University of Virginia Library


The annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on
this date at 10 a.m. with Rector Bryan, and Visitors, Duke,
Hart, Hatton, Dillard, Scott, Oliver, Walker and Robertson

The minutes of the previous meeting, a copy of which had
been sent to each member of the Board, were approved.

The President announced the following gifts:

From Mr. John B. Cobb, $5,750 for the chemical laboratory.

That a check for $60,000 had been received from Mr. Paul
Goodloe McIntire for the out-door amphitheatre, announcement


of which was made at the April meeting, and that the contract
for the building was let on May 27th, after consultation
with the committee, to the W. P. Thurston Company
of Richmond, Va. for $58,661.00.

That the contract for re-building the old Chemical Laboratory
for a Biological Laboratory had been let to the Charlottesville
Lumber Company for $31,766.76 plus $231.00 for electric
wiring to be paid for by the Biological Laboratory. The action
of the committee on rebuilding the old Chemical Laboratory
amending the original contract was approved by the Board.

Dr. Julius Goebel, Jr., was elected Acting Professor of
Law, as per the following resolution:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, That Dr. Julius Goebel, Jr., is hereby elected
Acting Adjunct Professor of Law for the academic year 1920-21,
to carry forward the work of Prof. Armistead M. Dobie, who will
be on leave of absence for that particular year, at a salary
of $2,500, incumbency for the year to begin with the opening
of the session in September.

Upon recommendation of the President, Mr. Edward W. Saunders,
Jr., was elected Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics and
Civil Engineering.

The following promotions in the faculty were made:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, That Dr. Graham Edgar, of the School of Chemistry,
be and is hereby made Chairman of the Faculty of the School
of Chemistry.


RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, That Dr. Tipton R. Snavely is hereby promoted from
Adjunct Professor to Associate Professor of Economics, at a
salary of $2,750, incumbency to begin with the session 1920-21.

The following Adjunct Professor, Instructors, Assistants,
Student Assistants, Fellowship and Scholarship holders nominated
to the President, and approved by him, were ratified by the



Conway Zirkle, Instructor.


L. A. Palmer, Instructor

C. S. Black, Instructor

G. I. Thurmond, Instructor

N. D. Chapman, DuPont Fellow

L. S. Cannon, Fellow

W. O. Swan, Fellow

H. F. Burks, Fellow

A. A. Pegau, Student Assistant

W. R. Dove, Student Assistant

R. M. Warren, Student Assistant

B. B. Owen, Student Assistant

J. C. Lyle, Student Assistant

C. B. Tavenner, Student Assistant

J. M. Porter, Student Assistant

W. T. Jenkins, Student Assistant

A. F. Brock, Student Assistant

P. N. Rhodes, Student Assistant

J. T. Alsop, Student Assistant

E. Preston, Student Assistant

J. P. Daugherty, Student Assistant

C. H. Evans, Student Assistant

G. H. Echols, Student Assistant

R. B. Purdum, Student Assistant

G. J. Parrish, Student Assistant

J. R. Small, Student Assistant

A.C.G. Mitchell, Student Assistant


W. R. Morton, Assistant in Accounting.

English Literature:

Armistead C. Gordon, Jr., M.A., Instructor.

William H. Rogers, M.A., Instructor.

Roy L. Garis, B.A., Assistant.


I. J. Quesenberry, Assistant.

M. L. Dinwiddie, Assistant.

McIntire School of Art and Architecture:

Stanislow John Makielski, Instructor


A. S. Furcron, Assistant.

J. W. Kisling, Jr. Assistant.


J. S. McLemore, Instructor.


Lyttleton Waddell, Instructor.


Wendell M. Coates, B.A. Instructor.


T. F. Ball, Adjunct Professor.

Fred Allison, Teaching Fellow.

Romanic Languages:

Robert R. Ball, Instructor.

Wm. Kyle Smith, Instructor.

Armand de Grouchy, Instructor.



Roy M. Hoover, Instructor.

Bacteriology & Pathology:

Miss Rachel Ash, Technician.

Histology & Embryology:

Monroe J. Epting, Jr., Assistant.

Pharmacology & Materia Medica:

James Edwin Wood, Jr., Instructor.


Physiology & Biochemistry:

James M. Strang, Instructor.


Benton B. Owen, Instructor.

