University of Virginia Library


The Board of Visitors met on this date at 11:30
o'clock, with the following present: Rector Gordon, and
Visitors Michie, Drewry, Oliver, Stearnes and Hatton.

The following gentlemen having been appointed
by the Governor and approved by the Senate as Visitors
of the University for the four years from February 28th
1914, subscribed to the oaths of office as provided
by law, and are filed with the papers of this meeting:

  • Armistead C. Gordon, (succeeded himself)

  • John W. Craddock, (succeeded himself)

  • Wm. Henry White, (succeeded himself)

  • Goodrich Hatton, (succeeded H. D. Flood)

  • John W. Chinn, (succeeded Judge Norton)

On motion of Mr. Oliver, Mr. Gordon was re-elected
Rector of the University of Virginia.

On motion, the reading of the minutes of the last
meeting was passed by until the next meeting.

The Rector appointed the following standing committees,—


Executive:  Michie, Craddock, Oliver, Drewry
and the Rector. 
Finance:  Craddock, Michie and White. 

Mr. Stearnes stated the principal matter for
consideration, that of the support of the University
Summer School, from the funds for that purpose as
appropriated by the Legislature for summer schools
generally. The matter was thoroughly considered by
the Board and Conductor of the Summer School, and
passed by without formal action.

Dr. Page stated to the Board that Dr. Alderman
did not approve of the tenure of the Ryan Scholarships
for 4 years, as provided in the rules adopted February
18th, but would approve if made two years. Dr. Page
further stated that such limit was agreeable to Mr.
Ryan, the donor, whereupon the following was adopted:-

Resolved: That the limit of tenure of the Ryan
Scholarships be changed to read two years, instead of
four years, as set out in section five (5) of the regulations
for said scholarships, minute book, page 456. [414]

Mr. Maphis, Professor of Secondary Education, and
member of the Building Committee, having in charge the
construction of the Education Building, stated to the
Board that the total cost of said building and equipment


would be $51,374. as per the following schedule:

Education Building

(Revised Exhibit of Cost)

General Contract,  $43,235 00 
Heating and Ventilation  4,800 00 
Equipment,  3,339 00 
Total.  $51,374 00 

Itemized List of Equipment

Auditorium Seats and Stage Furniture  980 00 
Four main classrooms, seats, desks,
rev. chairs, etc. 
658 00 
Office of Summer School, Typewriter
desks, etc. 
124 60 
Domestic Science,  100 00 
Manual Training Room,  300 00 
Auditorium Lantern,  275 00 
Toilet Furnishings and Ladies' Room,  50 00 
Shades,  120 00 
Vacuum Cleaner,  432 00 
Incidental Expenses,  300 00 
Total.  $3,339 60 

The donation from the Peabody Education Fund for
said purpose being only $40,000., a deficit of $11,374
would have to be taken care of in some manner by the


Board, whereupon it was

Resolved: That the Bursar be directed to provide
the sum of $11,374., to complete the erection and
equipping of the Education Building out of the current

Resolved: That the sum of $100.00 be and is hereby
appropriated to pay Mr. W. P. McBain for work done
during the present session in connection with the "High
School Debaters' League."

Resolved: That the sum of $150.00 be appropriated
to pay for help for the Dean of the University in the work
of the Dean's Office and the President's Office during
the Spring and Summer of 1914.

The Bursar recommended to the Board the purchase
of a "Multigraph" printing machine, on which a majority
of the University printing could be done, thereby reducing
the cost of said work very materially. Such an
outfit could be purchased at an expense of about $450
whereupon it was

Resolved: That the matter of purchasing a "Multigraph"
and all matters relating thereto, be referred to a
Committee consisting of Mr. George R. B. Michie and Mr.
E. I. Carruthers, Bursar, with full power to act in the


The Bursar explained to the Board that in March
1913, Mrs. Bell, who was at that time managing the
"Commons," gave an order to a representative of Thomas
Martindale & Co., for 6 doz. canned vegetables, amounting
to $37.50; said goods to be shipped September 15, 1912; that
Mrs. Bell resigned as said manager and failed to cancel
the order.

R. J. Northey & Co., who took over the "Commons"
for the session of 1912-13, leasing the building from
the University and running it on their own responsibility,
received the shipment, used the goods, but had not
paid for them, and that the said company was looking
to the University for the amount of said bill. The
Bursar stated that he had repeatedly endeavored
to get Northey to settle the claim, but had been unable
to do so, and that there was very little prospect of
collecting it from him.

