University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors in the
office of the President, East Lawn, on above date,


Present: Rector Gordon, Visitors White, Michie,
Craddock, Oliver, and Drewry; also Dr. James M. Page, Acting

The Rector having called the Board to order at 10:30
a.M., the following was adopted:-

Resolved: That the resolutions adopted by this Board
at their meeting of June 16, 1913, be and are hereby approved
and re-adopted.

Whereas, Miss Lena Barksdale was employed as Assistant
in the library for the year ending September 15, 1913, and
Whereas no provision was made in the annual budget adopted
by this Board for paying her salary from July 1 to September 15,
1913, be it therefore,

Resolved: That the sum of $41.65, be and is hereby
appropriated for the purpose of paying Miss Barksdales'
salary for period indicated.

Whereas, Mr. J. O. Beaty, a student in the Department
of Graduate Studies of this University, took up at the
beginning of the session certain courses in the Department of
Law, with a view to broadening his general education, and paid
$25.00 tuition for the same; and, whereas, the said Beaty
has discovered that he has more work, both as Assistant and as
Graduate Student, than he can do, and mustdrop the classes
which he took up in law, be it therefore,


Resolved: That $20.00, of the tuition paid by him in
law, be returned to the said Beaty by the Bursar of the

Dean Page brought to the attention of the Board the
request of Mr. Bernard S. Via for a return of a portion of
the University Fee paid by him for the present session. The
Board of Visitors agreed to return to Mr. Via the sum of
$7.50 on account of his withdrawal to enter the ministry.

The request of Miss Holmes for permission to remove the
portrait of her father, the late Professor Holmes, to her
own room, was not granted.

Resolved: That Mr. C. T. Steger be and is hereby appointed
Instructor in Germanic Languages for the current session at
a total salary of $600.00.

Resolved: That the sum of $450.00 or, as much thereof
as may prove to be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated
for repairs and improvements to the Dispensary Building.

Resolved: That the sum of $292.50 be and is hereby
appropriated to pay for five microscopes for the Department
of Histology and Embryology.

Resolved, first: That the sum of $2,000.00 be and is
hereby appropriated to the School of Practical Astronomy for
purchasing apparatus necessary for carrying on the work of
that school.


Second: Whereas, the sum of $500.00 was included
in the annual budget, adopted June 16th, 1913, for paying
the salary of Mr. C. N. Wunder, and, whereas, the election
of a full professor to the Chair of Astronomy has removed
the necessity of employing Mr. Wunder again, be it therefore
Resolved, that the said $500.00 be and is hereby appropriated
for the purpose of purchasing apparatus necessary for
carrying on the work of the School of Astronomy, making
the total appropriation for this purpose $2500.00.

Whereas, there is at present no incumbent of the Miller
Professorship of Biology and Agriculture in this University,
and, whereas, this fact causes the Trustees of the Miller
Fund to hesitate with regard to paying over to the University
of Virginia, as is usually done, the whole of $6000.00 annual
interest on the endowment, be it therefore,

Resolved: That the following committee of this Board be
and is hereby appointed to confer with the Trustees of the
Miller Fund, with a view to straightening out this matter—
Mr. G. R. B. Michie and Dean J. M. Page.

Resolved, first, That the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia accept with appreciative thanks, the
valuable gift to the University Library, by Dr. James Mercer
Garnett, of a copy (probably unique) of a work entitled,
"Tables of Comparative Etymology and Analogeous Formations in
the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English,


and German languages; or, the Student's Manual of Languages,
designed to facilitate the study of them, by a connected
view of their declensions, methods of comparison, conjugations,
interchangeable letters, and similar terminations" by
John Lewis. The Greek by G. Long; The German by G. Blaetterman,
Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages in the University
of Virginia; Philadelphia: Published by Carey, e &
Carey—Chestnut Street, 1828 Quarto.

Second, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted
to Dr. Garnett by the Secretary of this Board.

Resolved: That, subject to the approval of the
President of the University, the sum of $600.00 be and is
hereby appropriated for the purpose of cataloguing the departmental
libraries of the University, and the library
of the late Dr. B. W. Green. This appropriation is made on
the understanding that this money will be returned to the
general fund of the University out of the first funds paid
into the general library from the estate of the late Dr. B. W.

Resolved: That the sum of $1,000.00 or as much thereof
as may benecessary, be and is hereby appropriated for repairs
and improvements to the Mallet House.

Resolved, further, that this work be carried out under
the supervision of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds;


and that this appropriation is made subject to the approval
of the President of the University.

Resolved: That Dr. James Morris Page be nominated
by the Rector and Visitors to the General Assembly for
election to membership upon the State Board of Education,
for the term beginning March 1915.

The following letter to Dean Page, was presented to
the Board for consideration,—

Dean J. M. Page,
University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Va.
My dear Dr. Page:-

In accordance with the agreement at the
conference between Dr. P. H. Whitehead, Dean of the Medical
Department of the University of Virginia, Dr. Stuart McGuire,
Dean of the Medical College of Virginia, and myself,
in this city on Thursday evening last, the Executive Committee
of the Medical College of Virginia yesterday appointed a
committee of five to confer with a similar committee to be
appointed by the Board of Visitors of the University of
Virginia to discuss plans looking to the union of the
medical schools in this state. The committee consists of—


  • L. J. Morris, Chairman,

  • Eppa Hunton, Jr., Esq.

