University of Virginia Library


At the annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors held
on the 24th day of June 1889.

Present. Hon. John L. Marye, Rector and Messrs Randolph,
Conrad, Noland, Gordon, McCabe and Bolling.

The Executive Committee submitted its report which was
read and received & its acts approved.

A motion was made to make Assistant Profr Perkinson Adjunct
Profr of Modern Languages which on motion was referred
to the Committee on Conduct of Schools etc for its consideration
and report thereon to the Board.

A communication was received from the ladies in regard
to the "Old Bell" and the same was referred to the Committee
on Grounds, Buildings etc. for consideration and report to the


The portion of the Report of the Executive Committee in
relation to granting leave to hold a session of the Hebrew
Summer School at the University was referred to the Committee
on Grounds, Buildings etc. for report.

Resolved that the young people be permitted to have the
use of the Library room for the "German" on the 25th; but that
this is not to be considered as a precedent for future action.

Judge Watts appeared and took his seat.

The Chairman of the Faculty Report with the documents referred
to therein and other papers.

The Faculty Report was read and the following resolutions
adopted in reference thereto.

1. Resolved that the report of the Faculty in reference to
the Medical Department be referred to the Committee on Conduct
of Schools with permission to report at this or at the next
meeting of the Board if it is desired to have a meeting in
ninety days.

2. Resolved that the portion referring to Academic Degrees
be referred to the same Committee.

3. Resolved that the different topics of the report not already
referred, be referred to the proper Committees for report.

The Board having been informed that the Washington Society
is in temporary embarrassment and that they can in a year return
the amount necessary:

Resolved that the Proctor be directed to place to their
credit one hundred & fifty dollars; provided they deposit their
funds with him until the money is replaced.


The Annual Report of the Proctor was read and referred
to the Finance Committee.

Mr McCabe moved that Dr Jas L. Cabell be invited to appear
before the Board of Visitors to-morrow (Tuesday) at such
hour as he may appoint, & give his views on the division of
the chair of Physiology & Surgery.

Profr Thornton submitted a report in regard to the Department
of Engineering and its needs which was read and on
motion referred to the Committees on Conduct of Schools and
on Finance.

Resolved that the Pavilion now occupied by Dr Cabell be
assigned to Dr W. C. Dabney and that Dr Cabell be permitted
to retain the pavilion and not make the transfer until it is
convenient to him.

A communication was received from the Miller Board requesting
that an Inventory be made and furnished that Board
of the furniture and equipment purchased by Profr Tuttle
with the $2500. appropriated for his Laboratory & Lecture
Room, and of the furniture & equipment provided out of the
$650. appropriated to be expended by the Proctor in finishing
and preparing the Lecture Room for Profr Tuttle, in order
that such Inventories may be held by the Miller Board as the
evidence of the property held by that Board as part of the
Miller Fund in accordance with the requirement of the third
section of the Deed of Samuel Miller. Whereupon it was resolved
that Profr Tuttle and the Proctor are instructed to
make out said Inventories, and deliver the same to the Secretary
of this Board who shall transmit them to the Secretary
of the Miller Board.


An application was received from Adjunct Profr R. H. Dabney
to be allowed the use of a Dormitory free of rent which
was referred to the Committee on Grounds & Buildings.

An application was received from Mr C. C. Kidd to have a
portion of his fees refunded to him which was referred to the
Infirmary Committee.

An application was received from Dr Whitehead Asst Demonstrator
of Anatomy for leave of absence from the University
commencing Nov 15th next which was granted as requested.

Resolved that the Proctor shall pay to the Charlottesville
Industrial & Land Improvement Company the sum of one hundred
dollars for advertisement in the Washington Post of the University.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow at 9 A. M.


Jas D. Jones,

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present. The Rector and all of the Visitors, including Mr
Stuart, who was absent on yesterday.

A communication was received from Dr Jas L. Cabell stating
that he was too unwell to visit the Board as he was invited
to do on yesterday.

