University of Virginia Library


At the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia, at 10 00 A. M. on above date, in the
President's Office,

Present The Rector, and Visitors White, Craddock,
Drewry, Shackelford, Harmon, Irvine, and Norton,


The Board was called to order by the Rector, and the
following adopted,-

Resolved: That the Report on the James Fund, presented
by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, be recorded and
filed together with exhibits.

The Report follows:-

The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia -

Your Finance Committee beg leave to report that, in
pursuance of your Resolution of April 10, 1908, it has arranged
with "The Virginia Trust Company" of Richmond, Virginia,
for the safe keeping of the securities, and the collection
of interest and dividends thereon, of the estate of
the late E. W. James, and presents herewith the following
exhibits covering the details of the arrangement, including
the transfer of securities from the Norfolk Bank for Savings
& Trusts to the Virginia Trust Company

Exhibit A, which is a copy of Appendix D, Commissioner
Ruffin's report, giving the list of securities turned over
to the Virginia Trust Company; par value of which is $160,578.64,
appraised value $200,338.64, less 28 shares of Marine
Bank Stock, appraised at $7,560.00, which was delivered,
February 5, 1908, to Messrs. Loyall, Taylor & White, Attorneys,
Norfolk, Virginia, for the University, and including
Certificate No. 26, for one (1) share Richmond Club stock,
par value $100.00, appraised at $40.00, and showing a credit
of $33.00 paid on account of distribution of assets. This
certificate not being listed.


The 28 shares of Marine Bank stock above referred to,
was taken by Messrs. Loyall, Taylor & White, as a part of
their fee. All of which, together with settlement with the
legatees and claimants against the estate of Mr. James, will
appear from the letter of Mr. W. H. White to the Rector,
dated February 6th, 1908, and herewith filed, marked Exhibit

Exhibit B. Personal effects listed in Appendix D, Commissioner
Ruffin's report, consisting principally of books,
papers, watches, forks, spoons, &c.

Exhibit C. Letter from Mann S. Quarles, Vice-President
of the Virginia Trust Company, date June 1, 1908, to Norfolk
Bank for Savings & Trusts, Norfolk, Virginia.

Exhibit D. Reply of W. W. Vicar, Cashier, to Virginia
Trust Company. Date, June 4, 1908.

Exhibit E. Copy of resolution of Board of Visitors of
the University, authorizing Finance Committee to arrange with
the Virginia Trust Company for the safe-keeping and other necessary
duties pertaining to the securities of the estate of
the late E. W. James.

Exhibit F. Collections reported by the Norfolk Bank for
Savings & Trusts, proceeds of which were paid over to Messrs.
Loyall, Taylor & White, Attorneys for the University of Virginia.

Exhibit G. Letters, May 29, 1908, from Finance Committee
U. of V., signed John W. Craddock and W. H. White, to the
Norfolk Bank for Savings & Trusts and the Virginia Trust Company,
with instructions as to the delivery of securities in
the James estate.


Exhibit H Letter of Mann S. Quarles, Vice-President,
June 6, 1908, to the Norfolk Bank for Savings & Trusts, acknowledging
receipt of securities as shown in Exhibit A, with
the exceptions noted in this report.

Respectfully submitted,
(signed) John W. Craddock.
Wm. H. White,
Finance Committee.

Referring to the resolution adopted at the meeting of
the Board held the 10th of April, wherein it was provided
that the Finance Committee should sell the "Stump Haul Fishery"
in Princess Anne Co., (the same being a part of the
Estate of Mr. James), provided the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars
could be obtained therefor,

It is now resolved,- That the said Committee is authorized
to sell said property, if so much as Forty Thousand can
be obtained therefor. This change in price is largely induced
by the discovery that acreage is only 241 instead of 425 as
heretofore estimated.

