University of Virginia Library



The 25th June 1848 falling on Sunday the Board met on Monday
the 26th of that month. Present, Jos: C. Cabell, Jno. H.
Cocke, Ths. J. Randolph, and Andrew Stevenson.

The following proceedings were had.

Mr. Cabell, in consequence of the thinness of the Board,
was appointed Rector pro temp:

The Secretary exhibited to the Board, an original draft of
a plan for the establishment of a University of Virginia in the
hand writing of Mr. Jefferson & that was addressed to Peter Carr,



President of the Board of Trustees of the Charlottesville Academy
Sept. 7, 1814, whereupon on the motion of Mr. Stevenson;-

1. Resolved, that the said plan be spread upon the records
of the Board, & the original be deposited among the archives of
the University.

The following Committees were appointed:

Committee of Finance Th: J. Randolph & Wm. C. Rives

Committee of Inspection A. Stevenson and John H. Cocke.

On motion of Mr. Randolph;-

2. Resolved that the Extract from the annual Report of the
Rector & Visitors of the University made to the President &
Directors of the Literary Fund on Octor. 1822, upon the subject
of Religious Instruction together with the 25 & 26 enactments
of the Board of Visitors which grew out of that report, be published,
in the annual Catalogue of the Institution.

3. On motion of Mr. Stevenson;-

Resolved that the aforesaid Extracts & Resolution, be published
under the direction of the Chairman of the Faculty, in
one newspaper, in the following Cities: viz- Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, Charleston, New Orleans, and

On motion of Mr. Stevenson-

4. Resolved that the resolution No. 5 of the fifth of July
1842, allowing the Bursar 1/2 of one per cent as a compensation
for his services as Bursar be rescinded & that 3/4 of one per
cent be hereafter allowed in lieu thereof-

The Board then adjourned till tomorrow morning.



On Tuesday June 27th 1848: The Board met pursuant to adjournment:
Present as on yesterday.

The following proceedings were had.

On motion by Mr. Randolph.

1. Resolved that the Proctor & Bursar be directed to purchase
without delay four of the onds given by the Rector & Visitors
of the University for the loan from Martha Randolph, provided
they can be obtained on reasonable terms; otherwise to
purchase 20 shares of state stock to be held to meet that debt.

The Rector submitted a letter from Mr. Wm. B. Rogers asking
leave to withdraw his letter of the 15th March 1848 resigning
the professorship of Natural Philosophy in the University; which
being read

On motion of Mr. Stevenson-

2. Resolved that Mr. Rogers have leave to withdraw his
resignation, & that the Board of Visitors express their gratification
at the prospect of his continued & valuable services in
this Institution.

The Rector submitted to the Board, letters from Professors
Courteny & Shale De Vere, asking that the provisions of the
Resolutions of the 29: of June 1847 on the subject of the compensations
allowed to the different professors, for State Students
& which was prospective in its operation, be now extended
so as to embrace the previous years tuition! -

On motion of Mr. Stevenson;-

3. Resolved, that whilst the Board of Visitors would feel
highly gratified in having it in their power to grant the application
which has been made; yet upon a full consideration of



the whole matter; and more especially as the accounts for that
period of the institution have been finally liquidated, and reported
to the Legislature, they deem it inexpedient to reopen
this subject by making the resolution of 1847 retroactive.

Mr. Stevenson from the Committee of Inspection made the
following report-

The committee appointed to inspect the various departments
of the University have performed the duty assigned them with as
much care, as the limited time allowed them would admit, & beg
leave to submit the following, as the result of their examination
accompanied with such recommendations and suggestions as
appeared to them expedient & proper to make-

Your Committee first proceeded in company with the professor
of Chemistry and Materia Medica to examine the Chemical laboratory.
They found the Chemical apparatus & agents in neat order;
apparently well kept & methodically arranged. On examining the
lecture room of the professor, your committee found the Benches
& seats used by the Students much defaced, & injured, & not sufficiently
ample to accommodate the Students. The professor suggested
the necessity of furnishing the additional seats required
and repairing the old ones; which suggestion your committee approve
& recommend to the Board to be carried out by the proctor
under the Inspection of the Executive Committee.

