University of Virginia Library


At a Called Meeting of the Board of Visitors held at the
University on July 28, 1903.

Present: The Rector & Visitors Irvine, Harmon, Moore,
Downing, & Wallace.

The Board was called to order by the Rector & the following
resolutions were adopted:

Resolved: that the two sons of the late Dr. W. B. Towles,
Thomas & Oliver, be allowed to matriculate in the Academical
Department of the University without the payment of the University


fee of $40 00, during their Academic course, in recognition
of the faithful & efficient services of their father
while a professor in this University.

Resolved: That the request of Prof. James A. Harrison
be granted, that W. H. Faulconer be appointed Adjunct Professor
of Teutonic Languages for next session—the compensation
for his services so far as payable from the funds of the University
to be $200.

It is ordered that Charles Mason Smith be allowed to
enter the University as a student without paying any fees or
charges, except that should he take any special ticket, outside
of the Academic Course, to which Virginia students are
entitled, he shall pay for the same. This order is based on
the special reasons presented to the Board.

The Secretary of the Board of Visitors of the University
is directed to express to the teachers who have been attending
the Summer School, the Board's very thorough appreciation of
the resolutions presented by Mr Willis A. Jenkins. The Board
doubts not that the generous approval thus indicated of the
benefits resulting from the School will facilitate & widen
its work in the future & serve to strengthen the ties that
connect the public school system of the State with this institution.

In order to carry out the purpose of the Board, the Sec-
retary will communicate a copy of this minute to Mr. Jenkins.

Resolved: That Lewis L. Holladay be, and he is hereby,
named as Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics under the
resolution of the Board at its last annual meeting at a salary
of $1500 00.


Resolved: That the request of Prof W. H. Echols for
an appropriation of Thirty Dollars ($30 00) to be expended
in the purchase of the necessary duplicating machines & material
for printing examination papers &c., be and the same
is hereby granted, & the appropriation ordered.

Resolved; owing to the unavoidable absence of several
members of the Board, that the election of a President be
postponed to an adjourned meeting, the date of which meeting
shall be fixed by the Rector and that when the Board
adjourns, it adjourn to meet on such date

On motion, the Board adjourned.

Jas. Jones,
Chales P. Jones