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A Commission was issued on the 12th day of June 1865 by
Governor Pierpoint appointing a new Board of Visitors consisting
of the following gentlemen viz -

Alexander Rives of Albemarle

Jno: R. Woods of Albemarle

Marmaduke Johnson  Richmond City 
R. W. Hughes  Abingdon 
T. J. Pretlow  Southampton 
Chas. L Mosby  Lynchburg 
I. H. Lewis  Rockingham 
Thos. C. Tabb  Norfolk 
B. J. Barbour  Orange 

Under a call from the Chairman of the Faculty the Board
assembled today- Present Messrs Rives, Woods, Johnson, Pretlow,
and Barbour.

On motion of Mr. Johnson, Alex Rives was chosen Rector



and B. J. Barbour appointed President pro: tem: & requested
to act as Secretary pro: tem:

Reports were received from the Chairman of the Faculty
the Proctor & Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds and
placed on file for reference and future consideration.

Messrs Pretlow and Woods were appointed a Committee on
Finance, and Messrs Johnson and Barbour on Inspection of
Buildings and Grounds-

Ordered That for the present it is not deemed advisable
to place any restrictions on the amount of Fees to be received
by the Professors and the Maximum of Compensation is therefore

Resolved That the existing arrangement which reduces the
Schools of Law and An: Languages to one Professor each be continued
with the condition that in the School of An: Languages
if a Student takes both tickets at the same session he shall
only pay $15 for each.

Resolved that the Chair of Mathematics is deemed and
hereby declared vacant in consequence of the protracted absence
of Professor A. T. Bledsoe from the country without formal
and proper leave.

Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to memorialize
the Legislature on the subject of the annual appropriation
of $15000 - Messrs Mosby, Johnson and Barbour-Committee.

Resolved That the Chairman of the Faculty be instructed
to have all buildings now occupied by persons not connected
with the University vacated at the earliest possible moment -



and Ordered that for the future no building of the University
shall be occupied by persons not connected directly with the

Resolved That to prevent any misapprehension as to the
Status of the present Professors it is hereby declared that
Messrs Maupin, Schele De Vere, Smith, Holmes, McGuffey,
Gildersleeve, Minor, Howard, Cabell and Davis are hereby
appointed and confirmed in their respective Professorships.

Adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Alex Rives, Rector &c.
B. J. Barbour Secretary pro tem.

The Board of Visitors met pursuant to adjournment -
Present as yesterday -

Dr. Woods presented a Report from the Committee on Finance
regretting the short time allowed prevented their forming
any reliable opinions or useful suggestions - but urging in
general that the University cannot avoid ruinous embarrassment
without the zealous aid of its friends, the restoration of
its Annuity, and severe retrenchment and economy in every
branch of expenditures.

Mr. Johnson from Committee on Buildings reported that
much of the roofing was in bad condition especially in Dawson's
Row - that the Sky-Light of the Rotunda required immediate
attention- as did the Pavilions, Mess Halls and Dormitories-The



Report was received and the Executive Committee instructed
to have necessary repairs made as promptly as practicable.

Ordered That the Executive Committee meet as often as
practicable during the recess and that they are hereby clothed
with full discretionary powers in all matters usually pertaining
to their office - such as the letting of Hotels and
contracts for Labor and fuel &c - their action to be subject
to the decision of the Board.

A petition was received from Professor Gildersleeve ask-
ing that he might permanently occupy Prof. Bledsoe's Pavilion.
Petition granted and Secretary instructed to notify Prof.
Gildersleeve thereof -

Ordered that the Chairman of the Faculty be instructed
to have the buildings of the University put in thorough order
and that until further notice Students will be required to
occupy rooms and to board within the precincts of the University
unless in special cases for good cause to be determined
by the Faculty.

Resolved That the Chairman of the Faculty be authorized
to establish a Tariff of charges for room-rent (Dormitories)
at an average of $15 to each student and that the Fee for
Matriculation, use of Library and Publick-Rooms be $25 instead
of $20 as heretofore.

Resolved That the Faculty be authorized to employ a Secretary
at $50 per annum - a Janitor at the rate of not exceeding
$200 per annum, and a Librarian at a cost not exceeding
$150 per annum a part of whose duty shall be to



continue and if possible complete, the Catalogue commenced
by the former Librarian - and a Demonstrator of Anatomy with
a fee of $10 from each Student -

Ordered That a Dormitory or some room in an unoccupied
Hotel be set aside for a Post-office.

Ordered That the Executive Committee be instructed to
employ a Secretary for the Board of Visitors with proper

The Board then proceeded to a careful consideration of
the reforms and retrenchments proposed by the Faculty, and
in conclusion adopted the following resolution.

Resolved that for ecomomical reasons the salary of the
Chairman of the Faculty is reduced to $200 and the Offices
of Proctor, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds,
and Auditor of Accounts, are suspended for the present, and
these duties are imposed on the Chairman with the gratuitous
aid of such members of the Faculty as he may call to his
assistance and with permission to employ help from time to
time if rendered necessary either by increase of Students or
unavoidable circumstances.

Ordered That hereafter a Student shall pay for the usual
Diploma or Certificate of Proficiency $5 and for each additiona
one at the same session $2.50 for Diplomas of Medicine, L.B.
and A. B., $15 and for A. M. $20.

Resolved That in consequence of insufficient notice
the election of a Professor of Mathematics be postponed until
Wednesday the 16th day of August at which time a full meeting



of the Board is earnestly requested and that the Chairman of
the Faculty be instructed to advertize these facts, and invite
applications for said Professorships.

A letter was received from Mr. Maupin desiring to be
relieved from the duties of Char of the Faculty but on motion
it was Ordered That the Secretary be instructed to inform Mr.
Maupin that in view of his great experience, and the present
exigencies of the Institution the Board insists upon his retention
of the position for another year.

The Secretary was also instructed to imform Messrs Prentis
and Pratt that their respective Offices have been suspended
for the present.

The Board subsequently modified their action in reference
to the Proctor so as to delay final decision in the matter
of his occupation of a house until their next meeting - If
their first action is adhered to, the house now occupied by
the Proctor will be turned ower to the Professor of Mathematics.

The following Resolutions were offered by the Rector
Mr. Alex: Rives and unanimously adopted-

Resolved That in consideration of the privations endured
and the sacrifices incurred by the Faculty in remaining at
their posts during the late War - Maintaining the University
in operation during its whole continuance and thus keeping
it in position for immediate usefulness on the return of Peace,
the Board of Visitors cannot withold their tribute of praise
for this fidelity and constancy, in the part of the Professors,
and the expression of their earnest hope that they will find



their reward in the success and number of students of the
next term.

2. That the Chairman through the medium of circulars and
advertisements, reciting the past maintenance of the institution
in spite of late adverse circumstances, and its thorough
preparation at present with a full corps of Instructors to
offer the same advantages of education as at any previous
period of its most succesful career, solicite the aid and
cooperation of its friends in filling its Halls, and thus
restoring it to its former usefulness and prosperity.

Alex: Rives, Rector &c
B. J. Barbour, Secretary Pro: Tem: