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The following resolution was adopted:

  • Amend Section 2:21 of the Manual to read as follows:
  • WHEREAS, in accordance with the authorization granted by Virginia Code Section 23-9.2:5, the Manual of the Board of Visitors 1991 provides for the appointment of a full-time student to serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Visitors;
  • WHEREAS, that statute leaves it to the discretion of boards of visitors to determine whether the non-voting student representatives shall be excluded from executive session "discussions of faculty grievances, faculty or staff disciplinary matters or salaries" and, as a consequence, Section 2.21 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors 1991 has provided that "the student member shall not be entitled to attend executive sessions of either the Board or of any of the committees of the Board"; and
  • WHEREAS, the prevailing past practice of the Board has been to permit the non-voting student member to attend executive sessions of the Board and of its committees; and
  • WHEREAS, the election of the non-voting student member should come at the mid-point of the academic year in order that the member might serve in the most effective manner.
  • RESOLVED that, pursuant to the amendment procedure prescribed in Section 5.9 the Executive Committee hereby recommends to the full Board of Visitors that Section 2.21 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors 1991 be amended as follows:
  • Section 2.21 Student Non-Voting Member - At the first regular meeting of the second semester of the academic session each year, on recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Board of Visitors may appoint for a term of one year, a full-time student at the University of Virginia as a non-voting member of the Board of Visitors, in addition to those members referred to in Section 2.2 above. Such student may attend and participate in a non-voting capacity in the deliberations and meetings of the Standing Committees of the Board as well as meetings of the Board itself.

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  • Amend Section 2.1 (Board's Power and Duties - excerpt) and Section 4.22 (President's Powers and Duties - excerpt) to read as follows:
  • Section 2.4 Board's Powers and Duties - [Excerpt]
  • 5 the election of a Rector, President, Comptroller, General Counsel and Secretary, and the election of salaried members of the faculty, except for those faculty members designated by the President during the period between meetings of the Board, at which time the President's actions shall be formally ratified by the Board; at its next regular meeting;
  • 8 the approval of promotions of faculty members to the ranks of associate professor, full professor, and professor emeritus;
  • Section 4.22 [President's] Powers and Duties - [Excerpt]
  • 4 he shall have the power to establish and modify as he deems necessary the internal administrative structure of the University and shall appoint, or provide for the appointment of, all administrative officers and members of the general faculty, except for the Vice-Presidents, and the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College, and he shall prescribe the duties and set the salary for all administrative officers, and members of the general faculty, except as otherwise required by law or as provided herein;
  • 5 he shall recommend to the Board the election, and initial compensation, of salaried members of the faculty holding professorial rank, promotions of faculty members to the ranks of associate professor, full professor, and professor emeritus, and the removal of faculty members for cause;
  • 6 he shall have the delegated authority, except as otherwise required by law or as provided herein, to appoint, re-appoint, set the salaries, approve leaves of absences, and accept the resignation of all faculty members, after their initial appointment by the Board;
  • 15 he shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Board; and
  • 16 he may, by resolutions approved by the Board, subdelegate any of the foregoing powers and duties to subordinate administrative officers, except as otherwise required by law or as provided herein.