It appearing that notice having been given as required by
statute of the purpose of the Board of Visitors to elect a
professor of Pathology, now, therefore, Dr. Harry Taylor Marshall,
having received the votes of the members of the Board
present, is elected to the chair of Pathology at a salary of
$3,000.00 per annum, to enter upon his duties October 1st,

The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia appreciate
the high purpose of Mr. Andrew Carnegie in establishing


the "Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching."
They perceive clearly, its far-reaching and beneficient results
in advancing the dignity of the teacher's office, in protecting
the old age of unselfish public servants, and in increasing the
efficiency and promoting the elevation of the standards in
American Colleges and Universities.

They, therefore desire that the University of Virginia
shall participate in the benefits of this Foundation, and hereby
make application for the admission of the University of Virginia
into all the rights and privileges of the "Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching."

The resignation of Adjunct Professor C. M. McKergow of
the Engineering Department of the University was presented to
the Board, through the following letter to President Alderman:

"Dr. E. A. Alderman,
President, University of Virginia.
Dear Sir:

Please accept my resignation as Adjunct Professor
of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Virginia,
effective Sept. 15th, 1908.

Yours truly,
(signed) Chas. M. McKergow.

On motion, it was resolved,- That the resignation of
Mr. McKergow be accepted by the Board, and that the President
be authorized to convey the regrets of the Board to Mr.

On motion, it was resolved That Mr. Charles Hancock
be elected Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering in


the University of Virginia, at a salary of $1,500.00 per
annum, to enter upon his duties September 10, 1908.

Resolved: (a) That a sum not exceeding $2,000.00 be appropriated
for the purchase and installation of a mechanical
refrigeration plant for the University Dining-Hall, which is
made necessary in order to reduce the cost of supplies.

(Memo: It will be recalled that this money will have to
be taken from the general appropriation of $65,000.00 made
by the last legislature.)

(b) Resolved: That the appointment of a stenographer
and accountant for the office of the Bursar and Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds be authorized at a salary of
$50.00 per month, the salary to be paid from the following funds:
Appropriation for Buildings and Grounds $200.00, Summer School
$200.00; and Dining Hall $200.00.

(c) Resolved: That H. C. Bardin be and he is
hereby appointed Superintendent of the Dining Hall for the term
beginning June 15th, 1908, at a salary of $1,800.00 per annum,
and shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Faculty
Committee on Dining Hall may deem proper.

Resolved that final action on the recommendation of the
General Faculty regarding changes in the Bachelor of Arts degree
be postponed until the October meeting of the Board of

The Rector filed the resolutions of the several Alumni
Associations in regard to this degree, which have been forwarded
to him.

Resolved: That the filling of the full professorships


in Chemistry and Physics be postponed until the session of

(Memo The Rector will recall the reasons given by the
President, setting forth the impossibility of supplying
these places, or of finding suitable men for recommendation
to the Board. He will also recall that the present
budget does not provide for the carrying of the two new
full professors for the year 1908-1909.)

The following resolution presented by the President and
adopted by the General Faculty, May 23rd, 1908, was at this
time, adopted by the Board,-

"The General Faculty and the President recommend to the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
various existing schools of science and such schools of science
as may hereafter be created, including the Department of Agriculture,
be organized into a Department of Science, either as
a separate department, or in a relation to some other department
now existing in the University. The recent large expansion
of several of these schools suggests this organization,
and the needs of our society for trained teachers of science,
for scientific experts, and for scientific-minded men in industrial
life demand it. The nature of the organization of
this department, as well as the scope and content of its curriculum,
are now before the faculties involved, and a definite
recommendation concerning these matters will be hereafter sub-
mitted to the Rector and Visitors for final action.

Resolved: That the Board adopts the above recommendation
of the General Faculty and President and postpones further and


more definite action until the final recommendation framed
by the Faculty and President has been received.