  • E. L. Bemis,

  • John W. Williams, Esq.

  • S. C. Mitchell.

If it is the pleasure of the Board of Visitors of
the University of Virginia to appoint a similar committee,
our committee will be glad to meet with them at some time
that may be agreeable to you.

Trusting sincerely that the joint committee will be
able to find a basis of agreement, I am,

Sincerely yours,
(signed) S. C. Mitchell.

In view of the foregoing, it was,—

Resolved: That, at the invitation of the Medical
College of Virginia, the following committee be appointed
to meet with a similar committee, already appointed, from
the Medical College of Virginia to discuss and report
for the consideration of this Board, tentative plans for
consolidating the two Medical colleges in the State, under
the control of the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia.

The Rector The Committee

Dr. Drewry The Committee

Mr. Craddock The Committee

Mr. Michie The Committee


Dr. Whitehead,

Mr. White, (The committee continued)

The following letter from Mr. J. L. Newcomb, Chairman
with reference to the Dining-hall contract, was read and

Dr. J. M. Page,
University, Va.
Dear Dr. Page:-

On September 1, 1913, I, as Chairman of
the Commons Committee, entered into a contract with Charles
Jaimes Leasing the University Commons for the period of
one year. The terms of this agreement are exactly the
same as authorized by the Rector and Board of Visitors in
the spring of 1912, except that in lieu of a surety bond
guaranteeing the safe return of the University's property,
I accepted a $50.00 a month deposit with the Bursar of the
University. It was impossible for Mr. Jaimes to secure
the bond required, and I substituted this cash deposit
because I believed that the University's interests were
amply safeguarded thereby, and on account of the limited
time, it was impossible for me to wait for authority from
the Board.

Hoping that you will present this matter to


the Board, and that it will meet with their approval,
I am,

Very sincerely,
(signed) J.L. Newcomb

Resolved: That the sum of $260.45 be and is hereby
appropriated to purchase new linen and crockery for the

Resolved, first, That the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia, desire to enter a minute expressive
of their keen appreciation of the loyalty and benevolence
of the late Edward J. Folkes, of Lynchburg, Virginia, in
founding two scholarships in the institution in memory of
the late William C. Folkes. It is difficult to estimate
the great good which will be accomplished through all future
years by these scholarships, or to measure the increase of
the University in reaching out to young men who otherwise
could not come within the sphere of her influence.

Second, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted
to the members of Mr. Folkes family.

Resolved, first, That the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia desire to enter this minute expressive
of their deep appreciation of the noble bequest which comes


to the University under the will of that worthy and
affectionate son of Alma Mater, Dr. Bennett Wood Green.
It is difficult to estimate the great good which will
accrue to the Institution through future years from this
foundation. In particular, the General Library, which
will receive the benefit of the bulk of the bequest,
will, as the "heart" of the University, pulse ever
hereafter with new vigor, sending generous and powerful
streams of vitality to all members of the institutional

Second, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted
to the members of Dr. Green's family.

Whereas, it recently became emergent to make repairs
to the Rotunda and rectangle appurtenant thereto, and to
expend the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars for that
purpose; therefore be it—

Resolved: That this fact be brought to the attention
of the General Assembly with the request that the University
be re-imbursed the above sum.

Resolved: That it is the sense of the Board
that President Alderman be requested to delay his return to
his official duties at the University until his medical
advisers shall state that he can do so with perfect safety


to his health, and that the Rector be requested to
communicate this resolution to President Alderman with
the greetings and kind regards of the Rector and Visitors,
and an expression of their sincere pleasure at the news
of his progress towards recovery.

Resolved: That Dean Page be continued in his duties
as heretofore performed, in connection with the administration
of the University, at the same rate of compensation, until
President Alderman's return.

The Bursar brought to the attention of the Board, the
question of insurance on the "Colannade Club Annex", stating
that he had paid the premium on a policy of $4,000 on said
annex, and that another for a like sum would be written
when the building is complete, and asked for instructions
in charging the said premiums. A letter from the President
of the Club was read, stating that the Club did not feel that
it should be called upon to pay the insurance, as the annex
is distinctly University property; and especially in view
of the fact that the Club has contributed the sum of $4,000 towards
its erection.

The Board instructed the Bursar to treat the insurance on
said annex in the same manner as that on other University property.

Complying with request of Dean W. M. Thornton of the
Engineering Department for a special appropriation to


cover cost of additional lockers for his department,
it was

Resolved: That the sum of $100.00 be appropriated
for this purpose.

The request of Dr. R. H. Whitehead, Dean of the
Medical Department, for a special appropriation of
$100.00 to cover cost of additional assistance in the
School of Anatomy, was granted.

On motion the Board adjourned subject to call of the

E. I. Carruthers,
Armistead C. Gordon,