Board of Visitors minutes September 11, 1887 | ||
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on the 30th of
June last.
Present. The Rector and all of the other members of
the Board.
The meeting was called to order and the Secretary was
requested to inform the Chairman of the Faculty that the
Board was ready to receive any communications he might have
for its consideration. The Chairman of the Faculty was notified
accordingly and thereupon forwarded to the Board the
following communications.
The applications and testimonials of the following applicants
for the chair of Greek:
Profr. J. R. S. Sterrett
Profr. G. F. Nicolossen
Profr. Geo. B. Maclellan
Profr. Charles A. Doubleday
Profr. W. J. Rivers.
A number of letters were also laid before the Board from
friends of Profr. M. W. Humphreys of the University of Texas
urging his election, though no application by Profr. Humphreys
himself was filed. The chairman also presented several
petitions, etc.
The Board then proceeded to canvass the claims of the
various persons whose names were before them for the Chair
of Greek and after hearing read the testimonials laid before
them, on motion the election was proceeded with by viva voce
vote and resulted in the election of Prof. M. W. Humphreys
of the University of Texas, by a unanimous vote.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to communicate
the fact to Prof. Humphreys.
On motion, resolved, that Mr Bohannon's salary be restored
to $1500.
Resolved, that the commutation of rent for Professors'
houses be for five Professors' houses instead of four.
Resolved that the subject of Botany be reassigned for
the present to the School of Natural History & Geology.
Resolved, that the regulation in reference to Boarding
Houses be amended to read as follows:
Students occupying rooms assigned to the University
Boarding Houses, may with the consent of the Chairman change
their boarding house at the end of any month without change
of room, but in all cases must employ the servant of the
Boarding House to which the room is assigned.
The communication of Profr Dunnington in regard to
adding a story of wood on one of the backbuildings of his
lot, was referred to the Committee of Grounds, Buildings,
etc. who reported the following resolution which was approved
& adopted:
Resolved, that the request of Profr Dunnington be declined,
for the reason that this Board cannot consent to the
University buildings.
Resolved, that Profr Perkinson be permitted to enter
such classes in the University as a student as may be in
the line of his work, and as will not in any way interfere
with his duties as assistant professor of Modern Languages.
Resolved, that the propriety of renting the dormitories
during the vacation to students or others be referred
to the Committee on Grounds & Buildings, etc.
It being suggested to the Board that the occupation of
the University dormitories during the summer months by summer
classes, may endanger the health of the place,
Resolved, that the Executive Committee, examine into
and report upon this subject to a special meeting of this
Board to be called by said Executive Committee, if said Committee
deem a special meeting necessary.
The following communication addressed by Profr M. Schele
De Vere to the Rector was by the latter laid before the Board:
July 16th 1887.
"You will have seen from my letter addressed to you and
the Board on July 2d how gratefully I appreciate the considerate
courtesy with which you have been pleased to treat me
at your last meeting. A trifling accident, however, has
since led me to ask an additional favor at your hands, which
I am sure your keen sense of justice will not deny me. It is
this: In the first copy of the resolutions concerning me,
Subsequently a change was made, so as to make the line read:
`have largely removed,' implying that the impression of inefficiency
on your minds was to a certain degree, still resting
there. This is very grievous to me. I had surely thought
that the testimonials I had laid before you would entirely
remove any such impression. As this has unfortunately not
been done, I think you will not blame me if I most respectfully
request to be informed of the charges brought against
me, and of the persons by whom they are brought forward.
`Audiatur et altera pars' is a rule which seems to apply to
this case also. I have so far abstained from asking any questions,
although this reduced me to act in the dark, and defend
myself against unknown adversaries. But now, I am naturally,
and I hope excusably, anxious to remove those painful impressions
entirely, and to prove myself not unworthy in any way
or degree of the generosity of the Board. I have the honor
to be
Whereupon, on motion, said communication was referred to a
special committee of three to consider the same, and recommend
what action thereon should be taken by the Board.
The Rector appointed Messrs Randolph, Stuart, and Parrish
as members of said committee.