The letter of the Miller Board follows

Secretary Board of Visitors, Univ. of Va.,
University of Virginia.
Dear Sir -

I am directed by the Miller Board of Trustees of the
University of Virginia to transmit to you to be laid before
your Board, the following resolutions of the Miller Board
of Trustees of the Agricultural School of the University of
Virginia, adopted at their meeting held on Saturday, June
13th, 1908:-

"The Trustees of the Miller Fund earnestly desiring the
widest efficiency of the instruction provided for the University
under the terms of the deed of trust have carefully considered
the proposal to change the name of the Department of
Agriculture to that of the Department of Science and to enlarge
its scope. They cordially approve the proposed change
of name, with the express understanding that the School of
Agriculture called for by the terms of Mr. Miller's deed of
trust be made an integral part of the proposed department and
the hope that provision will be made for instruction in the
important subject of Forestry."

Very respectfully yours,
(signed) B. T. W. Duke, Jr.,
Secretary & Treasurer of
Miller Board.


Resolved: That a Committee of the Board of Visitors appear
before the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to
discuss the proposition for the improvement of the Ivy Road.

Resolved: That Mr. J. W. Wayland, Assistant in the Library,
be paid the sum of $100.00 out of current funds of the
University, for extra services rendered in the Library during
the present session.

Resolved: That the Law Building be located in accordance
with the suggestion of Mr. Manning, the landscape architect
employed by the University, on the south side of the walk leading
from the post-office, and the sum of $250.00 is hereby appropriated
to pay Mr. Mannings fee, upon the in-coming of his

In response to the request from the Beta Iota Chapter of
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity,

Resolved: That the Board of Visitors does not deem it
proper to grant an option on any particular lot for a fraternity
building; but adheres to its resolution of December 3,

Whereas Zeta Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity has
presented evidence of its pecuniary ability to erect a fraternity
house subject to the terms and conditions of a resolution
of this Board of December 2nd, 1907, to cost the sum of eighteen
thousand (18,000.00) dollars, and

Whereas said Zeta Chapter of Kappa Sigma, before expending
the money necessary to comply with certain conditions precedent
of said resolution of this Board in regard to incorporation,
approval of plans, etc., desires to obtain assurances that the
Board approves its undertaking:


Now, therefore, be it resolved, That upon compliance by
said Chapter with said resolution of this Board, in regard to
incorporation, etc., and upon satisfactory evidence that said
corporation is prepared to expend the sum of six thousand
(6,000.00) dollars in erecting a fraternity house, this Board
is now willing to loan to said corporation the sum of twelve
thousand (12,000.00) dollars, and lease to it a site for said
house, upon the terms and conditions of said resolution of December
2nd, 1907.

Resolved. That the proposition of Messrs. Johnston and
Wise for an option on a site for a University Inn, be referred
to the same Committee, having in charge the applications from
the fraternities, with power to act.

Resolved That the fee-bill of Loving, Coolidge & Noble,
for $100.00 for legal services in connection with the Austin
Estate, is approved and ordered to be paid.

It is recommended to the President, and with his approval,
to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, that
there be established in the University a "School of Forestry";
and that provision be made as early as practicable for instruction
in such subjects essential to the work of such a school as
are not, or cannot be, provided for by the present teaching
force of the University.

(Memo: The above is the report of a special committee of
the Faculty appointed by the President for the consideration
of this subject, which report was approved by the
President and passed by the General Faculty at its meeting
on May 29th, 1908.)


Resolved That the Board of Visitors approves of and
adopts the revised program of courses for degrees in Engineering,
as recommended by the General Faculty at their meeting
of May 23rd, 1908.

Resolved That Dr. John W. Mallet be, and he is hereby
elected Emeritus Professor of Chemistry.

On motion, the following resolutions in reference to Fellowships
and Scholarships was adopted by the Board:

(a) Resolved,- that the John Y. Mason Fellowship for the
session of 1908-'9, be awarded to Mr. John J. Luck, on the nomination
of the President.

(b) Resolved, that the three Vanderbilt Fellowships for
the session of 1908-9 be awarded to Messrs. C. P. Olivier,
Ralph E. Wilson, and W. N. Neff, upon the nomination of the
Director of the McCormick Observatory.