F. V. Watkins, Instructor.


Daniel Harmon Scholarship:  T. Nelson Parker, Richmond, Va. 
Virginia Law Review Scholarship:  Randolph Caskie Coleman, Roanoke, Va. 
Valentine Birely Scholarship:  William R. Quynn, Frederick, Md. 
Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship:  Frank H. Reade, Alexandria, Va. 
Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship:  A. C. Gordon, Jr., Staunton, Va. 
Bennett Wood Green Sch's:  Edward T. Browne, Stanardsville, Va. 
William S. Newton, Norfolk, Va. 
William A. Herndon Sch's:  Herbert Lamont Pugh, Crozet, Va. 
Caldwell Jackson Stuart, Washington,
Albert W. Summers, Herndon, Va. 
Edward F. Kloman, Fargo, N. D. 
Geo. F. Cameron, Hope Mills, N. C. 
Frank Cox, II, Theological Seminary,
Isabella Merrick Sampson
Henry C. Barksdale, Charlottesville
Isaac Cary Scholarships:
Henry Moncure Ware, Richmond, Va. 
Andrew Glassell Grinnan, Woodberry
Forest, Va. 
Lieut. Robert Hancock Wood, Jr., Aviator (U.S.A.) Scholarship:  Philip Allen, Earlysville, Va. 
Thompson Brown Scholarship:  William Chandler, Chamberlain, Jr.,
University, Va. 


DuPont Fellowship in Chemistry: Nathaniel D. Chapman, Stanardsville,


Phelps-Stokes Fellowship: Benjamin G. Childs, Charlottesville, V

Rector & Visitors Fellowships:

In English: William H. Rogers, Amelia, Va.

In Eng. Literature: A. C. Gordon, Jr., Staunton, Va.

In Romanic Languages: Fred Nash Ogden, New Orleans, La.

Teaching Fellowships in Chemistry: Lawrence S. Cannon, Charlottesville,

William Orr Swan, University,

Harry Gray Burks, Bedford, Va.

Robert King Johnson, Pearsburg,

From the applicants for the Ryan Scholarships, the Board
made the following elections:

First District - T. L. Cockrell, Reedville, Va.

Second District - H. C. Monroe, Portsmouth, Va.

Third District - J. Barbour Christian, Hanover, Va.

Fourth District - R. B. Pinchbeck, Amelia, Va.

Fifth District - C. H. Allman, Union Hall, Va.

Sixth District - N. J. Painter, Roanoke, Va.

Seventh District - R. L. Jackson, Keswick, Va.

Eighth District - Leslie D. Dawson, Woodbridge, Va.

Ninth District - L. E. Akers, Snowville, Va.

Tenth District - J. S. Cunningham, Basic, Va.

The following prize winners were announced:

Bryan Prize: William Douglas Arant, Atlanta, Ga.

"The Validity of Internation Labor Legislation".


Colonial Dames Prize: Argyle Watson Linington, Short
Hills, N. J.

"The Theatre in Colonial Virginia."

Charles Minor Blackford Prize: Gordon B. Ambler,
Richmond, Va.

"Enjoining the Publication of Libels."

The question of providing some agency for holding the fund
proposed to be raised for the University of Virginia Endowment
Fund was disposed of in the following resolution, unanimously

RESOLVED, That this Board sees no objection to allowing the
present trustees of the Alumni Endowment Fund to hold such
funds as may be donated to the endowment fund proposed to be

At the request of Dean Hough, the salary of the Housekeeper
at the Hospital was increased with the understanding that said
salary shall not exceed $1,000 per annum.

Dr. Sparrow's request for permission to make certain additions
to rooms occupied by him on Monroe Hill was referred to the
Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with power to act, and with
the further request that the Committee make a report on a plan
providing houses for University professors.

Dr. Bray's request for living quarters in the University
was deferred.

The sum of $250 was appropriated to cover the University's
membership fee in the American University Union.


In the matter of granting U. D. C. Scholarships to women
students, it was the sense of the Board that the said scholarships
be open to women in accordance with the conditions prescribed
by the Board for the admission of women.

Mr. Scott, of the Committee on Heating, stated that a
meeting of the Committee was held in Richmond, at which Dr.
Lambeth, Mr. Willis and Mr. Almirall were also present, and
that it was practically the unanimous opinion of the meeting
that a tunnel should be built this summer and that the plants
be consolidated, but that it was yet a question whether or
not, in view of the excessive cost of building, the work
should be postponed.

