University of Virginia Library


To The University Council on National Service:-

The undersigned Military Committee from the Law Faculty
beg to make the following recommendations:

(1) Shortening the session -

We recommend that the present session be shortened so
that students so desiring may be able to attend the June
Training Camp at Plattsburg, beginning June 2nd.


(2) Credit for Military Instruction -

We recommend that credit for Military Instruction
and Training be given in the Law School as follows:

For the elective-at-large, and for the following required
subjects — International Law, or Public Speaking,
Taxation, and Municipal Corporations.

To obtain credit, the student must offer one hour
of lecture work in Military Instruction (or two hours of
Drill or Filed work) for each hour in each of the subjects
above indicated; and credit cannot be obtained for more than
two subjects during a single session. No credit shall be
given in any case, save upon presentation of the proper
certificate from the Officer in charge of Military Instruction.

(signed) W. M. Lile,
A. M. Dobie,
G. B. Eager, Jr.,