Profr J. L. Cabell having informed the Board that the
infirm condition of his health made it necessary in his
judgment that he should resign his Professorship, and the
Board having conferred with him on the subject, it was finally


agreed by him in response to the earnest solicitation
of the Board that he would not tender his resignation but
would consent to accept an indefinite leave of absence from
the duties of his chair, upon the basis that the Board should
appoint an Adjunct Professor in the School who should perform
all the duties and receive all the emoluments of the

On motion it was ordered that an indefinite leave of
absence be granted to Profr J. L. Cabell from the duties of
his school.

On motion it was ordered that the salary of the Adjunct
Professor in the School of Physiology and Surgery be fixed
at Three Thousand dollars, and that he shall perform all the
work and duties of that school.

On motion the Board resolved to proceed with the election
of the Adjunct Professor of Physiology and Surgery.

The following named gentlemen were applicants for this
chair and their testimonials were before the Board.

Dr Paul B. Barringer  of N. C. 
Dr C. B. Nancrede  of Phila 
Dr H. D. Bruns  of New Orleans. 
Dr W. G. Eggleston  of Chicago. 

After the reading to the Board of the testimonials of all
of these gentlemen on motion all four of them were placed in
nomination for the position and a viva voce vote taken which
resulted in the unanimous choice of Dr Paul B. Barringer.

On motion the Secretary was instructed to inform Dr Barringer
of his election.


Resolved that such part of the Faculty report in regard
to radical changes in the organization of the Medical Department
be laid on the table and the Faculty be informed that the
Board is not disposed to make any radical changes but that they
are disposed when the subject has been fully discussed to pay
especial attention to this department with the view of enlarging
its facilities for didactic, and clinical instruction; but
the latter only as an adjunct and subordinate to its theoretical

The Miller Board reported through its secretary that the
following resolution (of which a copy was furnished) as the
action of that Board

"Resolved that the sum of six hundred dollars is hereby
appropriated to employ an Assistant to the Profr Biology &
Agriculture for the Session beginning Oct 1st 1889, said Assistant
to be nominated by this Board & elected by the Board
of Visitors."

On motion the foregoing resolution was concurred in and
the Secretary instructed to notify the Miller Board of the

The Infirmary Committee submitted its report which reads
as follows

The undersigned the Com. on Infirmary etc. to whom was
referred the application of C. C. Kidd to refund to him a
portion of the deposit made by him as a student for the present
session, beg leave to report that after due consideration
of the subject & in accordance with the recommendation of the
Faculty they suggest the adoption of the following resolution.


Resolved that the Proctor be directed to refund to Mr.
C. C. Kidd the one half of the amount he deposited at the
commencement of this session.

B. P. Noland,
W. A. Stuart.

The report & its recommendation was approved & adopted.

Application of Profr Garnett to have assigned to him
Prof W. C. Dabney's pavilion referred to the Commee on Grounds
& Buildings.

On motion it was referred to the Executive Committee to
receive and act upon the nomination to be made by the Miller
Board of the Assistant to the Profr of Biology and Agriculture
as contemplated by the resolution of that Board and concurred
in by this Board. The time and place of meeting for the purpose
to be fixed by agreement with the Miller Board. The action
of the Executive Committee in the premises to be regarded as the
action of this Board to all intents and purposes.

The Miller Board through its Secretary proposed the following
as its appropriations for the Session of 1889-90:

Profr Tuttle's salary  $3000. 
Profr Dunnington's salary  500. 
Profr Thornton's salary  500. 
To an assistant salary  600. 
For enlarging library  400. 
Additional Equipments for Profr Tuttle  500. 
For scholarships  500. 

On motion the foregoing appropriations were concurred in
by this Board.


The following resolution was reported from the Miller
Board by its Secretary for the consideration of this Board:
and its action.

"Resolved that in the opinion of this Board it is expedient
that from & after the Session of 1889-90 there should
be two Miller Scholarships of $250. each, one to be awarded
by the Miller Board and the other to be given on competitive

On motion this Board acquiesced in the above recommendation
of the Miller Board and the Secretary instructed to notify
that Board of the fact.

The Committee on Conduct of Schools etc. submitted its
report which reads as follows:

To the Board of Visitors.

