Heating is authorized to let a contract for the second
section of the heating plant, at an estimated cost of
$60,000, as per estimate of Prof. Chas Hancock, Supervising
Engineer, herewith submitted.

RESOLVED, further, That the Bursar is hereby
authorized to borrow, if need be, such sums from time to
time as may be required to carry on the work until the
appropriation contained in the Appropriation Bill for the
year 1923-24 shall have become available.

With respect to the compensation to be alowed to Prof.
Charles Hancock, Supervising Engineer, of the New Heating
Plant, the President stated that after conference with some
members of the Committee and Prof Hancock it was agreed that
he should be allowed the sum of $1000 for his services in connection
with the construction of the first unit, which action
was approved by the Board, and it was further ordered that
Prof. Hancock be allowed the sum of $1000 as compensation
for his work for supervising the construction of the second
unit of said plant.

The following offer of H. L. Spratte to rent the coal bin
of the University was presented in writing:

To the Rector and Board of
Visitors of the University,
University, Va.

In re; proposal to rent coal bins.

In connection with the coal bins and coal
supply for the University, I desire to submit a proposal
for your consideration. And in doing so, please understand
that no gain is to be derived by me from the University,


but on the other hand, the plan places the University's
coal bins upon a income producing basis.

The coal requirements of the University are 5000
tons per annum, dumped over your bins; 3000 tons of which
amount has to be delivered by truck or otherwise to the
various heating plants on the University grounds. The
cost of this delivery to the University is 42 cts. per ton.
amounting to $1260 per year; this does not make any allowance
for the other 2000 tons, which are consumed by the
plant located at the bins. In addition to this, you have
a repair and upkeep charge on the bins which amounts to
$400.00 per annum, one-half of which is bonre by the C &
O. This makes a total yearly cost of $1460.00, after
your coal has been placed on the bins by the carrier.

My proposal is, to rent your bins for a period of
10 years for the purpose of supplying coal to the University
community and vicinity, and in consideration for said
rental, I agree to distribute, without charge, the 5000
tons of coal per year from the bins to the various heating
plants. Your cost will end when the coal is placed
by the carrier over the bins, and my duties will begin
there and end when I have distributed the coal as the
authorities at the University shall direct, which includes
the delivery of the coal to designated pointes
in front of the boilers of the plant at the bins, and
also, the coal for the new Gymnasium which is estimated
at 250 tons yearly. And I agree to assume the repair
and upkeep charge of $200.00 per annum, in the same
manner as now cared for by the University.

Should the University desire me to purchase coal
for them, the price and quality of same shall be approved
by the University before said purchase is made.

Satisfactory bond for the performance of these
conditions to be furnished by me in such amount as shall
be required by you.

I would like for the contract to become effective,
beginning with the scholastic year 1922-23, in the event
you should pass favorably upon the proposition. Such
agreement as reached to be embodied in contract.

Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) H. L. Spratt

The following action was taken in the foregoing proposition:


RESOLVED, That the offer be accepted in principle,
and the details of the necessary contract be arranged
by the attorney of the University of Virginia, after
consultation with the Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, provided the coal of the University be kept in
separate bins, and the offer to make good the loss in cars
be not insisted upon, and the Rector is authorized to
sign same on behalf of the Rector and Visitors.

The question as to whether the Centennial Endowment
Fund should be held and administered by the Alumni Endowmment
Board or by the Board of Visitors was discussed at
some length, and in order that the question might be settled,
Mr. Scott was appointed a Committee to associate with himself
two other members of the Board to confer with the Alumni
Board of Trustees with respect to said question.

A letter was read from Mrs. Slayden calling attention
to the nuisance existing by reason of the trash and garbage
of the University being dumped and burned near the power plant
back of Cabell Hall. The matter was referred to the Committee
on Buildings and Grounds.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

[signed] John Stewart Bryan
[signed] E. I. Carruthers