Your Committee next proceeded with the professor of Natural
Philosophy to inspect the department under his care, & to take
pleasure in reporting to the Board that they found the Philosophical
apparatus & department in good & as far as they could



judge in unexceptionable condition. Your Committee accompanied
by the Professor went next to the departments of Anatomy & Surgery,
& are gratified in saying that every thing there bore the
appearance of being well arranged & in good order; & the various
preparations in the Museum in good condition & State of preservation.

The next examination made by the Committee was of the
Library- It appeared to be well arranged and in proper order
as far as they were enabled to judge from a cursory examination.

The last duty discharged by the Committee was to examine &
inspect the buildings and grounds of the University; in relation
to which they submit the following remarks. They regret to say
that they discovered the most marked evidence of wanton injury
and dilapidation, to many of the Dormitories upon both the back
ranges; & especially to the walls, doors, & windows of the same.
The Venetian doors were in numerous instances cut defaced, &
broken, & the walls disfigured & injured. This has been done
evidently by the Students; and necessary steps ought to be taken,
in the opinion of your Committee, to arrest this growing evil,
& which can only result in great injury & destruction of the
public property. The Proctor who accompanies your Committee
thinks that this will be difficult to do, but the Committee
think differently. They would therefore recommend to the Board
to authorise the Proctor to have the Venetian doors & windows
repaired & repainted, before being again occupied & the inside
walls & arches stained & white washed; and then assigned to the



Students at the commencement of the next session; to draw their
attention to the state and condition of their respective apartments,
& in case of injury, to enforce the enactments of the
Institution for the preservation of its property.

Your Committee are gratified to report that the general
state of the grounds and other property is in good condition
and greatly improved under the superintendence of the present

Your Committee required lists from the professors of Chemistry
& Natural Philosophy of all the philosophical & Chemical
apparatus & agents used by them & which lists are annexed as
part of this report- All which is respectfully submitted

And: Stevenson

John H. Cocke

The Committee accompanied their report with the following
resolutions which were adopted

4. Resolved that the proctor under the superintendence of
the Executive Committee be directed to cause the necessary new
Benches to be furnished in the lecture room of the professor
of Chemistry & to repair the old seats.

5. Resolved that the Proctor be authorised to carry out
the recommendations of the report as to repairing & repainting
the doors & windows of the Dormitories & staining and white washing
the inside walls, & arches of the same.

Mr. Randolph from the Committee of Finance presented the
following report viz:



The receipts of the year ending May 31st 1848 of the University
from all sources have been per

Proctor's report  $20,716.56 
Expenditures  18,850.88 
Balance on hand June 1st 1848  1,865.68 
Amount due from Literary fund July 1st 1848  6,720. 
Receivable for Diplomas, Ice House &c  300. 
Due professors' Salaries  $2,900 
Ditto on acct of State Students  400 
Outstanding claims &c  2,500  5,800. 
Bal: available July 1st 1848  $3085.68 

This balance is available for any of the purposes authorised
by the Board $2000 of which your Committee would recommend
to be appropriated to the annual payment of the Randolph

The Proctor estimates the receipts of the year ending
June 1st 1849 as follows 
Expenditures same period  17,587. 
Bal: on hand June 1st 1849  4,078.68 
Deduct $2000 for Randolph debt  2,000. 
Balance on hand  2,078.68 

The Board then adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Wednesday June 28th 1848: Present as on yesterday: The
following proceedings were had.

The Rector summitted to the Board a communication from
the Chairman of the Faculty which was read; Whereupon

On motion of Mr. Stevenson



1. Resolved that when any State Student for the instruction
of whom any professor shall have a claim for compensation under
the 2d resolution of the 29th June 1847 shall, for any cause,
leave the University before the expiration of the course, that
then, in such case, compensation shall only be allowed under the
aforesaid enactment in proportion to the period of time that
such Student shall have been actually instructed: Provided
that if such Student withdraw before the 15th of February $15
shall be paid, if after $25.

2. Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to cause the
ends of the terraces to be closed by lattice work, or other
sufficient barrier, so as to prevent animals from coming or
being brought upon any part of the Terrace.