On motion, the Rector was added to the Committee and requested
to act as chairman of same.
The special Committee raised to consider the communication
of Profr M. Schele DeVere to the Rector, made the
following report in writing:
The Special Committee appointed to consider the communication
addressed to the Rector by Professor M. Schele
DeVere and to recommend what action thereon by the Board is
proper beg leave to submit the following report:
The Committee have maturely considered the communication
of Profr Schele. In it the Professor distinctly requests
that the Board will inform him what were the sources
of information upon which the Board heretofore passed a Resolution
that the School of Modern Languages should be reorganized.
The Professor asks "to be informed of the charges
brought against me [him] and of the persons by whom they are
brought forward." If, in the investigation made by the Board
into the conduct of this school, any element affecting the
moral character of the Professor had been introduced or considered
by the Board, there might in such case, in the opinion
of the Committee, be claimed to be a ground for acceding to
the request of the Professor, to the extent only of informing
him as to the character of the immorality charged, and
the evidence produced on that head. But, inasmuch as no such
element entered into the consideration of the Board, your
Committee see no reason to say anything further on this branch
of the subject.
The sole issue considered by the Board in this matter was
as to the efficiency of the teaching work performed in the
The Committee are of the opinion that this Board can
not perform with fidelity and success the delicate and very
responsible work committed to it of maintaining efficiency
in the conduct of the schools, if it concedes it to be an
obligation or duty of the Board to make known the sources
of its information to the Professor whose school is under
investigation, or to any other person or tribunal. The
function committed to the Board, in such case, is a most
responsible, and painful one, and fraught in its exercise
with the gravest consequences. It involves, on the one
hand, the Professional reputation of the incumbent of the
chair, on the other the welfare and the useful life of the
University. The Board, if it performs this ardudous duty
with fidelity, must approach and must conduct its work of
investigation, with a tender and full recognition of the
very serious consequences to the Professor, as well as with
a due regard to the interests and claims of the University.
It is obvious, that in obtaining the information needful for
the guidance of the Board the latter must proceed with due
circumspection and patient deliberation. It must vigilantly
scrutinize the evidence obtained so as to be assured of the
impartiality, integrity, intelligence, and competency, of
its sources. It is also equally obvious that the greater
part of the most valuable evidence accessible to the Board,
in all such cases, comes to the Board under the seal and
sanction of the strictest confidence, and that this obligation
of confidence is exacted for reasons which will approve
themselves to the judgment of all dispassionate minds who
Committee, the Board would commit an error fatal to the faithful
and successful performance of the responsible trusts committed
to it, if it assents to the proposition, that in investigations
made as to the efficiency of the teaching work
done in the schools and in the re-organization of the schools,
the Board is bound to perform this work under the conditions
and limitations which pertain to trials in the civil courts,
and must inform the Professor whose school is under investigation
of the complaints made as to his efficiency, and as to
the sources of the evidence laid before the Board upon that
Therefore, the Committee recommend, that the Board decline
to accede to the request made in the communication of
Profr Schele De Vere.
In regard to so much of the communication of Profr Schele
as comments upon the terms "largely removed" in the Resolutions
passed by the Board this Committee recommend that Profr Schele
be informed that these terms were used by the Board advisedly
and express correctly its judgment upon the subject.
John L. Marye, Chairman
W. C. N. Randolph
W. A. Stuart
R. L. Parrish
On motion the said Report was unanimously adopted, and
the Secretary was directed to send a copy of the proceedings
of the Board on this subject to Profr Schele.
The following resolution, "no. 3", appearing on page
91 [79] of this Book which was offered & ordered, at the
last meeting, to lie over to this meeting, was taken up and
considered and on motion the same was adopted, and is as follows:
Resolved, that when the house now occupied by Profr
Wheeler, shall be vacated & that the same be assigned to
Profr Venable unless he shall prefer his present location,
and that Profr Wm M. Thornton be assigned whichever of the
two houses may not be occupied by Prof. Venable.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Jno. L. Marye
Jas D. Jones,
Board of Visitors minutes September 11, 1887 | ||