The Board thereupon adopted the following:

Resolved: That the bill of $37.50, of Thomas
Martindale & Co., be paid.

The Secretary of the Board presented a communication
from Chas. J. McDermott in re—Doremus estate, and stated
that he had gone over the matter with Mr. Moon, Attorney


for the University, who gave as his opinion that no
disadvantage would accrue to the University by its
acceptance of the notice as requested in the letter
referred to, and who prepared the resolution in the
matter, as set out below:-

Dear Sirs:-

I had some correspondence with you about
a year ago relative to the Estate of Robert P. Doremus.
The Executors are now filing their account.

While the University of Virginia in all probability
will never become interested in this Estate, unless
of course, the Washington and Lee University shall cease
to exist, it is necessary to make the University of
Virginia a party to the present proceeding. We ask for
a formal Waiver of Citation on the part of the University
of Virginia, which we herewith enclose for execution.
All other parties interested in the Estate have waived
or will waive the citation and consented to the entry
of the decree, and we ask for a Waiver by the University
of Virginia, for the reason that if we are obliged to cite


the University, it will delay the proceeding six or
eight weeks, and we trust that the University will
help us avoid that delay.

Yours very truly,
(signed) Chas. J. McDermott

Resolved, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, a corporation existing under the
laws of Virginia, that A. C. Gordon, Rector of the
said Board and University, is hereby authorized and
empowered on behalf of the said Board to waive the issue
and service of a citation in the matter of the judicial
settlement of the Executors of Robert P. Doremus, deceased,
under his last will and testament, such citation being
issued by the Surrogates' Court of New York County; and
further consent that a decree be made settling the account
of the said executors, dated March 18, 1914, as filed.

Dean Page stated to the Board that the Faculty had
recommended to the Board the appointment of Messrs.
J. O. Beaty and D. R. Semmes as holders of the "Green
Scholarships." Whereupon, it was,—

Resolved: That the recommendation of the faculty
that J. O. Beaty and D. R. Semmes be appointed to the
"Green Scholarship," be referred to a committee of three


members of the Board of Visitors, with power to approve—
the approval of the Committee to operate as the action
of the Board.

Committee: Mr. Michie, Mr. Hatton, Mr. Oliver.

A similar resolution was adopted with regard to
appointments to the "Herndon Scholarships." The same
committee to serve.

On motion, the Board adjourned to meet at 10:30
A. M. on May 8th, 1914.

E. I. Carruthers,

Armistead C. Gordon,

University of Virginia
May 8, 1914

The Board met on this date, pursuant to adjournment
at the March 28th meeting, with the following members
present: Rector Gordon, and Visitors Craddock, Drewry,
Irvine, Michie, Oliver, White and Hatton.

The Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1914,
was taken up, gone over carefully and adopted tentatively,
with the exception of the sections covering appropriations
for the departments of Biology and Grounds and Buildings,
which were passed by. Owing to the number of changes
which would be made necessary by putting into operation
the scheme of increase of salaries as proposed, and the


elimination of the above two departments, the budget
is not spread in the minutes of this date, but is
carried over until the annual meeting on June 15th,
for final action.

The Dean of the Faculty read and submitted to the
Board a scheme looking to a systematic increase in the
salaries of the Professors, which, after discussion,
it was on motion,

Resolved: That the matter be referred to a committee
consisting of the Rector, the President, and the Dean
of the Faculty, with full power to adopt the said
scheme or such modification as to them may seem proper,
the same to be effective from such date as said Committee
may fix.

Memorandum re Salaries.

I. The "initial" salary of a professor is the
salary at which his services were first engaged by
the University,—not counting house rent in any case
in which either a house was furnished rent free or the
usual commutation was paid.

II. After six years of satisfactory service, the
salary of any full professor may be increased by 10%
of his initial salary.


III. After twelve years of satisfactory service, the
salary of any full professor may again be increased
by 10% of his initial salary: provided, however, that
any professor who has been furnished with a house, rent
free,—or the equivalent commutation—shall be considered
to have received this second increase in salary.