The Rector was authorized to appoint a committee of three,
of which he should be one, to employ an engineer to draw plans
and specifications for the heating plant, and a committee of
two from the faculty to advise with them.

The scholarship offer from the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity,
as per the following communication, was accepted with the
thanks of the Board:

Rector and Visitors,
University of Virginia - Greeting:

The supreme Council of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
most gratefully accept the privilege of petitioning your
Honorable Board for the privilege of offering the use of
Room 31, West Range, the birth-place of our beloved Fraternity,
as a scholarship to deserving members of its organization.


If granted this privilege, the Fraternity agrees
to pay to the University the sum of EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS
as a yearly rental, including light, heat, and attendance
for the combined Summer and Winter Sessions.

In offering this scholarship it is the intent and
purpose of the Fraternity not only to have the occupant
of this room conduct himself as a keeper of a shrine, but
also to stimulate a greater interest in the Institution
held in such high esteem by all members of our organization.

In the event no member of the Fraternity attending
the University avails himself of this privilege, the
Fraternity will endeavor to guarantee the occupancy of
this room by a bona fide student of the University.

In witness thereof the supreme Council has signed
its name and affixed its seal the day above written.

Supreme Council,
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Robert A. Symthe, Business Manager.
J. Lorton Francis,
Grand Secretary.

The Rector was authorized to appoint a committee from the
members of the Board on University Extension.

On motion of Mr. Scott, a scholarship to be known as a
Memorial Scholarship was created for the year 1920-21 with the
value of $300, and the same was awarded to Mr. R. Carter Scott,
Jrs., of Richmond, Va.

Upon the recommendation of the President, it was
RESOLVED, That the new Chemical Laboratory be named "The John
B. Cobb Chemical Laboratory".

Upon motion the meeting then adjourned until June 15th,
at 9 o'clock.

[signed] E, I. Carruthers
[signed] John Stewart Bryan


An adjourned meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date with the following members present: Rector Bryan,
and Visitors Walker, Dillard, Duke, Hatton, Robertson, Scott
and Oliver.

The following reports of the Committee on Buildings and
Grounds in the matter of the Beta Theta Pi application for
permission to erect a fraternity house on the grounds of the
University, and the application of Prof. C. M. Sparrow to make
certain changes in the Monroe Hill rooms now occupied by him,
as set forth in his letter of June 7, 1920 to the President,
were approved:

The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia.

The Committee on Buildings and Grounds, to which
was referred the application of the Beta Theta Pi for
permission to erect a fraternity house on the grounds
of the University, recommends that the fraternity be
given an option until January 1, 1921 on the lot in the
rear of the Kappa Sigma House and fronting on Rugby Road,
for the erection of such house. The exact bounds of said
lot to be hereafter determined by the Rector and Visitors,
and the terms and conditions upon which said lot is to
be held and the building erected to be in accordance
with those heretofore determined by the Rector and Visitors
in other like cases. In case the lot be desired
by the fraternity, then the details shall be arranged and
embodied in proper documents to be duly executed by the

Respectfully submitted,
G. Hatton
Alex. Robertson
H. D. Dillard.


The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia.

The Committee on Buildings and Grounds unanimously
recommends that the application of Prof. C. M. Sparrow,
as set forth in his letter of June 7, 1920 to the President,
be rejected, and the Committee is unable to make
any recommendation which will provide for the remodeling
or repairing of the property at this time.

The Committee is of the opinion that it is unwise and
inexpedient to permit any professor to remodel or repair
any building belonging to the University at the expense
of such professor with a stipulation that such professor
be reimbursed by the University at any future time.

The Committee further reports that the present
system of valuation at which the various pavilions or
residences are let to the professors should be revised
and the buildings be valued before any general system of
housing can be put into effect.

Respectfully submitted,
H. D. Dillard
Alex. F. Robertson
G. Hatton

The Committee on Buildings and Grounds was requested to
investigate the matter of rent of University residences occupied
by professors and report to the Board.

In the matter of furnishing bond by the University for
the withdrawal of tax-free alchol for use of the University
Hospital, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED, That the Rector, John Stewart Bryan, be and is hereby
authorized on behalf of the Rector and Visitors to sign a bond
for the withdrawal of alchol, free of tax, for use of the
University Hospital, and also to sign application for the withdrawal
of alchol, free of tax, for use of said Hospital.


The meeting then adjourned.

[signed] John Stewart Bryan
[signed] E. I. Carruthers