(c) Resolved, that the Board of Visitors Fellowships,
three in number, be awarded to Messrs. W. H. Faulkner, E. P.
Dargan, and M. H. Arnold, for the session of 1908-'9, upon
the recommendation of the Professors of the Schools of Teutonic
Languages, Romance Languages, and English Literature.

(d) Resolved, that Paul Micou be awarded the William
Cabell Rives Fellowship for the session of 1908-'9, upon the
nomination of the President.

(e) Mr. Albert S. Brown of Frederick, Md., Executor for
the founder of the Valentine Birely Scholarship, having nominated
Mr. Upton Sharretts Reich of Maryland, as incumbent for
the session of 1908-'9, on motion, it was resolved that the
scholarship be so awarded.


(f) Resolved, that the Henry Eoalter Cabell, Scholarship
for the session of 1908-'9, be awarded to Mr. Randolph F.
Mason, upon the nomination of the Professor of English Literature

(g) Mr. Joseph Bryan having nominated Messrs. A. C. Randolph
and L. R. Mason for the Isaac Carey Scholarship for the
session of 1908-'9, it was resolved that they be awarded the

On motion, it was resolved that the President be authorized
to appoint all instructors and assistants for the session
of 1908-'9, upon the recommendation of the heads of the different
schools, in accordance with the Budget adopted at the
last meeting of the Board.

Resolved, The Board of Visitors express their deep concern
at the condition of the health of President Alderman, which
necessitated his temporarily leaving his post; and wish him a
complete recovery and a safe return.

Mr. John B. Moon, counsel for the University, presented,
through the President, his report on the Austin Estate, which
was approved and ordered spread on the record, as follows:-

Corporate Stocks and Bonds of the Estate of Arthur W.
Austin, in the hands of William edict Jr. and Bentley W.
Warren, Trustees.



Securities.  Trustees
Read & Co.
or Gain. 
200 Shrs.  National Bank of Commerce,  $26,094.99  $32,000. +  $5,905.01 
100 Shrs.  Second National Bank
22,600.00  22,000. -  600.00 
50 Shrs.  Ogdensburg & L. Champlain
R. R. 
250.00  250.00 
150 Shrs.  Newtonville & Watertown
St. Ry. Co., 
27,000.00  24,450. -  2,550.00 
25 Shrs.  East Middlesex St. Ry.
4,125.00  5,500.  + 1,375.00 
34 Shrs.  Winnisimmet R. R. Co.,  2,250.00  2,244.  - 306.00 
50. Shrs.  Boston Elevated Ry. Co.  4,611.25  6,750.  + 2,138.75 
150 Shrs.  Fitchburg R. R. Co.
12,137.50  19,350.  + 7,212.50 
200 Shrs.  Boston & Albany R. R.  41,407.37  40,600.  - 807.37 
250. Shrs.  Boston & Lowell R. R.
50,314.67  52,500.  + 2,185.33 
200. Shrs.  Old Colony R. R. Co.  35,544.74  37,000.  + 1,455.26 
100 Shrs.  New York, New Haven &
Hartford, R. R. Co., 
22,061.75  13,600.  - 8,461.75 
250 Shrs.  Mass. Gas. Co. (Pref'd)  21,500.00  21,500. 
$45,000  bonds American Telephone
& Telegraph Co. 4's, 
42,650.00  36,900.  - 5,750.00 
4,000  bonds New York, New Haven
& Hartford R. R. Co. on
which 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
subscription of 75% has
been paid, amounting to 
3,000.00  2,600.  - 400.00 
$315,847.27  $316,994 

May 8th, 1908 Net gain in Read & Co's valuation,— $1,146.73

The correspondence between President Alderman, the Rector,
Rev. Mr. Browne, H. Noreck, and his attorney, was read; and on
motion, it was

Resolved: That it is the sense of the Board that the matter
is so manifestly without merit, that no further action is


