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UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Housing for Approximately 300 Students Estimated Net Revenue Available for Debt Service for $5,000,000 Bond Issue


Housing for Approximately 300 Students
Estimated Net Revenue Available for
Debt Service for $5,000,000 Bond Issue

Estimated Revenues 
Regular Session 300 Students: 300 X $1,450 per session X 98% occupancy  $ 426,300 
Less 6 Resident Assistants at 1/2 Cost  (4,350) 
Summer Conferences  75,000 
$ 496,950 
Estimated Expenditures 
Personal Services & Fringe Benefits  $ 50,000 
Utilities, Administration & Maintenance  94,500 
Other Contractual Services  63,250 
Total Estimated Expenditures  207,750 
Subtotal Estimated Net Revenues  $ 289,200 
Housing System Subsidy  293,800 
Total Estimated Net Revenues  $ 583,000