Your Committee on the Conduct of Schools & Examination
of Students beg leave to report as follows on the questions
referred to them by the Board.

1st That Profr Wm H. Perkinson's title be that of Adjunct instead
of Assistant Professor.

2d That, as it was the intention of the Board to give the
title and rank of Adjunct to Profr Perkinson at the meeting
when he was elected Assistant, & as it was due to a clerical
error that his appointment did not so read, Profr Perkinson
shall be rated as Senior to Adjunct Profr R. H. Dabney, who
was elected on the same day.

3d That the conduct of the Department of French & German
shall be intrusted exclusively to Profr Perkinson, & that the


present Modern Language room be assigned him for his lectures
& recitations.

4th That the Conduct of the Department of Spanish, Italian,
& Anglo Saxon be intrusted exclusively to Profr Schele deVere,
& that a suitable room be assigned him by the Proctor.

5th In regard to the new B. A. degree, it is not desirable
that the term "Certificate of proficiency" shall be used as
certifying "a pass". It is expected that in some of the
schools (e.g. Latin), the work shall be different in scope
& character from that pursued at present by applicants for
full graduation in the senior class.

6th Those who pass satisfactorily the examination in any subject
or school for the B. A. degree shall be declared "Graduates
in B. A. Course in Latin," "B. A. Course in Greek", "B.
A. Course in Math." etc.

7th That, as the Faculty recommend in the Diploma of Bachelor
of Arts, full statement be made of the attainments of students,
as is done in the present titled Academic degrees.

8th That the cost of the B. A. diploma shall be ten dollars,
all payments made by students for the diplomas of "B. A. graduation",
in courses leading to such degree, to be deducted
from this charge for the full B. A. diploma, provided that
these previous payments do not exceed ten dollars.

W. Gordon McCabe, Chairman

W. C. N. Randolph,

Legh R. Watts.

The foregoing report was read, approved and adopted, together
with its recommendations


The Committee on Finance to which Committee it was referred
at the last meeting of the Board to consider and report
a plan for readjusting the salaries of the Professors
submitted their report which recommends the following plan
That hereafter the emolument of the several professors in the
University of Virginia (except the Professors of Astronomy, Mineralogy &
Geology, and, Agriculture which professorships have fixed endowments
of three thousand dollars each) shall be as follows.
Each Professor (except the professors in the schools aforesaid)
in addition to his house or commutation therefor at the
rate of three hundred dollars per annum, shall be paid a fixed
salary of two thousand dollars and all the fees of his school,
provided that no professor shall receive more than three thousand
dollars from salary and fees unless the whole number of
students at the University shall exceed the number of four hundred
and thirty.

When the whole number of students shall exceed 430 each of
said professors shall be entitled to receive for every ten additional
students over said number (430), fifty dollars over
and above three thousand dollars, provided the number of students
in his class shall warrant such additional compensation,
that is to say that each of said professors shall receive two
thousand dollars salary and the fees of his school up to three
thousand dollars and any professor whose salary and fees shall
exceed $3000. shall in addition to the three thousand dollars,
receive fifty dollars for every ten additional students over
the number of 430.


In the Schools of Modern Languages and Historical Science
in which adjunct professors have been appointed with a fixed
salary of ($1500.) fifteen hundred dollars each and the salary
of the full professors fixed at two thousand dollars each making
each school cost the University thirty five hundred dollars.
The adjunct professors in said schools shall be entitled
to receive the fees of their respective schools up to two thousand
dollars provided the number in the schools of Modern Languages
shall exceed ninety; and the number in the school of
Historical Science shall exceed thirty six. And when the number
of students at the University shall exceed four hundred
and thirty, the said Adjunct professors shall be entitled to
receive fifty dollars each for every ten additional students
over 430 in the University provided the number of students
in their respective classes shall warrant such increased compensation.