Resolved: That, inasmuch as the Board has fixed the
rental of the "Colonnade Club" at the nominal sum of $50.00
per annum, the Eursar be authorized to make the charge for
steam heat and electric lights at a figure not exceeding
$50.00, so that the annual charge to cover rent, heating
and lights, be $100 per year

Resolved That the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
is authorized, if proper arrangements can be made, to
lease the University Coal-Yard to a coal dealer who will furnish
coal to students at a cost deemed satisfactory to said
superintendent. Resolved, further that, until such arrangements
be made, the present law with reference to furnishing
coal to resident students only be complied with.

Resolved: That the Chair of Biblical History & Literature
be continued under the following agreement, to-wit:

A Trust Agreement
The Christian Woman's Board of Missions, of Indianapolis, Ind.,
The Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia,

For the perpetual maintenance of a Chair of Biblical History
and Literature within said University.

— I. —

The Endowment

1. The Christian Woman's Board of Missions agrees to set
aside for the support of the Chair the sum of      
thousand dollars ($      ), being the present endowment fund


originally raised by said C. W. B. M., for the support of
the John B. Cary Bible Lectureship, augmented by the gift
of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.) contributed for the
purpose by Mr. T. A. Cary, of Richmond.


2. This endowment fund shall be held by a Board of Trustees,
consisting of                      (If other than
the Ex. Com. of the C. W. B. M., it should be here stated how
they are to be appointed and perpetuated).

Duties of Trustees

3. The Board of Trustees shall preserve the endowment or
capital fund entire, investing it in good, substantial, and
safe securities. The interest upon said endowment shall be
paid over quarterly to the Bursar of the University of Virginia,
and by the Bursar paid out for the salary of the Professor
of Biblical History and Literature, and for the legitimate
and necessary incidental expenses of the chair. The
Trustees shall see that the money paid over to the Bursar shall
be used fully and only as herein provided. Any surplus or balance
of the income from the endowment, over and above the necessary
expenses of the Chair, shall be held subject to future
needs, or shall be added to the endowment. The Trustees shall
annually submit their account to an auditor, who shall be an
expert accountant, and shall give a sworn statement of his

Increase of Endowment

4. The Trustees and the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia are empowered to solicit in any wise, and from


any source they deem proper, additional funds for the increase
of the endowment as the needs of the Chair may demand. Such
needs shall be the salary of the Professor and of any assistants
the growth of the work may require, the purchase of any
supplies for the Chair (such as stationery and the like), the
purchase of books required for the proper prosecution of the
work of the Chair. Such books and other property acquired
shall be under the control of the Trustees as is the endowment
fund itself.

Reversion of Funds

5. If the University of Virginia shall at any time become
unable or unwilling to continue the Chair of Biblical History
and Literature for three consecutive years, in accordance
with the conditions hereinbefore specified and those hereinafter
named, then the whole of the original endowment fund
of the John B. Cary Bible Lectureship, consisting of
thousand dollars ($     ) and the added gift of twenty thousand
($20,000) from Mr. T. A. Cary, shall be surrendered to
the Christian Woman's Board of Missions, or their legal successors
or assigns, to be disposed of or applied as they shall
deem best, or as specified in the original deed of gift or
conveyance of the donors. Any added funds other than those
specified above shall be disposed of as their donors may have
indicated at the time of making the gift, such specification
of the donors wish to be in every case secured by the Trustees
or the University of Virginia when accepting the gift.


— II. —

A "School" of the University

1. The Rector and Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia agree that the Chair of Biblical History and Literature
shall be one of the regular Chairs or Schools of the
Academic Department of the University: shall be listed in its
appropriate group in the B. A. Schedule; and shall be regularly
announced and advertised as such in the catalogue and elsewhere,
as are the other schools of the University.