The professors whose salaries are increased under
Paragraph II, are the following:

Thornton, Echols, Minor, Lambeth, Page, T.W.,
Marshall, Dunnington, Dabney, Wilson, Whitehead,
Hough, Kent, Graves, Page, J.M., Lefevre, Watts,
Lile, Davis, Fitz-Hugh, Heck, Bird,

The salary of no professor will be increased for
the next two or three years, under paragraph III, above.

The salaries of the following professors are, for
the present, unaffected under the above plan:

Watson, Faulkner, Jordan, Mitchell,
Smith, C.A., Newcomb, Maphis,
Dobie, Flippin, Webb,

The above plan refers only to full professors who
give their whole time to University work.

The following was unanimously adopted:

Resolved: That upon the nomination of the President


and Dean, Dr. Chas. P. Oliver be elected Adjunct
Professor of Astronomy, at a salary of $450.00, plus
one of the Vanderbilt Fellowships.

Resolved: That the President be requested to have
the authorities of the Hospital, submit to the Board
an annual report of the work of said Hospital showing
the number of patients treated, and generally a history
of the Hospital for each year, not only for the information
of the Board, but to enable it to account to
the State for the appropriation made by the State for
said Hospital.

The following offered by the Rector, was adopted
by a vote of seven to one (7 to 1)—Mr Oliver voting

Resolved: That the salary of the office of
Librarian be fixed at $2,000., with the understanding
that the incumbent shall be required to give his whole
time to the duties of the office of Librarian.

Resolved: That the appropriations as contained
in the budget for "Buildings and Grounds" be referred
to a special committee consisting of Rector, Mr. Michie,
Dr. Alderman, and the Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, which committee is authorized to make an
inspection of the Grounds and Buildings, and ascertain


and report to the June meeting of the Board, the necessary
repairs for which a special appropriation was
made by the Legislature.

Resolved,-That the Bursar be and is hereby directed
to finance the erection of the Dean's house, which was
authorized to be erected by this Board, at a cost of
$10,000. out of any surplus from income which may be
available from the surplus from last or current fiscal

Whereas, certain bonds of Sadie R. and H. P.
Porter aggregating $3,200 bearing interest at 6%, representing
a loan from the James Estate funds, matured
on April 1, 1914, and

Whereas, it is requested by the said parties
that said loan be extended for a period of 3 years from
that date, and

Whereas, it appears to the Board that the loan is
amply secured and protected, therefore,

Resolved,—That said loan be extended for three
years from April 1st, 1914, with the stipulation that
the same shall become due and payable at any interest
period should the interest be not promptly paid.


The Finance Committee having considered the matter
of loans authorized to be made to the "D.K.E. Fraternity"
and to the University for the erection of a building at
the Entrance: presented the following resolution as embodying
their recommendation, same was unanimously adopted:

Whereas, This Board at its meeting February 10th,
1913, arranged to provide means from the James Estate of
$20,000. to erect a new building at the Entrance to the
University, which sum was on May 20, 1913, increased to
$25,000., and also a loan of $6,000. from said estate
to the D.K.E. Corporation, and

Whereas,- It now appears that funds are or will soon
be available from the James H. Skinner and B. W. Green estates,
from which said sums can be had, obviating the sale of
securities of the said James estate—which would entail some
loss by reason of the market for such securities from said
estate as it was purposed to sell—to raise said amounts,

Resolved, That the securities now held in the Skinner
Estate consisting of $14,100 Va. Cent. bonds, $1,000. U. S.
4's, $500. U. S. 3's, $500. 4 1/2%, $500. 4% and $100.
3 1/2% City of Staunton Bonds, be sold and the proceeds,
together with $4927.36 in cash in the hands of the Bursur


from the Skinner Estate, be used for said purposes,
and that any deficiency be made up from cash from
the Green Estate, as soon as same shall have been
received by the University, and that the Bursar be
authorized to make temporary arrangment with the
banks, if necessary, to care for said amounts until
the Green Estate shall have been received.

The Dean submitted the following letter from the
President, whereupon the resolution following was

To the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Va.
My dear Mr. Rector:-

I recently took the liberty of      
suggesting to Mrs. Chas. H. Senff of 16 East 79th Street,
New York City, that a great opportunity existed at the
University to do a good service by building a gateway to
our new entrance, which would commemorate both her
husband and in a large sense, the Honor System at that


Her husband rendered me a great service at a
critical moment in my work for the million dollar
endowment, and I have always felt very near to him.
He is not living now.