The fees in the schools of Latin, Greek, Modern Languages,
Pure Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, General
& Industrial Chemistry, Historical Science and the English Language
& Literature which are now free to Virginia Students by
statute, shall be paid out of the general funds of the University;
for the students from Virginia in said schools at the
rate charged students from other states, to-wit the sum of
$25.00 for each student from Virginia in each of said schools—
provided however that the emoluments of the full professors
shall not exceed three thousand dollars, and that of the two
Adjunct professors shall not exceed two thousand dollars until
the number of students at the University shall exceed four hundred


and thirty. The report was read and on motion the following
resolution was adopted:

Resolved that, the plan proposed for a modification of
the existing method of providing compensation for the Professors
of the Academic & Professional Schools of this University
be refered to to the Faculty for their consideration &
views as to the expediency of the scheme, together with the
information that that it is the disposition of the Board of
Visitors to adopt this plan, to take effect from Octr 1889,
unless the Board be shown good cause why this step, which is
in accord with the original plan of Mr Jefferson, should not
be taken.

Hon. John L. Marye tendered his resignation as the Rector
of the University in the following letter addressed to the
Board & which was read to the Board.

To the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia,

Gentlemen,. I respectfully tender my resignation of the
Office of Rector of the University, to take effect at the adjournment
of this meeting of the Board.

This resignation is induced solely by the conviction that
the state of my health together with the demands upon my time
& labor caused by my private business, prevent me from giving
the care and attention appropriate to the important duties of
the office.

With grateful acknowledgment of the honor done me by the
Board in appointing me to this office, and your kind confidence
during my incumbency, I am with high respect your obedient servant.


Jno. L. Marye.

Mr Marye was urged to reconsider and withdraw his resignation
which he declined to do for the reasons stated in his

On motion Mr Marye's resignation was accepted to take effect
at the close of the present meeting of the Board.

Dr W. C. N. Randolph who was temporarily absent from the
meeting was placed in nomination to fill the vacancy in the
office of Rector in place of Mr Marye resigned and upon a vote
thereon was unanimously elected.

Resolved that, the recommendation of the Faculty that a
diploma be granted on the completion of the Course in Biology
& Comparative Anatomy & Zoology be adopted.

The Board of Visitors being of the opinion that the discipline
of the University & comfort & convenience of the students
can be better conserved by having the dormitories on the
Lawn be occupied by students rather than by the Professors,
and that the officies of the Professors be removed to the East
Range the sense of the Faculty on this subject is respectfully
requested for the consideration of the Board.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 10 A. M.

Test, Jas D. Jones,
Jno. L. Marye

June 26th 1889.

The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present. Mr Marye, Rector, and Messrs Randolph, Conrad,
Noland, Gordon, Stuart and Watts. Absent Messrs Bolling &
McCabe who had left for their homes.


The Finance Committee submitted its report which reads
as follows.

The Finance Committee beg leave to report

That the Report of the Proctor discloses an encouraging improvement
in the financial condition of the University=
The deficit of $4164. which confronted us at the close of the
last session has been removed and a wise and prudent policy
has been practiced in the investment of the funds under our

Of the $5000. bequeathed by Mrs Birely to found a scholarship
in the University $3096.76 has been received and promptly
and securely invested. Your Committee deem it inexpedient
to advise any appropriation of the income arising from this investment,
until the entire amount of the bequest has been received
from the Executors. They recommend that the interest
which may accrue on the portion received, and on that yet unpaid,
be reserved to meet such expenses as may be incidental
to the establishment of the Scholarship.

The Committee recommend that the Proctor be directed to
refund to Mr C. C. Kidd an amount equal to one half of the
semi-annual payments made by him during the present session.

That the Proctor refund to Dr J. L. Cabell the sum of
$84.62 the amount expended by him for the sanitary drainage
about the Pavilion occupied by him.

That the sum of $15. be appropriated for the construction
of a door in the attic of the house occupied by Dr Mallet.

