University of Virginia Library



On Tuesday the 10th day of September 1844 the Board met
agreeably to adjournment: Present Chapman Johnson, Rector,
Joseph C. Cabell, Thomas J. Randolph, & Saml. Taylor:

The following resolutions were adopted:

1. Resolved that the Proctor be authorised, under the control
of the Executive Committee to cause to be erected at
some convenient spot on the grounds of the University near the
Hotel occupied by Mrs. Ward a wash house necessary for her
additional accommodation.

2. Resolved that the application of Mrs. Davis for permission
to enter her son as a Student of the University, he
being under the required age, be referred to the discretion
of the Faculty.



The present meeting of the Board being convened for the
special purpose of appointing a professor of Modern Languages
which Chair had been made vacant by the Resignation of Mr.
Charles Kraitzer, & a difficulty having occurred in the course
of their consultations, it was deemed expedient to defer final
action in the premises `till a fuller board could be had:

The Board adjourned to meet again on the 25th Inst:

September the 25th 1844 (Wednesday) the Board met agreeably
to their adjourning order of the 10th of the same month:
Present Chapman Johnson (Rector) John H. Cocke, Thomas J.
Randolph, Wm. C. Rives, & Samuel Taylor.

The following resolutions were adopted

1. Resolved that M. Schele de Vere L.L.D. be appointed
Professor of Modern Languages in the University of Virginia,
& that a pavilion and other suitable accommodations be assigned
him by the Proctor under the direction of the Executive Committee,
& in accordance with the Enactments.

The Board have considered attentively the Communication
of Dr. Harrison under date of the 9th September & regret not
to think it expedient to grant the privilege which is suggested
by it.

The Board then adjourned Sine die.