I am very glad to be able to report that Mrs.
Senff has contributed $10,000.00 for this purpose.
I beg you will make suitable acknowledgment of this

I also beg that a committee be appointed to take
the matter up immediately for an appropriate gateway
and suitable tablets in bronze. I suggest that
the Committee consist of the Rector and Mr. Michie
from the Board and from the faculty, Messrs. Lambeth,
Thornton, and Forrest, and that Mr. Carl Bitter and Mr.
Henry Bacon, or either of them, be asked to act as
advisory members of the Committee.

Very sincerely yours,
Edwin A. Alderman.

Resolved: That the Rector and Visitors accept
with grateful appreciation, the munificent gift of
$10,000. for the building of the gateway of the University
and that the Rector be requested to convey to Mrs. Senff
their thanks for the donation.


Resolved: That a Committee be appointed consisting
of the Rector and Mr. Michie from the Visitors, and
Messrs. Lambeth, Thornton and Forrest from the Faculty,
whose duty it shall be to take up at the earliest
practicable moment the matter of obtaining suitable
plans for an appropriate gateway at the new entrance
to the University grounds, and bronze tablets thereon;
and that Mr. Carl Bitter and Mr. Henry Bacon, or either
of them be requested to act as advisory members of said
committee; and that said committee have power to act.

Report of the Executive Committee on the Application
of the Religious Exercises Committee of February 18th,
1914, and March 27th, 1914, signed by Dr. C. W. Kent:
To the Rector and Visitors of the University:

Your committee has attempted to make a thorough
examination of all of the available records relating to
the management of the old Temperance Hall since 193
together with the disposition of the income derived
therefrom. The result of this investigation is as follows:

In June, 1893, the Faculty recommended that action
be taken looking to the transfer of the property to the
direct control of the University.

In June, 1895, the Faculty repeated this recommendation,
which was then adopted by the Rector and Visitors. The


recommendation of the Faculty included a suggestion
that if the building were in the hands of the University
authorities, it would be preserved in good repair and
good order, and the apartments at that time utilized
might be employed for good purposes, and further suggested
that some of the vacant apartments should be assigned to
the use of the Y. M. C. A.

In June, 1898, the Rector and Visitors authorized
the Proctor to make six dormitories on the Temperance
Hall upper floor at a cost not exceeding $500.00. A
statement from the Bursar hereto attached, shows that
in June of 1899, the sum of $411.74 was expended on repairs
to the dormitories.

On June 13th, 1899, the Rector and Visitors, by
resolution, appropriated the sum of $300.00 out of the
rents of the Temperance Hall to the Chapel Fund.

On June 11th, 1900, the Faculty made recommendation
that the entire net proceeds of Temperance Hall be appropriated
for religious purposes. The Rector and Visitors
by resolution disapproved this recommendation of the
Faculty, and ordered that its action appropriating $300.00
annually to the Chapel Fund should stand.


In June, 1902, the Faculty supported an appeal
from the surviving trustees of the Temperance Hall,
urging that the income from that building be no longer
treated as part of the general income of the University,
but the net income be paid over each year to the Religious
Exercises Committee. By resolution, adopted October
18th, 1902, the Rector and Visitors provided that the
net income from Temperance Hall should be said out to
a special Committee of the Faculty to be known as the
Committee on Temperance.

It would seem that at no time during the years 18951902,
when the University collected and disbursed the
rents from Temperance Hall, was there any recognition
on the part of the Rector and Visitors of any claim that the
Religious Exercises Committee, or any one else might have
to these funds. Indeed, by resolution June 11th, 1900,
disapproving the Faculty's recommendation that the whole
proceeds from the building be devoted to religious
purposes, the Rector and Visitors virtually denied any such

Again, when the Faculty in June of 1902, made recommendation
that the entire net proceeds be turned over      
to the Religious Exercises Committee, the Faculty      


did not suggest, or recommend, that there should be
any accounting of monies already collected, but
recommended that for the future they be no longer
treated as belonging to the general income of the University.

It may be noted that following this recommendation,
the Rector and Visitors passed a resolution ordering
that for the future the net income from Temperance Hall
be turned to a special faculty Committee on Temperance.
The records do not show, so far as we have been able to
ascertain, when, or by what authority, the income from
Temperance Hall was put in the hands of the Religious
Exercises Committee.

