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The thirsty flowrets droop.—

The parching grass
Doth crisp beneath the foot, and the wan trees
Perish for lack of moisture. By the side
Of the dried rills, the herds despairing stand,
With tongue protruded. Summer's fiery heat
Exhaling, checks the thousand springs of life.
Marked ye yon cloud sail forth on angel wing?
Heard ye the herald-drops with gentle force
Stir the broad leaves? and the protracted rain
Waking the streams to run their tuneful way?—
Saw ye the flocks rejoice, and did ye fail
To thank the God of fountains?
See the hart
Pant for the water brooks. The fervid sun
Of Asia glitters on his leafy lair,
As fearful of the lion's wrath he hastes
With timid footsteps through the whisp'ring reeds.
Quick plunging 'mid the renovating stream,
The copious draught inspires his bounding veins
With joyous vigor.


Page 30

Patient o'er the sands,
The burden-bearer of the desert clime,
The camel, toileth. Faint with deadly thirst
His writhing neck of bitter anguish tells.
Lo! an oasis, and a tree-girt well,—
And mov'd by powerful instinct, on he hastes,
With agonizing speed, to drink, or die.
On his swift courser, o'er the burning wild
The Arab cometh. From his eager eye
Flashes desire. Seeks he the sparkling wine
Giving its ruby color to the cup?
No! to the gushing spring he flies, and deep
Buries his scorching lip, and laves his brow,
And blesses Allah.
Christian pilgrim, come!
Thy brother of the Koran's broken creed
Doth teach thee wisdom, and with courteous hand
Nature, thy mother, holds the crystal cup,
And bids thee pledge her in the element
Of temperance and health.
Drink and be whole,
And purge the fever-poison from thy veins,
And pass in purity and peace, to taste
The river flowing from the throne of God.