The estimated receipts for the ensuing year are $80,006.00.
Your Committee recommend that this be appropriated as follows:




Thirteen Professors Salaries  39,000 
Profr of Agriculture & Chemistry  2,500 
Profr of Applied Maths  2 500 
Profr of Modern Languages  2 000. 
Profr of Historical Science  2 000. 
Adjunct Profr of Modern Languages  1 500. 
Adjunct Profr of Hist. Science  1 500. 
Assistant in Ancient Languages  900. 
Assistant in Engineering  450. 
Demonstrator of Anatomy  500.  53,650. 
Chairman of the Faculty  500 
Librarian & Secr'y of the Faculty  1 000. 
Proctor & Supt Pub. grounds etc.  2 000. 
Secretary of Chairman  500. 
Secretary of Visitors  225 
Commission of Accounts  150  4,375. 
Janitor & Plumber  600. 
Janitor of Museum  180. 
Chairman's Messenger  120. 
Labor  1 000  1,900. 
Interest on the Sinking Fund  7,220. 
Repairs & Improvements, of which $1500. goes to
Anatomical Hall 
Library over & above the Corcoran & Gordon Funds  44. 
Catalogue & other advertisements  1 000. 
Printing Blanks  150. 
Diplomas  400. 
Fuel & Lights  1 000. 
Commutation of rents for 5 Profrs  1 500. 
Contingent Fund  1 500. 
Night Watchman  300. 
Day Watchman  300. 
School of Chemistry  300. 
School of Natural Phils  300. 
School of Natural Hist & Geoly  50. 
School of Engineering  50. 
Instruction in Histology & Pathology  300. 
Anatomical Material  125. 
Medical Surgical Supplies  150. 
Microscopical Supplies  25.  1 300. 
Annual Charge on Maintenance of Reservoir  150. 
Arrangement of Basement of Hall for Medical Students  50 
Students reading room, if so much be necessary  200. 

The special endowment funds should be applied in the manner
indicated in the Report of the Faculty.

Should the receipts for the ensuing year allow of it, after
satisfying the appropriations heretofore made, Your Committee
recommend that the further appropriations suggested by the Faculty;
be made for the several objects indicated in the report
of the Faculty in the order therein stated.

The Committee accompanied its report with the following
four resolutions and recommended their adoption.

1. Resolved that, Dr W. C. Dabney be authorized to apply the
sum of $300. heretofore appropriated for Instruction in Pathology


& Histology, in the purchase of microscopes for the use
of those departments of his chair.

2. Resolved that, the Proctor be directed to refund to Mr C.
C. Kidd an amount equal to one half of the semi-annual payments
made by him during the present session.

3. Resolved that, an amount not to exceed $15. be expended in
constructing a door in the attic of the house occupied by Profr

4. Resolved that the Proctor do refund to Dr J. L. Cabell the
sum of $8462 the amount expended by him for drainage to the
Pavilion occupied by him.

On motion the report of the Finance together with the
resolutions accompanying after being read and considered were
received, approved & adopted.

The Committee on Grounds Buildings and Boarding Houses
in the form of the following Eight resolutions which were read,
approved and adopted.

1. Resolved that the communications pro and con on the subject
of retaining the Old Bell at the University as a relic be returned
to the Authors by the Secretary with a note explaining
that the Board having heretofore given the Bell to be recast,
to the Ladies of the Chapel Aid Society; have now no further
power over the subject.

2. Resolved that the Professor elect, R. H. Dabney be allowed
to occupy as his office and study, room known as No. 10 East

3. Resolved that the basement room in the Medical Hall be prepared


for use in giving the instruction referred to in the report
of the Faculty—at a cost not exceeding $50.

4. Resolved that the recommendations of the Faculty in regard
to the Boarding of Students numbered 1, 2, 3, & 4, be and the
same are hereby approved and adopted.

5. Resolved that the room now and heretofore used as a Chapel
shall remain unchanged and may be used for morning prayers,
for meetings of the Y. M. C. A., of the Society of Alumni &
other like purposes—until the Board shall otherwise order.

6. Resolved that the rooms mentioned in the Report of the Professor
of Applied Mathematics be assigned to the Department
of Engineering—but that no expenditures be made for fitting
up at present.