When the Religious Exercises Committee made
application to the Rector and Visitors for the funds
with which to erect the new building, no reference
was made to this claim of the Committee to the rents
collected by the University from 1895-1902.

It will be seen from the statement of the Bursar,
that during the period when the University had direct
charge of the building, the sum of $836.74 was expended
on improvements, to say nothing of the charges for
general repairs during this period. The University
also doubtless paid the insurance, and any other expensed


incidental to the management of the property, The
Rector and Visitors also appropriated, out of the income for
at least two years, $300.00 per year to the Chapel Fund.

This house was builded upon University grounds for
a specific purpose. Many years ago, the use of the building
for the original purpose, ceased. The property, therefore,
beyond all doubt, reverted to the University of Virgina.
In the years of financial distress, following the disastrous
fire of October 1895, the University needed
every available dollar, and every available room.
It does not seem reasonable, twelve years after the
University gave up the income from the property, during
all which period it has been enjoyed by the Religious
Exercises Committee, and a year after the building itself
has been demolished, that the University should be asked
to recognize that it owes, as a debt to the Religious
Exercises Committee, all of the rents collected and used
by it in the years following the fire.

For the above reasons your committee is constrained
to recommend that the application of the Religious
Exercises Committee be disapproved.

Respectfully submitted,

(signed) Geo. R. B. Michie,
Armistead C. Gordon,
John W. Craddock,
Walter Tausill Oliver,
W. F. Drewry,

Executive Committee.

May 7th, 1914


Whereas, the building erected some years ago at the
entrance to the University grounds, known as the Temperance
Building, has been pulled down and a new one erected,

Whereas, the said original building was used for
the Temperance Cause under an organization which has
passed out of existence, and

Whereas, for the past few years a Committee of the
Faculty has been the recipient of the revenues from the
old building, known as the Committee on Religious Exercises

Whereas, the said Committee last named, has petitioned
the Board for some thousands of dollars alleged back
revenue, and

Whereas, the Executive Committee has filed a report
to this Board showing that the title to said new building
and the land on which it stands is absolutely in the
University, now therefore, to remove all question as
to the title to said property, and the validity of the
claim of said Religious Exercises Committee, it is

Resolved,—That all former action of the Board with
reference to said property is hereby rescinded, and in lieu
thereof a sum not exceeding $1,200. is hereby appropriated


for the annual use of said Religious Exercises
Committee; said appropriation to be derived from the
rents of said property.

Resolved, further,—That said Committee shall be
re-imbursed for any amount which it has expended or
become responsible for in connection with the equipment
of said new building, said amount not to exceed $1,500.
To the Rector and Visitors of the

University of Virginia:


Your petitioner, the Charlottesville and
Albemarle Railway Company, respectfully represents that
acting under authority granted it at your meeting of
November 18th, 1910, it has extended the line of its
tracks along the western side of the Rugby Road from
Madison Hall to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, and
that for the past two months a ten-minute car service
has been maintained to the entrance of Lambeth Field
and University Place, by means of a shuttle car operated
to connect with the main line just below the Dispensary
on West Main Street. This arrangement necessitates the
transfer of all passengers to or from the University
at the point of connection, a very decided inconvenience


to the public at all times, and especially in bad

In order to avoid this and carry our passengers
directly into the University and to Lambeth Field from
all points on Main Street lines without transfer, it is
necessary that some means be provided whereby the cars
may be turned at the University end of the line, since
all of our modern main line equipment consists of cars
that can be operated from one end only. A turn-table
has been put in place, teated, and found to be inefficient,
and after considerable study of the problem by competent
engineers, we have been forced to the conclusion that
nothing except a loop or turning track will afford a
satisfactory means of handling the difficulty.

Believing that the necessary authority to construct
such a loop upon the property of the University had been
obtained, the management of the Company proceeded to
purchase the rails and other material, and even went
so far as to prepare the grade for the track, the plans
calling for a sharp turn to the left at the Lambeth
Field Terminus, into the new Carr's Hill Road, swinging
in the smallest possible circle, and coming back into
main track a short distance from the original point of
deviation. The rails and all other material were upon the


ground and the work nearing completion, when we were advised
that the resolution of November 18th, 1910, included only
the right to run over the bank along the western side
of the Rugby Road, and that we were mistaken in supposing
that we had any authority for the construction of this
turning-track. Upon investigation, we found that this
advice was correct in every respect, and thereupon all
work was at once stopped, pending a report of the whole
situation to your Honorable Body.

