University of Virginia Library



His Excellency, William E. Cameron, Governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia, having by a joint Commission, dated April
18th 1882, commissioned Genl Wyatt M. Elliott, Hon. John Paul,
Dr. W. R. Vaughan, Hon. T. T. Fauntleroy, Hon. F. L. Blair, Col.
G. W. Hansborough, Major E. S. Ruggles, W. Roane Ruffin Esqr and
Col William Lamb, as Visitors of the University, in pursuance
of a call of three of their number, to wit, Messrs. Elliott,
Vaughan & Blair, a meeting was held at the University this 4th
day of May 1882.

Present- Messrs Paul, Vaughan, Fauntleroy, Blair, Hansborough,
Ruffin and Lamb. (absent Messrs Elliott & Ruggles. )

Before the meeting was called to order, Capt. John S. Wise
who had just arrived, appeared in the meeting and presented a
telegram which was read to the meeting and is as follows:

"Received at Univ. of Va."  "1882" 
"Dated Richmond Va." 
"To Capt. F. L. Blair c/o Dr. Harrison" 

"Dr. Vaughan has resigned as Visitor and the Governor directs
me thus to notify the Board of the appointment of John S. Wise
to the vacancy- (signed) W. C. Elam, Secty of the "Commonwealth".
Thereupon Capt. John S. Wise took his seat as one of the Visitors
in place of Dr. Vaughan, resigned.

On motion Col William Lamb was chosen Rector pro tem. and
James D. Jones as Secretary pro tem.

The secretary was requested to notify Dr. Harrison, Chairman
of the Faculty that the Board were ready to receive any communications
from him and to invite him to appear and present the same.



The Chairman was so notified and returned with Secretary
and laid before the Board, the following communications, viz:

1. Report of the Faculty of this date.

2. Letter from Prof. Fontaine of same date, in reference to
his department.

3. Letter from Prof. Price notifying the Board of his purpose
to hand in his formal resignation at the annual meeting in June
next as Prof. of Greek & Hebrew.

All of which were received and read. Resolved, that the
Chairman of the Faculty be instructed to advertise, extensively,
that the Board of Visitors will proceed, on the 26th day of June,
at the University of Va. to elect a Professor to fill the chair
of Greek and Hebrew to be made vacant by the resignation of Prof.
Thos. R. Price and that for this and other advertising the sum
of $1500 is hereby authorized to be expended in the discretion of
the Faculty.

On motion Genl Wyatt M. Elliott was elected Rector, by a
unanimous vote.

The Committee of the Faculty, on the Observatory, heretofore
appointed consisting of Profs. Smith, Venable, Mallet and Thornton
having conferred with the Board and reported that after due enquiry
and conference with Mr. McCormick they were satisfied of
the qualifications & competency of Prof.     Stone of Cincinnati
& that his election to the Professorship of Practical Astronomy
will be agreeable to Mr. McCormick.


That the Committee be and they are hereby authorized to
open negotiations with Professor Stone with the view of securing
his services forthwith; that they be authorized to pledge the



Board to his election at its next meeting; and that the Executive
Committee be empowered to employ him to take charge of the erection
of the Observatory and discharge his other duties, in the meanwhile.

Whereas the Board of Visitors are impressed with the importance
of the creation of a Chair of English in the University-therefore,
Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed by
the Board to consider the expediency of establishing such a Chair
and the best mode of raising the means to support said Chair, and
to report to the next meeting of the Board.

The Rector appointed as the Committee under the foregoing
resolution Messrs Hansborough, Paul & Blair.

Resolved, that at the meeting of the Board to be held on
the 26th of June 1882 the Board will elect a Proctor and other
subordinate officers and employees whose appointment is to be made
by the Board, and that the Secretary classify and file such applications
as may be forwarded to the Board or sent to the Secretary
by any member of the Board.

The Rector, and Messrs Lamb and Wise were elected as the
Executive Committee of the Board.

Whereas a communication has been received from Prof. Wm.
M.Fontaine in regard to his operations in the field therefore the
Board approve of the suggestions therein in contained.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the 26th day of
June next at 12 M.

William Lamb.
Rector pro: tem:
Jas D. Jones, Secretary pro tem.