University of Virginia Library


At a meeting of Board of Visitors of the University,
at 2:00 P. M., on above date in the President's Office, East

Present: The Rector, Armistead C. Gordon, and Visitors
White, Craddock, Harmon, Norton, Irvine, and Shackelford,

The Rector having called the Board to order, the following
was adopted,—

Resolved: That $150.00 be appropriated out of the general
funds of the University to the Debating and Oratorical
Council of the Washington and Jefferson Literary Societies,
to assist in defraying the expenses of the contestants in the
scheduled oratorical contests and to cover the cost of a debater's
medal awarded by the Board as in the past.

Resolved: That the sum of $200.00 be appropriated out
of the general funds of the University, to cover cost of a
portrait of the late Arthur W. Austin, benefactor.

Resolved: That the claim of Fuller and Pitcher for architectural
plans for the Hospital, be referred to Mr. John B.
Moon, attorney for the University, with the authority to make
the best settlement of the same practicable.

Resolved: That the action of the General Faculty suggesting
the establishment of a "Department of Public Health
and Sanitation" as set out in the report of the Committee of
the Medical Department, be approved; and that said Department
be established in the University, as recommended.


The recommendation of Committee on Academic Rules and
Courses, previously adopted by the Academic Faculty, was
presented, and adopted by the Board as follows:-

Resolved: That a sixth Academic Group be formed in
which shall be placed the subjects: English Literature,
Biblical History and Literature, and English Language; and
that every candidate for either of the baccalaureate cultural
degrees be required to select one subject from this

Resolved, further—that the other regulations concerning
the baccalaureate degrees be unchanged, save in so far as the
adoption of the above recommendations renders necessary.

The following correspondence was presented to the Board
by President Alderman,—

To the Honorable Board of Visitors,
University of Virginia.

Learning from our honored President that you would
probably meet at the University very soon for the transaction
of important business, I take advantage of the opportunity
to bring a personal matter of high importance to
myself before you.

For several years past my health has been gradually
failing accompanied by a partial loss of sight induced by
incessant labors in the fields of literature, the lecture-room,
and research work in my chosen subjects. My ill-health


has now reached such a pass that I am compelled, though with
profound reluctance, to hand in my resignation of the Chair
of Teutonic Languages, to take effect at the end of the scholastic
year in June next.

I should struggle on with my work, with the help of my
able assistant; had not the Carnegie Board assured me that it
would place me on its honorary list, provided I received the
consent and endorsement of the President and of your honorable
body. Their Board meets in May and I should be most grateful
if you could make your action subject to theirs, in case of

Singularly pleasant and instructive as my connection of
nearly 43 years with the University has been, first as a student
in 1866-67-68, then as closely bound alumnus at a neighboring
institution, finally, as 14 years' occupant of several
different chairs in the University; delightful as all this has
been to me, and largely through your gracious kindness, I feel
that the time has come when a younger and stronger man should
take up the work of my historic chair and meet the demands
urged upon us by the expansion of the institution under its
far-seeing President. I shall always watch this work with the
most cordial and sympathetic feeling, knowing that under a
superintending hand so wonderfully gifted, Dr. Alderman's
plans for the University will, if carried out, rank him as the
second founder of our great Alma Mater, inferior in his wide
and comprehensive knowledge of educational matters only to the
Sage of Monticello himself. It is therefore with the deepest


sorrow that I part from the University at this moment, unable
to share in its expanding power and greatness, but wishing it
Godspeed in its noble future.

Thanking you gentlemen most sincerely for your toleration
of my imperfect work in all this trying illness, I remain

Most cordially and respectfully yours,
(signed) James A. Harrison,
Professor of Teutonic Languages.
Dr. James A. Harrison,
University of Virginia.
My dear Professor Harrison:-

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your communication
of the 18th inst., forwarding your letter of resignation as
Professor of Teutonic Languages in the University of Virginia.
I have communicated your letter to the Rector and Visitors of
the University and they have commissioned me to express their
profound regret at your decision. I believe you will understand
how keenly and genuinely I share with the Visitors this
sentiment of regret.

The Visitors, however, appreciate perfectly the reasons
that impel you to take this step. They accept your resignation,
subject to the conditions mentioned in your letter, assuring
you of their entire appreciation of the singularly able
services as a teacher and as a scholar which you have rendered
to this institution for the past fourteen years. As a scholar
and teacher and man of letters, you have given distinction to


a great department and enrolled your name among the great
servants of the University of Virginia.

The Rector and Visitors and the President wish for you
in your retirement, health and strength sufficient for the
happy continuance of the scholar's life and the scholar's

Very sincerely yours,
(signed) Edwin A. Alderman, President.

In view of the foregoing, the following was adopted,—

Resolved: That the resignation of Professor James A.
Harrison be accepted with the sincere regret of the Board,
and with an expression of their high appreciation of his
services as Professor; and that President Alderman be requested
to communicate the action of the Board to Dr. Harri-

It appearing that notice having been given as required
by statute of the intention of the Board to elect a Professor
of English, Dr. C. Alphonso Smith having received the
votes of the members of the Board present, is declared elected
Professor of English, at a salary of $3,000.00 per annum, to
enter upon his duties September 16th, 1909.

Resolved: That Pavillion II East Lawn, now occupied by
Dr. James A. Harrison, be reserved for Dr. C. Alphonso Smith,
and that the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds is authorized
to make such changes in the house as may be necessary
for his occupancy.

It appearing that notice having been given as required
by statute of the intention of the Board of Visitors to elect


a Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Joseph H. Kastle having received
the votes of the members of the Board present, is declared
elected Professor of Chemistry, at a salary of $3,300.00 per
annum, to enter upon his duties September 16th, 1909.

Resolved: That all recitation rooms, laboratories and
dormitories necessary for the uses of the Summer School, be
placed at the disposal of the management of the Summer School
during its session, under the direction of the President.

Resolved: That the question of fire protection for the
University be referred to the Superintendent of Grounds and
Buildings, with request that he report to the next meeting
of the Board, with recommendations as to what should be done
in the matter of increased protection; and, in the mean time,
the request of the City of Charlottesville for co-operation
in the support of the City Fire Department be postponed.

Resolved: That the claim of Mr. Paul J. Pelz, Architect,
be referred to Mr. John B. Moon, Attorney for the
Board, with authority to act.

Resolved: That Section 68 of the Laws of the University,
is amended so that the Adjunct Professors in the Engineering
Department may do work as consulting engineers, provided
their regular professorial duties be not thereby interfered

Resolved: That the sum of $104.00 be appropriated out
of the general funds of the University to defray the balance
due on repairs to the University Chapel.

Resolved: That the sum of $2,000.00, or as much thereof
as may be necessary be hereby appropriated for the purpose of


furnishing the President's house as suggested in the report
of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and that the
same be expended under the direction of the President.

Resolved: That the thanks of this Board be tendered to
President Edwin A. Alderman for the energetic, efficient and
devoted part which he has taken in securing to the University
of Virginia, the creation and benefits of "The Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Endowment Fund" of the University.

Resolved: That the Visitors coincide with and approve
the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the "Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Endowment Fund" with regard to the application
of the income of the Fund, and the designation of the
schools as therein set forth.

Resolved: That Henry Martin be continued in his present
position as janitor, at the same salary, but without being
required to perform any of the duties of the position.

This action is taken by the Board in recognition of his
advanced age, and of his faithful services to the University
during a period of sixty years; and the Board desires to say
to him: "Well done, good and faithful servant."

On motion the Board adjourned

I. K. Moran,
Armistead C. Gordon