Your Petitioner therefore respectfully requests
that the right to construct this turning-track at the point
above described be granted it, so that efficient and
satisfactory transportation facilities may be given to and
from Madison Hall and Lambeth Field; the work to be done
under the supervision of your Supertindent of Grounds
and Buildings, and to be made to conform in all respects
to his requirements, it being understood that if for
any cause or at any time you should see fit to order
the removal of the track, it is to be taken up and the
ground restored to its original condition within thirty
days from the receipt by your Petitioner of such order,
and in the event of the failure of said Petitioner to effect
such removal and restoration within said thirty-days


said work may be done by the University itself and the
cost thereof shall be borne by your Petitioner.

As stated above the necessary grading has been done
and all meterial is in place so that the expense of
completing this turning-track will be small. If
Petitioner may be permitted to suggest, it would propose
that it be allowed to complete the work so that the
whole situation may be inspected at your meeting in June
next. If, upon such inspection, the arrangement should not
meet with your approval, the track and grades are to
be taken up and the land restored as above stated.

Charlottesville & Albemarle Railway Co.
by Perkins, Perkins & Walder, Counsel

Resolved: That it is the sense of this Board
that it is not desirable for the Charlottesville and
Albemarle Street Railway to lay its tracks upon the
University grounds, otherwise than as heretofore
permitted; and that the said railroad be requested
to remove the loop at the northern extension of said
road from the University grounds near the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway Bridge, and restore the said ground to the
condition in which it existed prior to the work done with
reference to said loop.


Resolved: That the Secretary be directed to
communicate this resolution to the President of said
street railroad.

The Bursar brought to the attention of the Board
the claim of R. B. Saunders, a student in the Law
Department for the three sessions 1909-1912, for a
refund on the amount charged him for tuition for the
last session, basing said claim on the grounds of ill
health which precluded him from completing his work within
the prescribed time.

The matter was disposed of in the following offered
by Mr. White, and adopted:

Whereas, R. B. Saunders, a student in the Law
School of this University, paid the full tuition and
University fee for each of the three sessions from 19091912,

Whereas, said Saunders was unable to attend lectures
during a part of the last two sessions, owing to illness,
making it necessary for him to re-enter the Law School
in January 1912, therefore be it

Resolved: That said Saunders be relieved of the
charge of $60. made against him for tuition in the Law
School for the session of 1912-13, and that the Bursur


is hereby directed to make this credit on his account
for said session.

The following petition signed by thirty residents
and students living on eastern side of the Fry's Spring
Road, was present, and request granted.

To the Rector & Visitors
University of Va.

We the undersigned residents east of the
University, beg permission to enter the University grounds
near the Coal Bin.

This will be a great convenience to us and to
students living in the same community.

The opening to be located at such point as may
be agreed upon by the Supt. of Buildings and Grounds.

We agree to use one opening only and to protect
the boundary by preventing openings be made at other points


Resolved: That the Rector and Visitors consent to
the agreement and plan set forth in the circular letter
of April 20th, 1914, of the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line


Railroad, as to the 40 shares of stock held to the credit
of the Byrd Fund, as embodied in said letter; and that
the Rector be authorized to execute the paper of consent
forwarded by said Railroad Company; and that the Bursar
be directed to make the required deposit of $50. covering
our proportionate part of the costs in said matter.

Resolved: That a scholarship in the Law School
of the value of $140., to the holder, be established to
be known as the "Virginia Law Review Scholarship", and
that this scholarship be annually awarded to the Editor-in-Chief
of the Virginia Law Review by the Rectors
and Visitors on the recommendation of the President
and Law Faculty of the University.

Resolved: That Professor C. Alphonso Smith be and
is hereby granted leave of absence to attend the International
Educational Congress to be held at The Hague,
September 7 to 12," 1914; and that the sum of $200 be and
is hereby appropriated to defray a portion of his expenses
while acting as representative of the University of
Virginia at the said Congress.

Resolved: That until otherwise ordered by this Board,
the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. B. W. Green, be rented
to Rev. B. D. Tucker, Jr., at same rate at which they were


rented to Dr. Green.

On motion, the Board adjourned to meet in annual
session in June.

E. I. Carruthers,
Armistead C. Gordon,