Courses and Credit:

2. At no time shall the University fail to allow the Chair
of Biblical History and Literature to offer every session at
least one course that shall, when successfully completed by a
student, be credited as one full ticket towards his B. A. degree;
and one advanced course that shall under usual regula-
tions, apply towards the M. A. degree.

3. The University shall always provide a lecture room and
needed physical equipment for the class or classes of the Chair
of Biblical History and Literature without cost to the funds of
the Chair.

— III. —

Appointment of Professor:

1. The Professor of Biblical History and Literature shall
be appointed as are all other professors of the University,
but recommendations from the Trustees of this Fund will be
cordially considered.



2. The Professor of Biblical History and Literature shall
be either a full professor or an associate professor, never
of lower rank.


3. If the number of students electing the course or courses
shall demand it, and the income of the Chair shall permit
it, such tutors, instructors, or adjunct professors as may be
needed shall be appointed by the University, and paid out of
the income of the Chair.


4. In selecting and appointing the professor, not only
his scholastic fitness must be considered, but also his Christian
character. He must be not only a scholar but a distinctly
religions man, interested in men as well as in books, and able
by his manly life to commend to students the teaching of the
Book from which he instructs them.


5. The Professor shall do the work of the Chair as do the
other professors of the University. In addition, he shall cooperate
with the Y. M. C. A., and other religious agencies at
the University, deliver such open-lectures on the Bible, and
conduct such volunteer Bible classes as time and occasion may
permit, and endeavor to make himself a positive religious factor
in the religious life of the University. It is also the
wish of the Founders of the Chair that the professor make his
influence felt beyond the University by improving such opportunities
as may offer to address churches, schools, Y. M. C. A.
etc., so far as his regular duties at the University may allow.


In appointing any man to the Chair of Biblical History
and Literature, his attention shall be especially called to
this and the preceding article. (III., 4 & 5.)

— IV. —

Power of Trustees

1. If at any time the University fails to comply with the
provisions of this agreement as to the nature and extent of
courses to be offered, and the qualifications and duties of
the professor to be appointed, it shall become the duty of the
Trustees to withhold the support of the Chair until such failure
is remedied. But such withdrawal of support shall never
be made during a session of the University, while a course or
courses are in progress as provided above. Nor shall support
ever be withdrawn from the occupant of the Chair or his assistants
without three months' notice, except for such conduct as
would lead to their summary dismissal from the teaching staff
of the University.

Should the work of the Chair cease for three successive
years under the provisions of this article, the endowment of
the Chair shall revert as provided in S I, Article 5, above.

Change of Trusteeship:

2. If at any time the Christian Woman's Board of Missions
desires to discontinue acting as Trustee of the endowment of
the John B. Cary Memorial Chair of Biblical History and Literature,
at the University of Virginia, under the conditions
hereinbefore stated, it shall then become their duty to turn
over to a Board of Trustees in Virginia all the endowment and


other property of the Chair, to be administered by the new
Board of Trustees exactly as hereinbefore provided, Such
Board of Trustees shall be made up of seven men of recognized
Christian character. Four of them shall reside in the
vicinity of the University of Virginia, and three in Virginia
at large. Not more than three of them shall be members of
one and the same Christian denomination. A majority of them
shall constitute a quorum. They shall meet at the University
at least once a year for the transaction of the business of
their office. One of their number shall be Secretary and
Treasurer. He must reside in Charlottesville, and he must
give suitable bond for the faithful discharge of his duties.
No Trustee can be under 35, or over 65 years of age.

This Board shall be originally appointed by the Executive
Committee of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions
when giving up the trust. After that the Board of Trustees
shall be self-perpetuating, filling vacancies at the meeting
next succeeding the occurrence of such either by death, resignation,
or reaching of age limit.

Copies of Agreement:

A copy of this Agreement shall be placed and kept with
therecords of the Board of Visitors; a copy shall be kept
by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and acopy furnished
every incumbent of the Chair when he accepts the

On motion, the Board adjouned.

I. K. Moran,
Armistead C. Gordon,