At 12 OClock.M. Mr. Rives appeared & took his seat at
the Board.

On motion by Mr. Randolph Mr. Cabell was unanimously appointed
Rector of the Board of Visitors.

Thursday June 29th. 1848: The Board met pursuant to adjournment:
Present as yesterday.

The following proceedings were had.

The following resolution offered by Mr. Stevenson was laid
over until the Board may have a full meeting.

1. Resolved that the Salary of the Proctor be increased
to $1500.

On motion by the Rector



2. Resolved, That the provisions of the enactments prescribing
the amount of fee to be paid by Students for attending
certain classes enumerated in sec:22 Ch: 4 & designating the
character of the degree to be granted for proficiency therein,
be extended to the class of Anglo-Saxon in the school of Modern

On motion by the Rector

3. Resolved that the enactments which prescribe that any
Student who may graduate in any two of the branches taught in
the school of Modern Languages shall be declared a graduate
in that school, be amended so as to read, any two of the Branches
except Anglo-Saxon.

On the suggestion of the Faculty the following resolution
was adopted-

4. Resolved that the Faculty be empowered to confer an
intermediate degree with the title of "Bachellor of Arts" of
the University of Virginia- Graduation in two of the scientific
schools; to wit, in any two of the schools of Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy, or Chemistry, and in two of the Literary
schools, to wit in any two of the schools of Antient languages,
Modern languages or two of the languages taught therein, except
Anglo-Saxon & Moral Philosophy, together with the attainment
of distinction- at an intermediate & a final examination in
the junior class of each of the two remaining academic schools,
shall entitle the Student to receive this honor.

This degree may be conferred without any general examination



at the close of the course of Study such as is required in conferring
the degree of "Master of Arts"; but the Candidate shall
first satisfy the Faculty of his general literary acquirements
by furnishing an appropriate essay composed by himself on some
subject of literature or science. And it shall be the duty of
the Faculty to select one or more of such essays to be read by
the authors respectively on the public day.

On motion by Mr. Randolph

6. Resolved, That while the Board are happy to express their
approbation of the highly satisfactory manner in which the
Proctor has discharged his duties; yet they must insist on a
rigid compliance with the enactment which requires a regular
Inspection of the Fare and manner in which the meals at the
Hotels are served up.

On motion by Mr. Randolph

7. Resolved that Dr. Harrison be appointed Chairman of
the Faculty for the ensuing year.

On motion by Mr. Rives

8. Resolved, That the sum of $500 (five hundred dollars)
be appropriated for purchasing with as little delay as may be,
such books as are deemed most important to supply the existing
deficiency in the Law Library & that the said sum be applied
by the Professor of Law, with every practicable regard to
Economy, upon consultation with & the approbation of a committee
of this Board consisting of Mr. Stevenson & Mr. Rives.

The following resolution introduced at the suggestion of
Mr. Wm. B. Rogers was laid over for further consideration at
a full Board.



9. Resolved that such Dormitories on the lawn as the Executive
Committee may deem most suitable for the purpose, be
appropriated to the reception of the objects in the Jefferson
Museum, the mineralogical & geological collections now in the
Rotunda & those which may hereafter be presented to the University.

A communication from the Steward relative to an alledged
insufficiency of his compensation, having been laid before the
Board; upon consideration of the same it was

On motion by Mr. Cabell,

10. Resolved, That the resolution adopted on the 29th June
1846, providing that if the full number of thirty two State
Students should not be admitted, the proctor may allow the
Contractor for boarding said Students to fill up that number
from other Students at the same price, be modified, so as to
permit said contractor to receive compensation from each of
said Students at the rate of Eighty dollars each, instead of the
rate heretofore allowed.

11. Resolved further that the Steward be also allowed to
take an additional number of Students not exceeding fifteen
over & above the thirty two above referred to, at the rate of
Eighty dollars each for the boarding of said Students-

On motion by Mr. Randolph

12. Resolved that the proctor is directed under the advisement
of the Executive Committee to cause to be erected adjoining
the building now occupied by the Steward such additional
accommodation for Students as the present state of the Funds



of the University will permit.

The Board then adjourned sine die.


Frank Carr Secty.