University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of
Visitors of the University of Virginia held on April 28th

Present: The Rector, and Visitors H. H. Downing, A. W.
Wallace, R. Walton Moore, D. Harmon, Carter Glass, H. C.
Stuart, & R. Tate Irvine.

The Board was called to order by the Rector, & the following
resolutions were adopted.

Be it resolved as follows


  • 1. The Board should proceed, after such advertisement as is
    required, to appoint a President of the University.

  • 2. The President shall be the chief executive head of the
    institution, with the powers, duties, and responsibilities
    ordinarily belonging to such office in the leading
    American Universities, and shall receive a salary of
    $5000. per annum.

  • 3. Such powers, duties, and responsibilities shall be defined
    by the Board, and to that end the Committee already
    considering the general subject shall report to the Board
    at its next meeting.

  • 4. The office of Chairman of the Faculty shall cease from the
    date of the installation of the President, but shall remain
    unaffected till that time.

  • 5. The appointment of a President shall be made at a meeting
    of the Board to be held at the University at 12 o'clock,
    Saturday, June 13th 1903.

  • 6. The Secretary of the Board shall cause notice of the time
    when and the place where the President will be appointed,
    as aforesaid, to be given by advertisement printed for
    four successive weeks in the "Times-Dispatch", a daily
    newspaper of general circulation published in the City
    of Richmond.

Resolved that the payment of $40500, made by the Proctor
in entertaining the Southern Educational Conference, be approved.

Resolved that the Proctor be directed to investigate and
report to the next meeting of the Board the advisability of


approving of the sale of the real estate belonging to the
Austin Fund in Chelsea and Malden, Massachusetts.

Resolved that the sum of Fifty Dollars be appropriated
to provide a debaters' medal to be competed for by the Literary
Societies during the present session, the same to be
called the "Board of Visitors Medal".

The Board of Visitors respectfully calls the attention
of the Legislature to the urgent need for one ward, at least,
to be built for the Hospital. The rooms in the administration
building are all that are now available for patients, and
these are greatly crowded. The number of pay patients seeking
admission makes it difficult to provide for Charity patients,
for whose accomodation there is a large demand.

The highly satisfactory record of our graduates in medicine
in the past makes it a matter of the first importance
that the practical clinical instruction should be complete in
order to enable us to maintain our standard, which is in advance
of any other medical school in the country.

The Proctor is directed to present this matter to the
consideration of the Legislature.

Resolved that the Board highly appreciates the valuable
services of Mr. E. Reinhold Rogers as adjunct professor of
Moral Philosophy during the absence of Professor Davis, who
has informed the Board that he is now able to resume his duties.

Whereas the Board is informed that the old pupils of The
Norwood High School desire to present to the University a portrait
of their former instructor, Mr. Thomas H. Norwood,—


Resolved by this Board that it will accept with pleasure,
on behalf of the University, such portrait, to be hung
in the Library with distinguished sons of the University.

Visitors Harmon, Moore, and Glass were appointed by the
Rector a committee to co-operate with committees of the Alumni
& Faculty, respectively, in entertaining the President of the
United States, on the occasion of his visit to the University
during the next commencement.

On motion, the Board adjourned sine die.

Jas. Jones
Charles P. Jones