7. Resolved that the Proctor remove and safely and properly
store the Books now in the old Chemical Laboratory.

8. Resolved that it is inexpedient to assign houses to Professors
according to seniority, and that this Board will always
feel free to act according to the circumstances of each

On motion a letter prepared by the Rector on behalf of
the Board and addressed to Profr John B. Minor was ordered to
be forwarded to Mr Minor—which letter reads as follows:

Profr Jno B. Minor, L. L. D.
My dear Sir,

The Board of Visitors in view of the large increase in
the number of the Law School & the consequent burden added to


your already onerous duties, feel that it is due to your long
& illustrious service in the University that you should have
some relief from the arduous and exacting labors of your school,
& accordingly propose to appropriate the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars with which to secure for you such assistance as in your
judgment you may deem necessary.

The nomination of such Assistant as well as the duties to
be assigned him are left entirely to your discretion. A capable
man trained by yourself might relieve you from time to time
of much of the drudgery of detail & leave you free to perform
other important teaching, and complete the great literary work
upon which you are engaged, the volumes of which, so far as
they have appeared, are every where recognized as a standard
authority, & have reflected the highest honor on our University.
The Board has felt that, in your single minded devotion to the
University you have refrained out of the most delicate & lofty
motives from suggesting that assistance, to which you are so
eminantly entitled.

The Board therefore duly appreciating the high motives,
which have to their mind restrained you from asking such assistance,
now beg, with their assurances of grateful recognition
of your distinguished services, to tender voluntarily the relief
from drudgery you have so amply deserved. With true &
faithful regard, we have the honor to be

Your obdt servants
John L. Marye, Rector,
on behalf of the Board.


A letter was received from Profr Minor in reply to the
foregoing which reads as follows:

My Dear Sirs, I have this moment read your communication of
this date, and acknowledge with unfeigned thankfulness, the
kind considerations manifested by the resolution of the Board
to which you refer, and the very flattering terms in which you
have been pleased to communicate it.

The proposition, though in some aspects acceptable to me,
takes me so much by surprise, that if consistent with the views
of the Board, I would fain ask that I may be allowed time to
consider it, if need be for a year.

I am not conscious of any decline of my general capacities
for usefulness, and perceive that some difficulties may
intervene in the assignment of a part of my work to an assistant,
and would be glad to have time to consider the whole
matter, and if need be, to make deliberate and well-considered
arrangements for the most beneficial operation of the system,
should it be deemed best to adopt it.

With the highest esteem & regard
I remain, dear Sir
Your obt svt
John B. Minor.

Hon. Jno. L. Marye,
Rector etc.

University of Virga.

The Board having held a personal conference with Profr
John B. Minor upon the subject of the foregoing correspondence,


It was ordered that the matter of the nomination of an Assistant
Professor in Profr Minor's school be left to the discretion
of Profr Minor as to the time of making the nomination,
and that in case he shall make a nomination between this time
and the next meeting of the Board the Executive Committee of
this Board is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint the
person so nominated as Assistant Professor in said school for
the part of the session unexpired at the time of such nomination,
and the person so elected as Assistant Professor shall
receive a compensation at the rate of One hundred and fifty
dollars per month for such period of the session as shall remain
unexpired after his election.

Resolved that the whole matter of the apportionment of the of
duties of affording the proper medical relief to the students
of the University, be left to the incumbents of the several
Medical Schools of the institution, who shall in such arrangements
as they may make, have due regard to the convenience
of the students, and of their readiness of access to the physicians.

Resolved that the Pavilion now occupied by Dr W. C. Dabney,
be assigned to Profr Garnett who shall have possession
thereof upon the removal thereout of Dr Dabney.

It being suggested that Mr E. C. Huntington, the Instructor
in Gymnastics has determined to accept a position in the
Vanderbilt University. Resolved that the Chairman of the Faculty
be authorized to employ a suitable Instructor in Gymnastics
upon the terms and salary as recommended in the report of
the Faculty.


Messrs Gordon, Marye, Randolph, Watts and McCabe were
elected as Executive Committee for the ensuing twelve months.

Profr Wm M. Thornton was reelected as Chairman of the
Faculty for the ensuing twelve months, by a unanimous vote.

On motion the Board adjourned.

Jas D. Jones,
Jno. L. Marye