Board of Visitors minutes May 4, 1886 | ||
University of Va, May 4th 1886
Six out of the nine Visitors of the University - lately
appointed by his Excellency, Fitzhugh Lee, Governor of Virginia,
confirmed by the Senate during the last session of the
Legislature and commissioned by the Governor, met at the time
and place above mentioned, pursuant to a written call of
which the following is a copy:
"We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia, whose term of service commences
on the 1st day of May 1886, having been informed
that it is of importance to the interests of the Institution
that a meeting of the Board should be held at as early a
date in May as practicable, hereby, under authority vested
in us by law, call a meeting of the Board at the University
of Va, on Tuesday the 4th day of May 1886."
Present - Messrs A.H.H. & W.A. Stuart, Marye,
Randolph, Conrad & Venable - Absent, and prevented from
attending by other engagements - Messrs Payne, Martin &
On Motions Hon. A.H.H. Stuart was elected Rector of the
University, and James D. Jones was elected Secretary of the
The Board elected as the Executive Committee of the
Board - Messrs Randolph, Marye and Venable.
Resolved, that notice be given by the Chairman of the
Faculty by advertisements in the New York World, The
Phildelphia Times, the Baltimore Sun, Richmond Whig,
Dispatch and State, that at the next regular meeting, the
Board of Visitors will fill the chair made vacant by the
death of Dr.J. Staige Davis. The number of insertions to be
so limited as to bring the cost - of advertising within the
sum of $100.00.
Resolved, that the Avenue leading from the old Turn
Pike road across the C & O R'way through the lands of the
University, Mrs J.S. Davis and others be widened to the
extent of ten feet on the western side, on University's side,
provided Mrs Davis will allow an addition of five feet to
the width on her side of the Avenue - and that the Proctor
be directed to have shade trees set out on the western side
of said Avenue, after the change in width has been made.
Resolved, that the Proctor have a hat rack constructed
in the front hall of the Infirmary Building, and that he also
have a porcelain urinal fitted in the water closet in the
same building
Dr Harrison, Chairman of the Faculty, having been notified
by the Secretary, that the Board was prepared to receive such
reports and other matters as he might have to submit for its
consideration, appeared before the Board and submitted the
following papers:
1. Report of the Committee of the Faculty, dated
Mar 6th 1886, charged with the duty of examining the report
of the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings dated Feb. 27th
2. Communication from Prof. Page requesting that certain
amounts of the appropriation of the Experimental Farm
used for the mounting etc. of Meteorological Instruments
be returned to the Farm from the unexpended balance of an
appropriation for Miller Agricultural Scholarship in the
hands of the Proctor, before the 31st of May proxo.
3. Written request from same for a more liberal use
of amount of insurance received in the house recently injured
by fire.
4. Applications of Prof Garnett & Thornton respectively
for the Pavilion occupied by the late Dr J. S. Davis, decd.
5. Testimonials of Dr Edward Warren, applicant for the
chair in the Medical Department made vacant by the death of
Prof. J. S. Davis.
Resolved, that the order of the Board heretofore made,
touching the duties of the Librarian be so modified as to
dispense with his services to this Board as Ex-officio
Dr Harrison, Chairman laid before the Board a Communication
from W.O. Fry, Esq Ch'm Committee Ch'ville Water
cost of the Water Works.
Adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 oclock.
Alex' H.H. Stuart Rector
Jas D. Jones,
May 5th 1886
The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday
and after several hours of Conference adjournment till
to-morrow morning at 10 O clock
May 6th 1886
The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.
Present the same members as on the two previous days.
A Communication was received from Mr Frank Gilmer of
the Charlottesville Fire Department in reference to claims
made by several persons for assistance given by them in
transporting the Charlottesville fire apparatus to the
University in the occasion of the late fire in Prof Page's
Pavilion. On consideration whereof -
Resolved, that the Proctor pay to the several persons
whose teams & vehicles were used in hauling from Charlottesville
to the University the Hose and the firemen of the
Charlottesville H.H. & L. Company to assist in extinguishing
the fire at Dr Page's Pavilion the amounts due them respectively
for this service shall not exceed fifteen dollars.
The Proctor shall pay such bills only as are certified
by the Commander of said Company.
The Rector appointed the following Committees in addition
to the Executive Committee elected on the 4th inst.:
Finance - | Messrs | Conrad, W. A. Stuart & Venable |
Grounds & Buildings | Messrs | W. A. Stuart, Payne & Phlegar |
Apparatus | Messrs | Venable, Marye & Randolph |
Library | Messrs | Conrad, Payne & Marye |
Miller Fund | Messrs | Payne, Conrad & W. A. Stuart |
Conduct of Schools | Messrs | Randolph, Payne & Venable |
Examination of Students | Messrs | Venable, Martin & Marye |
Boarding Houses | Messrs | W. A. Stuart, Venable & Phlega |
Health, Sewerage & Drainage | Messrs | Martin, Randolph & Marye |
Ordered, that the Executive Committee consider and report
to the Board at its next meeting in June, whether in its
judgment it would be expedient to decrease the number of
Standing Committees, if so what number of Committees would
be expedient and what subjects should be assigned to each
Committee, with any suggestions on this subject which the
Executive Committee deem pertinent.
The resignation of Dr James F. Harrison as Chairman of
the Faculty bearing date the 30th of May 1885 being tendered
by him, and it appearing that the same has been since its
date withheld in the hands of one of the Faculty
On Motion,
Resolved, that the resignation of
Dr Harrison as Chairman of the Faculty be accepted.
Resolved, that at each regular annual meeting of the
Board of Visitors, and at such other times as in the judgement
of the Board may be necessary, then shall be chosen
from the members of the Faculty, one shall be the vice
Chairman of the Faculty, with power and authority to perform
the duties of Chairman, whenever from any cause the Chairman
is unable to perform the duties.
Resolved, that Prof. Charles S. Venable be elected
Chairman of the Faculty, in the room of Prof. Harrison
resigned, and Prof. Wm M. Thornton be elected vice chairman
from this date.
Upon the application of Prof. Charles S. Venable it is
ordered, that the Pavilion on East Lawn lately occupied by
Dr J. Staige Davis be now assigned for use as his residence.
The Proctor's report in reference to fire insurance on
buildings was laid before the Board & filed.
Ordered, that in taking out policies of Insurance upon
the property of the University, the Proctor proceed upon
the five year plan - paying the equivalent of three years
annual insurance for an insurance of five years - and the
necessary amount to pay the insurance not exceeding $900 is
hereby appropriated.
Resolved, that the sum of ($200.) two hundred dollars
be appropriated to the payment of the balance yet due to
the joint water Committee in full of the entire amount
agreed to be paid them.
On Motion, Resolved, that when the Board adjourns it
will meet here on Monday the 28th day of June next at 12 M.,
member and admonish them of the importance of prompt attendance
and that business of grave importance will claim their
Resolved, that the Communication from Prof. Page referred
to on page 21 [18] of this Book as No 2. be referred
to the Finance Committee for its consideration and report
thereon, and that the communication from the same referred
to on the same page as No 3 be referred to the Committee on
Grounds & Buildings for its consideration and report to the
Ordered, that the Resolution of the Board passed June
29th 1882 in reference to access by the Chairman and members
of the Faculty to the records of the Board is hereby repealed.
The minutes were read and approved.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet again on the 28th
day of June next.
Board of Visitors minutes May 4, 1886 | ||