Board of Visitors minutes September 1, 1852 | ||
Called Session of the Poard.
Pursuant to notice, Messrs Jos C. Cabell, Andrew Stevenson,
John Y Mason, Henry A. Wise, T. J. Randolph, Andrew McDonald,
and Wm A. Lucas appeared and took their seats-
The Rector laid before the Board of Visiters a communication
from Professor Gessner Harrison in regard to the order
adopted by the Board of Visiters at its last meeting on the
subject of the expense of the addition to the Pavilion occupied
by him also to the resolution of the Board on the subject of future
alterations in the buildings without the previous approval
of the Board of Visiters.
As the present meeting was called for a special purpose
the Board prefer not to go into the examination of such subjects
at this time. While the Board is willing to reexamine
the question involved in the presentation of the said account
and will do so at the next regular meeting. They however avail
themselves of the occasion to declare in justice to Dr Harrison
that there was no purpose or intention in the adoption of the
said resolution, to cast any censure, or to reflect in any
manner on the conduct of Professor Harrison.
The Rector laid before the Board a letter addressed to
him by Philip St George Cocke Esqr dated Aug 31st 1852, on
the subject of the form of the bonds, for the loan made by him
to the University under the act of the Genl Assembly passed
Feby 17. 1852 and the mode of paying interest thereon -
On motion of Mr Mason, Ordered that the Rector be requested
to prepare and present to the Legislature a petition praying
for the passage of the necessary Law to carry out the suggestions
made in the said letter, as to Register at the State Treasury
of such bonds for the said loan as now are or may be hereafter
issued for the same, by authority of the Board of Visiters, for
the payment of the semi annual interest on the same at the Treasury
such payments to be deducted from corresponding accruing
amounts of the annuity, and making the said bonds transferrible
as State bonds are by law transferrible-
The Rector laid before the Board the resignation of Professor
Robert E. Rogers, of the Chair of Chemistry & Materia
Whereupon, Ordered that the resignation be accepted
Resolved that the Board of Visiters in thus dissolving
their connection with Professor Rogers, beg leave to tender
their high appreciation of his eminent services in the discharge
of his duties as Professor, and their sincere wishes for
his future success and happiness.
The Board proceeded to the consideration of the special
object of their present meeting, being the appointment of a
Professor of Chemistry & Materia Medica in the room of Robert
E. Rogers resigned-
Whereupon after a careful examination of the credentials
of the various applicants for the said office,
Ordered, unanimously, that J. Laurence Smith of the University
of Louisana, be appointed Professor of Chemistry &
The Rector laid before the Board a communication from Prof:
Minor containing an estimate of costs of the introduction of
Gas into the University and considerations in favour of it-On
consideration whereof it is ordered that the same be referred
to the Faculty with authority to negotiate the terms on
which Gas can be introduced, and if satisfactory submit the
same to the Executive Committee, and if they approve the terms
& conditions thereof, the Committee is hereby authorized to enter
into contract with like power to prescribe regulations for its
use subject to the future approval of the Board of Visiters-
On motion of Mr Mason
Ordered that the Board adjourn sine die.
Board of Visitors minutes September 1, 1852 | ||