Board of Visitors minutes October 15, 1907 | ||
October 15th, 1907.
At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors on above
date, in the President's Office, East Lawn,
Present: The Rector, and Visitors Buchanan, Craddock,
Harmon, Hunton, Moore, and Norton, and the President,
The Board was called to order by the Rector at 2 30
P. M., and the following adopted.
Resolved That the Board of Visitors accept with gratitude
the gift by and from John Armstrong Chanler, of his
property, situate in Albemarle County, Virginia, known as
"Merrie Mills", and that the thanks of the Board be conveyed
to the generous donor.
Resolved: That Dr. James Carroll Flippin be appointed
Adjunct Professor of Therapeutics for the session of 1907-'08
at a salary of $500.00 This amount to be paid out of excess
from appropriation for Dr. Barringer's Salary.
Resolved: That the salary of Dr. Bruce R. Payne, Professor
of Secondary Education and Psychology, be increased from
$250.00 to $500.00 per annum. This sum is in addition to the
$2500.00 donated by the General Education Board for salary of
Dr. Payne.
Resolved: That the Chair of Economic Geology, recently
established at this University be designated the "William Barton
Rogers Chair of Economic Geology," in recognition of the
eminent and devoted services of William Barton Rogers to the
University of Virginia.
Resolved: That the sum of $500.00 be appropriated to
cover expenditures in repairing and repainting the interior
of the Administration Building of the University Hospital,
out of the residue of the Hospital "Building Fund."
Resolved: That in addition to the salary of $3000.00
per annum, paid, and to be paid Dr. C. H. Bunting, Professor
of Pathology, he be allowed a commutation of rent of $300.00
Resolved: That the thanks of the Board of Visitors be
conveyed to Dr. J. Ackerman Coles, for his generous gift of
a life-size bronze bust of Thomas Jefferson to the University.
Resolved: (The Trustees of the Miller Fund concurring),
that the three Miller Scholarships now given, with a value in
each case of over $250.00 a year, be declared teaching scholarships,
and that it be made a condition of their tenure, beginning
with session of 1908-'09, that the incumbent shall in each
case give, not to exceed, one-third of his time, as may be required,
to service as an Assistant in the Biological Laboratory.
Resolved: That the petitions of Prof. Bruce R. Payne and
others with regard to lease of University grounds for building
purposes, be referred to the previously appointed Committee on
Fraternity Houses, with power to act.
Resolved, that Dr. R. M. Bird, Collegiate Professor of
Chemistry, be paid full salary from August 1, 1907, that Dr.
Thomas L. Watson, Professor of Economic Geology, be paid full
salary from July 1, 1907, and that the amount budgeted for the
securing of an Adjunct Professor of Surgery be increased from
$1250.00 to $1500.00 per annum, and the amount budgeted for the
securing of an Instructor in Public Speaking and Expression be
increased from $800.00 to $900.00
Resolved: That the resolution adopted at the June meeting
in 1907, relating to the employment of an Attorney for the
University be rescinded, and that a committee of three be appointed
to consider and report to the Board upon the expediency
of the employment of such attorney at a fixed salary, and
if such appointment be deemed expedient by said committee,
that they define the duties of such attorney and recommend the
amount of salary. To serve on this committee, Visitors Harmon,
Craddock, and Norton, and the President.
Resolved: That the Rector be authorized to transmit to
the Second Auditor, the Financial Report of the President of
the University as the Report of the Visitors required by law.
Resolved: That a committee of three be appointed by the
Rector to consider and report to the Board the propriety of
making an annual appropriation to be used by the President of
the University in such necessary entertainment of distinguished
visitors to the University, and in such necessary local entertaining,
as may be considered helpful to the best interests of
the University" To serve on this Committee, Visitors Hunton,
Craddock, Harmon & Rector.
The Board, having received the communication of H. Noreck,
addressed to the President, has determined that the subject
does not call for further consideration; and the Secretary is
requested to forward him a copy of this resolution.
On motion, the Board adjourned, to meet at 8:00 P. M.,
Dec. 2nd.
Board of Visitors minutes October 15, 1907 | ||